《Seventeen One-Shots》(1) |Jeonghan|(REVISED)


You were walking to class with your nose in a book about a girl that was stuck in the friendzone with her best friend. This was the 100th time you'd read it as you related to it on an emotional level.

You walked into class not paying attention to anybody in the room with you, praying he wasn't there yet... the only person that could steal your attention away from this heart wrenching story... the man of your dreams... Jeonghan. He was perfect in every aspect of life. You were head over heels in love with him. The only problem was you had foolishly, and 100% on accident, locked yourself in the friendzone.

"Hey best friend! Are you really reading that book again?" Jeonghan asked sitting in the seat in front of you. You clenched your teeth and internally scrame your head off.

"I can't help it. The main character gets me... I relate to her a lot." You said bitterly. "I don't know how you can relate to getting locked in the friendzone but okay." His words ripped at your soul. He was so oblivious. "I guess it all in my head." You say through gritted teeth.

"Am I still coming over to your house today?" "I don't know. Are you still willing to watch Coffee House Prince with me?" You laughed. "Always." He gave you that sheepish smile you fell in love with. He turned around as class started and you began writing about him in your diary.

After school,you two walked to your house together. You refused to play anything but love songs...hoping to leave subliminal messages in Jeonghan's mind...hoping he'd pick up the hints you were dropping. "What are we gonna do this afternoon?" He asked you. "I vote that we watch a few episodes of Weekly Idol then a few episodes of Coffee House Prince then enjoy some bomb ass ramen and finish the night with baking cookies." You said like a little kid. "You're adorable" He smiled down at you and you blushed. "Ugh. Why is he so perfect?" You cried to yourself.


Yall walked into your room and you began looking for your laptop. "I'll be right back. I think I let my brother borrow my laptop." You walked out of your room and into your brother's. You found it on his desk...right next to box of moldy pizza. "Are all guys this disgusting? I'm glad Jeonghan isn't like that." You walked back to your room.

You opened your door and dropped your laptop. Jeonghan was reading your diary. He was reading the book where you poured your heart and soul out, listed everything you liked about him and how stupid you felt for locking yourself up in the friendzone.

He had a large smile on his face and he giggled every now and again. You couldn't even stop him. Your body was numb and you were struggling to breathe. He looked at you and laughed. He walked over to you and wrapped you in a tight hug. "I've known all along. I just wanted to tease you......Jagiya." He whispered in your ear. You wanted to faint. Was this really happening? Were you still in class day dreaming?

Was he serious?

Did he really call you Jagi?

It was all real.

I actually liked this idea...It wasn't too bad...I mostly just updated my writing style and fixed a few typing errors...I wish they were all like this...I know for my Dino chapters I gotta rewrite them completly...

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