《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》A Day Off
It was Sunday meaning no school for me. You must be wondering what would I be doing on my day off, hangout with my family, go outside and try to make some friends or a girlfriend. Like normal teenagers would do. Unfortunately I'm not a normal teenager. I dodged bullets as I'm holding a pizza in my hand.
Spider-man: Come on I can't even eat my pizza without someone trying to kill me!
Thug 1: Come on how are you idiot's missing he's just a kid tights!
I dodged the bullets all while trying to eat my pizza
Spider-man: Timeout! Let me eat my pizza.
Thug 2: HOLD STILL!!!
Spider-man: How about you guys stop shooting!
Thug 3: What is Kingpin paying you idiot's
What he said caught my attention
Spider-man:(Thoughts) Kingpin didn't shocker mention him before? I need to get answers I will get those answers.
I started closing in the distance by swinging towards shooting from one web to another while dodging bullets unfortunately my pizza didn't fare so well. One of them shot my pizza out of my hand.
Spider-man: NO PIZZA!!!
I watched my pizza fall in slow motion as it hit the ground with a splat
Spider-man: You-You-
All the Thugs started to sweat. Without saying a word I webbed up two of their guns and threw them at two of the Thugs, I then shot a web pulling one towards me.
Spider-man: Get over here!
When he was in reaching distance I punched him straight in the face knocking him out.
Spider-man: Where can I find the Kingpin.
The Thugs started to run away.
Spider-man: You two ain't going anywhere until I get my answers!
I webbed one to a wall
Spider-man: You stay right there.
I jumped onto of a building and saw the last Thug running away.
Spider-man: Oh no you don't!
I shot a web and it attached to his leg and I yanked him towards me, I then grabbed his leg holding him.
Thug 3: Woah Woah Woah what are you doing!!!
Spider-man: Interrogation. Who is the Kingpin and where is he.
Thug 3: What makes you think I know who he is!
Spider-man: He hired you to kill me didn't me correct?
Thug 3: Not kill to distract you.
Spider-man: Distract? For what!
Thug 3: I don't know. That's all I know I swear!
I dropped him and making him fall but before he could hit the ground I quickly webbed his left foot stopping him mere inches away from the ground. I went towards a wall and grabbed my camera I webbed up so I can take the photos.
Spider-man: What is the Kingpin planning *sigh*. Can't dwell on it now at least I got these photos, all I gotta do is bring it to the Daily Buggle get that prize money and bingo.
I started heading towards the Daily Buggle fast as I could
I was on the elevator going up to meet John Jonah Jameson. I will admit I was nervous, I mean come on I'm giving him pictures of me, even if he doesn't know I'm Spider-man. I got out and started walking towards his office.
???: Hold it.
I stopped and looked at the desk and saw a woman speaking to me.
???: May I ask what's your business with Jameson?
Y/n: Yeah, sorry I'm here to give him Spider-man photos.
???: Sorry Jameson's kinda busy right now.
Then I heard yelling and I looked and saw an older man yelling at someone inside his office.
Y/n: Is it ok if I just give these photos to you?
???: Yeah sure and can I ask for your phone number, so we can contact you incase you won.
Y/n: Yeah sure, uh do you got a piece of paper I can write on?
She hands me a piece of paper and I wrote my number on it
???: There we go, like I said we'll contact you if your pictures won.
I nod and headed back to the elevator.
I'm on top of my house changing into my regular clothes I started crawling down to the ground and walked towards the door. But then I saw Itsuki standing in front of it
Y/n: What's she doing here
I walked up to her
Y/n: And what brings you here?
Itsuki looked at me in suprise
Itsuki: Can you tell Fuutarou to let me in I got something for him and you.
I walked up to the and started knocking on it.
Y/n: Hey, let me in
Fuutarou opened the door and looked at Itsuki
Itsuki: I'll be quick. I just have something for you two.
Itsuki: My father left your pay, so I came to drop it off.
Fuutarou was holding the yen and crumpling it.
Raiha: Stop shaking. You're crumpling Yukichi's face!
Itsuki: You get five thousand yen a day for each of us. For two days, that's fifty-thousand yen.
Raiha ran towards a picture of their mother
Raiha: Look, Mama, he's not not useless at all.
Itsuki then looked at me and handed me and envelop
Y/n: This is?
Itsuki: Just open it.
I did what she said and was surprised as well after seeing the yen in it.
Y/n: Wait I'm confused, how come I'm getting money? your father hired Fuutarou not me.
Itsuki: My father didn't want you to go home empty handed after helping Fuutarou, so he decided to pay you as well.
I was shocked I never had money the big before.
Y/n:(Thoughts) With this I can probably buy some parts for my suit and my web shooters, get an upgrade.
Itsuki bowed her head
Itsuki: Well, that's all I came here for.
