《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》An Unexpected Encounter
Y/n: What in tarnation is going on here.
I lean in to get a closer look at Miku.
Y/n: Why is she in here? And why is she in the same bed with me?
I continued to look her, my eyes drawn towards her face. I take in every detail of her face. I quickly shake my head.
Y/n: Bad Y/n. Bad.
I slowly started to crawl out of the bed carefully, making sure I don't wake her. I made my way to the door. I turned the door handle and opened the door. To my surprise, I see another Miku in my path.
Y/n: Wait. Miku?
I looked at the Miku imposter up and down and noticed she's wearing different pajamas. The same one's as Itsuki.
Y/n: Oh, your Itsuki.
She looks down to the floor.
Itsuki: You can tell, huh? Uh, look, about the midterms.
Just then I heard a noise from behind me and knew it was Miku who was moving around in her sleep. I quickly closed the door behind me.
Y/n: Yeah. Let's talk about the midterms.
I hurriedly pushed her towards her room.
Y/n: Let's talk in your room.
Itsuki: Hey! Stop pushing!
I opened the door to her room and gently pushed her in. I walk in and closed the door behind me. I looked around and noticed some flash cards on her desk.
Y/n: So you really were studying in here. I'm so proud of you.
Itsuki looked at me and sighed. She looks at me shyly.
Itsuki: So... I need... your help. With studying.
Y/n: -_-... seriously? I was outside your room last night! Why didn't you just ask me then?!
Itsuki: Are you gonna help me or not?
Y/n: Yes. Itsuki. I'll help you. What do you need help with?
Itsuki: English, Math, Social studies and Japanese.
Y/n: That's four subjects!!!
I just sighed and rubbed the bridges of my nose.
Y/n: I'll help you. But I have two conditions.
Itsuki: What is it?
Y/n: I want you to go to YouTube and look up Lofi Hip Hop to help us study. And I need two cups of coffee.
It has been two hours since we started and everything been going smoothly. I'm currently help Itsuki with math.
Y/n: Looks like you got a multiple choice question. Combine the terms: 12a + 26b - 4b - 16a. (A): 4a + 22b, (B): -28a + 30b, (C): -4a + 22b, (D): 28a + 30b.
Itsuki sat there for a few seconds. She looked at me with puppy eyes. I sighed and wrote the solution down.
12a + 26b -4b - 16a. = 12a - 16a + 26b - 4b. = -4b + 22b.
Y/n: So the answer will be (C).
Itsuki: I knew that.
I looked at her with a straight face.
Y/n: No you didn't.
Itsuki: No I didn't.
Y/n: Whatever. Let's try science. Okay what is Newton's law of motion?
Itsuki looks at me with blank eyes and doesn't say anything.
Y/n: Please. Don't make me say it.
She still doesn't say anything and I sighed.
Y/n: Newton's law of motion are three basic laws of classical mechanics that describes the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it. Law 1: A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force. Law 2: When a body is acted by a force, the time rate of change of its momentum equals the force. Law 3: If two bodies exert force on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.
I looked at Itsuki and noticed she wrote what I said on her notebook. I smiled.
Y/n: We've been working for a while now. We should take a break.
Itsuki nodded and stood up.
Itsuki: Hungry? I can get us some food.
Y/n: Really? In that case, yeah.
Itsuki: Alright. I'll be back. Don't go snooping around my room.
With that she leaves me alone in her room.
I decided to have a harmless look around, I looked at her queen size bed.
Y/n: Wish we had one, beats sleeping on the floor.
I saw a mirror right next to it and walked over and say my reflection. My thoughts dawn on the dream I had.
Y/n: White hair huh? Was that really a dream or maybe it was...
My eyes widened. I quickly pulled out my phone and went to Google to look up multiverse.
Y/n: Maybe that wasn't a dream. Maybe it was a another version of me. Dreams are windows into the lives of our multiversal selves. What you are talking about Y/n? Your just thinking too much into this.
Itsuki then walked back in the room making me jump.
Y/n: Hey Itsuki, what's up?
Itsuki: You don't go snooping around my room did you?
Y/n: Of course not. Hey Itsuki can I--
My phone started to vibrate, I pulled it out and looked at it. A B&E is happening a few blocks from we're at.
Y/n: Actually scratch that, something just came up.
Itsuki: Huh? O-Okay.
Y/n: I'll catch you later Eatsuki.
Itsuki: Hey! Who said you could call me... wait a minute. Did you just call me Eatsuki.
That's when I realized, I slipped up.
Y/n: Did I say Eatsuki? What I said was Itsuki! You probably should get your ears checked. Anyway, I gotta go!
I quickly opened her door and left the room.
Y/n: She's not all that bright... so hopefully she won't figure it out.
I'm currently swinging over where the B&E was happening. I land on top of a building and perched on the edge of the roof. I looked down and saw seven men down there.
Spider-man: As usual, there's a lot of them and one of me. Oh, well.
