《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》My City
???: Wake up kid.
I felt something poking the left side of my face, I swatted away whatever was poking me. I could hear a sigh.
???: I said wake up!
Just then I felt myself being lifted up in the air, my eyes shot open. I looked around and noticed I was upside down.
???: It's about time you got up, Spider-man. We have a lot to discuss.
In front of me was an older man wearing a mage uniform of some sort with a Cape.
Spider-man: I have so many questions right now. First off: why am I upside down? Second: Who are you? Third--
???: I'll answer those questions later, first I need you to come with me.
Spider-man: Kind of a hard to do that, when I'm upside down in the air. Speaking of which, how am I upside down? Is there a wire attached to my feet or something?
???: Magic.
Spider-man: Magic? You mean like, birthday parties?
???: Just come with me.
He waved his hand in the air and I fell straight to the ground with a thud.
Spider-man: Ow.
I got up slowly, my muscles still aching from the battle with the Rhino and Scorpion. A sparkling sound can be heard, I looked forward and saw an outline of a circle made out sparks of some sort.
Spider-man: Oh my god, magic is real.
The man walked into it, I hesitate on following him. Eventually I decided to go in.
After walking through the circle, I appeared in front of a building of some sort.
Spider-man: Where are we?
???: New York.
My eyes widened in surprise.
Spider-man: New York?! I'm in New York?!
???: Come Spider-man, I need to go over a few things with you.
He walked towards the building's front doors. Upon getting closer, the doors opened themselves letting him inside. I followed him inside the building.
In a blink of an eye, I was in a Library. I looked around in confusion and saw the older man sorting through some books. He grabbed the one he was looking for.
Next thing I know I was sitting down on a chair. I looked at my right hand and saw a glass pitcher.
Spider-man: What the--
???: Tea?
The older man was sitting down in front of me, he gestured to the pitcher in my hand. The pitcher in my hand was filled with tea instantly.
Spider-man: I'm more of a root beer guy.
At that moment the tea in the pitcher instantly turned into root beer. Gotta love magic.
???: Anyway, let's get started.
Spider-man: With what?
I pulled up my mask uncovering my mouth and started to drink out of the pitcher. The older man clears his throat.
???: To business, I need your help Spider-man.
Spider-man: With what? I already have my hands full dealing with giant animals that can level city blocks by themselves. And they're not tame for your information.
???: That's precisely why your here. I need to discuss some things with you. First off, do you know how many they are?
I put my hand to my chin in thought.
Spider-man: Ummmm, I think six.
???: Correct, you see I detected multiple other worldly presences that appeared here yesterday and the day after that.
Spider-man: Do you know how they got here?
???: That I don't know, whatever the reason it doesn't matter. We have to send them back before they destroy the fabric of reality as we know it.
Spider-man: And how do we do that exactly?
???: You beat them and bring them here, I'll deal with the rest.
He stands up from his seat. The next thing I know we were in a basement of some kind. I spilled some root beer on my suit due to the sudden change of the area.
Spider-man: Can you stop doing that!
I looked at my suit and saw a root beer stain on my suit.
Spider-man: Where are we? Is this some sort of secret liar? *Gasps* Are you Batman?!
???: Just follow me.
He walks forward to another room, in the middle was a pedestal of some kind. I decided to follow him as well, around the room where some kind of holding cell.
Spider-man: What is this place?
???: The Undercroft, located underneath the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Looking at the cells I see that there was six of them in total, in two of them I can see one large figure and a small one.
I walked closer squinting my eyes trying to get a better look at whatever was inside the cell. A giant fist comes racing towards me, I instinctively jumped back to dodge it. Nothing happened, I looked back at the cell and saw the fist hit a magical wall of some sort.
Another fist hits the wall and then a horn slammed against it. At that moment I knew actually what was in there. I walked over to the one and was met with a stinger to my face. It stopped inches away from me due to the barrier.
I looked back at the older man.
Spider-man: You got both the Rhino and Scorpion in there? How did you manage to even get them?
???: I took them whenever the police were about to threw them in a cell. Better here than in a cell where they can escape. And I need you to get the other four here.
Spider-man: And how long do you think it'll take for us to get done?
He puts his hand to his chin.
???: Ten hours, maybe more.
Spider-man: Ten hours?! Sir I can't be out here this long, I got an exam at school, and I can't be late.
