《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》10


"Marcel?" I asked, opening my door. "Well, well, well... to what do I owe the pleasure- oh Jesus Christ!"

At my door, there stood the one and only Marcel Gerard, soaked in blood. Whether the blood was his or not was something I was only slightly worried about.

"Hey, Opey," he said with a tired smile. "You mind if I come in?"

"Well you've already been invited, so what's stopping you?" I said with wide eyes.

He chuckled and waltzed in, leaning on me for support after a few feet.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked, helping him over to my couch.

"A bit of a squabble down in the quarter," he responded. "Nothing big, just my night walkers against a few-" hiss "-old friends."

"And how did that go for you?"

"Eh, we won, but they got a few good hits on me. I'll heal up in a few minutes though."

"So why are you here then?"

"Because I need to have a little bit of a chat with my favorite witch queen."

I furrowed my brow at his tone, which was a mix of slight anger, betrayal, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"A few of my day walkers told me that they spotted someone frequently visiting you during this past week, and not leaving until the early hours of the morning."

My breath hitched into the back of my throat as the information soaked in. He knew.

"They've confirmed that this man, is in fact, Elijah Mikaelson. Perhaps you've heard of him? You know, Original vampire? Brother of my current enemy? Your newest ally?"

"I know him." I said stiffly, my back turned to the man.

"Then tell me. What in the hell has he been doing over here?"


When he didn't get the answer he wanted, he chuckled, taking a deep breath before picking up a vase and smashing it, causing me to jump and gasp.

"You know I don't like traitors, Opey!" He shouted.

"I'm not a traitor!" I argued, whipping around to face him.

"Really? Because it sure seems like it from the way you're acting!" He yelled again. "So if you're not a traitor, then you'll have no trouble telling me what you were doing with Elijah Mikaelson for the past week."

"I... I can't tell you."

"Why not? Is it because you're conspiring against me with the Mikaelsons? Or is it because while you and Elijah have been having your secret little rendezvous, his little brother Klaus has been ruining everything I built in this city?!"

"It's not like that Marcel, and you know it!"

"Then tell me what it is!"

"I told you, I can't!" I screamed. "I gave Elijah my word that I wouldn't tell a soul what we were doing. Because if I did, my life would be in even more danger!"

Marcel laughed and ran a hand over his face, standing up.

"Not as much danger as you'll be in after I tell the covens where you've been hiding out all this time," he smirked. "Because, Opey, you've given me no choice than to assume that you're a traitor. Now, it's not to late to tell me what's really been going on. 'Cause I like you. You've got fire. And you're sure as hell the most beautiful witch I've ever seen, plus Davina really looks up to you. But since you seem to honor his word more than mine, I guess I have no choice..."

At his words I felt a bubbling pit of rage rise in my stomach and up my throat as I stepped forward, glaring straight into his eyes.


"You know what, Marcel?" I asked, smirking devilishly. "Do it. Tell the witches where I am. In fact, tell everyone where I am. Because I'll tell you one thing, Marcel Gerard: I'm tired of running. So, please, by all means, tell them to have a ball! Tell them that it's open season! See if I give one single morsel of a damn. Because the queen is going to have to claim her throne sometime, and when I do, you won't like what I'm gonna do. You're going to wish that I had ended your miserable life that's been damned from the start ages ago by the time I'm through with you. And this time, I'm stronger. Wiser. More independent and confident with my magic. All weak points you thought you had on me are now worthless. I am the Coven-less Queen, and I can assure you that I am no one's bitch!"

Feeling a surge of power course through me, I through my hand up and twisted it into a fist, sending him flying out of my apartment.

"I would kill you right now, Marcellus," I chuckled, feeling something - someone - take over my body. "But death would be far too kind for the likes of "

His eyes widened at my words as I lifted my hand in the air, pinning him to the wall.

"In fact," I smiled widely. "I'll do you one better. I'm going to save you the trouble and confront the witches myself. Anyone who crosses my path shall be executed, and anyone who wants to join me shall be welcomed with open arms. This is not a game, Marcellus. This is a war."

"You're a monster." He growled out, trying to fight my magic.

"Not a monster," I responded with a smirk. "A queen."

And with a motion of my hand, his neck was snapped and he laid on the hallway floor, causing me to look down on him in mock pity.

"Awe," I pouted, kicking him with my high heeled foot. "Looks like you're going to miss all the fun. Oh well."

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