《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 20


Zophisa P.O.V

"What the fuck do you want?" I grumbled as I answered my ringing phone. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 3:16 a.m. I moved Lukas arm from across my stomach and sat up.

"You was sleep?" Sincere asked through the phone.

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning my guy," I told him, seep still evident in my voice.

"My bad," he apologized, "I was just calling because I'm a little concerned."

"Concerned about what?" I asked suddenly allert.

"You been in Itay for almost a month and still nothing from Diablo. If he was honestly after you, he would have tried something by now," Sincere explained.

"He has tried something," I said, getting up out of bed. I watched Luka stir as I walked over to the bay window.

"Come back to bed," Luka grumbled. I quickly turned around to see his face stil sruffed in the pillow.

"In a minuite," I said quietly.

"What was that?" Sincere asked.

"Luka," I said, "you woke us up."

"Us? You sleeping in the same bed as him?" He yelled. "You fucking him ain't you? I'm too young to be an uncle."

"That don't make no sense at all," I said, "How you too young to be an uncle dummy?"

"Everybody know uncle is one step from being a dad and I'll be damned," He said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyway," I started, "Back to the problem."

"This not over Zo," He said.

"Apparently, Diablo or one of his men bribed Luka's old business associate, Alexander Bunch," I informed.

"Bribed him to do what?" Sincere asked.

"Try to expose me and Luka," I said.

"How does he know there's anything to expose?" He asked.

"I have no idea," I mumbled with a sigh.

"Well shit at this point it seem like it's nothing to expose," Sincere said.

"Well just don't tell Adrian," I said in a hushed tone.

"Tell Adrian what?" I heard in the backround.

"Zyaire Sincere, am I on speaker?" I asked firmly.

"I swear to God I was alone until just now," He said.

"Who is that?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Mommy," Sincere said quitely.

"Tell Adrian what?" She said louder.

"Nothing ma, it's nothing," I said, shaking my head even though she couldn't see me.


"Anyway ma, we was just talking about Diablo and how he still ain't get the party started," Sincere said, changing the subject.

"You should be concerned, Diablo is a lot like your dad when it comes to making moves. He sloppy and he don't care about cinsequences to nothing," My mom said through the phone.

"So there must be something else going on," I said.

"There has to be," My mom agreed.

"I need to make some phone calls and see what Diabo's about. I'll call Papa and Vilkov and see what they know plus I'll need all the man power I can get. As nuch as I hate to admit it, the cartel is nothing to play with, espically since I'm not home," I stressed. I watched Luka sigh and get up form the bed.

He walked over to me before speaking, "We will worry about this in the morning after breakfast. Can you please come back to bed?"

"What the hell was that?" My mom asked.

"Ight Imma head out," Sincere said.

"Mommy it's really really late and I'm really really tired. I love you. I will talk to you tommorrow," I said quickly before hanging up the phone. I let out a breath of air before looking up at Luka. He reached out and grabbed my hand before leading me back to bed.

"My mom and brother made a real good point," I said as I got comfortable in the bed.

"Which was?" Luka asked, sliding in behind me.

"Diablo is a mess, just like my dad," I said, "And I know my dad, he would've done something stupid by now."

"I just really wish you would get some sleep, it seems like your sleep is constantly being interrupted," Luka said with concern.

"Yeah something just isn't right. Diablo has nothing to loose from getting even with my dad exccept his alliance with you. I know for a fact that he has more allies than you in Mexico alone. Why does he care about your connect so much? It doesn't make sense," I voiced my thoughts.

"Look, tomorrow we're going to spend the day trying to figure it out. If you want, we can try to get Vilkov and Santiago out here," Luka said, rubbing my back as he talked.

"Yeah we can do that," I said with a sigh, "What about work?"

"We're the bosses, we don't have to go in if we do not want to," He said with a chuckle. I just nodded. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleep until I heard Luka's soft snores.


I slowly crept out of bed and picked my phone up off of the nightstand.

"Where are you going now?" He asked.

"Shh, I'll be back in a minuite," I hushed as I crept out of the room. I rolled my eyes after shutting the bedroom door and walking downstairs to the in-home office. I turned on the computer monotor and looked at the cameras, making sure Luka was still in bed. I quickly dialed Adrian's number.

"Yo," He answered.

"Yo, you got eyes on daddy?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the monotor.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Keep it locked, I might need you to move in on him," I answered.

"Why?" He asked. "What's going on?"

"I feel like somebody lying to me," I informed, "And until I figure out which one of these bitches it is, I need both of they asses in arms reach."

"You need some help out there?" He offered.

"Nah, Papa and Vilkov looking out. You know they not going to let anything happen to me," I said.

"That's fact," He agreed, "Who you think it is."

"i don't know," I answered honestly, "But whoever it is they want me out the way for the power."

"What power could Ricca possibly get?" He asked, confused.

"If he get me out the way and make it look like a accident, he'll have Papa and Vilkov. You know what they could do for him?" I said.

"He would be pushing hella weight woth them. Shit he might be able to take over the world," Adrian said.

"Exactly," I agreed.

"But don't take Diablo out of the running just yet," He siad, "Don't loose the war trying to win a fight."

"For sure," I agreed, nodding.

"What made you think of all this anyway?" He asked.

"I just got off the phone with your apple head brother and mommy," I inforemed.

"I just wish that motherfucker would make sense more than twice a year," Andrian said with a sigh.

"I can hear you bitch!" I heard someone yell in the background.

"Was that him?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah that was his stupid ass. I jut got here," He answered, "Shut up!"

"I know you better stop fucking yelling in my house!" My mom yelled to Adrian and Sincere. "And tell your sister we will talk tomorrow." Her last statement made my eyes widen.

"I really miss you disfunctional mother fuckers," I said with a chuckle.

"We miss you too," Adrian said.

"I'm gone be home real soon," I said lowly, watching Luka as he moved around the bed.

"You say it like you locked or something," Adrian chuckled, "You can come home when ever you want."

"We both know I can't come home until I get right out here," I said with a sigh, "As long as they want my head, I'll never be safe."

"Zo-," He started.

"Dre I got to go," I said, cutting him off. Luka was starting to wake up and I needed to watch his every move with undivided attention.

"Stay up Zoey and be safe yo," He stressed.

"Always," I said with a sigh, "I love you."

"I love you too," He said.

"I love you yo," Sincere screamed into the phone.

"Already twin," I said with a chuckle.

"I love you baby," My mom said before blowing me a kiss.

"I love you more mommy," I said before ending the call. I sighed as I sat bak in the desk chair, still watching the monitor. I watched Luka sit up and look around. He stood up and walked out of the door. I watched as he passed through each monotor, making his way downstairs. He went into the kitchen and looked around before pressing the intercom thatwas built into the walls.

"Where are you?" He asked groggily.

I stood up and walked over to the intercom before pressing the button, "I'm in the office."

I walked over to the desk chair and sat back down. I opened the desk drawer and looked through the files and quickly pulled out the one that read "Diablo".

"What are you doing?" Luka asked, walking into the office.

"Studying," I said, looking him directly in the eye.





Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you like the chapter. So I'm debating on three ways to end the book. The first one: You will hate me. The second one: you will want to kill me. The tird one: you will be happy with. Which one ya'll want? lol.

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