《The Pentagon》Chapter 28: The Mile High Club


Leo spanks my ass as we walk in the plane with Mason. I jump at bit from Mason's back.


"Asshole, leave my girlfriend alone." Bas says from behind us. We all stiffen a bit. We haven't actually defined our relationship. I think all of us are scared to officialize anything. We all know this has an expiry date. I want to defuse the situation.

"I don't remember you asking me on a date, Sebastian."

He comes from behind and he latches himself. "What were you thinking you were, Zar?"

I chuckle as I get down from Mason's back. "Strong acquaintance?" I quip my amused eyebrow

"After I took your virginity?" he asks incredulously

I sit down on the 3-seater. "I'm a classy broad, babe. I want to be wined and dined to even think about anything serious."

He grins and sits next to me before he pulls me to his lap.

"You want to be wined and dined?" his voice is low and deep, sending delicious messages to my moist places

"Hmmm," is all I manage to say as he licks my neck and squeezes my thighs. My eyes lock with Mason who sits next to us. Bas bites my neck and I giggle instead cause it tickles.

"Oh my god," I fold my neck

Leo and Jose settle on the other couch across from us.

"So where to from here? Are we going back to the US?" Leo asks. He asks like we have more options. I remember we are on a jet, of course we have options, and we still have a whole 3 days before school opens.

"We can go somewhere?" I ask, getting excited

"Maybe we could take you on that first date." Mason says

"Okay, surprise me."

"I think we should go back to the US. We won't have enough time to fly back if we travel far." Jose suggests

"Let's go to my house then." Mason puts up and we all look to him. He is joking, right?

"Before you all look at me like that, father is in Brazil, remember? They have a lot of business out of the country. They won't be back for another 3 weeks."

I don't know. I have ugly memories about that place.

"Besides maybe we can make new memories and cleanse the place." He shrugs but none of us eases into it.

"Maybe he's right, babe. The stage misses you." Bas says to my ear

"It's still there?"

They all nod. "Yeah, but it hasn't been used, as you can imagine."

"It just houses old tires and some boxes." Mason shrugs

"My stage!" I exclaim. "What desecration!"

They all laugh.

"We'll clean it and you can serenade us." Bas says with a wink

I can't help but remember something else. "What about the staff? They'll tell your dad."

"I will have it arranged and they can all move for the time we are there."

"But who's gonna cook for us?" Jose complains from the other side

"Don't you have hands?" Leo scolds him and we all chuckle


"Fuck off, asshole." Jose flips him

We all buckle, and the plane takes off. To America.

We talk about this and that for a while, and when we are cruising, I get up. I kiss Bas on the cheek, and I go to use the bathroom.

"Where you going?" he asks biting his lower lip

"Lady business, nosey." I give him my tongue and they chuckle

I go to the bathroom and because it's been a long day, I jump in the shower. I expel a long sigh when the hot water hits my skin. My mother comes to the fore of my brain. She is in so much pain. I am so glad I got to see her and talk to her. I have to come back in the winter break. I will spend most of it in Zurich. I need to check for other things I can do over there. Maybe attend a festival or a few shows.

I think about the boys, and I can't help wondering what she wanted to talk to them about. They haven't divulged the details of their meeting. All of them choosing to stay mum with the details. But they seemed to have had a serious talk and they were all cool when we visited today.

It was like everything was forgotten. She saw her boys and they saw one of their mothers: something we'll never have. I'm not foolish enough that I would hope.

At the end of it all, I know them. They have always wanted nothing more than taking over from their fathers as Dons and that means they take over hating my father personally when they take over. That leaves no place for me.

The water feels so relaxing as it batters my body.

Cold hands touch me, and I look back to find Jose smiling. And what's more? He's gloriously naked. He steps closer and pulls me to him. We kiss as the hot water rains on us.

A simple kiss turns to more as he lifts me and pins me on the wall. We know what we both need. We are panting and grinding on each other, and I reach and take what I need, and I direct him where I need him.

"Are you sure, Estrellita?"

I nod, all lust and no more brain capacity. He slides in and we both groan at the sensation. I'm so full.

"Fuck, baby." He growls as he starts giving me strokes. I hold on to him before I start moving to meet him. Pleasure clogs my mind and I feel like I'm going to go insane, it's so good. We pant as we give each other everything we both need.

"Fuck, Joseph!" I moan on his shoulder.

"Say that again, baby." He pumps into me in hard strokes that hit the spot every time.

"You are driving me insane, Joseph." I lick, bite and kiss his neck and shoulder. I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm just delirious with pleasure.

