《The Pentagon》Chapter 18: Into The Rabbit Hole


I stir as sleep slips from my head. I go in a mini panic when I feel my body locked with someone else's and my eyes fly open. I am greeted by the sleeping, pouty face of Jose.

Right, last night happened.

I asked him to stay, and he held me till I fell asleep. He gave me exactly what I needed. He just stayed with me and soothed all my aches after I cried again.

He looks so beautiful sleeping. I reach for his face, but I keep my movements light. I don't want him awake just yet.

I touch his face gently. I can't help that my whole being feels right at home in his arms. Whatever has started between us I know none of us has the power to stop.

I study his now grown face, trying to reacquaint myself with him. His hair is a beautiful black mess, making him look hot as hell against his tan skin. He looks like he can pull both the bad boy look and the perfect son-in-law look. I finger his hair because I can't help myself, and he stirs.

His face widens in a smile before his brown eyes land on me.

"I could get used to this." He says in that low and husky morning voice and my insides melt. He brings his hands to my face, and he caresses me.

"I've missed you so much, Estrellita." I see the deep seating pain behind his eyes. I know exactly what he feels because I've felt it too, four times. But now is not time to dwell on the past. If we keep on focusing on what is past, we won't be able to cross over to whatever the future holds.

"I'm here now, mi amado."

His eyes close at my words as if he is trying to absorb them skin deep. I move close and I press a gentle kiss on his lips. He hesitates for a split second before he returns it.

We light the fire in each other. All the walls I'd built around my heart for 9 years melt away as he gives me his affection. His soft lips dance with mine in passion, the kiss getting more and more intense as the seconds pass.

My body feels both hot and weak.

Right here I know for certain that I will fall. I will fall for him. And whatever ruin awaits me in the end, I will gladly take the chance.

I can't help myself when one of the pieces of my soul kisses me like this. We kiss for what feels like forever, none of us wanting it to end but we don't pursue more. He moves to kiss my neck and I do the same for him. We are both hot lumps of passion and I feel his already hard length getting even harder. Our foreheads linked, we stare at each other.

A knock on the door breaks our moment. We both groan, not wanting to part. He kisses my forehead before he says, "Go away!"


"You love birds need to come down for breakfast." Bas's voice comes on the other side

"It's fucking 6 in the morning." He complains and I have to grin. He is right.

The door opens and a freshly showered, with wet hair, Bas comes in. He looks between us and I see longing in his eyes before he smiles.

"You are hogging Zar to yourself, asshole." He comes to my side, and he sits and looks down at me. I turn from Jose's arms, and I lay on my back so I can look at him. He comes down and kisses my forehead.

"How did you sleep?" his voice is now gentle

I give him a small smile. "He doesn't snore, so good."

They both chuckle. A form moves in my peripheral and I look to find Mason filling the door and he looks between all of us.

He says nothing and comes near. He takes my hands and pulls me up. He kisses my lips in a sweetness I didn't think he was capable of anymore. My eyes open when he pulls away.

"Waffles or pancakes?" he says when he is standing in his full length.

I knit my eyebrows together. "You can cook?"

They all grin. "Don't look so surprised."

"No dining hall?"

"Do you want to go to campus?"

I shake my head.

"We'll just make both." Then he retreats

I stare at the door for a few more seconds, hoping the last of my missing pieces walks in too.

I get off bed when it doesn't happen, and I realize how silly I'm being to have expectations. But my heart doesn't get that memo as I feel a pang of sadness. I guess I'll see him at breakfast.

I move past Bas, and I feel both their gazes behind me as I get in the bathroom. I do my morning business then I shower. I borrow more of Jose's clothes. They left me alone in the bedroom so I can move around without eyes. When I am done, I go downstairs.

I find Mason and Bas playing a video game. One of my favorites. Need For Speed. Bas is winning.

"Fuckin cheater!" Mason growls

"You are just a fuckin loser, Diavolo." Bas chuckles a dark evil chuckle.

I bite my lower lip, my hand itching to get my hands on the console so I can whoop both their asses.

"You play?" Jose comes from the kitchen, pulling me out of my plans to have Mason crying to his mommy by the time I'm finished with him.

"Yeah, a little bit." I can't help the smug smirk on my face

"Fellas, we have a new player in the house." He announces. The game gets paused.

"You play, Zar?" Bas looks back from his seat

I shrug innocently and I head to the kitchen.

