《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 9


"Okay your all done." Ajani smiled wiping the tattoo and letting her last client of the day look at it before she wrapped it up.

"Ooh , I love this so much as always." She said in awe, ever since she came to Ajani when she got her first tatto she became a regular client.

"It suits you too." Ajani said making her agree, she paid her and left.

"Fuck , I have a busy ass week." Ajani groaned walking into the room she used to store her tattoo things at, she hasn't gotten a chance to talk to K'saiah all week long.

"My heart's a stereo , it beats for you so listen close, you hear my thoughts and every note, make me a radio and turn me up when you feel low." Ajani sung lowly, finishing the sketches she made the day prior .

"This is going to be so pretty." She spoke to herself, she lost herself in her own imagination and didn't even realize she spent most of her day inside of that room .

She finally stood up from her seat and walked into her bedroom to check her social media , she saw she had a missed call from her, S'rene , and Jasaria's group chat.

She called it back waited for them to join.

"Hey bitches!" Jasaria cheesed answering the phone.

"Hey y'all!" Ajani smiled turning on some low music, specifically "One last time" by Givëon and Snoh.

"Hellooooo there!" S'rene answered sounding like a old head making everyone laugh.

"I got a question." Ajani said putting her face in the camera.

"Which is?" S'rene asked.

"Do you guys think K'saiah likes me?"

"Bitch you serious?" Jasaria asked in disbelief, everyone knew that they both liked each other but had to much pride to admit it.



"Girl hell yea he likes you!" S'rene exclaimed.

"I can't believe she had the audacity to let that question flow out of her lips!"

"But he hasn't really made a move yet." Ajani pouted.

"I don't feel like K'saiah is the type to make a move, well not when it comes down to you he will literally let you step on him." Jasaria shrugged.

" I mean K'saiah is very shy when it comes to me but he's dominant at times too." Ajani admitted biting her bottom lip.

"And he let's me boss him around too." She continued thinking about him.

"Guys I like how he lets me boss him around."

"Ajani-Really?" Jasaria laughed at how she worded it.

"She worded it like it was completely normal," S'rene joined Jasaria and Ajani with laughter.

"Okay but seriously I've haven't dated in almost two years , what if he doesn't like me."

"Girl who the fuck wouldn't like you, and have you seen how that man looks at you? He looks like he'll do whatever the hell you ask him to with ease." Jasaria said making everybody laugh.

"But I-Wait he calling me, lord I done spoke him up into existence." Ajani rushed out before answering his call.


"Come to the door." He interrupted and hung up seconds later.

"Damn can I get a hello, a how are you. Rude ass." She muttered taking her sweet time walking to the door.

"Hey." He smiled embracing her in a hug as soon as she opened the door.

"Hey .. well you're in a good mood." Ajani giggled liking his energy, her attitude quickly went away when she saw he was happy.

"I'm always in a good mood around you." He chuckled , hands drifting lower.


"Why you ain't tell me you was coming?" She asked once his hands were basically sitting on her lower waist and he was pulling her closer to him.

"I don't have to tell you all of that lil mama." K'saiah said making her playfully roll her eyes.

"Aye but foreal I gotta talk to you about something." He said making her nod.

"Wait let's sit down." She said locking her door and grabbing his hand to walk to her bedroom.

He took a seat on her bed and signaled her to sit on his lap which she gladly did.

"So you remember-Well you probably don't remember most of it but when we were at my house and when we first got there w-we both got high as hell but we sobered up a lil' bit and you um-we,"

"We laid down together but we didn't have sex or anything and basically said that we wanted each other and kissed but I need ta' know if you was just talking like that because you were high because I don't want my feelings to be getting played with." He admitted finally getting his words out.

"K'saiah the reason I haven't brought it up is because I didn't think you remembered what happened since I barely did but I meant every word I said." She assured causing him to let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Okay but since we're already on this topic you should know that I have feelings for you and I've had them for a very long time, I don't know when I developed them but I like yo' peanut ass head." He said breaking eye contact with her.

"Aww, patchy I have feelings for you too, I was waiting on you to make a move and you never did so I didn't think you really looked at me that way." He turned his head back so he could look her in her eyes to see if she was genuine.

"I missed you." He smiled gushily, hands traveling past her waist.

"I see, you're very touchy today huh?" He didn't respond, he showed how he felt through the places he was touching.

"Mmm." She hummed while he kissed on her neck, he grabbed her hips and started grinding them into him.

Even though she liked to be in control she felt herself melting under his touch and she was completely loving it.

Right when it was about to escalate from there, Ajani's phone rung making them snap out of it.




Y'all thought y'all was finna get a sceneeeeee????

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