"Then cum for me, my beautiful girl." His hand finds my bundle of pleasure and he circles it. I was already on my way to orgasm land and I arrive not a few moments later and I throw my head back groaning loudly as my whole body stills as unexplainable pleasure zaps through me. I feel teeth on my neck, and it feels so good.


"Take it, baby. Take it all." I feel his hot cum filling me and making it super slick in there and I sigh a happy sigh. We fuck through our orgasms until we bring each other down. Afterwards, he stays us pinned to the wall with my legs still around him.

"I fucking love you, Zahara Clark." He looks at me and I see a mix of love but also...sadness.

I link our foreheads together. "I love you, Joseph Cabrera. All of you."

His eyes glaze over. Before I can analyze him some more, he captures my mouth in a kiss. It's a desperate, intense kiss. My body slides down but we don't stop kissing. We stand there as the water beats down on us and we commit to each other. We wash each other and we dry each other. He places me on the counter and he lotions my body.

"Your skin is so soft." He praised as he glides his hands on my thighs and legs.

"Ugh, you know," I shrug playfully and smugly

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You know normal girls would like say, 'thank you, baby, you are handsome too.'"

I pull my face is a childish pout. "Are you saying I'm not normal, Joseph?"

He sighs when he sees my face. He comes to kiss me. "You are such a baby." He kisses me on the mouth before he kisses my forehead

I grin widely. "I'm your baby." I wiggle my eyebrows and he stands between my legs. We are both still very naked, and he is still very hard.

His girth grazes my upper inner thighs as he holds on to my hips. "That's right, my baby." He links our heads together and we stare at each other, as my arms are hooked on his shoulders.

His eyes flashed with guilt. "I'm sorry, Zahara."

I frown.

"For how we treated you in the beginning. We were angry, and honestly I think we were angry because it felt like you abandoned us."

I look at him trying to see if he means it, and he does. Tears burn the back of my eyes.

"It's all fucked up, Joseph."

He nods. And we meet in a kiss. Fire licks my insides and my skin as hunger for him comes back with an avenging force. This here is all we can control because outside of us is all fucked.

I take his cock and I pull and direct it to where I need him again. He slides in my slippery pussy. We both moan in each other's mouth as we can't part. I spread wide as he pulls me closer to the edge. He drives into me like he's punching himself in me and I take it all, needing only more.

"Fuck, fuck." He groans

A smirk makes its way to my lips. "You like it don't you, Joseph?"

He pulls his head to look at me and he is drunk with me. He holds my hips, and he gives it to me like a savage.

"Your cock feels so good Joseph!" I say with a loud voice like he won't hear me

"Scream for me just like that, pretty angel." He rubs my clit faster and I blow a breath as I feel the familiar rise.

The door opens and my gaze meets Mason's, then Leo and then Bas. I hide my face with my hands as I feel a bit embarrassed, even though I want them to watch.

"Baby, move those hands." Jose drives into me and he rubs me a bit faster.

"Oh, god," my eyes roll back as my hands fall away to hold on. I draw a quick breath as my orgasm speeds closer and my eyes find and stay on Leo as Jose takes me higher.

I watch his beautiful face as pleasure blinds me and I still and my lips part. That moment stretches as it feels like I'm suspended in another world.

"God!!!" I gulp a large chunk of air as my toes curls and I don't know what to do with myself. My eyes come back to Jose we hold on to each other as he cums and we ride the waves together.

He holds me through aftershocks as we stare into each other's souls. We look at each other, connected in every way in that moment.

"Fuck, that was hot." I hear Mason's voice from their direction

I smile and Jose smiles too.

"You assholes could have knocked." He kisses my forehead before he reaches for a towel and pulls out. He warms it and he wipes us. They just watch. I shake my head when I get off the counter. I take the fluffy robe and I cover my body. Jose takes one too.

"What are we eating, I'm famished." I asked as we walk back to the bedroom.

"Well, you are on the menu." Leo grins and we all laugh.

"You, Leo! You?" I laugh

"I mean we gonna have something, but Drago is right, then it's you, babe. If you down." Bas winks at me

Mason hugs me from behind as we walk to the bedroom like conjoined twins.

"Leave my girl alone," Mason tells all of them. Then he whispers to me. "You are going to give it to only me, right sweetheart?" he licks my ear's outer shell.

My body shudders in anticipation as I smile. My knees hit the bed and he comes around and climbs on it and I follow him. The bed is big, room is mostly the bed so we all fit.

Mason pulls me to him, and I fall to him as I throw my legs on top of him and the robe slides back. I pull from it before I get lost.

"I'm really hungry, so food, please."

Jose picks up the phone. I get back to Mason.

After exhaustive activities and food in between, we finally all sleep 3 hours later and 5 more hours later we arrive at the private strip.

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