《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》20


"Ophelia?!" Someone shouted, pounding on my door. "Ophelia Armstrong, open up this damn door this instant!"

I rolled my eyes at the sound, recognizing it as Klaus before ignoring it.

"I know you're in there, little witch! Open up the damn door!"

"Whatever you say..." I smirked, snapping my fingers and letting him stumble through the door, only to be stopped by the magical barrier that prevented him from coming in without my consent.

"Let me in." He growled, pounding on the invisible wall.

"With that attitude? Psh, yeah, I think not."

He growled again and I sighed, now feeling slightly bad for the man. I mean, yeah, he's a jerk, but he's had a pretty rough millennia from what Eli has told me. Also, me being the reincarnation of his dead ex and being a real dick to him was pretty harsh. I mean, yeah, it was funny as hell, but very rude. Plus, I am sure if I had a mama she would have raised me better than that. So, I sighed and set down the magazine, walking over to him so we were face to face. And shit, did he look like hell.

His hair was in every possible direction and he was soaked in blood – who's it was I didn't want to know – reminding me of when that jerk Marcel showed up. He was angry, and not just at the fact that I decided to play a little prank on him by not opening the door.

"Come in," I spoke, grabbing his hand and leading him into my apartment, sitting him down on my couch. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Don't act like you don't know." He seethed as I conjured up a bowl of warm water and a wash cloth, beginning to clean the man up a bit. "After all, it was your witches who did this to me."


"What?" I asked, wiping some of the blood off of his forehead. "I haven't ordered the witches to do anything else but stay away from you. I thought we talked about this, I'm on your side."

"Well then explain to me why the hell I was just attacked!"

I furrowed my brow in confusion as I wiped more blood from under his nose. Now it was definitely clear that the witches had gotten to him. Bleeding from the nose, ears, and/or eyes? Always witchcraft.

"I promise you, Klaus," I said sincerely, feeling even worse for him now. "I didn't have anything to do with this. But I can assure you, I will make them pay."

"What?" He asked in shock.


"You're not happy that they did this?"

"Why the hell would I be happy that they did this to you?"

"Because, if you haven't noticed, love, we aren't exactly best friends forever."

I rolled my eyes at his explanation and wiped away more blood from his face, finding him to be more ridiculous than ever at the moment.

"Look," I said, putting the bloodied cloth back in the floating bowl and making them vanish. "It doesn't matter that we're not best friends forever or not. They did you wrong, and even though you probably did something to deserve it, they still have to deal with some consequences. Especially because you're Elijah's little brother."

"Right," Klaus said sarcastically. "Because you and my brother are best friends forever."

"Why does our relationship bother you so much?"

"Why do you think?"

"Well, if I knew, I wouldn't have asked. So, pray tell, what the fuck is your damage?"

"You're the reincarnation of the love of my life whom has been dead for centuries." He said in a condescending tone. "So pardon me if it makes me slightly uncomfortable that you're that close with my brother."


"I am not the love of your life," I replied in his same tone. "I am my own person, so you'll just have to deal with it. Besides, for the last fucking time, 'Lijah and I's relationship is strictly platonic. God, you're over a thousand years old and you still don't know that boys and girls can just be friends?"

"Oh, I know that," he said darkly. "And I have no worries about you two getting together. It's just that I know you, little witch. And trust me that when I say that I know that you are a flirt. Hell, you had every man in the village being for your hand in marriage."

"Let me guess," I rolled my eyes. "You killed them all?"

He just chuckled, shaking his head a little bit before looking up at me once again.

"All I'm saying is that despite what you may think, I know you. I know what makes you tick. I know what you fear. I know what pleasures you, and I also know what makes you weak. I know you, Ophelia. So don't forget that the next time your little witches attempt to ruin me again."

I clenched my jaw at his words, trying to conceal my anger before I did something that ended up with Elijah hating me and this prick winning. So I did what I did best.

"I could turn you into a damn frog right now if I wanted," I said smoothly. "No one would ever know. 'Klaus? No, man, sorry, I have no idea where he is. Last I saw him he was drowning kittens and stealing from orphans. Good luck with the search though!'"

He rolled his eyes at me, ignoring my hilarious comment, standing up from where he was sat on my couch.

"Keep your people in check, little witch," He near-growled.

"Or else?"

"You'll regret ever coming back from the dead."

"That's funny 'cause I was really at your-" But I was cut off by the sound of my door slamming shut. "-mom's house..."

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