???: I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that. Anyway, we have to--
Spider-man: I'm sorry... but I can't.
???: You can't be serious?
Spider-man: I am, I know this is my responsibility, but I also have one to school. I can't just skip my exams to fight these cross-species.
???: Fabric of reality as we know it is in danger and you're worried about school?!
With a wave his right hand my web shooters come off my wrists and flew to him. I looked at my wrists and at him. The web shooters land in the palm of his hand, with a wave of his hand the magic circle appeared in front of his hand and went over his palm and over my web shooters.
They changed into some sort of arm bracelet.
Spider-man: Hey! What did you just do to my web shooters?!
???: This.
He aimed the bracelet at me, and a web made of magic came towards me. Next thing I know I was in one of the magical cells.
Spider-man: I hate magic!
I started to bang on the invisible barrier sending ripples throughout it. The older man started to walk over to the pedestal. He started to turn a wheel of some sort and the barrier to my cell collapsed letting me out.
He thrusts his fist forward and the bracelet came flying towards me and attached itself to my right arm.
I looked down at in amazement.
???: One shot sends them here. Get to work.
Spider-man: I would like to... but you just combined my web shooters into this.
I gestured to the arm bracelet.
???: Fine, come over here then.
He walks towards an empty table in the back room. I followed him. A waved his arm and the magic circle appeared around the table and multiple components, parts and a sewing machine appeared on top of the desk.
???: You can use these to make your *Web Shooters* and repair your suit. Come find me when your done and I'll send you back home so you can get to work.
With that he walks towards stairs. I turn my focus on the table with all the resources I need to make new web shooters and repair my suit. Maybe a new suit as well.
I started to work on making a new pair of web shooters. I started to craft the base form of the web shooter. Then came the nozzle as well as the spring steel for the pressure. After a few minutes I made my new pair of web shooters.
Spider-man: Mark two web shooters.
I looked down at the table staring at my new web shooters.
Next, I grabbed the stitch and needle. I looked around the room looking for something to put on. In the corner I spot a white robe. I sigh.
Spider-man: Oh well.
I walk over to the robe and grabbed it. I looked around making sure no intelligent being is near me. When I'm sure I start to take off my suit. My mask came off first, gloves, feet, then my torso and legs.
When I'm done, I was wearing only my underwear. I put the robe on.
I grabbed all the pieces of my suit and walked back to the table. Putting them on top I started to stitch up the cuts on my suit. First was the mask, then the chest area, legs, gloves and feet. After I was done, I assembled the suit together and saw my suit in its former glory.
I looked back at all the other materials on the desk. A smile was creeping up on my face.
Spider-man: I think I will.
I put my suit back on but kept my mask off. I started to craft a suit. First off was the material for the suit itself, something bullet resistant. Maybe steel, but with that much weight it'll slow me down. Maybe Carbon Fiber will be better.
Spider-man: Is there any Carbon Fiber materials here?
I started to sort around the materials here and sure enough there was.
Spider-man: Now all I have to do is make this into a suit of armor. Shouldn't be too hard. Right?
I started to get work on assembling the suit.
A few minutes have passed maybe an hour. The suit was almost done I had the mask complete, majority of the chest, the right arm was done, left one almost. left leg was complete and the right I haven't even started yet. I stifled a yawn, I only had a couple hours of sleep, better than nothing though.
My phone started to ring, I grabbed it and looked at the caller ID.
Spider-man: Unknown.
I answered it and brought it to my ear.
Spider-man: Hello?
???: Must be nice... to swing wildly around this beautiful city... feeling the wind at your back... Y/n L/n.
Spider-man: I'm guessing your my secret admirer. I know your face, all I need is a name.
Alistaire: Alistaire Smythe. Former scientist at Oscorp.
Spider-man: What a wonderful name now tell me, why call me? And how do you know my number?
Alistaire: You have the same number as my Spider-man.
Spider-man: Really? That's interesting.
I continued to work on the suit while listening to Alistaire.
Alistaire: You have a nice little sister, I sure hope nothing happens to her.
Spider-man: You stay away from her! If you touch her I'll tear you apart! You understand me?!
Alistaire: So... you don't mind if I go after those sisters you tutor? All of them are sleeping soundly at their house, as well as your brother.
Spider-man: You wouldn't dare.
