《The Pentagon》Chapter 30: What If I Die, Mason?


I wake up with hard bodies pasted on my body and a pair of deep brown eyes stares back at me: Leo.

I am still between Leo and Mason. I turn to my other side, and I find Mason's eyes on me. I smile.

"Are you two watching me sleep like pervs?"

They both chuckle lightly, Jose and Bas are still asleep.

"Don't act like you don't like it when we perv on you." Mason spanks my ass and I jump with a wide grin on my face.

"Shh, you'll wake the others." Leo shakes his head before he pulls me to him, and he crashes our lips together. I smile to the kiss. So, this is his idea of getting me to shut up. I bite his lower lips lightly and he darts his tongue and licks my lips.

"Fuck, that's hot."

Our heads turn to the other perv watching us.

"Fuck off, Bowie." Leo barks before he grabs my face and he tilts my head, and he licks my jaw. I feel another tongue on my spine. Mason licks and kisses up to my neck. My body catches a shudder and I feel their smiles.

"Well, damn we up now." Bas says

Mine and Leo's eyes meet, and we smile. My lower section is already weak and I am warm all over. The soreness from last night now coated with my wetness and I feel slick and lubricated and so ready. I know we went hard last night but my body is saying yes again.

"This is fucking hot, but Zaza is sore."

Kisses halt and I want to jump and strangle Joseph. What the fuck is wrong with him?

"I haven't said anything." I complain

I see Leo's eyes fill with concern. I turn to Mason, and I see the same look in his eyes too before he gives me a peck.

"The asshole is right, sweetheart. We should know better."

I turn back to Leo to see the same look hasn't changed. I scowl.

"Joseph, you are such a pussy block." I let out a big sigh. I know he's right but fuck him still.

"Yeah, I love you too, Estrellita." I hear a smirk in his voice. I have had enough of this. I jump over Mason, and I get on top of Jose. He has a big grin on his face.

I attempt to tickle him, but he grabs both my arms.

"Hey, Chuck Norris." He laughs

"Are you fighting him because you wanted to be spread open even though you are sore?"

Bas's voice asks from the other side of the bed. I look at the other three and they are watching us with amusement. They are all sitting up now, leaning on the headboard.

I roll my eyes to Bas.

"Kiss me so you can make them jealous." Jose grins before he pinches my nipple.


"Ow!" I flinch. All their faces fall. I sigh and hold my tit.

"Mason, you are the tit guy." I point to my sore nipples before I shake my head and he chuckles.

"Hey, you weren't complaining last night."

"It was great, but gentlemen, careful with the goods." I point to my now very erect nipples and their eyes thirstily fix on them. I sigh and I get off Jose. I walk to the bathroom before I get mauled.

"Prime view, darling." Jose says and the others whistle.

"Stop ogling me!" I shout as I get in the bathroom with a big grin on my face.

An hour later, we are all showered and dressed, and we are headed downstairs. Today we are going back to hell.

As much as I don't get bullied anymore, I still hate the place. Most of the students don't like me at all. And you'd think it was because I did something to them, or I was a bitch to them but no. At first, they disliked me because I had The Syndicates ire, but now they hate me because I am seeing them.

You'd swear I betrayed them personally or something.

When I tell you about humans.

We enter the kitchen. I am glad the staff is still away; we still have the whole house to ourselves.

"I feel like French toast." Bas says, looking at Leo's direction

"Then fucking make it yourself." He spits back

"Come on you know you the best cook out of all of us." Bas tries to beg

"You know I was going to make breakfast, but now I won't. Good luck with your Cap'n Crunch." Then he looks at me. "What would you like, Hoshi?" his voice is gentle.

I smile at him. I stand on my tip toes, and I kiss him. Leo has always been very thoughtful and giving, even though other people don't see him, but I do. I see him.

"Thank you. Hm." I think. "I'd choke someone for a chicken, spinach and feta sandwich."

Leo looks at me like I'm kidding.


The chicken.

"Fine, we can make it together." I take his hand and we head to the fridge.

"I would like mine chicken, bacon and ham. Don't be stingy with the bacon." Mason orders from the other side of the counter. Me and Leo give each other a look.

"Tatsu, are you running a diner?" I ask him

He twists his face as if to think. "No, last time I checked I didn't. Hey maybe they know something I don't."

"Hm, then is it because you Asian and I'm black? Do 'they' think they can order us around?"

