《Seventeen One-Shots》(1)|DK(Seokmin)| (REVISED)



You were walking home with your sociology partner, Seokmin, to work on a project. You weren't exactly close with him but it's not like y'all were total strangers either. You thought he was pretty funny...easy on the eyes too.


he project yall were working on involved a ridiculously large packet of questions that would be used to describe someone's looks, personality, background and hobbies....the sort of information needed to form a close friendship with each other. Y'all had to answer all the questions then write a biographical article about your partner. You were not looking forward to answering a lot of these questions but you also didn't wanna repeat the class.

You and Seokmin walked into your house greeted by your mother. Seokmin examined the house while your mother whispered to you about how handsome he is. "Awwww!!!" You heard him squeal. You cringed. Your parents had a wall of nothing but your baby photos in the living room and you knew he found them. You walked past him with your head down. "Ah...(y/n)...You were so adorable. What happened?" He joked. "I blossomed into a socially awkward shuden who lives on Tumblr." You laughed.

Y'all went to your bed room and started asking questions out of the packet. "What city were you born in?" He asked. "New York City ." You said plainly. "You're from America?" He asked in disbelief. "No...My parents aren't good at planning and thought it'd be fun to go on vacation while my mom was 9 months pregnant." You laughed. "That's awful. Favorite food?" "Anything from Taco Bell." You laughed. "Hush. You're gonna make me crave a chalupa." He laughed. "How would you describe your personality?" He asked. "Considerate, quiet, observant, blunt, res-" "You can't be considerate and blunt." He interrupted. "That's a bet!" You argued. "I'm not gonna question it. Any bad or weird habits?" "I have a betting problem." "Hmmm." Seokmin flipped through his packet. "Oh wow. The last page is scandalous. Ideal date?" He bumped his eyebrows at you, making you giggle. "Well...it would involve a pillow fort, lots of Disney movies, stuffed crust pepperoni pizza and mild hot wings." You laughed loudly. "That sounds phenomenal...I kinda wanna build a pillow fort now." He laughed shyly. "We can if you want." You said, not completely grasping why he got so shy all of a sudden.


While yall built the fort he continued to ask you questions. "Music preference?" "Anything besides country but mostly rock and rap music with substance." "Physical copies or Ebooks?" "Physical copies." "Favorite movie genre?" "Comedy." "Oh here is a good one." He said mischievously. "Is it a back page question?" He nodded."If you had the opportunity to build your dream guy/girl what would they look like?" He snickered to himself. You thought about that for a minute. "Sharp features,short hair,tall...like really tall,slender with average muscle mass." After every feature you named,you noticed Seokmin draw a little check in the air with his finger.

"Okay. Last question. Will you please be my girlfriend?" His question caught you by surprise. "O-ok-okay." You said really shyly. "I'm happy you said that. Now it's time for our first date...your ideal date...I'll order some pizza and wings." He smiled at you sweetly.

Kill me now...There was no fixing this shit.

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