《Seventeen One-Shots》(1) |S.Coups| (REVISED)


"Doo doo doo doo..." you hummed walking down the street to meet your sister and her new boyfriend for brunch. She said it was about time he got the 'Little Sister Seal of approval'.

Your sister had just debuted with the new Pledis girl group and said her boyfriend was a member of a boy group from Pledis... 16...or 17...maybe it was 18...you didn't remember...hell, you didn't remember the name of your sister's group. You preferred K-hip hop over K-pop.

You walked into the cafe only to find your sister sitting with 2 boys. You weren't about to guess which one she was dating and which one was their 3rd wheel. You strolled over casually and hugged your sister tightly. "(Y/n) I've missed you! This is Josh...aka Bae and Seungchol...leader of 17." You bowed to both of them. "Hmm...Josh is pretty attractive...I see why she likes him....Seungchol isn't half bad either...why's he here though." You thought to yourself, studying the way Josh interacted with your sister, occasionally glancing at Seungchol to appreciate his charming appearance. "So does the idol life got you ready to kill yourself yet?" You asked, not thinking about the company around you.

Your sister laughed loudly. "Metaphorically yes. How's the battle rapping treating you?" Your sister asked you. Seungchol got a little wide-eyed. "You're a rapper?! I would've never guessed that." He said to you in amazement. "She only does it as a hobby but she's really good! I always tell her that if you're good at something, never do it for free." Your sister retorted. Josh laughed and wrapped his arm around your sister's chair.

You noticed that Josh kept motioning for Seungchol to talk to you. "Well Josh...I'm here to give you the stamp of approval...I can't do that without knowing anything about you." You said cutting his glances off. "You know what? Me and Josh are late for a...a thing. Seungchol can tell you all about him. Love you sister dearest. Seungchol, don't bore my sister to death. B~ye!" Your sister cheered. "Later hyung." Josh winked. "Where are you going?" Seungchol protested. "The...the thing. I love you hyung!" Josh said leaving with your sister. "Pfft. I feel the love." He mumbled. "People." You said irritability. "Tell me about it." He laughed. You laughed with him.


You and Seungchol swapped stories about Josh and your sister, laughing and enjoying each other's company. He was actually a really cool guy...and his gummy smile and gorgeous eyes made you melt. He just got more and more charming the longer you talked to him. "I gotta know something Seungchol...What were you doing here with my sister and Josh?" You asked boldly. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and cleared his throat. "Well...Josh was showing me pictures of your sister off of her Instagram and you were in a lot of them....and I kinda...sorta said you were really pretty..." He said quietly,getting a little flushed from embarrassment... You did the same. "I'm sorry...You probably think I'm a total creep now." He said looking away from you. "I don't think you're a creep." You said sweetly.

"I've gotta go...We should exchange numbers...Call me if you ever wanna hang out again." You said scribbling your number down on a napkin. "Alright...I'll do that." He said biting his lip to hold back a rather large smile. You walked to the door and turned back to him. "You're a really cool guy...and you're cute too." You said that last part just loud enough to make him question if he heard you right and you left.

I revised this to the best of my ability but like most chapters in this book...I still think it;s subpar and cringy...

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