I see a small smile on Leo's face, but he schools it quickly.

"Fucking white people, babe." He says in fake disdain as he shakes his head.


"I'm a person of color too." Jose raises his hand

Me and Leo both look at him.

"You are literally Caucasian."

"Hey, don't mis-race me. My mom's Mexican." he pouts, and we both laugh.

"Stop with your shit, you two. We are hungry over here. Chop chop." Mason snaps his fingers.

We make food but we don't make them specialty sandwiches. We make them all the meat sandwiches, but we load ours with avo, cherry tomatoes, caramelized onions and other goodies. We sit to eat.

"This is unfair, you guys made all the good sandwiches for yourselves." Jose complains

I come to sit next to Bas, and Leo sits on the other side of me.

"Well, sucks to be you." Leo says before he bites into his dagwood size sandwich.

I take a juice to prepare my stomach for the food. It happens in lightning speed and my sandwich is gone and halfway across the room before I can get off the chair.

They all laugh, and he laughs as he runs.

"Oh my god what is wrong with you!" I run after him

"Help me catch him!" I look over my shoulder as I run after the sandwich thief.

"Bastard, you are dead!" I run faster as I chase him around the vast living room, and he is alternating between laughing and eating my sandwich. He stops and hands me the half-eaten sandwich and I pout, hard.

"Oh, come on, babe. Its barely eaten."

I narrow my eyes at him, but I bite the sandwich. I turn with a full mouth, determined to not talk to him.

"Babe, you forgive me, right?" he comes to my side. I glare at him but I don't respond. I take my seat and eat.

"You not mad at us too, are you?" Leo asks

I glare their way and I find their faces amused.

"You let him run with my food."

"Two people's relationship is none of our business."

"What if I starve?"

They all fold their lips, hiding obvious amusement.

"Zara," Mason tries to shake the amusement from his stupidly handsome face. "You won't-" he sighs, hard.

"What if I die, Mason?"

They can't keep it in, and they burst out laughing. I laugh too. Okay, I admit, I'm kinda funny.

Bas gets of his chair and twists mine so I'm facing him.

"Forgive me." He demands

I arch an eyebrow. I see when it's too late as he moves to tickle me.


He laughs as I try to swat him away.

My phone rings. Jose passes it to me. A video call from mom.

"It's mom. And don't dare."

I answer and grin at my mom, keeping my eye on this scoundrel.

"Hey, mom." I try to squeeze my armpits, so he doesn't tickle me

"Well, someone seems happy. Catch you at a bad time, honey?" I hear the amusement in her voice

"Mom, no." I sigh

"Mrs. C!" Jose comes from next to me and I turn the phone to him.

"The whole crew is there." She says and I bring the phone back to me after they wave and greet.


"Wait, where are you?" she asks, brows furrowed. Fuck I forgot.

"Um, we are leaving, mom."

The guys are all tense.

"All of you come here I want to see you."

I elongate my hand as they all gather around me, and we all face my mom's tired scowl.

"We just wanted to move on from the past, we thought it'd be appropriate to come back." Mason tries to explain

"Do your fathers know my child is there?" she is angry, the reaction surprising. I thought they made progress. But I guess some things can't be easily forgotten. And maybe my mom is right. I may be cool with them, but I don't know how their fathers will react to us being together especially back here again.

"No." Leo answers

"Get my child out of there." She pauses, drawing a tired breath. "I thought you had good intentions for her. You know how this looks. If something happens to my child, I will fucking kill someone." I have never seen my mother so...dark. Even I take her words to be true.

"The fathers are out of the country, and we moved the staff. No one knows. We are also about to leave." Bas explains

"I put my daughter's life in your hands. Don't disappoint me." The phone goes black and all of us are left a little tense.

Our reality slaps me in the face. We really can't have the relationship we want. We can never be in the real world. The foolish girl that I am thought we could make it work somehow.

Hands circle me. I look around and all of the are eyeing me with some concern.

"You know we wouldn't put your life in danger, right?" Jose asks

I take a moment looking at each of them before I nod.

We head upstairs to get out things and we take them to the car.

We load up in the SUV and it's time to go. I look back at the place I once called home away from home. Mason was right. It helped replace the bad memories. Even though I don't know if I will ever come back but it mended a part of me.

We are in a plane and back to Charlotte not long.


Diced Pineapples by Rick Ross

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