《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》A Mountain Of Problems.
normal clothes your wearing
I was running towards the quints apartment being late from stopping a mugging. I ran the the entrance and saw the door was about to close I ran faster I reached out and grabbed it barely making I ran inside and saw Miku and Fuutarou in the elevator. Miku was about to hold the elevator door but was to late it closed taking them up.
Y/n: Stupid L/n luck, guess I gotta take the stairs again.
I ran towards the stairs and checking if anyone was around when the coast cleared I started jumping up and webbing my way up. I got to the door and opened arriving at the same as Miku and Fuutarou
Miku: Wait how did you get up here so fast?
Y/n: I ran up the stairs how else was I supposed to get up here.
Miku: That doesn't answer how you get up here so fast.
Ignored her question and walked towards their apartment
Y/n: Let's not worry about that right now. Let's go inside and study.
She started pouting at me but dropped the subject
(10 minutes later)
I walked up the stairs trying to gather all the quints. I knocked on Itsuki she opened it and started glaring at me
Itsuki: Great you guys just had to show up.
I chuckled awkwardly then I knocked on Yotsuba door
Yotsuba: Y/n it's good to see you again!
Y/n: Hey
Then I knocked on Nino's door she opened it and glared at me then slammed the door
Y/n: I expected that to happen *sigh*
I was then in ichika's room trying to get her out of bed
Y/n: You gotta be kidding me.
Ichika: I don't know.... its gotta be here somewhere
Yotsuba: The white one, right?
Ichika: Yeah sorry.
Y/n: It's afternoon and here you are still in bed.
Yotsuba then picked up a piece of black lingerie
Yotsuba: Is this thing really yours, ichika? Whoa, so grown-up!
Ichika: We have the same face. It would look just as good on you.
Yotsuba: Wha...
Ichika: You've had the same underwear since grade school. Its time to throw'em out.
Yotsuba stood flailing her arms embarrassed
Yotsuba: Y/n here! Shhh!
She turned around
Yotsuba: But, I mean, does it look good? Tell me the truth. Do you think I--
I turned around and started walking away not wanting to answer the question
Yotsuba: Fine! It's not like you know what's fashionable!
After gathering four put of five quints, they all headed downstairs for tutoring
Yotsuba: Well! We're all set up now! Time for us to hit the books!
Ichika: I think I'll sit out. I'll just watch you guys.
Miku: Y/n remember you were gonna help me study Japanese history.
Itsuki: And I'll just be studying by myself, so don't mind me.
Y/n:(Thoughts) it's not ideal, but its progress better than when we started.
Fuutarou: I agree, Yotsuba. There's no time like the present, is there?
Nino then walked in and was watching us on the second floor
Nino: Come back for more? I thought for sure you'd given up on this pipe dream. I hope you didn't come all the way up here just to take a nap again, Sleeping Beauty.
Fuutarou looked at her annoyed then his attitude changed into a friendly one
Fuutarou: Yup I'm back. Why don't you join us, Nino!
Nino: Right over my dead body.
Y/n:(Thoughts) At least we got four of them.
Fuutarou: Its fine, she can have a day off just this once.
Yotsuba: Okay!
Nino: Oh, right, Yotsuba.
Nino walked downstairs the stairs
Y/n:(Thoughts) I don't like where this is going.
Nino: My friend who's on the basketball team was looking for somebody to fill in for the next game. You're the most athletic of us. Why don't yo go, right now?
Yotsuba: Huh? Right now? I don't know. I...
Nino: Well she says that they've only got five members, and one just broke a bone. If they don't find a replacement soon, they'll be disqualified. It's really a shame.
Fuutarou started chuckling nervously
Fuutarou: Hey, you're not... Hmm?
Nino: And they've practiced so hard, too. I feel bad for them.
Y/n: Yotsuba.
Yotsuba: I'm really sorry. You guys! But I can't abandon someone in need!
She runs away and exits the apartment
Y/n: Seriously?
Ichika: Yeah saying "no" is kind of a weakness of hers
Nino: By the way, Ichika, didn't you mention that you have to go to work at two?
Ichika: Crap I forgot! I'd better go!
Fuutarou: Huh?
Nino: And itsuki. Shouldn't you go to a quieter spot, like the library?
Itsuki: That's a good idea.
