《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》12


"Are you insane?!" Elijah roared, storming into my apartment.

"Why, hello there to you too, Eli," I said nonchalantly, looking up from my magazine and smiling. "How are you this fine morning?"

"I'd be even better if I didn't receive word of you waging war against the whole vampire race!"

"Correction: against Marcel Gerard."

Elijah sighed and looked at me, running a hand over his face in exasperation.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Marcel came 'round last night, looking like hell, covered in blood and demanding that we have a little chat," I began, setting the magazine down. "Said that he found out that you'd been coming over here so often and wanted to know why."

"What did you tell him?!"

"I didn't tell him anything. I stayed true to my word of secrecy." I assured him sternly. I was a bit sick of people assuming I was betraying them, and I didn't want Elijah to be next.

He sighed in relief and paced in front of me while I continued my story.

"So, he got mad. Started calling me a traitor, getting really rough. Then he threatened to out me and my location to the witches if I didn't spill the information on why you're over here all the time," I sighed. "Mentioned something about having men surrounding the area, keeping watch and whatnot."

"He has eyes on you?"

"I guess it was a part of our agreement," I shrugged. "No doubt that they're still lurking around here somewhere."

He sighed again and walked over to my closed blinds, taking a look outside the window.

"You're basically surrounded."

"They won't get anything on me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I have unlimited power, remember? Soundproofed this room along with everything else. At first it was so I could smuggle a dog in or blast music at two in the morning, but I guess it's got more than a few purposes."


"Of course."

"But continuing on with what I was saying," I said, furrowing my brow slightly. "I got... angry. Like, really angry. I wasn't scared at all. Then something weird happened."

"What? What was it?"

"Maybe it was the adrenaline or something, but I didn't feel like it was me in my body. I started calling him Marcellus? He was freaked out too, based on the look he gave me."

"Then what happened?" He asked urgently.

"I snapped his neck and went down to the witches."

"Where you claimed your throne and struck the fear of God into them, excellent."

"If it's any consolation to you, I told them that you and your family were off limits." I shrugged. "They all really hate you, by the way. I'm sure it's nothing personal though."

"Personal or not, I'm sure we would have managed anyways," he said teasingly. "But on behalf of my family, we thank you for your services."

"Anytime, chief."

"How did you know his name was Marcellus?"

"Wait, that's his actual name?" I asked in shock. "I-I just thought it was a nickname type thing. Like I said, I wasn't myself. It's like how he calls me Opey!"

"He... He calls you 'Opey'?" He asked, getting a nod in return. "That's a form of abuse itself."

"You get used to it." I shrug. "But... What the hell is happening to me, Elijah?"

He sighed and finally sat down, wrapping a friendly arm around my shoulder, resulting in me snuggling into his side a bit.

"Many, many years ago, my brother... My brother took in a young boy. A slave, actually. Saved him from his master and became the father he never had. That boy, as you could probably guess, was Marcel Gerard. Well, back then, he was known as Marcellus, but times change and so do names I suppose." He began, capturing my attention. "Raised him, loved him, educated him, everything that he could to ensure that he was happy and loved. Then, he was turned. Niklaus was opposed to it at first, but my little brother isn't that hard to persuade, as much as he hates to admit it."


"Huh. Probably runs in the family, then."

He rolled his eyes and ignored my comment, earning a little laugh from me.

"But long story short and sparing you the theatrics, my siblings and I practically built this city and were unfortunately driven out of it by my father. Marcel, was unfortunately left behind and therefore presumed dead. When we came back and discovered that he was alive-"

"Un-dead." I corrected, earning another eye roll.

"Fine. When Klaus discovered that Marcel was still un-dead and well as you say, things didn't exactly bode well. There is too much conspiring between the two of them and enough paranoia to last them till the next millennium."

"Well when you're in such a position, it's understandable." I shrugged. "But that still doesn't explain why the hell I knew that."

"Yes, that is the million dollar question, isn't it?" Elijah sighed. "Add to the dreams to that mix we've got one hell of problem."

"Thanks for sugar coating it, Elijah," I rolled my eyes.

"Honesty is the best policy."

"...Why can't I tell anyone that you're helping me with controlling my powers?"

He was quiet for a bit, just running his large hands up and down my dark skin lightly and comfortingly.

"I can't have my family finding out I know you." He answered. "If they do, they will demand to see you. Use you. And trust me when I say this, Ophelia, you may be strong, but my brother is stronger. If he finds out you do something that goes against him, he will hand you over to the witches and make sure that you are dead before nightfall. You're... You're my closest friend, Ophelia, and I want nothing more than to keep you safe and out of situations like these. And when you're off, waging war upon entire species', you don't exactly make it easy."

I smiled sadly and sympathetically in newfound understanding and leaned further into him, comforting the seemingly lost original who I have come to trust with my life.

"I'm afraid I don't really have a choice anymore, Elijah," I muttered. "I'm sorry."

"I know, Ophelia. I know."

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