《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》An Unexpected Encounter Pt. 2
???: Wakey wakey Spider-man.
I slowly opened my eyes. When fully opening them I see the person who kidnapped staring at me. I noticed that everything was upside down. Realizing the situation i was in, I tried to move but couldn't. I looked at my legs and saw a mechanical claw holding them.
I tried to shoot my webs but nothing happens. I looked at my wrist and noticed my gloves were off, including my web shooters.
???: Looking for these?
The guy in the mechanized suit gestures to a table. On it were my gloves and web shooters.
???: Despite having different powers, you and my Spider-man. Still need these so-called web shooters to go places.
Spider-man: Where are we?
I looked around the surrounding area. All I could see was a barely lit room.
???: In the sewers.
I started to smell the air. Yup we're definitely in the sewers. But why.
Spider-man: Why are you doing this?
???: For revenge.
Spider-man: Revenge? What'd I do to you? This is the first time we met.
???: To you this is the first time we met. But to me, we've met multiple times. You're the reason why I can't walk anymore.
Spider-man: What'd I do? Break your legs. Or maybe you couldn't stand my leg puns. See what I did there? I'm so bad at jokes.
???: One thing's for sure, you're both equally annoying.
Spider-man: Why thank you. That's one of my powers.
???: You and Connors think there's a cure to the cross-species disease. Both of you are dumb, there's no curing this.
He gestured to his face.
Spider-man: You have a disease? I thought it was really bad acne that made your face like that.
???: I find you very fascinating.
Spider-man: Fascinating? Are you talking about my good looks or my incredible sense of humor.
???: Your body.
Spider-man: Whoa, easy there partner. I don't roll that way, I'm into girls.
???: Your so annoying. You and the other Spider are completely different. My robots don't read you as a cross-species. So I did a little test with your DNA and found something quite interesting. You have radiation inside your body.
Spider-man: That is interesting. I think we're moving to fast, we haven't even gone on a date yet and your already running test on my DNA.
???: Now I wonder what Asu-- forget it. You don't know her. But what about that red hair girl you was with. I wonder what she thinks when she finds out who you are.
Spider-man: Hey this is between us. Leave her out of this.
???: I think I'll have my Spider Slayers find her and make her watch as I torture you.
Five Spider Slayer bots came out of the shadows. I immediately tried to pry the claw off my legs, but the my secret admirer grabbed my hands, preventing me from freeing myself.
???: I wonder. What happens if I inject my nanobots in your bloodstream. Let's find out shall we?
A little Spider Slayer came towards me with a needle in his claws. I tried to move but no luck. I watched as the bot closer and closer to me with the needle.
???: Would you lose your powers? Or will simply be in pain?
The needle was close to my neck. I could feel the touch my neck. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. Just then I heard a roar and heavy footsteps. I opened my eyes and looked to the source of the sound.
A giant Rhinoceros appeared.
He trampled the tiny bot that was about to inject me with nanobots. The Rhinoceros tackled my kidnapper freeing my hands.
Spider-man: Thank you! My horny saviour!
I reached towards the claw that was holding my legs. Using my strength I was able to pry the claw of my legs freeing myself.
I ran towards the table and quickly put on my web shooters. I heard the sound of fighting behind, picking up the pace, I put on my gloves and was about to leave, until something jumped on top of me.
On top of me was a giant scorpion trying to hit me with his stinger.
Spider-man: Oh great, another one.
I planted both of my feet and kicked the scorpion off of me.
Spider-man: What next? A giant lizard.
The Scorpion roars at me, it points it's tail towards me. Then all of sudden a green acid like ball comes straight towards me.
I leaned my body back, doing a back handspring. The acid managed to hit my chest during half of it, leaving a black mark on my chest. The acid hits the wall behind me, leaving a hole in it.
Spider-man: There goes my three chest hairs.
The Scorpion roars at me, i quickly covered my ears from the sound of the roar.
Spider-man: You're not you when your hungry, eat a snickers.
I quickly shot a web at his mouth, silencing him in the process.
Spider-man: Unfortunately, I don't have any on me. But I do got synthetic webs.
He rips off the web covering his mouth and growls at me.
Spider-man: What? Don't like the taste of it? Actually, now that I think about it, what does it taste like? I'll make Fuutarou do a taste test when I get back.
The Scorpion runs at him and jumps into the air. He spins around in the air, his tail extended out as acid starts to shoot out from it.
I quickly shot a web from behind me and pulled myself to a wall. I watched as the acid hits the floor. Sizzling can be heard from the ground.
My head started to tingle, I looked to my left and saw a small spider slayer being thrown at me. I quickly jumped down, I landed on the ground away from the acid.
Looking forward, I saw the giant Rhino tearing up all the spider slayers.
Spider-man: How the heck did the other Spider-man beat that?
My Spider Sense tingled, I quickly rolled to the left and avoided another acid ball from the Scorpion. I looked forward and saw another small spider slayer being thrown at me. I cartwheel out of the way and heard a loud crash behind me.
Spider-man: I take it back! Curse you, my horny friend!
My Spider Sense tingled again, and that moment I felt something wrap around my right leg. Looking down, I saw the Scorpion's tail wrapped around my leg.
