《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》What's Been Built Up
(5 Years Ago Kyoto)
I was running around trying to find Fuutarou who ran off somewhere.
Y/n: You can't be serious where'd that idiot go?
I ran through crowd and crowd but had no luck in finding him.
Y/n: Where did you run off to Fuutarou?
I continued to look around for him, a couple minutes i still have no luck in finding him.
Y/n: This is a school trip we're all supposed to stick together. But no he had to go and do his own thing.
Walking around I noticed a girl with long reddish pink hair. She looks around worried.
Y/n:(Thoughts) She looks lost.
I walked over to her.
Y/n: Ummm excuse me.
She turns around.
Y/n: Are you lost?
She nods her head.
???: I was looking for my sister and got lost myself.
Y/n: Your sister?
She nods.
Y/n: I'm looking for my brother. Since we're both looking for someone we should help each other out.
She looks at me in thought. Then smiles.
???: Okay!
Y/n: My name is Y/n by the way.
???: It's nice to meet you Y/n.
Silence filled the air. I decided to speak.
Y/n: So what does your sister look like.
???: We're identical sooo just find someone that looks like me.
Y/n: That narrows it down. I'm looking for a boy who has blonde hair and blue eyes. Here I got a photo.
Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I go to my gallery and showed her a photo.
Y/n: This is what he looks like.
???: That definitely narrows it down, but there's a ton of kids our age who have the same hair color as him.
Y/n: It's the only thing we can go off of.
I put my hand to my chin.
Y/n:(Thoughts) We'll be at this all night looking for Fuutarou I don't want to keep her out here until nighttime.
Y/n: How about this we look for your sister, when we find her we can go our separate ways.
???: That won't do! We look for my sister first when we find her all three of us will look for your brother.
I was shocked by her sudden outburst.
Y/n: Listen this is my problem so I gotta deal with it.
???: It's my problem now. We're in this together now!
She gives me a determined look.
Y/n: *Sigh* Okay okay you win. So any idea where to look for your sister?
???: I got a few, come let's go!
She grabs my hand and started leading me.
Y/n: You don't have to lead me!
She giggles.
???: Come on! Slow poke!
It's been a couple hours and we haven't found her sister or Fuutarou anywhere. Looking up at the night sky I realize just how pretty the stars are. I chuckle which catches her attention.
???: What's so funny?
Y/n: I never realized just how pretty the night skies are.
She looks up at the sky as well.
???: Your right. The sky is so pretty.
Y/n: It's times like this that reminds you how beautiful nature is.
(No One's POV)
She looks back at Y/n, as she was going to speak, her words gets stuck in her throat as she stares at him. She been staring at your face for a long time, admiring every detail of his face, his hair black as the night sky and his emerald eyes. He notices her staring at him. He flashes a smile at her and it was at that very moment, she had found her first love. The black haired boy named Y/n was very imprinted in her heart.
Y/n: Anyway we should get back to it.
She snaps out her trance and instantly breaks into a blush.
???: Y-Yeah let's go!
She walks ahead of him.
Y/n: Hey wait!
She turns around and cocks her head to the side.
???: Y-Yes?
Y/n: I never got your name.
She smiles warmly at him
???: My name is--
(Present Time. Y/n Pov)
I felt a hand on my face waking me up, I grabbed and threw it off me. I sat up and yawned and looked around. I noticed Fuutarou was to my left and Raiha and my right.
I got up and stretched my arms. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
Fuutarou: You're up early.
I looked behind me and saw Fuutarou waking up.
Y/n: Not by choice.
Fuutarou gets up as well and I hand him another bottle of water.
Fuutarou: Thanks.
He drinks out of it. A few seconds he spits out the water and looks at me. I raise my eyebrow.
Fuutarou: Put a shirt on!
Y/n: Huh?
I look down and saw I wasn't wearing a shirt.
Y/n: Oh yeah, I took it off in the middle of the night.
Fuutarou: Why do you have it off!
Y/n: Cut me some slack! It gets hot sleeping with three other people!
Our commotion woke up both Raiha and Isanari.
Isanari: What are you two yelling about?
Raiha gets up and walks over to the fridge as well and gets a bottle of water. And just like Fuutaro she spits out her water.
Raiha: When did you get those?!
She points at me.
Y/n: Get what?
Raiha: Those!
She points at my stomach. I look but saw nothing.
Y/n: I don't see anything.
She groans. Raiha grabs my hand and drags me to a mirror. I look and saw that I have a visible six pack.
Y/n: Oh, I never noticed.
Isanari puts me into a headlock.
Isanari: Seems like someone was working out.
Y/n: Y-Yeah.
Isanari: When did you start?
Y/n: I don't know, a year ago.
Isanari: A year ago?
Y/n: Yeah, definitely a year ago.
I swiftly escaped from his grasp.
