《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 8


"Ajani what the fuck do you got going on dude?" K'saiah asked walking into Ajani's room, her lights were dimmed and hostage was playing at a low volume .

"How did you get in?"

"That's not what I asked you." He said hearing her sniffle, he couldn't see her due to the lights being off.

"Ajani why the fuck you crying? why you ain't call me?" He hasn't heard from her in three days and she wasn't returning his calls.

He cut the lamp on that was next to her bed and saw how puffy her eyes were so he knew that she had been crying for a long time, he walked over to her bed and hugged her tightly.

He felt her breaking down in his arms and he completely hated it because he couldn't do anything about it.

"You want ta' tell me why you crying lil mama?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now." He decided not to press her anymore.

"C'mon love, you gon' be straight." He completely picked her up and sat down with her still on top of him.

He rubbed her back and moved her hair out of the way.

She was grateful she had him in her life but sometimes she felt as if he was too good for her.

"You gotta stop ghosting me and talk to me." They both knew he was right.

"I know." She muttered against his chest.

"Can you at least tell me why you ghost me once a month?" He asked, any other time he would just randomly pop up but it was getting old.

"What, do you just wanna be frie-"

"No! No." She immediately cut him off, he knew that wasn't the case and even if it was he wouldn't allow it.

"Then what do we have going on Ajani? You can't talk to me on your own type of timing. I feel like you going through something and I wanna be there for you but I can't if you keep pushing me away. Lack of communication can fuck us up."

"I know I just-I'm so confused with my life right now and I'm even more confused with me and you because I feel like you're too good for me and I feel even weirder because I don't ever share how I feel because I don't feel like my feelings are valid enough to be shared with anybody anymore." She admitted.


"If anything you're to good for me, don't ever feel like I'm too good for you. I've known you for over a year , despite how much you've tried to push me away that shit ain't gon work. You can always tell me how you feel, your feelings are very valid and important."

"You hear me?" He asked grabbing her by her chin and tilted her head so he could see her face.

"I hear you." She responded with a sigh.

A few days later.

"Aye pass me that." Someone said to Ajani who was near the chip isle, she was in store near K'saiah's house.

"Those hot Cheetos?" Ajani asked not sure of what he was pointing at.

"What it look like?" He asked with a attitude.

"Get them yourself then." She left from the isle being sure to grab some hot fries and went to the checkout line.

"Rude ass." She muttered putting her things on the counter top.

The same dude she ran into put his things up there too making her look at him like he was dumb.

"Why did you put-"

"Imma pay for your shit because I was rude to you earlier." She gave him a simple head nod and kept her distance.

After he paid for everything he gave her her things and they went their separate ways.

"What took you so long?" K'saiah asked once she got back into her car.

"It was nothing." She shrugged.

"Did you get my juice?" He asked making her reach into the bag and hand it to him.

"Thank you love." He said making her smile, every time he called her that it made her feel like her stomach was doing back flips.

She didn't know if it was the way he said it or because he was saying it to her but she loved it when he called her that.

He pulled off driving with one hand while the other one was holding her hand .

"Can I braid your hair?" She asked , he looked at her for a split second and nodded.

"You look so pretty." She said in adoration , she always found him so adorable and she was constantly reminding him how cute and handsome he was to her.


"Thank you pretty girl." He chuckled, he thought it was cute how she always reminded him.

They passed a blunt back and forth until they got back to his house.


They eventually got back to his house but they ended up smoking another blunt. Ajani had completely forgot about braiding his hair but something else graced her mind..

Ajani started to think about how she was going to bring the question up, she abruptly stood up from where she was sitting and sat on K'saiah's lap.

"K'saiah do you want me?" She asked surprising him since it was a question he wasn't expecting to answer so soon.

"Look at me." She said grabbing his chin with two fingers making him get slightly nervous, he has never met a woman who was as dominant as Ajani.

"Do you want me?" She asked again making him nod, not being able to find the gut to talk.

"Why you acting shy now, huh? Talk to me."

"I want you so fucking bad."

"Good because I want you too." She smirked peaking his lips , he was taken back at how bold she was being.

He gently grabbed her by her throat bringing her to another kiss.

"Mmm." She hummed as he reached for her waist and pressed his hips into her while they slowly kissed.

She kissed on his neck making his breath hitch.

"O-Okay chill out." He said , face turning red making her giggle.

"Let's watch movie or something." He said as she rubbed his ear while resting her head in the crook of his neck.

"Wait I was pose' to braid your hair."


"Ajani stop moving so fucking much." K'saiah said to Ajani who was on his lap, they were in the living room while she was braiding his hair while sitting on his lap since she was working towards the front of his head .

"Why? I'm not even moving that much." She asked even though she was very aware of what she was doing.

She moved one more time but immediately stopped once she felt him stiffen up under her.

"You feel that shit, huh?" He smirked making her look down at him with a surprised face, his eyes were low and red and he started to get touchy .

"Don't act surprised, you knew what you was doing." He said as she finished up his last braid, after she was done she put moose on it and helped him put his durag on.

"I wasn't doing anything." She said innocently tilting her head.

He briefly looked at her , licking his lips and then looked away.

"You wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" He asked out of the blue.

"Ooh , yeah." She grinned , she loved shopping more than anything.

"We can go to the movies too."

"Oop okay, not that boy want to spend time with mee." She hyped doing a lil dance.

"Girl I'm always spending time with yo lil aggy ass." He said playfully rolling his eyes.

"As you should."

"Stay off tiktok." He said making her laugh.

"You wanna eat and watch a movie?" She asked , he nodded in response.

"Come with me in the kitchen, I don't wanna be in there by myself Imma be bored." She said standing up.

"Oh so you using me for entertainment."

"Yessir." She said making him laugh.

"Ooh , let me take a picture of you."

"No my hair fucked up right now." She fussed but it was far too late he already took a million different ones.

"K'saiah stop!" She whined.

"Look at how cute you look." He said showing her one of the pictures he took.

"You swear up and down I look cute doing anything." She laughed.

"Shit you do." He shrugged now admiring how she looked.

After she finished cooking they ate and watched a movie , until she had to go to work.




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