Spider-man: Oh, come--
I was pulled off my feet and hit the ground. The Scorpion quickly jumped on top of me. It tried to impale me with its tail, I quickly grabbed its arms and kicked it up in the air.
It landed a few feet away from me. My eyes widened when I saw the Rhino looking at me, it stomped it's foot on the ground and charged at me.
I looked around trying to find something that might stop it, then I remembered the Scorpion. I looked over at it and saw it slowly getting up.
I extended out both of my arms and shot two webs at both of it's feet. I pulled him over to me while he was on the ground.
When it was over by me, I quickly grabbed the Scorpion by his feet and started to spin him around. I threw him at the Rhino, thinking it'll stop him. I was wrong.
The Scorpion hits the Rhino, but it doesn't slow down at all. I went wide eyed.
Spider-man: No No No No No No Noooooo!
Before I knew, the Rhino hit me and started to run off with me and the Scorpion.
Before I knew what was going on, me and Scorpion were launched upward and onto street level. While I was in the air, I saw that it was nighttime.
Me and the Scorpion hit the concrete floor and started to roll on the ground.
Spider-man: Ow. My back.
The beneath me started to shake, the Rhino crawled through the hole he sent me and the Scorpion through.
I could hear the sounds of screaming and yelling all over me. I slowly got up and looked around me, I saw all the pedestrians run away in fear, some of them stood still holding onto their children.
The Scorpion got up and hissed at me, it turned around and took off in the streets,ignoring all the pedestrians that were running away.
I can hear the sounds of sobbing from all the screaming and yelling that was going on around me. I look to my left and saw two kids, separated from they're parents. They were holding onto each other crying their eyes out.
The Rhino saw them, it walked to the nearest car and picked it up. I gasp as I watched it aim the car at the kids.
Spider-man: No.
I watched as it threw the car at them, I could hear them scream in terror.
My perspective of time seemed to have slowed down, from the car slowly flying towards the kids, to me extending out my arms. I aimed at the roof of the car and shot two web at it.
My webs hit the roof and I pulled myself to it. My hands stuck to the roof, while it was in the air, me and the car were upside down due to the momentum. My feet touch the ground and I suddenly felt a lot of weight on my arms from catching the car.
I skid forward towards the kids from holding the car, when it fully stopped, I noticed I was facing the kids just inches away from them. I let out a sigh of relief.
The kids had their eyes closed, they begun to open their eyes, when they figured out nothing him them. They looked up and saw me holding the car. They smiled upon seeing me.
Girl: It's Spider-man!
Boy: He saved us!
They both grabbed each other and jumped up and down in excitement. I quickly got their attention.
Spider-man: Hey, I need you two to listen to me.
They stopped when they're doing and looked at me, I noticed they're eyes were red and puffy from crying.
Spider-man: When I count to three, I need you two to run as fast as you can. Can you do that for me?
They looked at each, then back to me and nodded they're heads.
Spider-man: Okay, 1, 2--
Just then I heard the sound of metal being crushed, the car in my hands was thrown to the side. I turned around and saw the Rhino towering over me.
Spider-man: 3!
I quickly performed a right hook on the Rhino's face, the force of my punch moved his head to the side. Pain shot throughout my hand, I grabbed it in pain.
The kids behind me quickly ran away, the Rhino looked at me and growled.
Spider-man: I'm sorry.
He back hits me with his left arm, making me fly to left and land on top of a car. I groan from impact of the car. I slowly moved my head up and saw the Rhino running at me. He raises both of his arms in the air, I quickly did a back handspring and avoided his arms as they come crashing onto the hood of the car.
It looked at me, I placed both hands on the roof of the car and spun around while extending out my right leg, I kicked the Rhino right in the face. The force of my kick stunned him, I quickly jumped onto his back and shot two Webs, they attached on his shoulders.
The Rhino took off running with me on its back. I held onto my webs for dear life.
Spider-man: It's just like bucking bronco, Rhino version.
It continues to run down the street, I saw multiple cars on the right lane of the street, it see all the cars and increased its speed, aiming for the cars.
Spider-man: Car! Car! CAR!
I jerked my webs to the left and just barely avoided all the cars. It still continued down the street, in front of us was a building. There was two turns, one to the left and one to the right.
Before I could decide on which turn to go for, the Rhino quickened his pace, aim to the building in front of us.
Spider-man: Bad, bad. VERY BAD!!!
The Rhino charged right into the building, it continued to charge through the walls while I hanged on. Multiple things hit my face while the Rhino continued to charge through the building.
Soon we exited out the building, leaving a large hole in it. I looked forward and noticed that my left lens was cracked.
Having enough of me on its back, the Rhino reached his arm behind him and grabbed my head with his hand. He threw me off of him and slammed down on the concrete ground. Pain shot out throughout my back.
The Rhino grabbed one of my legs and threw me over to a park nearby. I hit the ground hard and started to roll on the ground. I laid down on the grass groaning from the pain. Just then I heard the sound of vibration near me, curious, I got up and walked towards the source of the sound.
Upon arriving to the source of the sound, I found out it was my phone that I dropped here.
