《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 7


"Nadia." K'saiah said gently shaking her.

"Nadia, wake up." He rubbed her arm and called her name again, she cracked her eyes open and looked up at him.

"What time is it?" She asked sleepily.

"10:25." He responded making her nod and get up, she usually woke up early but due to her drinking and staying up to be late , she over slept.

She sat on the edge of the bed for at least five minutes before actually getting up. She went into the bathroom and took care of her hygiene and decided to go ahead and shower.

"Man Ajani hurry yo ass up." K'saiah groaned.

"Keep rushing me and I'm gon take longer. Just come in here and get ready."

"But you're still in the shower?"


"You want me to come in there while you showering." He asked again.


"Foreal?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Boy if you don't bring yo ass in here." She said making him open the door.

He brushed his teeth and washed his face he glanced in the mirror at his self and admired his features , he did this often due to the fact that his confidence used to be very low.

He finished cleaning up and went back into their room.

After everyone showered and took care of their hygiene they left for something to eat.


"Ajani you got a stank ass walk." K'saiah said walking behind her.

"She really do."

"Really?" She asked looking down at her legs as she walked.

"Hell yea and stop tryna see how you walk before you fucking fall." He demanded watching her stumble.

"I hope you know you don't tell me what to do." She said sliding into the booth.

"You listened." He responded ready to pick an argument with her.

"All y'all do is argue." Johan complained sitting down.


"No we do not." They said in unison making him laugh.

"I—Okay." Everyone else go seated and started looking at the menu.

"What you getting lil mama?" K'saiah lowly asked while messing with the hand she wasn't using to look over the menu with.

"Maybe the salmon pasta. You?"

"I'm going to get whatever you get." He shrugged , he slowly moved her hand to under the table making her look at him with a confused face.

He held her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers and rested them on his lap, he would've put their hands on the table but Johan didn't quite know that they were not just best friends .

"Copy cat." She teased continuing to flip through the menu, any other time she'd get chicken tenders and fries because she was a picky eater and K'saiah usually would be the one to try new foods out

"Peanut ass head."

"Shut up. What are you getting to drink?" She asked looking down at their hands.

"Sprite." He answered making her nod.

"My head hurts so bad." She muttered, she couldn't remember anything from last night, same with K'saiah.

"It should the way you were drinking." kJ said , eyebrows shooting up in the process.

"Mane' everybody was passed out and y'all two were up all night singing like some idiots." He continued making Ajani's eyes widen, she was hoping she did nothing too embarrassing.

"I don't remember shit from last night, I was white girl wasted." She sighed ignoring the head ache she had.

"Y'all didn't do much but dance together and sing." He assured her.

She did remember what took place when they were alone but she chose not to speak on it because she was sure he didn't remember since she barely did.

They stayed at the restaurant for about another hour before heading back to the hotel.



"K'saiah let's go to the beach." Ajani grinned coming into the living room, he locked eyes with her and knew he couldn't say no.

"You know I ain't gon' say no to you, especially not while you looking at me like that." He chuckled seeing her smile at his response, they gathered the group up and walked to the beach which was right outside their hotel .

"Take my picture." She said handing him her phone.

"You asking or telling?"

"Telling, now take it." She cheesed making him roll his eyes, he took a couple of pictures of her and made sure to send them to himself.

"Post em' when we sit down." He said causing her to start back walking.

They laid out their towels in the sand and put their shoes beside it.

"Oh let me post those pictures from yesterday instead." She muttered.


"K'saiah, this sand is so hot." Ajani frowned trying to speed walk towards the water.

"Slow yo ass down , it was your idea to come out here." He shrugged walking closely behind her.

"Shut up." She muttered shivering at how cold the water was on her feet.

They went a little deeper until the water was at her collar bone.

"K'saiah don't be taking me all the way out there, you're taller then me I'm going to drown." She panicked making him laugh.

"No you not, I gotchu' Ajani." She soon felt him lift her body up , he had his arms wrapped around both of her thigh so she was basically the same height as him if not a little taller.

They were pretty close considering he was holding her, she put her arms around his neck and held onto him tightly.

"I'm not gon' drop you girl." K'saiah laughed at how tight she was holding on.

"You better fucking not." She scolded.

She got more comfortable and loosely held onto his neck.

"Okay , okay let's go back."

"Not you scared."

"K'saiah stop!" She whined when he acted like he was about to go deeper, he finally stopped teasing her and started walking back towards the shore.

"Ol' crybaby ass."

"Shut up you was trying to drown me." She frowned at him.

"Girl—No I wasn't." He said before he heard a picture being taken but Ajani didn't hear it, and of course it was Jasaria and S'rene who was in awe.

(Use your imagination down below.)

"If you don't get me out of this water." Ajani threatened after seeing he was about to go deeper.

"I am not scared of you, ion' know why you be trying to threaten me like I be listening to you." He said making her roll her eyes.

"I hope they get stuck like that with yo Cocomelon looking ass." He resorted making her gasp.

"You look like you off the teletubbies."

"And you look like you special."

"Huh?" She said confused.

"Ed." He added making her jaw drop.

"You're going straight to hell." She laughed making him join her.

They all spent more time at the beach and eventually went to a nearby restaurant conjoined with a club.


"Aye Johan." K'saiah said once Ajani walked away to go sit with S'rene.


"You probably already know but um.. I like Ajani." K'saiah admitted.

"Well duhh y'all friends."

"Nigga you slow as hell, I like-like her. Not just as friends like I want to slu-"

"Ohh okay don't finish that shit , but as long as you don't hurt her we straight." He shrugged.


"What are y'all over here talking about?" Ajani asked returning.




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