《Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)》Rooftop Confession.
You start waking up feeling pain on your back you have no idea what hit you but all you knew that it hurt as you slowly get up you noticed a figure walking towards he thrusts his fist forward and a shockwave of some kind came racing towards you
Spider-man: WHOA!!!!
You just barely managed to dodge the blast it hits the car you were on top of sending it flying you stunned at how powerful that blast was you looked at the figure now getting a good look at him.
???: Still alive? not for long.
He then sends another shockwave towards me I dodge it and shoot a web at him pulling myself towards him but he saw it coming and back hands me sending me into a bus that was driving on the street
Thankfully only the bus driver was inside the bus no one was hurt well expect me I crawled out of one of the broken windows and fell on the ground
Spider-man: Holy crap that hurt.
I saw him charging another attack so I quickly got up and Webbed his gauntlets and yanked him towards me but he did something unexpected when he got close enough he aimed his gauntlets towards the ground shooting another shockwave sending him up to the sky and pulling me along with him
Spider-man: AHHHHH!!!
I screamed as we were going up in the air he brought his hands over his head and brought them down sending me falling down and he shot another shockwave hitting me in the chest and Causing me to fall faster until I hit a roof of a building and crashed down to the ground I felt debris falling on top of me
I heard him land on the ground and I played dead he waited for 5 minutes until he called someone
???: Its done the spider's dead tell the kingpin its done.
He started using his gauntlets to flee the scene I quickly got stand up to follow him ignoring the pain I was feeling and started following him
I followed him to an abandoned warehouse he entered through a door
Y/n: Differently not going in through the door I need find another way in.
I started crawling around on the side of the building until I saw a vent big enough for me to fit through
Y/n: That's convenient.
I entered the vent and started crawling through until I heard voices talking I saw the exit and I crawled towards coming out of the vent and saw a truck and people around including the guy who just wiped the floor with me
???: Tomorrow At 1 we meet here and proceed with the plan now that the spider's dead
I checked my phone and noticed it was 4 am
Spider-man: I'm way past my bedtime. I'm gonna be so much in trouble.
Just then a thug came in holding a crate and puts it on a table
Thug1: The Kingpin delivered, here it is he says it'll provide much better protection from the shockwaves then what you have.
???: Good remember tomorrow at 1 is when we execute the plan be ready.
With that they all left the warehouse leaving me here alone
Spider-man: This just got serious whatever their planning it's not gonna be good looks like I'm skipping school tomorrow.
I was about to leave but then I remembered what that thug said
Spider-man: That guy who carried the crate said, whatever was inside will provide much better protection from shockwaves the guy shoots I should check it out.
I hoped down and walked towards the crate and opened a I saw some sort of material
Spider-man: Looks like they didn't make a suit out of this yet.
I then looked down at my torn up homemade suit
Spider-man:Hey I can use this to make a new suit and protect myself from the shockwaves.
I grabbed the material and examined the area to make sure there was nothing else I need to know i then exited the warehouse I looked at the sky and noticed it was getting light out
Spider-man: I'm so gonna be yelled at, but I got better things to worry about than a rough scolding.
I made it back at the house the house and entered I still was wearing my suit but didn't care I had to make the suit as fast as I can. I entered the living room and saw everyone sleeping I won't lie I was tempted to lay down with them and sleep, but I was afraid I might never wake up in time.
Y/n: I just gotta get the eye lenses and the sowing machine and I can start.
I grabbed those things and started making the suit. I got halfway done until I heard movement behind me I turned around and saw Fuutarou looking at me with wide eyes and his mouth open, he was about to say something until I put my fingers to my lips signaling him to be quiet
Y/n:(Whispering) Come here.
He did just that and so I braced myself for the question he was gonna ask
Fuutarou:(Whispering)Your the spider guy!?
Y/n:(Whispering) Yes I am but can we talk about this later, and please don't tell anyone.
He nodded and I continued working on the suit an hour later I was done with the suit
Y/n: So how was the tutoring?
Fuutarou: Y/n Next time don't leave me alone with them again.
Y/n: Oh jeez was it that bad?
Fuutarou: They drugged me
Y/n: Ok ok next time I won't leave you alone with them well maybe.
I was standing with Fuutarou in front of the quints in their apartment as they were all sitting on the couch
Fuutarou: I'd like to thank everyone for gathering here.
Y/n: I mean this is their house.
Miku: I kinda figured that you would've given up by now
Nino: Like I told you already we don't need some know-it-all tutor us.
Fuutarou: If you're so smart,then prove it to me.
Nino: Prove it to you?
Fuutarou: Shouldn't be hard. You just have to take this test.
He slams test sheets on the table
Fuutarou: Here's your golden opportunity. Pass the test, and I swear I'll never speak to you again.