Fuutarou: I can't take this.
Y/n and Raiha: Huh?
Fuutarou: Its true I went there twice with the intent to tutor you girls. But I didn't do anything.
Y/n: I can't accept this either. Same with me, we technically didn't really do anything there.
Itsuki: Oh, I wouldn't say that. You did make a move on my sister.
Fuutarou and Raiha: Wait, you did what?!
Y/n: I thought we sorted that out!
Itsuki: Either way, you haven't done nothing. Having you at our house, its beginning to change something within the five of us.
Y/n: Five? I highly doubt that.
Itsuki: Uhh! Uh... no I meant the four of them.
Y/n: Still doubt that.
Itsuki: Anyway, I'm not going to accept this money back, so you might as well keep it and do whatever you please with it.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Looks like I'm still getting those upgrades after all.
Fuutarou: Hey, Raiha. Is there anything you've been wanting?
We were at the arcade and Raiha was playing a game
Raiha: Ahh! Hey, Big brothers! Check it out. I won the big jackpot!
Fuutarou:(Laughs) Yeah that's cool!
I smiled and watched Raiha having fun
Y/n:(Thoughts) Seeing that smile reminds me why I do the things I do everyday.
I looked at Itsuki
Fuutarou: I still don't understand why you decided to come with us.
Itsuki: Look, I didn't have a choice.
Raiha: I know! You can take me too the arcade!
Raiha then gave Itsuki her puppy dog eyes
Raiha: But I want you to come with us, too, Itsuki. Will you?
Fuutarou: You could've said no!
Itsuki: No, I couldn't! She's way too darn cute!
Fuutarou: I know!
We hall went to play air hockey. Fuutarou, Raiha, and Itsuki vs me
Y/n: Bring it on.
And of course they didn't win I was too fast and every time I hit the puck it will zoom past all of them making it in. Itsuki and Raiha were suprised of course Fuutarou wasn't.
Y/n: All to easy!
Fuutarou decided to try the claw machine, he got one of the stuffed animals but only for it drop. I pulled him away from it.
Fuutarou: IT'S RIGGED!!!
We started playing numerous games all the while Raiha was laughing and having. I couldn't help but smile and laugh as well.
Itsuki: Raiha's really enjoying herself.
Fuutarou: It's thought for her, you know, because of our family's debt situation.
Y/n:(Thoughts) I have to win that prize money, if not then I'll use the money Itsuki gave me. I'll help may off this family's debt, I owe them that much.
Fuutarou: I assume there's a whole list of things she'll want to do, That's why I want to make all her wishes come true.
Raiha: Big brothers, Itsuki, look! Can the four of us do that? Before we go home?
She pointed towards a photo gallery
Fuutarou: I don't know, that game over there looks way better.
Me and Itsuki put our hand on Fuutarou's shoulder
Y/n and Itsuki: You said "all of her wishes." Come on
We all stepped inside it getting ready for the picture.
Fuutarou: On second thought, I'll pass.
I grabbed his arm stopping him from going
Y/n: Nice try, you guys ready?
Itsuki: Uhh, yeah.
Raiha: Isn't this awesome? It's like a family photo!
Y/n and Itsuki: Is it?
We all took the photo and we were just sitting down looking at it
Y/n: What is going on with your guys expressions?
Itsuki: You look worse.
Raiha: I love it! Thank a lot, both of you! I'll cherish this for the rest of my life!
All three of us couldn't help but smile at her
We all made our way out of the arcade. Raiha who was skipping happily while holding the picture we took.
Fuutarou: So much for spending my precious Sunday on studying. Well, I still have the evening. You quintuplets had better hit the books tonight too.
Itsuki: Eeh! Wow, would you look at the time?
Fuutarou: Ok I'm suspicious, I know you had homework. Don't tell me you haven't done it!
Itsuki: Go away! Stop following me!
Fuutarou starts chasing Itsuki
Raiha: Hey big brothers? I see four Itsukis.
I looked and sure enough there were indeed four more Itsuki's
Yotsuba: Hey, look, it's Uesugi! And L/n
Nino: What's Itsuki doing with those waste of space?
Y/n: Rude!
Ichika: Ooh, were you and Y/n out on a date? Our bad.
Itsuki and Y/n: Of course we're not!
Yotsuba walked up to Raiha
Yotsuba: Aww, hi! You must be Uesugi's little sister.
Raiha: Uh-huh.
Yotsuba: You know what? You should come see the fireworks with us!
Raiha: Wow, really?
Fuutarou: Wait a second. I already made plans to study today. And you guys have homework!
Raiha looked at Fuutarou giving him her puppy dog eyes
Raiha: Pretty please? Can we?
It's super effective
Fuutarou: Well, of course we can. But only...
All of you...
Are done with...
Your work!
Nino: We'll never finish in time for the fireworks show!