I picked it up and was gonna look at it, until I remembered there was a rampaging Rhino on the streets.
Spider-man: I can be a normal teenager later, right now, I gotta stop a rampaging Rhino. What a completely normal life you have Y/n L/n.
I heard police sirens in the distance, I quickly shot a web to the nearest tree. I jumped on top of a branch and surveyed my surrounding area. I see five cop cars chasing after the Rhino.
Spider-man: Not how I expect my day to end up like.
I shot another web and returned back to the streets. I followed the police from above, swinging from web to web.
The Rhino grabbed a mailbox and threw towards one of the police cars, I quickly shot a web and caught before it could hit the car.
Spider-man: Right back at you!
While in mid-air, I used my other hand and shot a web to the mailbox. I threw the mailbox right back to it's sender.
The mailbox hits the Rhino, but clearly didn't faze it, as its continues to run forward. I continued to follow from above by web swinging.
Spider-man: Its hide is too thick, my punches barely hurt him. Think Spidy, think.
Then a stupid idea popped in my head.
Spider-man: I'm so gonna break a bone from this. But first I gotta get in front of him.
I shot two webs on the tallest building near me, I flew towards the edge of the building and did a point launch off it.
While in the air, I see a watertower, in the lower part of it I see an opening I can go through. I shot two webs on the sides of it and went through the middle of it.
After exiting the hole, I quickly shot a web to a chimney and pointed launched off of that.
Looking back at the street I see the Rhino still running, I decided to pick up my pace.
I swing beside the Rhino as it was running. I shot two webs on two buildings and pulled myself forward, I got ahead of the Rhino. I kept doing the same thing to get further and further ahead.
I stopped swinging and landed right on the ground. I faced forward and stared at the Rhino, as it continued to run towards my direction.
Spider-man: This is the stupidest idea ever.
I shot one web to a building on my right and one to my left. I pulled myself back as I prepared to slingshot myself to the Rhino.
Rhino got closer and closer to me.
Spider-man: Not yet.
I wait for a little longer, just when the Rhino was a couple yards away from me, I launch myself forward with my feet extended out.
I kicked the Rhino hard in the face with my feet, I could feel something crack in my leg.
We both fall down to the ground. I rolled on the ground until I came to a stop.
I slowly got up and looked at my legs, for the most part, they're not broken.
I slowly got up and felt pain shot up through my left leg. Painful yes, but not enough to keep me down.
I grit my teeth from the pain, the Rhino who was on the ground, slowly started to get up.
Spider-man: I managed to stop him... at the cost of my leg being injured.
I looked around the area trying to find something that'll hurt him.
That's when I spotted it, a wrecking ball. Only problem is... I don't know how to drive it.
The police cars had stopped and surrounded us both. A woman stepped out of her car and looked at us.
She noticed my stare at the wrecking ball.
The Rhino looked at me, I could tell it was angry.
All the cops got out of they're cars and took cover behind them, they all took out their guns aiming at the Rhino. The woman that I saw earlier, started to walk over to the crane that was holding the wrecking ball.
Knowing I had to buy her some time to get the crane working, I did the only thing I could think of. I jumped onto the Rhino's back, I shot numerous webs in its face to buy some time.
The police started to shoot while I was on its back. One of the bullets hit me in the right shoulder, I let out a pained scream. The Rhino grabbed me off its back and threw me to one of the officers car.
I hit the top of half of the car and took off the roof of the car. I rolled on the ground until I came to a stop. I was laying on the ground.
While on the floor Icould hear gunfire, roaring, shouting. And the sound of my phone vibrating.
I moved my head upward to see what was going on, all the police continued to open fire on the Rhino. The bullets had no effect on it.
I could feel my conscious slipping away. I'm so tired, I never been this tired before.
I slowly started to close my eyes, I'm sure they won't mind if I take a little nap.
At that moment I felt two pair of hands grab hold of mine, I slowly started to open my eyes and saw the two kids I saved. They both tried to pull me up on my feet.
Boy: C'mon Spider-man! You can't give up!
Girl: Please! You have to get up!
With sheer force of will, I slowly started to get on my feet with the help of the kids. I stood up and felt pain throughout my body.
Spider-man: (Weakly) Get out of here. It's not safe.
They nod and were about to turn around, but they quickly gave me hug. I felt pain shot out through my body, despite that, I returned the hug. With that, the kids turned around and ran.
I looked back at the Rhino, who was throwing the police cars aside. It towers over the cops.
I shot a web at its face, blinding the Rhino.
Seeing the opportunity, I quickly ran over and flipped over one of the cop cars that was tossed aside. Getting closer to the Rhino, I tackled one of his legs making him fall to the ground on his face.
While he was on the ground, I jumped as high as I can in the air, I shot two webs from my web shooters onto the ground right next to Rhino. I pulled myself down to ground and towards Rhino who was about to get up from the ground. I landed right on his back making his face hit the ground.
I backflipped off its back and landed on the ground.
Spider-man: This hurts me more than it hurts you, trust me.
I put a hand on my left leg, the pain I'm experiencing was the worst one I ever felt before.
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