《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》17


"She's the Coven-less Queen..." Klaus whispered to himself in astonishment. "But how?"

"Beats me." I scoffed. "All I know is that one day I blew up a car with my mind and the next I am being hunted."

"No, how are you alive?"

"Well, usually, when two people love each other very much-"

"No!" Klaus shouted, throwing his glass of much needed alcohol against one of the walls in the room.

He had asked Elijah to step out of the room whilst we discussed me and my agenda. But, since Elijah Mikaelson is always one for protecting those of which he cares for, he is merely down the hall, most likely listening to everything we were saying. Which, in its own, defeated the purpose of having him step out in the first place. But that was just me.

"Look, with all due respect, your hybrid-ness, unlike everyone else that you terrorize in your life, I do not tolerate tantrums and blatant disrespect." I rolled my eyes.

Honestly, for the most powerful man in the world, he sure acts like a two year old.

"I don't understand this!" He said to himself as he paced back and forth, ignoring my comment completely.

"Well maybe if you told me what it is that you don't understand, then I'd be able to help."

"That's impossible, seeing as you're the problem."

"That was just rude."

"And I don't care."

"Well at least allow me to introduce myself," I rolled my eyes, sticking out my hand. "M'name is Ophelia Armstrong, your resident witch queen."

And at the sound of my name, Klaus actually stopped pacing and looked at me with wide eyes.

"How is this possible?!" He screamed, letting his emotions finally get the best of him. "She's dead! She died in my arms, for bloody Christ's sake!"

Now it was my time to freeze up.

"Wait," I said, ditching all of my previous sarcasm. "You mean... all of those dreams I had -- the ones that have been causing me literal agony and pain, aren't dreams, but memories?"


"What dreams? Why do you keep referring to dreams?!"

"Why do you think, moron?!" I yelled back. "Because I keep having them! And for some reason unbeknownst to me, they both involve you and I, being a little too close for my comfort, in a time that was way before I was born!"

"Tell me about these dreams." He growled. "This instant."

I rolled my eyes at him and uncrossed my legs, letting him know how unamused I was.

"Look." I stated with a growl. "All I want to do is thank Elijah for inviting me here to this lovely ball of yours, go home, down a bottle of whiskey or two, and sleep for a thousand years. Not play 'mystical catch-up' with the poster boy of evil."

"Oh, of course! I've forgotten that you too have fallen under the whims of my noble older brother!" He laughed humorlessly. "I mean, honestly, I should have seen this coming, love, they always do. Please, do tell me, does he always have a stick up his ass? Or is it just around me?"

My eyes widened in slight disgust at his accusations about Elijah and I. Like I told Elijah himself before -- he was almost like a father figure to me. He took care of me and made sure that I wasn't going unprotected. He loved me, but in the most platonic sense of the word.

"First of all, yes. He does. The stick can never really be removed once that far up someone's ass thanks to the stress his homicidal little brother forces him under relentlessly." I said with sass, surprising him with my answer. Well, he did think I was being seduced by his older brother, so I guess I slightly understood. "And secondly, I have no interest in sleeping or being in any type of romantic relationship with Elijah!"

"Oh, well, pardon me, love, but you two looked very friendly out there on the dance floor!"


"Because we're friends!" I screamed, nearly ripping my hair out of my head. "Look -- do you want to know the truth?"

"I thought I made it obvious, love, I want nothing more than such."

"Then shut up and keep quiet, because I am only going over this once."

Begrudgingly, he nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, resembling an even bigger two year old.

"Elijah and I are friends. Really good friends, in fact. He found me after I made a deal with Marcel Gerard and helped me escape what could have been a catastrophic night for me, and has been helping me ever since. He has been helping me out with my magic and coming to terms with everything, not to mention giving me the much needed companionship of which I have always been lacking." I explained. "That's it. Nothing more, nothing less."

"How come I never knew about you then?"

"Because surely you would have used her to your own benefit, brother!" Elijah shouted from down the hall, proving my aforementioned theory.

"I would never hurt her." He growled slightly, making me furrow my brows. But of course, he was quick to pick up the ball again, going back to the topic at hand. "And what of your vampirism policies?"

"I meant what I said." I said seriously. "I don't believe that you or your long ass line of other vampires should be to blame for a choice that was not theirs to begin with. As long as they don't hurt me or my witches, everything between the vampires and the covens will be peaceful."

"Sounds a bit too perfect for us 'long ass line of vampires'."

I rolled my eyes at his suspicion toward my intentions, finding the routine of explaining myself rather dull and boring.

"What can I say? I protect my friends and who matter to them as they protect me."

"What about those of who you show your care?" He asked, as if he was testing me.

I sighed and looked up at him, meeting his sharp and fixated gaze. I knew there was no pleasing the man whatever I said or didn't say, so I decided that the best thing to do was be honest. Well, that, and make him feel slightly guilty about this interrogation. A little reassurance that he actually has humanity.

"You can't care for things that don't exist."

"Well surely there must be someone," Klaus began, trying to call my bluff like I knew he would. "A beautiful girl such as yourself must have dozens of suitors lining up around the block for your hand."

"I'm an orphan." I said simply with a shrug. "I don't have a family, I move every time I begin to get settled in one place because witches and supernatural beings are after me and would love to see me burned, boys are typically a little bit thrown off by my copious amounts of inexplicable power, and not to mention my only friend is a thousand year old man of which has very poor social skills."

"I appreciate your candor, Ophelia, but please, do shut up!" Elijah called out again nonchalantly, making me roll my eyes and snap my fingers.

"What did you just do?" Klaus asked with extreme caution, ready to pounce on me in case of any sudden attacks on my part.

"Calm down," I chuckled. "I just sound proofed the room. I hate eavesdroppers."

"How do I know you're not lying to me?"

I smirked at his answer before walking over to the closest wall to where Elijah was and yelled at the top of my lungs:

"Elijah Mikaelson sucks ass!"

And watched as we waited in silence for a response we wouldn't get.

"Now," I spoke, sitting down and leaning on my palms. "You tell me why I am the problem in this existential crisis you're having, and I'll tell you about my dreams."

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