I jumped from the building I was perched from and landed on the ground behind them. They all turned around to see me.
Spider-man: Do you guys wanna--
Not letting me finish my sentence, they all started to run towards me. I quickly readied myself for an attack. Much to my surprise, instead of attacking me, they all started to cling onto me.
Spider-man: Is this a new tactic to get rid of me? Cause it's working.
Thug: I never been so glad to see you in my entire life.
I could hear the fear in his voice.
Thug: A big rat just attacked us, no one was actually hurt. But it fled into the sewers.
He pointed over to one of the sewr grate that was thrown into one of the walls.
Thug: Then there were these robots that followed it into the sewers.
I didn't know what to say, a big rat and robots are currently in the sewers.
Spider-man: I'll deal with it. But first, I'm gonna have to web you all to the wall before I go.
Once again I was surprised when all the thugs ran to the nearest wall and put their hands on it.
Thug2: Just do it man! I rather go to jail than be out here with those things.
I quickly shot a web to all of their hands and ran towards the opened sewer entrance. I could smell all the waste from inside. I quickly covered my nose.
Spider-man: I hate today.
I sighed deeply and prepared myself and jumped in.
I jumped in the sewers, water reached all the way to my waist.
Spider-man: Oh man, it smells even worse down here.
I looked around my surrounding area trying to see if there's a big rat or robots. Then a thought occurred to me.
Spider-man: What if they were lying? This could've been their little revenge plan for putting they're buddies in jail. But that wouldn't explain how the sewer grate was--
A loud screech interrupted me. It came deeper in the tunnel I was in.
Spider-man: Orrrrr maybe not.
I started walking forward and towards the source of the sound. I could feel multiple things touch my legs.
Spider-man: I sometimes hate being Spider-man.
Just then something emerged from the water right in front of me. Whatever it was, it grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down under. It soon started to drag me along the current of the water. I kicked whatever was holding me by my foot in the face multiple times, it soon let me go.
Soon enough the current led to a drop off and I fell down. Lucky there was gate like floor at the bottom and I fell right on it. Whatever grabbed me came out of the tunnel It fell down and landed right on top of me, revealing it's appearance.
It hissed at as I tries to slash at me with its claws. I quickly grabbed it's arms preventing him from able to him me.
Spider-man: You're not who I'm looking for, you wouldn't happen to see some robots and a big rat around here have you?
The only response I got was a roar, I planted both my feet on it's chest and kicked it off me. I quickly stood up and faced it.
Spider-man: I'll take that as a no.
It lunged forward and tries to swipe me while it was in mid-air. I quickly ducked underneath it dodging the attack.
Spider-man: If I'm interrupting your alone time, I'm sorry okay. I don't even wanna be here. You feel me?
I shot a web on it's chest pulled myself towards it, within reach I kicked its face and followed it up with a couple punches on its body. It raises its arms in the air, I jumped backwards as its arms come down.
Spider-man: What should I call you? Piranha-man, man-Piranha?
I shot two webs on both it's feet and pulled it off it's feet. I begun to spin around making it spin as well.
Spider-man: " You spin my head right round, right round when you go down."
I threw it into a wall and it smacks the wall face first. It slowly slide down to the ground.
Spider-man: That's gotta hurt.
It quickly got up and jumped towards me. It landed right on top of me and tries to claw at me.
Spider-man: Get off! You sewer monster.
I put my feet on its chest and kicked it in the air, while it was flying upwards, I performed a kip up and flipped into a standing position. Using both hands I quickly shot two webs on it's chest and pulled it down to the ground. It hits the ground with a loud thud.
Just when I thought I won it quickly stands up and jumps onto me.
Spider-man: How many times are gonna keep doing this?!
Another roar makes us both stop our little wrestle as we both looked at the tunnel we both fell from, and the big rat I've been looking for was staring us down from above.
Spider-man: Master Splinter?
The rat jumps down and right on top of us joining our little wrestle. All three of us were on the ground hitting each other again and again.
Just a big bang can be heard as three large robotic-like insects come crashing down.
Spider-man: What is going on right now?!
Two of the robots each grabbed the human-animal hybrids and started to fly off with them. The remaining one grabbed me with a metal claw around my neck and lifted me up in the air.
???: Y/n L/n.
My eyes widened in surprise after hearing my name.
Spider-man: Who are you?! How do you know my name.
???: I'll be the one asking the questions here, spider. How did you get your powers back? I injected my nanobots in your body.
Spider-man: My powers? What are you talking about?
???: Your bio-electricity is gonna be a problem... as always.
Spider-man: Bio-electricity? What are you talking about?
???: What nonsense are you spewing? Forget it. Once my Spider Slayers deal with you, I'll order them to deal with your girlfriend and your two other spider buddies. Then I'll use them to hunt the other cross-species and save the city! You and Connors can't stop me!
