《Can Hurt Heal》Chapter Eight


As they both arrived at Friendly's they immediately parked next to each other. Ty turned off his car then opened the door, locked all doors then shut his door then hurried over to the driver's side of Nia's door then opened her door, grabbed her hand so he could help her down from her Range safely, which in turned made the blood rush to Nia's cheeks as she began to blush as she smile at his actions. Eli was not the chivalrous type of guy, so she found Ty's mannerism hella impressing. "You are such a gentlemen, thank you Ty for being so considerate and sweet." Nia says as Ty shuts her door he sticks out his elbow which makes Nia wraps her arm around his arm as they begin to walk to the door of Friendly's.

"No thanks needed ma, its just the natural thing to do, plus its how me and my bro mom's taught us to be, and to treat a woman. Although they could not stand each other, I gotta say, they sure did raise us up right." Ty smiled and said as he opened up the door to Friendly's for Nia to walk in then said, "Ladies first." as he extended his hand forward gesturing for her to walk in first.

'He is nothing at all like Eli and I must admit that this is a nice change... Ya girl can get used to this.' Thought Nia as she smiled and said, "Thank you." As she walked through the entry way with Ty following suit as they walked up to the hostess. "Hi, Welcome to Friendly's. I am Janna, I will be your hostess for today. Can you please tell me how many people are in your party?" The hostess smiled brightly and said. "It's a party of 2." Ty replied as he wrapped his arm around Nia's waist then pulled her closer to him, making it seem as though they were joined at the hip which made Nia blush at his blatant show of affection. "Do you two have a certain preference on seating." Asked the hostess while Nia shook her head no and Ty replied, "Yeah, can me and my lady get a booth seat." "Sure thing, Now if you both would be so kind as to follow me to your seats." says the hostess as she grabbed two menu's and walked Ty, and Nia to their booth as they took their seats she passed them there menu's. "Your waiter should be with you in a moment, should you need anything at all please let me or your waiter know and we will try to handle whatever you guys need, with that being said have a lovely evening." The hostess smiled and then walked away. "Do you know what you finna order." Nia asked. "Yeah, I'm thinking bout getting the All American Golden burger and some waffle fries, and a coke... What about you ma?" asked Ty. "Ouuu... That sounds so good, I want that too, but instead of waffle fries I want some mozzarella sticks and a sprite." Nia says as the waiter walks up and introduces herself, gets thier order then walks away. "Can I ask you a question?" Asked Nia. "You just did.." Laughed Ty. "I see you got jokes, but that wasn't the question." Nia giggled and said. "Sike Nah, ask away Ma, Imma be a open book tonight. Only for you." replied Ty as the waiter arrived with there order


"Ok Mr. Open book, how is that your now attending my school??? Don't get me wrong I'm happy you go there, but I'm just wondering how is this at all possible?" Replied Nia as she took one of his waffle fries and ate it, which made Ty laugh as he picked up one of her mozzarella sticks and dip it in some sauce and ate it. "When my mom died it kind of affected me because I lost entrust in the things I normally enjoyed, and I some what lost focus in my studies; which was a major factor in my grades, and I wound up failing, plus I became tired of the same old daily routine at my old school, so I decided it was time for a change of scenery and and school, and the fact that my girl just so happens to go here is a major plus, and I really don't mind being able to be around her, so I figured the best option for me was to switch schools, and there you have it." Said Ty as he continued to devour his meal.

"So you got a girl that goes to our school huh?" Nia asked with one eye brow raised as she thought If he got a whole fucking girlfriend, well what the fuck is he doing here with me? Niggas really ain't shit these days.Thought Nia as she immediately jumped to conclusion and her mood quickly began to become sour as she began to lose her appetite. "Yup." Ty replied while sipping from his straw as he continued to smirk at Nia knowing what she must be assuming. "Really??? Do I know her?" Nia asked as she stopped eating as soon as she heard him say his girlfriend goes to her school. "Yeah... You know her." Ty said.

"Well...... Who is she??" Nia almost yelled. "You." said Ty as he began to laugh a little as Nia's expression changed from flustered, to a look of pure relief, he finished the last bit of his burger then whipped his mouth with a napkin. "Is that right?" Nia replied as she finally got her appetite back and slowly began to eat her food again. "Yeah." said Ty. I don't remember me ever agreeing to no such thing let alone you asking me to be your girl." replied Nia. " Tynia Kamyah Crawford will you be my girl?" Asked Ty. "Yes." Nia smiled and said as she covered her face with her hands to hide her Rosey read cheeks as Ty reached for her hands and removed them from her face. "Now what I tell you bout hiding that shit? You got a beautiful ass smile, let that shit out ma." replied Ty as he kissed both her hands. "Now that, that's out of the way, you care to tell me what the fuck happened back at school between you and ol boy? You wasn't out my sight but a min, and when I come back in the building, I find you beating the shit out of ol boy." Chuckled Ty as he asked,

"What the fuck happened?" asked Ty as Nia gave him the run down on everything that transpired between her and Eli, which involved her ex best friend, which is now known as the queen of the head hunter's Saphire Janae Monroe.