They all gasped
Y/n: Now ain't that a bold move
I crossed my arms and regretted doing it as I felt pain shot through my sides I jumped a bit
Y/n:(Thoughts) Crap that hurt I should watch what I do know, don't want the quints to know.
Yotsuba: What is he serious?
Ichika runs her eyes
Ichika: What test?
Nino: I don't even care, so why would I take your dumb test?
Itsuki: Alright, fine. I'll take it.
Nino: You can't be serious.
Itsuki then puts on some glasses
Itsuki: I just need to get a passing grade. And then I'll never have to see your face again.
Yotsuba: Aww, yeah! Let's do it!
Ichika: Sounds pretty easy
Miku: Define "passing grade".
Fuutarou: Sixty-- no,wait. I'd say a score of fifty is adequate.
Nino sighs
Nino: There's no reason we should have to prove ourselves to you, but it's time you learned not to underestimate us.
Y/n: The only thing I learned from you is not to drink anything you give me.
They all started taking the test the only sound that can be heard was clock ticking
Fuutarou: Finished grading your test. Wow, you all scored a hundred points!
I then looked at the papers he was holding
Y/n: ...-_-... Combined, that is.
I looked at the quints as all of them are looking down embarrassed
Fuutarou: This is abysmal.
Nino: Run for it!
Then they all started running up the stairs to get away from us
Fuutarou: This is worse than I thought. All five of these girls could flunk out!
I started patting fuutarou on the back
Y/n: I really feel bad for you.
Me and fuutarou were running towards school I looked behind me and say him struggling to keep up
Y/n: Man you are out of shape.
Fuutarou: Damn it. I had no idea... tutoring and doing my own homework... would be this difficult.
We stopped at the entrance of the school so fuutarou can catch his breath and soon he looked at me and asked
Fuutarou: Are you gonna be ok? You might have some broken ribs.
Y/n: I don't think their broken, just cracked.
Fuutarou: But still are you gonna be ok?
Y/n: I don't know, the first time we fought he wiped the floor with me, my new suit should be able to protect me from shockers attacks.
He looked at me confused
Fuutarou: Wait shocker?
Y/n: Yeah it's the name I gave him, I can't just calling him that guy.
Just then a black limbo parked right next to us I won't lie it looked pretty cool
Fuutarou: What the... That's one swanky limbo
Just then the doors open revealing the quints
Itsuki: Um, Hi what's your deal? Stop staring and move aside.
Yotsuba: Good morning, Fuutarou!
Nino: You again?
Ichika: Oh hey, Fuutarou!
Miku: Mmm.
They walked right past us and started running away from us
Fuutarou: Stop running! Get back here! Hey check it out!
Fuutarou dropped the book he was holding and held his arms out
Fuutarou: I'm book free now! Perfectly safe!
Nino: We're not falling for that!
Miku: Don't trust them. They'll find a way to teach us something.
Y/n: Wait a minute why are you cautious of me? I'm not your tutor.
Fuutarou: Just what kind of people do you think we are?
Itsuki: I'll admit that each of us has shortcomings. But we can manage just without you two.
Y/n: ...-_-... Again why me?
Miku: We don't need a chaperone while we study.
Nino: What she said.
Y/n: I see
I crossed my arms and said
Y/n: Then I can assume you guys reviewed the test by yourselves.
All of them started chuckling awkwardly
Y/n: Question One: Name the warlord defeated by Mori Motonari at the Battle of Itsukushima.
Itsuki started turning around facing us smirking
Y/n:(Thoughts) No way she actually studied!
That thought was quickly gone when she started pouting at me looking annoyed
Y/n: You gotta be kidding me.
All seven us made our way into the school with an obvious distance between the quints and me and fuutarou
Fuutarou: So what's your plan on taking him down
Y/n: I don't yet I'll think of something.
I remembered our fight I always used my web shooters in a battle never actually punched that much but it seems like I have to switch things up now in order to win
Y/n: So any plans on how to teach the quints?
He pulled out a notebook
Fuutarou: I need to find a way to earn their trust individually.
Y/n: You mean we right?
He looked at me suprised
Y/n: Oh come on Fuutarou we both know you can't tutor them, so how about I lend a hand.
Fuutarou: Thank you Y/n.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Huh Wait a minute.
I looked at the notebook Fuutarou was holding
Y/n:(Thoughts) Miku answered that question right. So then why...
My thoughts were interrupted when Miku stopped and looked at me
Y/n:(Thoughts) Miku?
It was now lunchtime me and Fuutarou were in the cafeteria Fuutarou got his food but I was too busy in my thoughts
Y/n:(Thoughts) Its almost 1 I need to find a way to get out of but how?