All of of us are at the place were the fireworks are gonna take place.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Fuutarou you sure are sneaky using Raiha's cuteness to get the quints to do their work.
Nino: We made it!
Raiha: Good work, everybody!
Yotsuba: When are the fireworks supposed to start?
Itsuki: They're from 7:00 to 8:00.
Ichika: I'm gonna go check out the stalls!
Y/n: This as to be my first time going to a festival like this.
I was looking around in awe
Y/n:(Thoughts) I'm usually so busy being Spider-man I don't really do anything like this.
Yotsuba: Ooh! Wanna try to catch a goldfish?
Raiha: Sure!
Yotsuba and Raiha: Yay!
Y/n:(Thoughts) But knowing my luck something's gonna turn up making me leave, might as well enjoy this while it lasts.
I looked over and saw Fuutarou sitting down
Itsuki: Why the long face? Lighten up, we're at a festival!
I looked over and saw Itsuki in a Yukata I couldn't help but stare, Itsuki then looked over and saw me staring at her
Itsuki: Would you please stop staring at me?
Y/n: S-Sorry
I looked away blushing
Fuutarou: Oh, great. The five of you are hard enough to tell apart as it is. Don't go changing your hairstyle.
Itsuki: Ugh, I'm Itsuki! And I'll do it the way I want! It's on my head!
Y/n: You couldn't tell it was Itsuki?
Fuutarou: And how did you know it was her?!
Y/n: -_-..... She's literally the only one of her sisters that wears a tacky star on her hair.
Itsuki: Was that neccessary!?
Ichika: Come on now. That just won't do. When a girl changes her hair... You should compliment her.
Ichika then walked towards me and whispered in my ear but loud enough for everyone to hear
Ichika: I know. Wanna find out if girls really do wear yukata with no undies?
Y/n: I already know.
Ichika: Well, there's only one way to be sure.
Ichika then moved her yukata open a bit, I looked away trying not to stare
Itsuki: Ichika, whoa!
Ichika: I'm just messing with you.
I breathed a sigh of relief
Ichika: Admit it. I had you going there!
Her phone then started ringing she walked away answering it
Nino: Hey, why are you all standing around wasting time? Ichika, time to go.
Ichika: Uh, sorry. Phone call! Yes. Tonight really?
I looking at her direction
Nino: And you!
I noticed Nino was looking at me
Nino: It should've only been the five of us. So why are you two tagging along?
Fuutarou: Look, I just came here for my little sister.
Y/n: And this is my first time being at a festival like this, I ain't missing this.
Raiha: Big brothers! Look what I got! Yotsuba caught some fish for me!
Fuutarou's eye twitched while I just sighed
Y/n: Where the heck are we gonna put all these fish at?
Yotsuba: Well, I saw her looking up at me with that adorable face and I just couldn't resist!
Raiha: And look at what else she bought me!
Raiha pulled out some fireworks
Fuutarou: That's the last thing we need today!
Raiha: Sorry, I couldn't wait for the show.
Fuutarou: Well, that was nice of her, I guess. Did you say thank you?
Raiha then started hugging Yotsuba
Raiha: Thanks a lot, Yotsuba! I love you!
Being overwhelmed by Raiha's cuteness Yotsuba hugged her back
Yotsuba: Oh, my goodness, you are so precious, you don't even know. I wish you could be my younger sister too!
Yotsuba then stopped and thought of something
Yotsuba: Hang on, I just realized. All I would have to do is get hitched with Uesugi one day. Then we really would become sisters.
Nino and Y/n: Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?
Nino then turned towards and started pointing her finger at me making me back up
Nino: And don't you get any ideas about Yotsuba, mister!
Y/n: Jeez what's your problem with me!?
I accidentally bumped into Miku from Nino poking at me
Y/n: Sorry, my bad!
Miku: It's fine.
I turned around to face Miku and saw her in her yukata. I started blushing while looking at her.
Y/n: Wow, you look amazing. Not like you didn't look good before, it's just that now you look better than usual, I'm not stalking you are anything, too I'm gonna shut up now.
Miku started blushing, but smiled at me
Miku: Thanks, you too
I smiled at her as we both started at each other
Ichika: I'm back! Well, shall we
That snapped me and Miku back into reality, we both looked away avoiding eye contact
Fuutarou: Hmm? Are you going somewhere?
Miku: Nino rented out the roof of one of the shops for us.
Fuutarou: The whole roof? Rich people!
Y/n: Tell me about it.
Four of the quints started walking until Nino pointed out something
Nino: Hold on, we can't go yet.
All: Huh
Nino: Did we really come to a festival and forget to buy that one thing?
All of them gasped
Miku: She's right we haven't bought it.
Ichika: We almost forgot!
Itsuki: Do they have it at one of the stalls!
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