I could hear him laughing.
Alistaire: There's so many ways I could hurt you and the ones close to you. How about this, I'll leave them alone if you can defeat the remaining cross-species before seven. Do that and I'll leave them be. Fail to do so... well who knows what will happen to them.
With that he hangs up the call. I brought my phone to my face and growled. I resisted the urge to crush my phone.
I left the suit undone and raced up the stairs quickly as I can. I reached a room up top and saw a large staircase.
Spider-man: Hey! I need to talk to you, now!
I get no answer as my voice echoed throughout the room.
Spider-man: Can you hear me?! I said--
???: Quit your yelling I hear you.
I looked behind me and saw the older man floating above the staircase, he slowly descended down to me.
???: I assume your ready?
Spider-man: More or less... hurry up I gotta get going.
???: Whatever you say kid.
He walks past me and raises both his hands forward, with his left hand he makes a circle in the air and a portal opens in front of us.
I hurriedly walked through and appeared on a rooftop. The portal behind me closes leaving me alone.
I grabbed the radio Yui gave me and brought to my mouth. I pressed a button on the sound.
Spider-Cop: Yui, what's your 10-13? Over.
After a few seconds a voice can be heard from the radio.
Yui:(Radio) Did you just ask for my weather-road report?
I brought the radio back to my mouth.
Spider-man: Is that not code for your location, over. By the way I won't answer you if you don't say over... over.
Yui:(Radio) No, 10-20 is code for my location.
I didn't respond to her. I could hear her sigh.
Yui:(Radio) Over.
I deepened my voice.
Spider-Cop: My mistake Chief. What's your 10-20? Over.
Yui:(Radio) I'm already tired of you and we just started to conversation. But aside that, we got nothing. No signs of the other creatures.
Spider-man: That's troubling, I mean... yeah we should be grateful they're not tearing the city apart. But I can't help but be worried about that.
Yui:(Radio) I hear you, "calm before the storm" as they say.
I walked over to the edge of the rooftop and perched down.
Spider-man: I got a question for you Yui. Have you seen anything flying in the air lately?
Yui:(Radio) Something flying in the air? No, can't say that I have. Why?
Spider-man: Those creatures aren't the only thing out there, there's someone else who wants to burn this city to the ground. I think. Regardless, he's dangerous. If you hear anything, tell me. Over.
Yui:(Radio) *Sigh* Okay I'll tell you if I hear anything about flying people... over.
With that our conversation came to an end. I guess all I have to do is wait. I looked off into the distance and saw the Quints complex apartment.
Spider-man: I should go check on them, just in case.
I front flipped off the roof and dived down to the ground, I shot a web from my right hand and started to swing towards the quints apartment.
Spider-man: I hope nothing happened to them.
I thought of multiple scenarios on what will happen when I arrive there. Would I find a destroyed apartment or would I simply find them all...
I quickly shook away that last thought.
Spider-man: Please be okay, Fuutarou, Itsuki, Yotsuba, Ichika, Miku and yes, you too Nino.
I continued to swing from web to web, even in night there were still cars on the street driving around.
After a short while I arrived at the complex apartment, I landed in front of the doors that lead inside the apartment. I examined the area and saw that everything was normal.
Spider-man: Seems like nothing happened here, that's good. But I probably should check on their floor, just in case.
I kneeled down to the ground and readied myself, using all my strength in my legs in jumped a couple feet in the air. I shot a web on the building and pulled myself towards it.
I stuck on the building and ran upwards, I shot webs on the building while running to increase my speed.
I continued to keep going until I see the balcony above me, I ran to the side of the building and switched to that side.
I continued the rest of the way crawling up, again I switched back to the other side of the building and was currently above the balcony. To my surprise I see Nino leaning forward on the railing. Her sights were set on the city.
I crawled downward to get a little closer as quietly as I can. When I was close to the ground i decided to make my presence known.
Spider-man: Beautiful view isn't?
Nino gasp and quickly turned around, she looked around confused until she looked up and saw me.
Nino: It's you.
Spider-man: Yup, it's me.
I leaped off from the wall and landed on the railing.
Spider-man: Shouldn't you be in bed?
Nino: Your one to talk, from the sound of your voice, your any older than me.
Spider-man: Touche. But I actually have a reason for up late at night. What's yours?
