《The Pentagon》Chapter 29: The Bianchi Mansion Shenanigans


The air is tense when we step out of the plane. Reality of out situations electrocutes me, and I remember who all of us are now. Four SUVs are waiting with their security.

Leo and Mason hold my hand as we head to the SUV. Bas drives and we head to a mansion I used to know so well. I can't help the worry that the Bianchi soldiers will tell Mason's father that I was here. I saw a few familiar faces.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mason asks from next to me

I snuggle closer to him, and he hooks his arm around me. "I don't want this to turn to something ugly."

He kisses my temple. He understands what I mean. "They are my men, Zara. Their loyalty is to me now."

I raise my head in question. He just grins and pinches my cheek.

"So, you are all like Dons already now?"

Bas's eyes connect with mine on the rearview mirror and he smirks.

"We are taking over next year officially but yeah we have taken over most things." Leo answers

"And you are still in high school? I thought the senior year curriculum was too much on its own. You making the rest of us look bad."

They all chuckle. "What can we say, Estrellita, your men are winners."

I smile at that. My men. They really are mine. Sadness tinges at me when I think about our actual future. If they are taking over then it will mean my father becomes their direct enemy and me by extension. How will we navigate that?

Mason turns me to him with his fingers. He plants a soft kiss on my lips, as if to silence my thoughts, and it works. After a few minutes I am back to calm.

My phone rings in my purse.

"Father." I see the guys visibly tense

"Zahara, are you well?"

"Yes, I am, and how are you?" This is awkward. He never calls me to say hi. He should get to it.

"Your mother tells me you went to see her."

I can't sense whether he is mad or not. But this is Clark, he is always mad if he can't control everything, especially me. And what if he knows they were here as well.

"Yeah, I went. I missed her."

I hear a sigh on his end, like he has something to say. I wait for him to say it. But he says, "Okay. How is school?"

Tears burn the back of my eyes. I don't even know why I'm surprised. He always neglects my emotional needs; he hates dealing with emotions.

I swallow. Mason and Leo rub me like they know I need it.

"Its fine, dad. Um, I have to go. I am meeting a friend for lunch."

I hear an exhale on his end before the line goes dead.

Bas makes eye contact with me on the mirror, and I avert my gaze. I close my eyes and I lean into mason once more.

We are at the Bianchi mansion half an hour later. I look around and I see not much has changed. The place has a few things rearranged in the garden, but the integrity of the whole place is pretty much intact.


We park in the garage and I cling to mason as we walk into the house I last saw as I was dragged by my parents kicking and screaming. I close my eyes as we walk, trying to steady my violently beating heart.

"It's different now, sweetheart."

I look up to him and he gives me a small smile. We enter the foyer where everything happened and Mason quickly pulls me away to go upstairs, for which I am glad. We all walk up the stairs in silence. It feels like deja vu, almost like we are coming full circle. All the memories come flooding back. I was happiest here.

I was so happy with my friends. How many times did we chase each other in these very steps? Leo broke one of his teeth when he fell during a high speed, high stakes game of tag. I find myself smiling.

"You remember that time Tatsu broke one of his teeth when he fell on his ass?" My chuckle turns to a full laugh

"Hey, don't laugh." He spanks my ass

I gasp, but continue laughing, as do the others.

"Yeah, you sucked at tag."

"Wait, talking about games, someone still owes us 2 more games of NFS. I am eager to witness the other prizes before we have to go back." Bas squeezes my ass when we get to the landing. I swat him away.

"After the nap, I'm feeling a big jet lagged."

"Come to my room then." Mason pulls me to his room I used to know so well.

"I'm coming too." Leo says

I hear a sigh behind us. I turn when we reach the door. "You not coming?" I ask Bas and Jose.

Mason pushes the door open.

"I'm not in the mood of getting groped by your boyfriends again, baby." He comes and he kisses me sweetly. "I will see you when you wake up, okay?"

"You aren't sleeping?" I ask Jose

"Nah, I have some business to look at, I'll be at the office."

I nod. I often forget they aren't teenagers like me.

"I am going to my room too, babe. See you when you up, okay?" Bas says and I nod again, a bit disappointed.

Mason pulls me to the bedroom. His room is different, but it still screams him. Solid masculine tones but that subtle taste and eye that Mason has, even though he would choke you if you mentioned it. Weird, I know.

After I finish looking around, we go shower before he dresses me in his shirt, even though I have pajamas. He and Leo pull me in bed. I am out like a light as I lay in Leo's chest and Mason spoons me from behind.