Y/n: Okay, that's enough. I think we all should get dressed.
Fuutarou: It's about time you put a shirt on.
Y/n: Your just jealous.
I went to grab my bag.
Y/n:(Thoughts) It's a nice day, no reason for me to swing around.
I was in my suit and swinging to catch up to a speeding car.
Spider-man: So much for walking.
I shot a web on the roof and pulled myself towards it.
Thug1: What was that.
I poked my head out on the driver side.
Spider-man: Hey, you guys realize your speeding right?
The thug on the passenger side cocks his shotgun and shoots the window I was at. I quickly pulled my head back.
I went to the passenger side and poked my head out.
Spider-man: Soooo. Was that yes or no?
He shots the window. I quickly got out of the way. I jumped on the hood of the car.
Spider-man: You like jazz?
They both fired their guns at me. I jumped and landed on the roof.
I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
Spider-man: I gotta wrap this up.
The Thug on the passenger poked his head out of the window and aimed his Shotgun at me.
Spider-man: Annnnnnd. Yoink.
I shot a web at the shotgun and pulled it out of his hands.
Thug2: What the?!
I shot two webs on his chest.
Spider-man: And, another yoink.
Using my strength, I threw him to one of the buildings and webbed him.
The other Thug stuck his arm out the window and started shooting at me. I grabbed his arm.
Spider-man: YEET!!!
I threw him out of the car and jumped behind the car and shoot two webs on the back. I landed on the ground, using my strength I started to slow the car until it came to a stop. I brushed my shoulders.
Spider-man: I should get out of here before the police show up.
I jumped up in the air and started to swing from building to building. I pulled out my phone checking the time.
Spider-man: 10 Minutes. No problem.
Y/n: It's a problem!
I raced down the hallway in school trying to get to my class. I opened the door to my class and walked in, in that exact moment the bell started ringing.
Teach: Mr. L/n. You were cutting it pretty close.
Y/n: Sorry. I promise it won't happen again.
Teacher: Don't make promises you can't keep.
I sat down in my assigned seat.
Teacher: The Midterm exams begin next week. And by the way, in case you didn't know, scores below thirty count as failing, like always. So check your work, and check it twice.
Nino turns to one of her friends.
Nino: I'm not too worried.
Fuutarou: Guess it's that time.
During our break Fuutarou walked over to Itsuki's desk while she was working. While I was discreetly drawing sketches for a new suit.
Fuutarou: Itsuki.
She looked ar him annoyed.
Itsuki: What do you want?
Fuutarou: Wow! I can't believe I caught you studying while we we're on a break. Good!
He puts both of his hands on her desk.
Itsuki: What?
Fuutarou: And I hear you study after school, too. You're the most diligent one. It was easy to pick up on that since we're both in the same class.
Itsuki: Do you really think so?
Fuutarou: Yup! But you're still dumb as a rock! You should stop being so stubborn. If you get off your high horse and join the study group, I'm sure even you could make your grades better.
She looked at him annoyed and smiled.
Itsuki: Uh-huh! I think so too!
She stands up.
Itsuki: There's only so much I can accomplish by myself, you know? Could you please help me with this question?
Fuutarou: Be glad to.
Fuutarou noticed Itsuki walked right past him and over to me.
Y/n: Uh, Okay. Show me the question you need help with.
Itsuki: Okay, it's this one.
She pointed at the question she needed help with. While I was looking away Itsuki turned around and stuck her tongue out to Fuutarou.
Fuutarou: I'm not giving up yet.
I followed Futarou after school. He stood atop the stairs and found Nino.
Fuutarou: Nino. What's up ready for the midterms?
She walked right past us, ignoring Futarou.
Nino: Let's go, girls.
Her friends looked at us as they walked past us.
Girl1: Nino, he's talking to you.
Nino: Don't mind him, he's a stalker.
Girl2: Gross!
Y/n: Fuutarou. This is a lost cause, she's not gonna join us.
He ignored me.
Fuutarou: Hey! This is far from over! You were into it at the festival, so what changed? Come on, just think about it! We can do it anywhere, your place or mine! One more time! Give me one more chance! I know what I'm doing, okay? I can teach you so many things! I swear, you'll be satisfied!
She walked back down to us.
Fuutarou: Well? Are you convinced? Huh?
I shake my head.
Y/n: This ain't gonna end well.
Nino looked completely pissed off.
Nino: Argh! Just stop talking. Learn how to choose your words, you creep!
She slaps Fuutarou so hard he screamed.
After that slap, me and Fuutarou went to the library to meet up with Ichika, Miku and Yotsuba. They all looked at the handprint on his face.
Me and Ichika laughed.
Ichika: That looks like it hurt.
Y/n: You should've heard it. You could hear the slap from miles.
Miku: You okay?
Fuutarou: Yeah. Forget that--
Yotsuba: Uesugi! Pop quiz! Do you notice anything that's different about my appearance today?
