《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》27


"Hello?" I called out, stepping into the little shop of horrors. "Anybody here?"

"Coming!" A loud, male voice called out in return.

Within seconds, I was greeted by a young man, who couldn't be much older than me. A few years, at most. And let me tell you, my day had thus been brightened tenfold because of this boy. He was beautiful.

"How can I help you?" He asked, sending me a kind smile.

"Uh, I came in to inquire about the 'help wanted' sign in the window?"

Nodding, his smile grew a little larger.

"You want to work here?"

"Well, I wouldn't be inquiring if I didn't want to," I joked, earning a soft chuckle from the man.

Truth be told, I didn't really want to work anywhere. I was just sick and tired of living off of the Mikaelsons, and despite their claims of 'not needing the money', it was still theirs, and I was still taking it. I don't want to live like that anymore. It's time that I step up and be an adult for once, no matter what hell I happen to be going through at the moment.

"Good point. You ever work with magic before?"

"...I dabble."

Nodding, he held up a finger, signalling for me to wait a moment before reaching under the counter and shuffling around. After a few moments, he arose and slid me a paper and a pen.

"That's it?" I asked with a smile, taking the items. "No further questioning before I get the application?"

"Well, after you fill it out, we'll see if there are more to come."

Smiling, I nodded and began filling it out all of my information diligently whilst he kept busy with watching me and humming a light tune as I did so. And after I was done, I slid the application and pen back to him.

Scanning over it and nodding, he spoke without looking up.

"Ophelia. That's a cool name."

"It means serpent." I shrugged.

Nodding again, he tossed the application to the side, leaning back down on the counter and placing his head in his hands.

"So, what makes you want to work in a magic shop?" He asked.

"Uh, well, I like magic, and this is better than working as a waitress." I answered with a shrug. "Wait. Is this a job interview?"

"Yes, and I appreciate the honesty. This place is way better than any restaurant." He replied nonchalantly. "What are your qualifications? Why should I hire you to work here?"

Raising my left eyebrow, I smirked a little at his question and cleared my throat, cracking my knuckles.

"Pick a number between one and ten." I spoke with a cocky grin.

"Uh, five."

Nodding, I turned to my right and saw a line-up of multiple decks of tarot cards. Making a finger gun, I knocked five of them down with every pew I did. After I was done with my little trick, I stared back at him with a smile, getting a look of mild impression back.

"Sweet. You got the job, Ophelia."

"That's it?" I asked with a laugh. "Just like that? No meetings with managers, no callbacks, nothing? Not even how I managed to do that?"


"Just like that." He confirmed, smirking at me. "And I kind of am the manager. And executive manager. And branch manager. And owner. So, yeah, whatever I say kinda just... goes. And besides, a true magician never reveals their secrets, no matter how cool."

"That's awesome." I said, nodding. "When can I start?"

"You got any plans for today?"

"Uh, no, this was kind of just it." I laughed. "I didn't really think this would be such a short process."

"Good. Because as of now, Ophelia, you're on the clock."

Laughing, I nodded as the eccentric boy hopped the counter and held out his hand to me, smiling.

"I'm Dylan." He said, introducing myself. "Owner of the Cauldron, and your new boss."

"Ophelia." I responded, shaking his hand. "Connoisseur of magic and your newest employee."

"Correction. Only employee."

I laughed as we continued to shake hands, not wanting to break the contact.

"Well, I guess we'll be getting to know each other pretty well then, eh, Dyl?"

"Oh, you have no idea, Oph."

And that was basically how the rest of the day went for me. Fast paced banter with my hot boss, and, of course, magic. He showed me around, teaching me how to use all the devices in the shop and what all the items for sale were, what to do in case of an emergency, and most importantly, what to do when it was a slow day (his words, not mine).

And after what felt like a mere hour or two, but in reality was closer to six, I had helped the young man lock up and was on my way home.

"Later, Dyl!" I said politely, waving at him.

"Later, Oph!" He smiled back. "See you tomorrow."

"You, too."

I began my voyage back to my apartment, heels clacking on the pavement lightly before I was stopped.

"Hey, Oph," Dylan called after me, gaining my attention all over again. "You live just passed Bourbon street, right?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well, I'm ten blocks south of it. And if you wanted, I could give you a ride." He offered, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, if that's okay with you. I didn't mean to sound so creepy, sorry. I just want to make sure my only employee is getting home safely. Wouldn't want to have to go through that gruelling hiring process again, would I?"

Smiling, I chuckled at his chivalry and followed him to his car. It may have sounded and seemed dumb to others, but what others don't know is that I'm the most powerful witch in all of history. If he tried anything, I'd just turn him into a goat.

"Thanks," I smiled, getting in the front seat as he got in his. "Saves me a walk."

"Anytime." He responded, starting the car up and heading down the street. "So, what brings you to New Orleans?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Dylan nodded, making me let out a little laugh. I seemed to be doing that a lot in his presence, and it felt damn good.