"Well I am for one glad his bitch ass fucked up." He said. "And why is that?" Nia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because, you wouldn't be mine if OK boy never fucked up." said Ty as he slid out from his Side of the booth and slid in next to her on her side of the booth and kissed her succulent yet juice strawberry flavored lips, which took her breath away as they were interrupted by the waiter, and the kiss was broken which again left Nia with soiled panties, as they both looked away from each other and at the waiter. "My apologies for interrupting y'all, but I was wondering if you guys wanted dessert?" Asked the waiter.

"Nah I got my dessert right here." said Ty as he kept staring at Nia's lips and was fighting his urges to kiss her again, as he licked his lips which made Nia blush as she also replied, "No thank you." as the waiter smiled and walked away. "Now its my turn to ask you a question ma?"said Ty. "Shoot..." says Nia. "What's up with ya sister? Why she not giving my bro no play, and keep ducking him like a bobble head every chance he throw his shot at her...."asked Ty. " I honestly don't know. I think she's just guarded. She wasn't always like this. Pooh used to be carefree and a lil bit outgoing, although I have never seen her date, but she did have a best friend who played basketball for her college. They used to do everything together. She even took me to a couple of his games to see him play. Pooh used to be hella fun, then suddenly she just stop hanging with him all together."

"Really... Wow." replied Ty as he just listened as Nia continued talking. "Then this one time she came home all beat up, and bruised when our parents were alive. We asked her what happened, but she said she got into a fight at one of the college games with a couple fans from the apposing team, she said as she was leaving they approached her and they exchanged a few choice words, then things escalated quickly, and those dumb bitches took the pussy route and jumped her. I was so tight about that shit, me and a couple of my friends was ready to go up there and fight every girl that was involved, but Nae said she don't remember the girls faces, so I decided we could just burn the apposing team school down and then fight every bitch that comes running out the campus door but, Nae talked us out of it ." replied Nia as her leg began to bounced up and down out of anger, just thinking about the altercation is bringing back those same feelings she felt when it all happened, and was giving Nia the urge to go set the other school campus on fire, but she was knocked out of her thoughts by Ty rubbing her leg to get her to calm down.

" Damn, you really was finna burn they school the fuck down ma?" Ty asked while laughing. "Yup, I shole the fuck was, because nobody fucks with mines, and walk away scott free, either you square the fuck up and take this ass beating, or you fucking die point, blank, period." replied Nia. "Let me find out my lil baby a mother fucking G." Ty replied with a smile. ' I think I am falling in love the more I hear her talk' Thought Ty.

"Then like a week after our parents died, Pooh started zoning out just staring at nothing in general. I often catch her doing it a lot now. I figured it's because she miss our parents, and she be reading a lot of our daddies letters, I think it's taking a toll on her." said Nia as the waiter dropped the bill on the table and walked off. "Damn, sorry for your lost, hers too. Maybe she'll shake back." Ty replied as he looked at the time, he can't believe how fast time flew by. But they say time flies fast when you're having fun.

"We have school in the morning. I betta get you home beautiful." Ty says az he helps Nia out of the booth as they exits Friendly's hand in hand then he helps her into her car.

He let's her know he gone follow her home to make sure she's safe. They arrive and he sees his brothers car. He smirks wondering 'What happened? Are Nae and Jay finally getting some where.'

Nia unlocks the door as they both walk in smiling and talking. They see Nae laying comfortably in Jay arms. Nia walks over to Nae and hugs her then Nae says goodnight to Ty and walks off to take a shower. Nia noticed how tired Nae looked but she would press it later.

"Well handsome, it's time for to wake your brother and both of you to get the hell out. I'll see you in the morning at school." Nia said smiling. "I do adore your bluntness." Laughed Ty, "But yeah, let me get dat nigga up so we can bounce. I'll see you in the morning love." Ty says as he kisses Nia u passionately, to the point he takes her breath away. Then goes to wake Jay who wakes up looking around in a panic for Nae but calms down when he sees Nia and Ty. He grabs his keys and exits as Ty exhales and is about to leave but he turns around and grabs Nia and kisses her with so much passion her knees damn near buckle. "Goodnight beautiful" he kissed her again softly before leaving out the door. Nia locks the door with a huge smile in her face as she walks back to her room touching her lips, that still burned from that passionate kiss that Try gave her.



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Copyright © 2017 || Anita-Joy Caldwell | Co-Author

SimplyBree318 | Breeanna Anderson

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