《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》18


"Absolutely not."

"Then I don't give you anything about me or my dreams."

"And why not?!"

"Because I don't see how it's fair how you get to know about me but I can't know about you."

"No one knows about me, love."

"I beg to differ."

"I swear to God, little witch, if you don't tell me what I want, I will personally watch you burn."

But then I felt something. It was the same feeling I got when Marcel threatened me. The feeling of someone taking over my body and using it as a vessel, forcing words out of my mouth.

"Niklaus," I began strongly, making his eyes soften, yet widen at the same time. "There was once a time where you would strike those who were a threat to me down without a second of hesitation. I guess nothing is always and forever after all."

Feeling myself go back to normal I slapped my hand over my mouth and looked at the hybrid in shock.

"That wasn't me." I said in a rush. "I have no idea who that was, or why that keeps happening."

But Klaus remained silent, just kept looking at me in awe and fear.

"What is your name, little witch?" He asked me in but a whisper, stepping closer to me.

"I thought I already told you, remember?" I asked, showing my confusion. "I introduced myself, you flipped out, we started yelling, yada yada yada? No? Not ringing any bells? I guess the body never goes off, but the mind does."

"Just... say your for me."

"Why? I don't understand-"

"What is your name?!"

At the sound of his powerful roar, I jumped slightly and looked down, for once feeling powerless against the man.


"Ophelia." I whispered. "My name is Ophelia."

He sighed and ran a hand over his face, inhaling deeply.

"I just don't understand this..." he repeated. "Why now?"

It was silent for a little while after that, him deep in thought and me trying to decide if I should say something or not. But eventually, my big mouth prevailed, and I decided to give him what he wanted.

"They hurt." I mumbled. "They hurt a lot."


"The dreams," I clarified. "They cause me physical pain. In my head and my heart. Every single time I have one I am left helpless, just waiting for the pain to subside. They happen a lot, too."

Klaus looked at me with an indescribable expression, so I just continued.

"The first one was the worst. I don't know if it was the foreign feeling of agony or the extremity of the dream, but all I know is that it was the worst thing I have ever gone through." I said, thinking about that night and cringing. "I will tell you what the dreams are about, but I don't want to be in the dark about anything. So my offer still stands. I tell you what happens in my dreams or whatever they may be, and you tell me why you're freaking out. For some reason I have the strangest feeling that the two are connected somehow."

Klaus sighed and eventually nodded, knowing that it the only thing that was going to get him the information he needed.

"You first." He murmured.

I nodded and looked down at my thumbs, twirling them slowly around each other.

"Most of them are just scenes showing you and me together, acting like we walked straight out of a Nicolas Sparks novel. Like little dates, and promises of 'always and forever'. But others..." I trained off.


"What of the others?"

I took a deep breath and looked up at him, pain clear in my eyes. And to my surprise, his held the same things.

"You were holding me. For some reason you were crying. I was trying to make you feel better, but nothing worked, so we settled on saying we loved each other. I remember feeling like that was the thing that had to be said or else I would have exploded. It came out so naturally... I started saying stuff about you promising that you wouldn't love anyone else but me when I was away, and that I would come back. You didn't want me to go. In fact, you were doing everything in your power to get me to hold on just a little bit longer. But... eventually, the pain got to be too much. I didn't have much time left. So we made each other one last promise."

"Always and forever." He whispered, seeming like he was in another world.

I nodded in conformation and looked down again, suddenly feeling highly awkward around the world's most feared man. But nevertheless, I concluded my tale.

"Then... I think I died."

"Well," He chuckled humorlessly. "That's because you did."

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