When we wake up in the afternoon, we eat and go for a swim at the lake. It's starting to get cold as its fall but it's not as cold as I remember. It had seemed colder when we were younger. But everything seemed grander then; happier, sadder, scarier, more beautiful, more fun, we felt everything more intensely. To be young, and innocent.


We go to the shed after. It feels like we are redoing everything that used to bring us joy. And in a way, like they are trying to erase all the bad memories of the past and replacing them with new good ones.

I sit on the bonnet of one of their car projects with a bag of chips and I watch them, directing with my mouth, as they clear the stage for me. They wanted to watch me sing again, something I hadn't done for anyone in a long time. When it's almost ready we leave the sound and the rest for the next day.

They chase me when I challenged them to a run back to the house, something I regretted almost instantly when they breezed past me.

How had they gotten so fast?

"It's unfair!" I pant as I finally make it when they are all waiting for me, having not broken even a bead of sweat. Fucking nature! Unfair is what it is.

"No, you lost, baby." Bas kisses my forehead. "Now, pay up."

I narrow my eyes at him, and I look at the others for help, but they all fold their arms waiting for me to pay up.

"Okay, maybe we can negotiate." I start saying.

"No." Leo says sternly and they all seem to share the sentiment.


"No." Mason this time says.

"No, listen-"

"No." Jose says and I pout and look at Bas last knowing I won't get any help there either.

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth.

I pull my shirt up first and I drop it to the floor. Next comes off my shorts. They are all drooling at this point. I unhook my bra and I drop it on the pile. I hesitate with panties.

"We didn't say stark naked." I say

"Rules are rules." Bas says in the Russian accent, and I stifle a laugh

"Tatsu," I give him my doe eyes. "This is immoral, right? Help me." I say in a soft, sweet voice.

He furrows his brows and I know I got him. I almost want to dart my tongue for the others. He comes close and he kisses my forehead and I lean into it. Then, the asshole, he lowers my panties for me. My mouth drops to the floor.

The betrayer!

He lowers them all the way to my ankles then he his gaze slowly takes me in as he brings it up to look up at me in my eye.

I step away from the panties and he smiles a victorious smile. He takes the panties and puts them in his pocket after he sniffs them. I can't deny I find it hot.

"So, what shall our slave do for us first?" Mason says

"Slave! The NAACP shall hear of this!"

They all laugh. "Well, come, we have much planned for that gorgeous body."

An indeed they did. They had me serve them all night, naked! They had me up and down the whole night as they watched basketball. Luckily the heat was on, so I wasn't freezing. Didn't stop my nipples from standing to attention like dog ears though.

"I am feeling thirsty, gentlemen. Aren't you thirsty too?" Mason says looking straight at me

"I am parched. But I'm feeling fancy. Cocktails maybe." Jose mutters as we start walking. Bas takes my hand as he looks at me with the mischievous look they all share. But the hunger is also palpable, and I wonder how long they will last. I decide to play along and be a good sport.

"Fine, let's get to the bar." I mutter. I get behind the bar. My nipples are very erect by this time. They all sit at the bar.

I stretch my hands in front of myself and I am in my role.

"So, what are the cuties drinking?" I wink at Leo

He licks his lips and I bite my lower lip before I smile and look away.

"I want a paloma." Bas says

I roll my eyes. "Doesn't that need grapefruit?"


I sigh. "Will all your drinks need fruit?"

"They might." Jose smirks devouring my body with his eyes

"You better hurry and get all you need, we are parched over here, bartender." Leo says as his gaze runs all over my body and he is practically drooling

I start walking towards the kitchen which is visible from the bar. The rooms are open plan. They turn to watch me go.

"Better run, sweetheart. We don't have all day."

I really run cause I'm not gonna be the one who has blue balls. I get all the fruit and I rush back, huffing. I make Bas's paloma. I also shake the others. All of them seem to want cocktails that required shaking and my tits were bouncing as I did, and I did so with no shame in my body. They, on the other hand, weren't doing that well.

"Will that be all, my good sirs, or you need something else?" I smirk

They have these almost deranged looks in their faces. I smile.

"Um, yeah, nachos for the-um, the next game." Bas stammers

I give them my winning smile and I strut to the kitchen. Leo grabs me as I pass them. He groans and kisses me, his hands moving all over my body.

"I need you," his voice comes out tortured. I pull from the kiss. His eyes are hooded, and it looks like he will die if I don't give him what he needs, but I'm feeling particularly devious myself. The others come to corner me. Mouths connect with my skin, and I release a breath. There are no words spoken and I know there is no escape.

The night is long as none of them wanted to let me go. I know my life isn't ending, but I got the fuck of my life, and I was sure I won't be doing anything else the next day, maybe a few days. But I was happy. I was loved, and I was at peace. Home.

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