《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》11


I walked down the streets with a smile on my face, shattering a street lamp with every step I took. Sure, I may have looked like I stepped straight out of a Carrie Underwood music video, but hey. I've always been one for a dramatic entrance anyways. People stopped and stared at me as I strutted down the streets with a power induced wind blew my curls behind me, but I paid them no mind. Why should I? I was on a mission.

"Witches of New Orleans!" I cried out with a growl, stepping into the cemetery. "Let this be a lesson to you all! For years I have been hunted and chased out of my home, having to leave everytime I settled into a new place in fear for my life, but no more. I am done running, and you and everyone else who wishes me dead are done pursuing me. Your ancestors fear me because I am almighty. You hate me because I possess the power that you wish you had. Yet, everybody wants me, because I am the greatest weapon in all of history. But most importantly, I am your leader. I am your queen. And I am done hiding in cowardice whilst you hunt me mercilessly. Well, in a recent change of heart, I decided that maybe it is I that should start being merciless. Anyone that dares to cross me or wish me harm shall perish and face a death you haven't even conjured up in your wildest dreams."

I smiled at the sight of the flames around me roaring at my words alone, feeding off of the power they held.

"So," I smirked. "Who's first?"

The witches that had come out from wherever they had been hiding all stood in a circle around me, as silent as the night itself.


I let out a laugh as I turned in a circle, looking at them all.

"My, oh, my!" I giggled. "Confrontation is a mighty fine tool, isn't it?"

"What about Marcel Gerard?" One brave witch asked, trying to keep her tone even. "You had an alliance with him. What happened?"

I looked at her in the eyes and sent another smile in her direction.

"Marcel and I... Well, to put it shortly, we got in a slight disagreement. You see, brothers and sisters, he has had reign over you and your powers for far too long. He and his vampires have terrorised the whole race of witches, and they still believe that they can get away with it. But now that our alliance is off, what's stopping me from taking our rightful throne right from under him?" I asked, now willing to get along with them. "Witches created them. And I believe with my help, you could take back your power and your city once and for all. It is the time of the witches, my friends. Let's make the most of it, shall we?"

And it was true. If I could somehow grant them their wishes and give them what they desire, I will not be seen as the enemy - but as a savior of sorts. With them on my side, I would truly be unstoppable, seeing as the witches were the only ones who could truly kill me. But, if my approach of giving them the promise of freedom from vampires and whatnot doesn't work, then I guess the ol' dictatorship thing will have to do.

"What about the Originals?" Another witch cried out, drawing my attention. "How will we deal with them?"

"No harm shall come to the Original family." I ordered, causing an uproar.


"That's preposterous!"

"They're abominations!"

"How dare you?!"

"They must be stopped!"

"What will we do?!"

"Silence!" I yelled, effectively ending the clamor. "The Original family shall come to no harm, and that is final. In fact, if you tried maybe getting along with them and not attempting to kill them at any given chance, maybe you wouldn't have wound up in this position in the first place. Now, I can assure you that as long as nothing happens to them, nothing should happen to you. In fact, maybe they would side with you for a change."

"As servants of nature, it is against-"

"As servants of nature it is against nothing." I interrupted with a hiss. "The witches created the vampires. As I told a good friend of mine just the other week: living with vampires is all we know. They are a part of nature by now. In your eyes they may be seen as abominations or disgraceful, but that cannot stop us from progressing. We need to do what is best for us as a whole, and I don't know about you, but war is not my first choice. Therefore, unless you wish to die a horrendous death, you will not come anywhere near that family. Got it?"

Silence ensued once again, and yet another smile graced my features.

"By the way," I added, turning around to walk out of the cemetery. "Much like our friend Marcel, I do not handle betrayal very well. If I find out about any conspiracies I will burn this coven and all your sister covens to the ground with no mercy."

And with that, I left, thinking of what is yet to come.

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