《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》28


"Thanks for shopping at the Cauldron, have a wicked day!" I chirped, handing the woman in front of me her bag and receipt.

She smiled back and took the items, sending me a little wave as she left.

It was my fifth day working at the Cauldron, and it was the most fun I'd had in weeks. Residents and tourists had finally begun to notice the new establishment, and business was great so far. Dylan and I have been bouncing from place to place, trying to service as many people as we could. He even began talking about putting out the 'help wanted' sign again.

"You're still my best girl, Oph," He said, smirking what I've grown to know as his typical Dylan smirk. "Don't worry, another employee isn't going to change that."

"Oh, I'm not worried," I retorted. "I'm the best you'll ever have, Dyl."

And it was true. I was a damn good employee. I greeted everyone with a large smile, radiated positivity with every fiber of my being, and most of all, I brought real magic to a bunch of fake objects. I'd like to see someone else come in and do that as well as I do.

I had even coined the cheesy phrase we use to greet and send off customers. Okay, okay, only I use the phrase, but only because Dylan is a little jerk who has too much pride to say something like that. But that doesn't matter to me. I love it.

Hearing the familiar chime of the bell above the door, I smiled and turned to greet the person at the door, only to see some familiar faces. My friendly, neighborhood Mikaelson boys. Elijah, and, you guessed it, Klaus.

"Eli! Nikky!" I giggled, hopping out from behind the counter and greeting the suave men with a giant hug for the both of them at the same time. "You came!"


"Indeed." Elijah replied, poking at one of the plastic shrunken heads hanging from the ceiling.

"When I told my brother here that our little witch was now working in a magic shop, we couldn't resist." Klaus said teasingly.

"Well, I'm glad you came. It's―"

"Ophelia!" Dylan unknowingly interrupted, walking out from the back storage and spotting the us. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize that we had customers."

"Oh, they're not customers," I laughed, brushing it off. "They're friends of mine."

"Oh, even better." He smiled, dusting his hands off before offering one to each of the boys, firmly shaking their hands whilst they attempted to break his. "I'm, uh, Dylan. I own this place. Th-Those are some firm grips you guys got there."

"A firm handshake is good, no?" Elijah asked pompously, looking at his brother, and then back to Dyl. "I figure that anything else would be rather... rude."

"I guess." Dylan chuckled awkwardly and nervously, only making the boys even more smug.

"So you're the good Samaritan who dropped our girl off last night." Klaus stated, smirking.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to thank you for getting her home safely. Although you wasted no time in leaving the premises, not knowing if she got in okay or not. But, you know what they say, beggars can't be choosers."

"Nik. Elijah." I growled lowly, knowing that they heard me whilst Dylan didn't. "Knock it off."

"My apologies, then." Dylan said, staring right back into his eyes. "I'll be sure to remember that tonight."

Klaus' jaw clenched slightly, trying not to show the boy exactly who he was sassing.

"So, is Oph, like, your girlfriend or something?" Dylan inquired, breaking the silence.


"No!" I answered before they could. "Nik and Eli― They're my... Uh, they're my―"

"Old friends." Elijah answered for me. "When she got here, she lived with us for a bit before she got an apartment of her own."

"Than he just happened to be in her apartment last night?"

If I could die, I would have in this exact moment. This was beyond mortifying. My totally hot boss thought that my also totally hot friend and I were having sex.

"We aren't together." Klaus remarked, giving some insight to the situation. "I was at her house for business reasons."


"She's got a few talents that make my business a little more fruitful than usual."

"I'm good with numbers."

Dylan's face went red with embarrassment, making me want to do nothing more than to hug him and pinch his cheeks.

"I had no idea, I'm sorry for assuming―"

"It's fine, Dylan," I interrupted before the Mikaelsons got a change do something that would make me feel even worse. "It's a common misjudgment. Besides, Klaus is a little too old for me, anyways."

Klaus growled lowly at my lane attempt at a joke as Elijah looked between us inquisitively.

"Oh. So you don't have a boyfriend?" Dylan asked.


"Good. Because I was just going to ask you if I could take you out tonight." The boy beamed.

"Spare me." Klaus murmured, pissing me off even more.

"Of course you can," I said enthusiastically, angering the hybrid right back.

"Then it's a date."

"It's a date."

"And you'd better have her back by midnight if you want to live to see another one." Klaus chimed in once more, smiling an evil smile.

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