《Can Hurt Heal》chapter nine



I woke up wrapped in Jays arms. After ten minutes I'm finally loose without waking him. I cover him up and just take a minute to admire his handsome features. He's quite a beautiful man but that's a luxury she can never allow herself to enjoy. She's broken and torn. A used object of life. She steps away from him when she hears keys in the door. She looks up to see Nia and Ty wall in smiling. It warms her to know her sister is happy and to here that's all that matters.

She walks up and hugs Nia and waves and says goodnight to Ty. Then she walks off to her room to take a shower. After she's done she drying off, she puts on a bra and shorts, then begins to read another letter. This one was written by their mom

To my beautiful babies,

I never thought I would be a mother, never thought I would find love. I had been through so much in life; I had almost given up. Then that wonderful day at the airport, and I was blessed with one baby girl and then another. I'm grateful for you both. When I am dead and gone, I want you to read this, and know I'm watching over you both, and I will love you always. You are my prides and joy, and I thank God daily for you both. May I continue to see you grow into beautiful women.

Love always

LaJoy Anita Crawford

Nae read the letter, then wipes her tears, and went to sleep wondering what all her mom had been through, and she was glad God blessed them with such an amazing mother. She hated life stole her away so early. She snuggled into her covers and looked at the wall until sleep took over.


I woke up to my brother shaking me. I looked around in a panic. Like where the hell is my girl. Why this nigga bother her so much and why does it have such an effect? Ima have to talk to this nigga cuz I need to know what the problem; he can't get it through his thick ass skull to leave her alone. I run my hands down my face before standing up and grabbing my keys then head straight to my car.

As soon as I step outside I take a deep breath and I smell my lady. Today she smells of peaches and pineapple. Weird combination but it works against her skin. I wish I could crack that shell, I wish she would let me in but I'm not rushing it, I'm just gone let her know I'm always here. Ima get my lady and every nigga in this city about to know not to touch, look, or fuck with my Queen. Shortly after Ty comes out.

"Aye nigga we need to talk" he spoke. "What's wrong, issues at the trap? " I asked about to get heated. "Nah, I think I can help you get Nae" Ty said smiling. "Oh, hell yeah. I'm really digging that girl, but it's something deeper than me that's got her so guarded." I said thinking about how she was shaking. "Bro breath your face turning red. What's the deal bro? " Ty asked really wanting to know why his bro was so worked up.

"I didn't even notice. Let's go scoop somein to eat, then we will talk" Jay says dapping his brother and getting into his car pulling out the driveway.

Jay found himself thinking about kissing Nae and how her lips would feel. He imagined how her thick thighs would feel wrapped around his waist. He wanted to know how it felt to have someone really love him back. He loved the way she loves her sister and takes care of her without smothering her, and he began to think how wonderful mother she will be to their children.


He parked in Wendy's parking lot and got out with Ty following. Ty had already eating and got a frosty while Jay got a baconator large with a raspberry lemonade. They sat down at the table and said grace as Jay began to dig in.

"So my girl say your girl been shutting down more" Ty said licking his lips, this made Jay stop eating. "Man the craziest shit happen today" he said wiping his mouth. "Do tell" Ty said still eating. "Well you know we go tot he same school. I didn't know till today and I happen to find out by her running like she running for her life.

Some nigga was calling her name, and she was booking it. She thicker than a snicker but she was moving it. I called her name she looked up and her face was full of tears, but the nigga was calling her to. She ran to the car and locked herself in. Man I drove her home cuz she was shaking so bad. I just wanna protect her man. She got me man and she not mine yet" Jay said shaking his head.

"Wonder if that's the best friend she use to hang with." Which made Jay alert.

"Whatcha mean blood? " he asked looking at his brother

"Nia said they use to hang all the time, up untill she got jumped at one of his games, and then she started shutting down, and they stop hanging, then she moved back home" Ty said shrugging his shoulders.

It made Jays brain go into over drive. He really wanted to know the deal now and if any of today's events, back then had anything to do with one another. The fear he saw in her face, he has seen before, because people are afraid of him, but to see his angel so un-nerved, made his heart sink. He would go above and beyond to keep her safe.

"Man, I don't know. Nia said she thinks it also has to do with her parents death, and the letters. They don't know why they were killed. Some shit about him being a doctor" Ty said getting up throwing away his trash with Jay following suit.

Jay made a mental note to keep an eye out, and change his schedule to LaNyiahs in the morning. The office lady was his cousin and she would definitely do it, and give him some information on his girl.

He got home as Ty pulled up in his garage, hopped in the shower, when he was done he dried off, and slipped on boxers. He took a picture to send to Nae later. He text her

💚💋😘💍my future:

Goodnight beautiful, we gotta talk tomorrow

💚🔐💍your future

No we don't. Thank you for tonight. Rest well Bye Jay

He decided it was too late to argue with her. She was gone find out sooner than later that he really did care and in his heart he knew he was already falling in love with her feisty ass.


Well there's another one. We will be updating almost everyday, and no we haven't forgotten Eyes Open. Update for that will be coming up soon.

Copyright © 2017 |hello_gurl34Anita-Joy Caldwell

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