I watched as Nino completely demolished our tutor session
Fuutarou: Well, uhh... Okay everybody gather around. It's time to start studying.
Y/n: I think Nino broke Fuutarou.
Miku: Fuutarou. Face it already. Everybody's gone now.
Nino: Oh! Miku, you're still here? By the way, you owe me a juice since you drank mine.
Miku: Yeah, I brought you one.
Miku then looked at me
Miku: Ready to start the lesson?
Y/n: Yup.
Nino then looked in the grocery bag and pulled out a matcha soda
Nino: This is a matcha soda! Miku, wait!
Miku: Where shall we start?
Y/n: How about the Kamakura period?
Nino: I'm sorry. Since when have the two of you been best buddies? I know! You have a soft spot for boring-looking guys, don't you?
Y/n: Ouch I'm standing right here.
Miku: It's not all about good looks.
Y/n: Again I'm standing right here.
Nino the shoved me out of the way
Nino: What? Are you trying to suggest that I'm shallow? Do you mean you only care about inner beauty?
Miku: And what if I do?
Nino: Oh, of course.
Nino: That explains why you don't mind being seen in those shabby old clothes of yours.
Miku: And those trashy nails are fashionable?
I looked at Fuutarou
Y/n: Am I the only one seeing Electricity here
Nino: Someone like you would never understand.
Miku: I don't even want to.
Y/n: That's enough you two. You're sisters so try to get along! Does this really matter right now. You both got studying to do!
Miku: Yeah, Nino stop being a nuisance.
Nino: What did you call me?
My stomach started to growl
Nino: If inner beauty's so important to you, then I say we make it a little contest!
Nino: Let's find out which one of us cooks better!
Y/n: How does that....
Nino: And if I win, then there's no studying for today!
Y/n: You're not going to take her up on that, are you?
She rolled up her sleeves
Miku: Y/n. You just sit down and relax while I settle this.
I sigh and did exactly that as I watched them in the kitchen
Y/n: Look at the bright side Y/n at least your getting food
After Nino and Miku finished cooking, they both presented their dish to me. Nino who was looking confident, while Miku who looked nervous.
Nino: Ta-da! A Dutch baby with ham and seasonal vegetables!
Miku: Omelet over rice
Nino: All right! Now, you get to decide which one is better!
Miku: You don't have to eat mine. It's okay, really!
Nino: Now, don't be silly. You went to all the trouble of making it!
Y/n: Well down the hatch.
I grabbed a spoon and ate Nino's first. When I ate I felt like I was in haven
Then I went to eat Miku's before I could put the spoon in my mouth my spider sense went off I looked around the room and saw... nothing absolutely nothing.
Fuutarou: What's wrong with you.
Y/n: Nothing I guess I must have heard something
Y/n:(Thoughts) That was weird why did it go off like that.
I shrugged my shoulders going to eat it again and once more my spider sense went off
Y/n:(Thoughts) Why the heck is it going off! Unless.
I looked down at the spoon I pulled away and brought back to my mouth and sure enough my spider sense went off
Y/n:(Thoughts) Miku's food is triggering my spider sense, how bad is it!
I gulped and ate Miku's food ignoring my spider sense, when I ate I wished I had listened to it I wanted to puke, but I didn't want to hurt Miku's feelings and so I swallowed it.
Y/n: Oh wow both of those are really good.
Miku and Nino: Huh?
Y/n: I think they're.... just about equal.
Nino: Equal? Impossible!
Nino looked over and saw Miku who clasped her hands together looking real happy that Y/n said he liked her food
Nino: You have no taste! I'm leaving!
With that Nino started walking away annoyed
Fuutarou: What's with the attitude?
Me and Miku were in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes
Y/n: We lost most of the day. Nino managed to make everything fall apart just like that. Next time I'll be prepared for her.
Miku: Sorry.
Y/n:(One things clear though. Nino clearly hates me and Fuutarou, then the other girls do, the question is why?
Y/n: Oh, well. I guess I'll never get on her good side.
Miku: I think you can. Maybe.
Y/n: Huh? How?
Miku: If you face her in good faith, she'll come around.
Y/n: In good faith? How exactly am I supposed to do that?
Miku: What makes you think I would know?
Y/n: I don't know maybe because your sister's
Miku turned around and smiled at me
Miku: I'm sure you'll figure it out. I mean, it's your job after all.