I looked in front of me and say Miku I was in a hurry but I still need to figure something
Y/n: Hey Miku
Miku: Hmm?
She turned around and looked at me
Y/n: Watcha eating for lunch?
I looked at her plate and saw she has a sandwich and matcha soda
Y/n: I didn't think you drink matcha soda. I'm actually curious what it actually taste like
Miku: Well, I would let you try some of mine, but you're a mean person.
Y/n: Wait what. Never mind, that can I ask you something? About that test question....
I then looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late
Y/n: Never mind that's gonna have to wait enjoy your food.
I dashed off running out of the cafeteria and sneaking my way out of school. I then ran down an alley I looked around to see if the coast was clear when I was sure no one was around I jumped up towards a wall and ripped out my backpack that was Webbed to it
Y/n: Now let's see if you actually work.
I swung towards towards the abandoned warehouse wearing my new suit
Spider-man: Now this is an upgrade.
I landed on top of the warehouse waiting until the truck comes out when it did was not expecting it to be armored
Spider-man: Seriously that's practically a tank right there
I followed the truck to see where it was headed. 30 minutes later it stopped.
Spider-man: Why'd they stop?
I started to hear the truck reving up I looked in front of me and realized there was a bank there
Spider-man: No don't their gonna....
The truck started going forward picking up speed
Spider-man: Yup their gonna ram the bank I gotta stop them!!!
I swung towards the trunk I can't web the tires it'll flip and crush civilians I gotta stop it with my bear hands
Spider-man: This is gonna suck.
I landed on top of the truck and jumped in front of it slowing it down until it completely stopped
I looked up and met eyes with shocker and boy was he angry
He shoot his gauntlets blowing the passenger door away and got out
Spider-man: Hey Shocker your looking breath taking today.
He shot a shockwave at me hitting me in the chest and sending me towards a car. It wasn't as painful as before but it still hurt
Shocker: I see you got a new suit to bad its gonna be stained with your blood.
He shot another shockwave at me I dodge and shot a web towards a trash bin throwing at him he dodges and sends another attack my way
Spider-man: Guess I gotta get up close and personal.
I then ran towards him dodging his shockwaves I jumped up and punched him directly in the face stunning him for a sec. I then Webbed one his legs to the ground I then left hooked him forcing him to then ground he then shot another shockwave hitting me in the face blowing me away and sending me into a window in someone's house I fell right on the couch.
Spider-man: I gotta destroy one of his gauntlets.
I looked around and saw a knife on the kitchen counter, I grabbed and jumped out of the house and landed on the fire escape
Shocker: SHOOT HIM!!!
My spider sense went as I start dodging bullets from the henchmen
Spider-man: No no no that's cheating.
I shot webs and all the guns and yanked them out of all the thugs hands
Thug1: No that's cheating!!!
I saw shocker walking towards the bank I have to stop but I gotta deal with these thugs first I then got into a stance and got ready to fight.
Thug2: He's just one guy we can--
I got him off but webbing his face and pulling myself towards him kicking him in the face knocking him out cold
Spider-man: Who's next?!
3 of them ran up to me I dodge one attack and kicked one of them away from me, I webbed one of the thugs hands and jumped over him wrapping my webs around his him making his fist facing his face, I yanked the web down making him know himself out.
Spider-man: Press one for a punch press two for a kick.
I say that as I punched one and kicked another 2 tried to escape but I webbed them too a wall before they got far I jumped on the last guy's shoulder and jumped away from I turned around and shot a web pulling myself towards and did a kick Knocking him out
Spider-man: Now time for shocker.
I saw at the entrance of the bank
Spider-man: Hey shocker nice costume did your make it for you?
He turned around was about to shot another shockwave from his right hand but I threw the knife at it making it blow up destroying it
Shocker: YOU LITTLE SH--
- End903 Chapters
Heavenly Jewel Change
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Tentacle Lord
Kagero Kogami was a normal highschool student which love Anime and Light Novel a little more than others, in other words he was an otaku. With him being an otaku, it was normal for him to be looked down upon and hated by his classmate. But that all changed after he and the other four classmates of his were summoned by the kingdom of Laturey to their world, it was a fantasy world pictured in his Anime and Light Novel, but while the others were the new generation of hero party, his job was [Tentacle].Stuck with the middle boss-like job, Kagero was determined to survive in the new world using his job as [Tentacle] and wits. This was the beginning of the tale of the Tentacle Lord, surviving and dominating all in his path.( this is my first time writing a FanFic, if you have opinion and advice for me, please don't hold back and tell me. I will use your opinion and advice, good or bad, to grow as an author. This is my first step to make my first Fanfic, Tentacle Lord, into a Light Novel. To show everybody just how hot a tentacle really is ! For sparing your time to read my fanfic, thank you ! ,- Erogami )
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