《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora- 16


"K'saiah stop, I'm actually nervous." Ajani frowned applying her lashes.

"Why? They gon' love you phat." He assured, his mother is hosting a cook out and she insisted that he brought Ajani so she could finally meet who had been keeping her son happy.

Since it was a pretty day outside so she wore a simple nude looking jumpsuit with some off white/nude air Jordan 4's.

"I hope so. Does it look like I'm trying to hard?" She asked doing a full 360 of her outfit.

"No you look beautiful, I promise."

"Hm. C'mere so I can put this on you." He said holding up a necklace that had his name on it.

She gladly turned around so he could do so.

"Not you matching with me, you even got the shoes on too they just a lil darker." She cheesed looking at his outfit.

"Wanna be like me so bad." She said recording the both of them as he snapped his necklace on her.

"You the one matching watches with me." He pointed out making her tuck her lips in.

"Shhh." She hushed turning back around to fix anything that she felt needed to be fixed about her appearance.

"Ajani you look good na' come on." He groaned , they were already about 30 minutes behind the time they agreed to show up but it's cook out and black people never come on time anyways.

"Okay fine." She said accepting how she looked.


"You still nervous?" K'saiah questioned making Ajani nod, he just pulled up at his moms house but decided to wait a minute to go in.

"You look so pretty." He muttered kissing her forehead.

"Thank you." She smiled laying a lingering kiss on his jawline.

"You ready?"

"Mhmm." With that being said he got out of his car and walked over to the passenger side and opened her door.


He helped her out of his truck and held her hand as they made their way inside.

"Look who's finally here!" Angela, K'saiah's mother, exclaimed seeing them both walk into the dining room.

She immediately hugged both of them making Ajani's heart go warm. They noticed nobody's was in there besides her which was because everybody was in the backyard.

"You must be Ajani? You're really pretty." Angela smiled and Ajani nodded, smiling at the fact she already knew who she was.

"Yes ma'am, and thank you, you are too." She smiled which made Angela smile at her politeness.

"You just ain't gon' greet me , huh?" K'saiah asked making Angela mush his head.

"You done saw me all your life boy move!" She exclaimed.

"But anyways I want to get to know you before you meet everyone else, how old are you pretty?" Angela asked.

"I'm 20 and my birthday is in July."

"Oh you a summer baby. Do you have a job?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm a nurse but on my free days I do tattoos." She nodded in approval.

"Okayy, K'saiah done got him a hustler!" Angela said making them both laugh.

"And girl you don't have to call me ma'am, just call me Angela or whatever you want." She informed making her nod.

"Well y'all can gon' on outside, imma be out there in a little while." She smiled walking towards the kitchen.

"See na' was that something to be nervous about?" K'saiah asked once she was gone.

"Yes but I was lucky she's nice." She responded as they walked towards the back door.

"That's foreal the nicest she's ever been cause she don't let nobody but family call her Angela, she must really like yo goofy ass." He said making her mush his head.

"Everybody just gon' be pushing my head huh?"

Once the back door opened mostly everyone looked over to see who came out of it instantly making Ajani's nervousness return.


"Look tee bee here!" A young boy said running up to K'saiah and hugging his leg.

"Hey junior." K'saiah smiled picking him up , Ajani watched how he interacted with Junior and it honestly warmed her heart at how good he was with kids.

"Hey tee bee! Hey you're pretty!" He said pointing at Ajani making her laugh.

"Thank you handsome boy."

"Junior why you flirting with my girlfriend?"

"Dis' my girlfriend not yours!" He exclaimed mushing K'saiah's face away making everyone laugh.

"Junior what I done told you about calling everyone your girlfriend?" A woman asked walking over to them with a younger baby on their hip.

"I not even call her my girlfriend." He frowned and held his hands out for her making her put him on her opposite hip.

"I'm sorry, he be trying to charm his way into a girlfriend but I'm Aaliyah , K'saiah's favorite cousin." Aaliyah introduced making K'saiah playfully roll his eyes.

"I'm Ajani, K'saiah's girlfriend." Ajani responding introducing herself as well.

"Oh , you pretty girl."Aaliyah complimented making Ajani smile, they didn't realize they were boosting her confidence since it was really low.

"Thank you, you are too."

"Let me go feed these kids and leave y'all alone now." She said subtly laughing and walking away.

Soon the food was finished and everyone was rushing to get something to eat.

"You wanna fix each other's plate?" K'saiah asked making Ajani nod.

"You want Mac and cheese?" He asked and she nodded.

"I want everything." She responded , she was already knowing that he ate everything so she went ahead and fixed his plate.

"Why the hell she getting that big as plate?" She heard behind her, she wanted to turn around so bad but decided against it.

"Right, with her wannabe bougie ass." She heard another voice, she didn't understand why anyone was talking about her when anyone there barely knew her period.

"What's wrong love?" K'saiah asked but she didn't respond, he noticed the change in her behavior and was wondering why it changed all of a sudden.

"It's nothing." She muttered as they made their way to their seats.

Once they sat down and began to eat , K'saiah heard a slick comment about Ajani that he didn't like and he knew exactly who said it.

"Don't be talking about my girl when youn' even know shit about her, ion' know why you thought I was gon' let that shit slide like how your lace front did because I'm pretty sure your lace front ain't posed' ta' be sitting on your eyebrows." He snapped turning around seeing the people he didn't like the most at the function , it was two girls that were in their mid 20's and they were the definition of hateful and disrespectful.

They were also his cousin girlfriends which meant he had to deal with seeing them at most of the functions.

They were obviously embarrassed so they chose to walk outside without making a smart remark back.

"Oh okay." He muttered picking his fork back up, nobody really cared about the sudden snap because they already didn't like neither one of them so they were glad he spoke up.

"Bout time somebody said sum' about that lace front." Ajani heard someone mutter making her let out a quiet laugh.

K'saiah had one hand on her thigh and rubbed small circles on it since he knew that made her calm


"Let me tell y'all what cortez told me!" Aaliyah exclaimed walking into the room with Junior not far from her.




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