Y/n: Last time I checked this was Fuutarou's job not mine, I'm just here to help.
Me and Fuutarou were leaving the complex apartment
Y/n: In good faith huh.
Fuutarou then gasped and started searching his pockets
Fuutarou: Crap I forgot my flashcards
We turned around and saw the doors close
Fuutarou: Great.
Y/n: You go on ahead I'll get it
Fuutarou: You sure?
Y/n: Yup, totally man, go on I'll meet you at the house.
Fuutarou nodded and walked back home as I went up to the panel and called the apartment, Miku answered it
Miku: What?
Y/n: Hey Fuutarou forgot his flashcards.
Miku: I'm taking a shower, just come get them.
Y/n: You sure that's okay?
I got no answer
Y/n: I'm taking the elevator this time.
I got in the elevator and took it up to the apartment I opened the door
Y/n: Anybody here?
I walked inside and heard a hair dryer I looked over and saw Miku on the couch drying her hair
Y/n: Holy, you take fast showers!
She didn't hear me because of the dryer and she then stopped and looked in my direction
Y/n:(Thoughts) That's right, Miku doesn't really care about these things. I'll just grab Fuutarou's cards and go.
I walked over towards the table and was about grab Fuutarou's cards until Miku spoke up
Miku: Who's there? Miku?
I stopped short my eyes went wide at the voice I looked over and realized it wasn't Miku who was at the couch it was Nino
Nino: I thought you wanted to use the the bathroom. I'm done now.
Y/n:(Thoughts) I'm so dead. Maybe if I don't move she won't see me.
Nino: Hey can you grab my contacts? Their on the usual shelf. Could you bring them over?
Y/n:(Thoughts) Wait she can't see me without her contacts? IM SAVED!!! Still what's my next move, what do I do now. Man if she finds out Im here you can forget about good faith, I'll be a dead man!
Nino: What's wrong? Are you still mad at me because of that conversation before?
She got him and started walking towards me I turned around and ran towards the shelf trying to look for her contacts
Y/n:(Thoughts) C'mon contacts please I gotta find you
Nino: I know I took things too far. I feel bad about what I did, okay?
Nino: Not in there. Look in the usual place. It's the shelf right above that.
Nino walked behind and started reaching up to the shelf and pressing her boobs on my back I started blushing
Nino: Huh? I could've sworn they were right here.
Y/n:(Thoughts) I gotta get out of here!
I got away from Nino and grabbed Fuutarou's flashcards and ran at the door grabbing the handle
Nino: I knew it, you are mad! It's their fault. Those stupid boys.
I stopped and looked at her
Y/n: Nino?
Nino: The only reason they keep coming to see us is because Papa ordered that stupid guy Fuutarou, and Y/n followed him. This house is for us sisters. They don't belong here with us!
Y/n:(Thoughts) So that's how you feel.
Nino: I've had enough! I won't let them come back, ever!
She started to flare her arms around but then her right hand hit the shelf
Nino: Oww.
I looked above Nino and saw the books about to fall on top of her.
Y/n: Nino! Look out!
My instincts took over as I jumped over the couches and pushed Nino out of the way as all the books fell on me.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Just in time.
I looked down and realize I was on top of Nino she looked at me suprised
Nino: Who... Who's there?
I got off Nino and she sat up
Nino: You, you intruder!
Y/n: Wait I can explain! I came to get something!
Nino: What a naked picture!? You're a pervert! That's so disgusting!
Y/n: No! I came to get-
Just then I heard a camera snap and turned around to see Itsuki holding her phone and giving me a disgusted look
Itsuki: You're the worst.
Ichika: Order in the court.
Everyone besides Fuutarou and Yotsuba was in the living room and decided to have a court to go over the "incident"
Itsuki: Your Honor. Here's exhibit A. The defendant, a part-time tutor, lost control of his primal urges, offending an innocent young woman with his unspeakable lewdness. Now, Y/n. As you are clearly featured, in this photograph, how do you plead?
Y/n: Not guilty.
Nino: Please, your Honor
Itsuki: You may speak, Plaintiff!
Nino: Let it be known, the perpetrator gave the impression he was leaving and then waited for me to exit the shower.
Y/n: That's not what ha-
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