He ignores her.
Fuutarou: I assume all of you are aware that midterms are coming up soon.
Yotsuba: Rude!
Fuutarou: Listen.
Yotsuba: I'll give you a clue, it's above the neck!
Fuutarou: Unless you improve your performance, there's no way you'll survive.
Yotsuba: Ta-da! The answer is, my ribbon has a different pattern than usual!
Fuutarou grabbed her by her ribbon.
Yotsuba: Apparently checks are totally in style right now!
Fuutarou: Well, since you've got checks for all the erroneous answers you wrote, you're high-fashion.
Yotsuba: Woohoo, I'm such a trendsetter!
Ichika laughs.
Fuutarou: Ichika. You've got nothing to laugh about. I mean, at least Yotsuba's willing to improve herself. There's only one week before midterms, and you slackers are gonna be ready if it kills ya!
Ichika: What?
Fuutarou: In every subject! You hear that?
Y/n: He's right.
I turn to Miku.
Y/n: Alright, Miku, we should study--
What I saw surprised me. Miku was writing on a notebook, studying her weakest subject. English.
Y/n: What? Miku your studying your weakest subject, and we didn't even have to tell you. Are you feeling okay?
Miku: I'm fine. I just felt like trying for once, that's all.
Fuutarou: Wow.
Yotsuba: All right, now I'm good and motivated!
Ichika: Yeah!
Y/n: Quiet. We're in a library.
Ichika and Yotsuba: Sorry.
After our study session in the library. All of us walked out of the school and started to make our way back home.
Yotsuba: I'm so beat!
Miku: Yeah, I can't wait to go home and crash.
Fuutarou stopped walking. Just from looking at the way he's standing, I could tell he was thinking about the midterms.
Ichika suddenly, blew into his ear. He jumps away from her.
Fuutarou: What are you doing?
Ichika: You don't expect us to work more, do you? It's not like we're gonna get expelled if we fail a midterm. We'll all give it our best shot, okay? Just be patient with us. But I mean, if you wanted us to try harder, you could give us an incentive.
Yotsuba and Miku walked over to us.
Yotsuba: Ooh! I know what! That fruit parfait by the station!
Miku: I want matcha parfait.
Y/n: They have matcha parfait?
Ichika: You're right, that does sound pretty good!
The three of them walked ahead of us.
Miku: I'll text the others and have them meet us there.
Y/n: What? What happened to " I can't wait to go home and crash."
Fuutarou: Maybe we should let them do their own thing.
Yotsuba: Uesugi! L/n! Hurry your butt up or we'll eat all the parfait without you two!
Y/n: Might as well. Coming Fuutarou?
I turn to see him walking away.
Y/n: I guess not. His loss.
I shrug and walked towards them. My phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID.
Y/n: Unknown?
I answered.
Y/n: Um, hello?
???: Is this Y/n L/n?
Y/n: Yes.
Betty: My name is Betty Brant. I'm calling you to tell you that my Jameson wants you to come ASAP to claim paycheck of photos of Spider-man.
Y/n: Wait. Really?!
Betty: Yup, see you in a few minutes.
She hangs up the call.
Y/n: YES!!!
Miku: What are you so happy about?
I noticed Miku was standing next to me tilting her head.
Y/n: The best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm getting paid for my pictures of me... I mean Spider-man.
Miku: Hmm. Okay.
She looks shy.
Miku: Could i... see them?
Y/n: See them?
Miku: The pictures.
Y/n: Oh, of course.
I pulled out my camera from my bag and showed her the pictures.
Miku: These are very good.
Y/n: Thanks.
Miku: Other people tried to get pictures of him, but they always blurry. Expect yours.
She looks at me suspicious.
Y/n: It's all about the lighting and the angles.
I slowly started to back away from her.
Y/n: Sooooo, I'm gonna go. Enjoy your Matcha parfait.
I turned around and started to walk away. Making sure no one was following me, I walked into an alleyway and started to change into my suit.
Spider-man: Paycheck. Here I come.
I put on my mask and started to swing to the Daily Buggle.
After a couple of minutes of swinging, I made it to the Daily Buggle. I walked in and heard yelling.
Jameson: Did a caveman proofread this piece?! Where's my sports editor?! I want him in my office in 14 seconds! And where's my coffee?!
Y/n: Um, sir, I'm--
Jameson: I don't care! Get out!
He drags me to the elevator and pushes me in it.
Y/n: B-But--
Jameson: Brilliant come back kid.
The elevator doors closes taking my back down. After the doors open, I walk out of the Daily Buggle, feeling dejected.
Y/n: That wasn't too humiliating. Barely even said anything and I got kicked out. Wait a minute. My paycheck!
I turned around to run back inside but see a woman staring at me. She points up.
I made way back to upstairs and into Jameson office.
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