"I had that fresh start fever, you know? I just wanted to get out. I wanted to travel and explore and finally find somewhere where I belong." I partially lied. "When I came here, I knew that this was the place."


"I could never leave NOLA." He said after a period of silence. "This place is my home. Has been since I was born. My father was born here, and his father before him, and so on. This city is where I belong. Always has been, always will be."

"And owning your own magic shop is adding on to the dream?"

"Oh, you know it."

We laughed at each other, thinking about our upbringings and whatnot.

"So why am I the only employee?" I asked after a short period of time. "I mean, the Cauldron is a totally cool place to work. I'm surprised you don't have a waiting list of people who want to work there."

"Well, seeing as I've had the store up and running for exactly four days now and the 'help wanted' sign for about one, I can't say that you had much competition." Dylan chuckled. "And besides, I'm a sucker for pretty girls."

At this, I blushed. This boy was already too much, and I met him today. He was perfect.

"This is me," I spoke upon seeing my apartment come into view. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Of course. We're now co-workers. Tomorrow we can work out a decent schedule as well."

Smiling, I nodded in approval as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Thanks for the ride, boss."

"Anything for my favorite employee."

"Only employee."

We shared a yet another laugh and then I got out, waving to him as I entered my building. Sighing in adoration, I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button, wanting nothing more than to collapse on my bed and dream about Dylan. But, of course, I had to be brought back down to the real world. And my anchor just happened to be the devil himself. Klaus Mikaelson.

"Where have you been?" He asked upon my entrance, standing from his seated position on my loveseat. "And who the bloody hell was that?"

"Dylan." I replied simply.

"And who the hell is this Dylan character? And why are you getting into cars with him?"

"He's my new boss. I got a job today, and after closing time, he offered to drive me home. Would you have preferred me to walk?"

"What I would have preferred was for you to call me or Elijah so we could come and get you." He said in a frustrated tone, following me into the kitchen. "And since when did you have the desire for a job?"

"Since you and your brother began spending money on me that I couldn't afford to pay back."

"Money is no object to us, love―"

"Well, it is to the rest of the world, and I am not going to keep living off of your wealth. I'm a big girl now, Nikky. I can get a little job to make ends meet."

"Okay. Fine. Then pray tell, Ophelia, where is this fine establishment that you have decided to work?"

"A nice little magic shop downtown called the Cauldron." I stated proudly.

"Oh, bloody hell."

"What? What's wrong with that?"

"You couldn't have made it more obvious if you tried."

"I could have become a magician."

"Honestly, love, you could have at least asked me to compel you a job. Something a little more... credible."

"You're beginning to sound like your brother, Nik." I said in a warning tone. "And I don't need your compulsion. I'm perfectly happy with where I am at the moment."

"No, you're just happy with your boss."

"And if I am?"

Klaus breathed heavily through his nose, making me smirk in triumph.

"Looks like someone is jealous."

"I am not!"

"Hey! Maybe you're right." I smirked again, sipping my tea. "But all I'm saying is that it's not totally obscene for you to be jealous considering our given history."

"We don't have any history."

"Yes, we do." I replied. "Now, what kind of tea do you want?"

Sighing in frustration, he tossed me a box filled with his desired tea, and with a wiggle of my hips, two mugs filled to the brim with piping hot water and a tea bag in each were in front of us.

"I like my job." I stated simply. "I get to sell fake magical items to unknowing customers, which gives me a quiet reprieve from the snobbery that are witches, as we all know how they despise such establishments. I will have something to keep me busy. Interactions with those who don't wish me dead. I will be normal for a few hours every day and I have wished for nothing more than just that since I can remember. You, of all people, should know that feeling. Because despite your extravagant ballrooms and five star dining every night, I know that you, Klaus Mikaelson, want nothing more than a quaint house in the quarter, a family, and a good book to read. And it isn't anything to be ashamed of, and I don't think you have realized that quite yet. So, if you ever want that little piece of serenity, you can always swing by the shop or just let yourself in here and be at peace. Leave the world out the window. I have a library in my room, and I can confirm that if I don't have a book of your liking, you can just shoot me a text and I'll conjure it up for you. So, yeah. Sorry for the rambling, but there you go. My place is yours, just as I hope your place is mine."

I sipped on my tea before turning to look at the handsome man before me. To put it in short, he looked dumbfounded. It made me wonder how long it'd been since someone had shown him such an act of kindness.

"Thank you," He eventually got out. "...Friend."

Smiling, I placed my tea on the counter and walked over to him, giving him a quick hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome... Friend." I responded sincerely. "Now, why the hell are you in my apartment again?"

"Elijah had a girl over, and you know what tedium that is." Klaus rolled his eyes. "I thought I'd visit my little witch, but to my disappointment, you weren't here."

"Elijah has a what?!"

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