《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》19


"What do you mean I died?!" I asked in a panic. "How?! When?! Who the fuck killed me?!"

"You were right, love," Klaus said calmly, pissing me off even more. "They aren't dreams. They're memories."

"Thank you for that astoundingly obvious revelation, asshole, but that doesn't answer my other questions!"

He took a deep breath and barred his teeth at me, letting his true form show.

"My sweet Ophelia died in battle, bested by a witch more powerful than she. My sweet Ophelia died defending me and our family. My sweet Ophelia died in my arms. My sweet Ophelia died hundreds of years ago." He roared at me, pointing an accusatory finger, black veins beginning to form under his now yellow eyes. "Which is why I am so bloody confused as to why there is some shoddy remake of her, walking around and saying she is a queen!"

"I am no 'shoddy remake'!" I screamed back, silently thankful as his eyes went back to their pretty blue color. "I am as real as they get! I am god damn perfect! 'Shoddy' my ass!"

"Then why are you the replica of my dead ex?!"

"What makes you think I know?!"

"Maybe the fact that you seem to possess some of her knowledge on a subconscious level and could be her clone?"

"...Alright, you got me there, I'll admit," I said, earning a satisfied nod from the man. "But I honestly have no idea how that happened. Doppelgängers exist though, right? Is it possible that I'm just one of them?"

Klaus shook his head at my theory, despite it's practicality, making me crease my brow again.

"No, doppelgängers are supernatural beings of their own. I don't even know if its possible for one to be a witch queen and one of them."


"Well, you're a hybrid, maybe its something like that, and we're just overlooking it!"

"I am a hybrid because I was made into a vampire with magic. My curse had yet to be triggered." he said dismissing my thought. "Even if that were the case, that wouldn't explain the dreams, or the possession that you are experiencing."

"Well, if you call it something like 'possession', then it is bound to sound creepy as hell." I rolled my eyes. "And besides, this shouldn't be a surprise to you. I mean, she even took the liberty to warn you!"

And as soon as the words left my brilliant mouth, I gasped, drawing Klaus' attention from out of his ass.

"What?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

"She warned you!" I repeated enthusiastically, eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.


"Your girl! Your sweet Ophelia! She freaking told you what was going to happen! Oh, my God, I am absolutely brilliant!"

"Pardon me, love, but I don't follow."

"Think about it. Right before I- We- She- Whomever died, she told you that she would be born again. This time stronger than ever before, and that-"

"And that we would meet in the lion's den..." Klaus cut me off, obviously remembering the horrific moment of when she/me/we/whomever died.

Honestly, this shit was confusing.

"But I always thought that she would come back as herself, memories and all," Klaus continued, not giving one morsel of a damn about my feelings. Well, if I had any good ones toward the man. "Not as some girl with too much power and not enough experience."

"First of all: rude." I said, placing my hand on my hip. "Secondly, you have been alive for a millennia. I have been alive for a little over twenty years, so fuck you."


"You're doing nothing but prove my point, love."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Just... find a way to get her out of my head, please? I wasn't kidding when I said the dreams hurt. Because they do. A lot."

The man scoffed at my request and didn't respond, prompting me to keep going.

"Also, whilst we're talking requests, can I go now? All this fighting has get me pooped, and I'm sure your brother has convinced himself that one of us is dead."

"I can't die, love."

"Neither can I, but that still doesn't stop people from trying." I pointed out. "And now that I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting you, I can understand why."

"It'd be in your best interest to watch that lip of yours, little witch, or perhaps I will chain you to a tree and burn you myself."


"What?! No!"

"Hey, don't yell at me, you're the one that's making the innuendos."

"I am not making any innuendos!"

"Well you obviously just made one."

"Just- You know what- Ugh!" He growled, jabbing a finger toward the closed doors. "Get out of my sight!"

"As you wish!"

And with a little wiggle of my hips, I was out of the room and standing behind Elijah. Smiling, I tip-toed over to him and tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Ophelia!" He exclaimed in relief, happy that I was not harmed in any way.

He was then quick to bring me into a warm embrace which I happily returned, smiling largely.

"I was only gone a few minutes." I chuckled. "Glad to see you missed me, nonetheless."

"Are you okay? Did my brother harm you in any way?" He asked, ignoring my comments.

"Nothing that some therapy and a few shots of whiskey can't fix," I grinned.

"Oh, on the contrary, love." Klaus interrupted, making me roll my eyes. Right when I finally escape from his dastardly clutches, he's right back at it again with the condescending pet names and stupid smug smiles. "I would say that it was a very beneficial chat indeed."

"Well, if you count finding out that I died and am now the reincarnation of your ex-girlfriend but a thousand times more powerful beneficial, than I guess so." I said, attitude turning sour at his reoccurring presence.

"Ophelia wasn't just some ex-girlfriend," Klaus growled, stepping toward me threateningly, jumping to her/my/whomever's defense. "She was, and always will be, the love of my life."

"Pardon me, " Elijah said loudly, pulling us out of our spat. "But if one of you could be so kind as to tell me what is going on here?"

"Short version? I'm the reincarnation of the dead love of his life." I answered nonchalantly, looking at Elijah with a shrug.

"And the long version?"

"...We're still missing some details on that one."

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