《Safe Haven》Chapter Fourteen


By the end of the week the girls and I decided to introduce Scott to Elena's food. Since he has been spending a lot of time with us, it was the right thing to do. I think this might have turned into the initiation for our group.

"You're going to love it." Daisy squealed while we waited for our food. "There is no pressure, of course, but I might have to kick your ass if you don't like it."

"You can't say 'no pressure' and then threaten me."

"Oh, it's not a threat, it's a promise."

"You are promising to kick my ass?"

"Only if you don't like it!" She says defensively. "But it's ok because you will like it. Don't worry." She smiles.

"Don't listen to her, Scott." I chime in. "It's fine if you don't like it. I highly doubt you will, but it's ok if you don't."

"Ok..." He suddenly starts jumping up and down on his seat. "I almost forgot! There's going to be this event in a couple of weeks that is all about geeky things, like anime, super heroes, games and all that jazz. I was planning on going and I wanted to see if you guys wanted to come."

"Do we have to wear costumes?" Jamie asks.

"Only if you want to."

"So we have to wear costumes." Daisy responds. "I think I already know what I'm going to be."

"You already know?" Jess questions.

"Have you met me? Of course I do! I might actually make we all go in a group costume-"

"No!" I cut her off. "I'm not going to subject myself to that." She pouts. "Babe, you have no limits. Keep going, Scott."


"That's all, really. I just wanted to invite you, but you don't have to answer right now."

"I'll be there." Daisy says and starts clapping when she sees Elena coming with our food.

"Here you go, kids. Now let's see what this young gentleman thinks." She smiles and places the bruschettas on the table.

Scott takes a bite and we all wait for his reaction. "Mrs. Elena, I think you might be a murderer." We all stare at him in shock.

"What the fuck, Scott?" Daisy whispers.

"I think I just died and this is Heaven, because this cannot be something from Earth." I burst out laughing.

"Y'all can add him to the list of people you two got addicted to Elena's bruschettas." Jess laughs.

"You scared me, Scott." Elena smiles. "I'm glad you like them."

"That's an understatement. I think I have to marry these."

"I'm afraid that might not be legal." Jamie gets a bruschetta for herself. "But I'd do the same."

I sit on Jamie's bed when we get back to the dorm. Jess and I arrive before the other three because they were having a very heated discussion about who is the best: Batman or Superman, and they kept stoping in the middle of the street to discuss, so the two of us just left them behind.

"How are you doing?" Jess lays on her bed.

"I'm fine. My head and foot are pretty much healed, my teachers are scheduling tests and projects... back to normal life, I guess. What about you?"

"I'm freaking out with my classes, but it's ok." I laugh. "I'm used to it.

The others come in and they're still having their argument. I can see they're all very invested and laugh at them.


"Who do you guys prefer: Batman or Superman?" Jamie turns to Jess and me.

"I prefer my sanity." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not getting into this discussion." Jess grunts.

"I'm serious. I'm in disadvantage here, so I need backup."

"What's your side?"

"Superman, obviously."

I frown and suck through my teeth. "Can't help you then, sorry."

"Yes!" Daisy screams.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. Why would anyone prefer Superman? He's lame."

"Now I'm offended."

"Ok, convince me then." I sit up straight and motion for her to start.

"Well, first of all, it's already in his name, he's super." I roll my eyes. "He is a fucking alien with superpowers! He flies, has super strength, heat and x-ray vision, super breath... he's invincible!"

"Until you get him close to a stupid green rock!" Daisy shoots back. "Then he is useless. Sure, he has 'superpowers', but he can't even protect a single city! He's too damn lazy to do that. Batman on the other hand has no 'superpower' but keeps Gotham safe. And if he had those powers there would be world peace."

"But he doesn't."

"Superman is overkill. He just has too many things and none of them make him interesting. He doesn't even have to try" Scott chimes in.

"Do we really have to have this conversation right now?" Jess whines from her bed.

"I agree with her. This conversation is never ending and pointless. Batman is better, get over it." I add. "Now sit your asses down so we can do something else."

Jamie pouts and I laugh.

"Ooh! Why don't we ask each other random questions?" Daisy offers.

"Like truth or dare?" Scott asks.

"More like 'truth or truth'. Only yes or no questions." She answers.

"I'm not answering all of your questions, Daisy. You have no limits." I interject. "The last time we played this, you asked if we ever had anal."

Jamie scream laughs and Scott scrunches his face up.

"I was drunk! But I'm sober right now and have common sense."

"It's still a no."

"How about Never Have I Ever?" Jess suggests. "It's way more harmless."

"Not with Daisy..." I say but I'm ignored.

"But what is the consequence?" Jamie asks. "You know Allie and I don't drink alcohol."

"Then you have a drop of hot sauce!" Daisy answers way too quickly.

"I'm ok with that." I reply.

"That's 'cause your mother bottle fed hot sauce to you and your siblings when you were babies!" Jamie complains.

"Just 'cause my mom is from Peru doesn't mean we're addicted to spicy food." She gives me a look. "I'm not addicted! I just like it..."

"I guess it's a yes then." Daisy jumps up and down. "I'll get some booze and the sauce from my room, just give me a sec." She sprints out of the room.

"She has those in her room?" Scott asks and I just nod.

Daisy comes back in record time and we all sit down to start the game.

Dear God, help me.

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