"Oh no, don't you run. We still owe you for almost killing us in the lake." Bas says as he rises from the couch.


I find Leo in the kitchen, beating eggs. He is just focused on what he's doing. I haven't seen him since last night and he doesn't raise his eyes to look at me or acknowledge me.

My heart feels like it's getting stabbed by 10 knives. I thought we were trying but maybe he still hates me.

Hands circle my waist, and my back collides with a hard chest. "How about a game?" Bas says in my ear and his deep voice makes me shiver.

I smirk after I take my eyes from Leo. I look at Jose. He has a smirk on his face too. Oh, so they think they can beat me?

"And what do you have as a wager?" I say finally when I stop thinking about the hard log that's pressed on my back.

Mason comes on our left and he also has a challenge in his eyes.

"You think you can beat us at NFS?" his eyebrow is quipped

"I mean," I shrug, "I can try, but what hope do I have with all you big boys? I'm just a little girl." I say, innocently batting my eyelashes. Mason's eyes flash with desire.

"Don't let her pretty face fool you, I say don't." Jose says

A man with some brains. He is smart, they should listen to him. But I hope they don't. I miss whooping them at games they think they should be better at.

"Do I detect a challenge in your voice?" Bas licks the back my ear and I shudder.


I try to wiggle out of his arms, and he doesn't let me go.

I sigh. "Is this how you aim to win? By confusing me with sensual delights?"

They all laugh.

"Oh, it was more a sexual delight, baby." Bas kisses my temple before he lets me go.

"So, the challenge is on?" Jose asks

I look around at all of them. "If Leo is in, I'll play."

Leo looks up to me and smirks before he shakes his head.

"Nobody will dry your tears when I whoop your ass, Hoshi." Leo says as he flips the pancake in the pan

"Sebastian will dry my tears, isn't that right?" I look over my shoulder and he smiles

"I'll do a lot more if you let me, babe." He winks at me, and my cheeks feel hot and I look away.

"Okay, so how do you wanna do this. Do I whoop each of you individually or you want to elect a champion?"

They all laugh. I laugh too. I sound so confident, so sure of myself. I mean, I am.

"How about this, four different games, four different days. You know to give everyone a chance to recover. When one of us wins they get a, uh, a favor against you so to speak, and if you win, you can name your prize too." Mason suggests.

I see the twinkle in his eyes. He has nothing but evil intentions, they all do. Leo sets the pancake on the other pile and switches off the stove. He comes close. We stand in a circle. Like we used to when we were scheming.

"We each get to name our winnings, right?" Leo asks looking right at me

"I guess. So that also means I get to name 4 of my own." I rub my hands together like a villain

They chuckle.

"No skinny dipping." Bas says

"Are you scared, wittle baby?" I coo, mocking

They chuckle again.

"Fine. Whatever I can take it."

I smirk. "So, what is on the table. Do we say it now or it's a surprise?"

They all look at me like they like the surprise idea.

"If you aren't scared, Clark, let's make them surprises." Jose says with a smug smirk

"And whatever the loser has to endure, all of us will bear witness." Mason adds

My brow quips and I chuckle a low inaudible chuckle. They think this will go down like they think.

"Fine, gentlemen. I agree." I say

Mason puts his hand in the circle. Our seal to any agreement. Jose is next. I put my hand on top of his, Bas places his on mine and Leo is on top.

"The agreement is binding." Mason says

"Let shame come to those who break the promise." We say in unison. We are all grinning like fools because all of us thinks they will surely win.

"Okay, food is getting cold." Leo retreats first and they all go to the kitchen. They get the dishes and Bas takes my hand and leads me to the table.

I stay at their house all day. In the afternoon, I have to return to my dorm.

My phone chimes next to us as I wait in the couch on Bas's lap for Jose to change. I reach for it.

I smile at his concern.

"You and Cele are really close." I pull my phone when I see he was looking at my messages.

"And what if we are?"

"As long as he knows his boundaries." I hear the dangerous under note on his words

"You guys aren't my boyfriends, you know that, right?"

"We are more than that and you know that."

I don't answer that because he's right.

"You are ours, little star." His tone is now soft

"I know." I whisper, more to myself than a reply to him. He pulls my face, and he kisses me.

His hands wonder my body, igniting fire with every touch.

And just like that, I am sinking deeper in this rabbit hole.

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