Nino walked back to the railing.
Nino: I just woke up, figured I come out and look out in the city before I go back to bed.
Spider-man: I see... well I'm glad you're here. Cause I wanted to thank you.
I hopped off the railing and looked at Nino.
Spider-man: If it wasn't for you... I probably wouldn't be standing here. I owe you one, Nino.
Nino walked towards me raising an eyebrow.
Nino: Speaking of which, how do you know my name?
Spider-man: Oh--! Uhhhhh, from Y/n! Yeah, he told me about you guys.
Nino: And how do you know Y/n?
Spider-man: He takes my pictures... so it makes sense that I know him.
Nino: And what has he told you about us?
Spider-man: Nothing really important, just that he helps someone tutor you five. Actually, he told me about you.
Nino: Really?! What'd he say?
Spider-man: Well--
I looked towards the city and leaned on the railing.
Spider-man: He said, "Nino has a sharp tongue and is not afraid to say whatever is on her mind, she can be cold and rude to people she doesn't like". In other words, he called you a Tsundere.
I looked back at Nino who gritted her teeth in annoyance.
Nino: Why that little--!
I held up my hand stopping her mid-sentence.
- In Serial14 Chapters
Choice of Fate: Online
Jacob Irwin loves his teaching career. The experience and joy of helping others understand mathematics keeps Jacob going through the long hours of his job. Give Jacob a problem or a student in need and he will throw himself into finding a solution. This focused dedication to his career and students has helped Jacob excel as a teacher for the past ten years. Unfortunately for Jacob, these tendencies to throw himself into his work has left him single and alone. Now Jacob finds himself experiencing a quarter-life crisis at the age of 34. He yearns to live more now than ever. At least that's what he tells himself when he reflects on the time spent towards his career. During one of these moments of reflection, Jacob found himself reminiscing about the games of his childhood. Caught in the pull of nostalgia from games of old and the desire for change, Jacob throws himself into the world of gaming again. Now we see Jacob spend his money on a new high end computer with the latest in immersive virtual reality hardware. His goal is simple: find the joy of his childhood through gaming once again. His game of choice? Choice of Fate: Online, a virtual reality massive multiplayer online game. The game of 2027 that promises, "The freedom to play the way you want!" Will Choice of Fate give Jacob the happiness he seeks? Or will Jacob's foray into Choice of Fate drive him further from his pursuit of happiness? Only time will reveal Jacob's fate... Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my first attempt at writing a novel. I am preparing to participate in the 2017 NaNoWriMo event so enjoy the first chapter as that's here early only to ensure that I have a place to post once the event starts. This means the first novel/book will have a target of 50,000 words. I'm excited to attempt this challenge despite the hurdles I will have to overcome. I do have a demanding full time job so planning time to write and make weekly releases starting in November will be my biggest challenge. Also, please accept my apologies on my cover. I'm not an artist and the only digital tool available at my disposal is the stock microsoft paint. So I did my best to create a decent cover as I did not want to steal the work of another. If there are those interested by the end of November in donating a new fan made cover then I will look into replacing the old cover.
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Why The Hell Not
Sweat started to form all around my body as the pain consumed me. It was 9pm and this had to be the worst wave of heat I've ever experienced! My body ached as the flames traveled from my core, spreading to the rest of my body. I hate heat, every type of heat, but mainly this one. Heat, in my pack, is a bitch! The second you turn 16 your heat starts. Then for the rest of your life you get a heat cycle once a month, as if having a period isn't bad enough. The heat happens right after your period, leaving you 2 weeks of peace as a woman if you find your mate your 16 years of life! If you did not find your mate at 16, when you turn 17 it will be every 2 weeks! Your period is still once a month, thankfully, but the heat cycle directly after your period is the strongest! Leaving you ONE week of peace...unless of course you don't find your mate by the time you turn 17. If you are unlucky enough to not have found your mate by the time you are 18, then yes it will be EVERY week! Leaving you NO peace!!Basically the longer you go without finding your mate, the more heat you will go through. If you're 20+ then it could be EVERY hour! Once you find your mate it goes back down to once a month, thankfully. Lucky, or lucky for me, I'm 17...meaning I've gotta deal with this every 2 weeks. This one in particular is the worst one yet! I grabbed the water on the side of my bed and tried to fix my dry throat.......
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