Spider-man: My girlfriend? Other two? Cross-species? Connors? I don't think my poor little brain can handle any more confusions. Last time I checked I'm the only spider here... and sadly, I don't have a girlfriend.
???: Stop lying to me! Your pathetic attempt of a lie can't protect them.
Spider-man: Okay... I'll humor you... what's my girlfriend's name?
He scoffs but plays along anyway.
???: Her name is A--
At that moment a bright light appeared around the robot, I quickly shielded my eyes from it. Soon I felt the claw around my neck let go and I fell to the ground landing on my knees. The light died down as the robot completely disappeared.
Spider-man: What in tarnation is happening? Robots, Cross-species and a girlfriend that I apparently have is just to weird.
I stood up and looked up at the hole in the ceiling.
Spider-man: If the robot disappeared... then that means the other two that were carrying the cross-species did to. I have to hurry before they destroy the whole block.
I raised my hands to the side of the open hole and shot two webs and pulled myself upward to the opening. Soon enough I'm back at street level. I quickly shot another web onto a building and pulled myself towards it. I stuck to the side and looked around trying to find any signs of destruction.
To my surprise... I don't see any. No cars on fire, no nothing.
Spider-man: Did they disappeared as well? It could be possible.
My phone started to ring, I took it out and saw the caller ID was Fuutarou. I answered it.
Spider-man: Hello--?
Fuutarou:(Call) Y/N!!! Did you see the news?!
Spider-man: No. What news?
Fuutarou:(Call) There were reports of three robots flying around carrying these creatures. And they disappeared in a bright light!
Spider-man: So, they did disappeared with them. That's a relief. Let me guess, the creatures the robots were carrying were a human-animal hybrid Rat and Piranha.
Fuutarou:(Call) No! They were carrying a Rhino, an Iguana and a Scorpion!
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, a Rhino, Iguana and a Scorpion.
Spider-man: You can't be serious? Three more of these cross-species.
Fuutarou:(Call) I don't what's happening but something big is happening.
I thought back to what the guy from the robot said about my powers being back. First my weird dream and now this.
Spider-man: I have no idea what's happening either, but there's nothing we can do about it now. They're gone and that's that.
Fuutarou:(Call) You sound tired, you okay?
Spider-man: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot to think about.
Fuutarou:(Call) I think you should get some rest.
Spider-man: I need a bath first, hanging around the sewers probably made my suit smell.
Fuutarou:(Call) Sewers? What were you doing in the sewers?
Spider-man: I'll tell you later. I really need a shower and a warm soft bed right now.
Fuutarou: Alright see you Y/n.
Spider-man: Yeah, see you.
I hung up the call and let out a sigh. Not exactly how I pictured my day to be. I wonder if Miku is still at the house, maybe I can ask her if i can use their bathroom.
Spider-man: To the quints!!
I jumped off the side of the building and started to swing towards the quints place.
A few minutes later I arrived near the quints place. I grabbed my backpack that I webbed to a wall and started to change in a alleyway. After changing into my normal clothes I decided to sniff my suit and cringed upon smelling it.
Y/n: Yup you definitely need to be washed.
I but the straps of the backpack on my shoulders and started to make my way over to the quints place. I went to the keypad and typed the quints room number. Expecting Miku to answer, instead it was Itsuki who answered it.
Itsuki:(Intercom) Hello?
Y/n: Itsuki? Ah whatever. Could you let me in real quick?
Itsuki:(Intercom) S-Sure there was something I wanted to discuss with you anyway. Come in.
The doors opened allowing me to enter the apartment. I walked in and started to make my way over to the elevator. I pressed the floor I want to go to and the elevator doors closed. I felt the elevator go up taking me to my destination.
After a while the elevator stopped, the doors opened letting me out of the elevator. I walked over to the quints apartment and ringed the door bell. After a few seconds Itsuki comes to the door and opens it.
Itsuki: Y/n you're good, I got something to ask you.
I walked inside and looked around and saw no one else inside.
Y/n: Is it just you here?
Itsuki: Yeah, Fuutarou, Yotsuba, Ichika all went to the library to study. Nino I don't where she's at.
Y/n: Okay.
I shrugged and threw my bag to the side.
Y/n: So, what's up?
Itsuki: I have a confession to say. I know you're--
Just then Itsuki stomach started to growl. Itsuki face went red by embarrassment. I chuckled.
Y/n: Someone's hungry. If you want I can make you an omelette if you like?
Itsuki looked at me surprised.
Itsuki: You can cook?
I rubbed the back of my head.
Y/n: Yeah, it might not be good as Nino's but it'll taste good.
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The Digidream Chronicles
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When Alex, a teenager who lived a normal life, wakes up one morning, he finds that the world is now being streamed to the rest of the galaxy. The world now resembles a video game. While he has the usual stats, he also is the only human with a fourth stat. To free humanity, he must level up, defeat dungeons, and create a nation. Aiming for a chapter every other day.
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Creature Feature: InGen Hybrids
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Dear Crush
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