《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C6 - An Auspicious Family


When comrade [1] Sheng Hong took up his new position, a whole new environment and atmosphere came with the new term of service.

Now that they were in Deng Prefecture, he intended to build a positive image for his family, providing a good example of a harmonious family with affectionate parents and filial children. This would be his first contribution to this province, setting the foundations for developing it into a fine society.

And so, upon successfully being installed into his new office, he chose the perfect day when the sun was shining brightly to bring his wife, Wang shi, his three sons, four daughters and a few maids before Old Madam Sheng to pay their respects.

Once they were in Hall of Peaceful Ages, Sheng Hong and Wang shi first greeted the Old Madam before they each sat on the square stools on either side of her luohan couch. After that, the servants led the children to pay their respect in a specific order. First, it was the three legitimate children, then the four concubine-born children - the concubines were not allowed to come along.

When Minglan, that is, little Yao Yiyi woke up first thing in the morning, she was still muddle-headed. She hadn't even eaten her breakfast yet when she was suddenly carried out of the room by a servant girl who was about fourteen or fifteen years old, telling her that it was time to pay respect.

She was the second to the last person at the back of the line, and it was only when she made a kowtow did she became fully awake as she stammered, "Paying respects to grandmother."

Add to the fact that she hadn't talked for a while now and that she was afraid of saying something wrong, when Minglan opened her mouth, her words were weak and it came out rather like a mumble and attracted a soft sneer.

When Minglan turned her head to look at the person who sneered, she saw Young Lady Rulan slightly covering her mouth while standing at the side. Beside her stood a pretty and delicate young lady that seemed to be slightly older than her, Minglan guessed that she was the fourth child, Young Lady Molan.

In Young Lady Molan's hair was a pair of snowy white jade hairpin. She was dressed in a cloth that was made out of muslin engraved with patterns of a delicate lake. Her stance was according to the rules, her head was bent gently, yet respectful.

Sheng Hong faintly knitted his brows and looked at Wang shi. She then, immediately glared at the mama [2] beside Rulan, that mama then lowered her head in terror.

Looking at both Rulan and Molan, Old Madam Sheng sighed in her heart. Then, when she looked at the dull-witted Minglan, who was being laughed by others yet remained ignorant about it as she foolishly stood in the midst with a confused and bewildered look, she couldn't help but drink a mouthful of tea, not allowing any emotions to show on her face. She continued to lower her head as she waited till the youngest child, Sheng Changdong, to finish giving his respects before she said, "I'm already accustomed to the tranquility and peace, hence, I do not enjoy the noise that comes with the crowds. We are all one family, there's no need to stand on ceremony. As usual, you can pay your respects every ten days."

Wang shi's powdered face was flushing, which might be because she had a good rest last night. "What is Old Madam talking about? It's the duty of the younger generation to show their filial piety before you. Those past years, I wasn't mature enough and have neglected my duty. A while ago, I was scolded by Master and hence, this daughter-in-law has learned her mistakes. Hope that you'll forgive this daughter-in-law's stupidity and don't hold it against me. This daughter-in-law will apologise here to you."


While saying so, she stood up and knelt before Old Madam Sheng. Old Madam Sheng glanced at Sheng Hong, who then knelt as well saying, "Mother, don't just mention these greetings in the morning and evening, even if it's to carry and serve you tea daily, it's all her duty. If Mother doesn't allow, then this son can only treat it as that you're still angry with your daughter-in-law. It's the fault of this son that the management of the house is not strict. This son will even personally go before father's coffin to accept any punishment."

Wang shi used the handkerchief to wipe her face, and with red eyes said, "Mother, this daughter-in-law really knows that she is in the wrong. When I was still at my maiden house, this daughter-in-law also learned the most important virtue of all is filial piety. Yet, after I entered the door of the Sheng house, I have allowed my heart to be covered with wickedness and let my temper worsen, leading me to neglect my duty to you. Old Madam, don't hesitate to punish me, please, don't stay your hand out of. If Old Madam dislikes the place getting crowded and noises, then, in the future, we will pay our respects separately."

Having said this in a low voice, Sheng Hong's eyes also reddened.

Minglan stood, last in line in the left row, peering ahead. She couldn't help but secretly think, this couple, she doesn't know if they rehearsed this yesterday or last night for them to match each other's performance extremely well and even when crying, they'll even cry at the same time.

Inevitably, Minglan suspiciously looked at their sleeves, don't tell me they kept an onion to make themselves cry?

Old Madam Sheng saw the situation, with a long sigh, she also no longer persisted. She waved her hands to allow the maids to help the Sheng Hong couple up. "If it is so, I will just listen to you then." After saying that, she took a glance at the dazed Minglan, the thin and frail young lady was the last one to get up by herself.

Sheng Changdong was still too young, hence his standing was a bit unsteady. That's why after kowtowing, the old maid carried him away and the remaining people sat down again.

Paying respect, in the ancient times, was the most important activity in the inner household.

Daughter-in-laws who managed the household would report recent activities inside the house to their mother-in-laws or ask for instructions for how to handle future matters.

If the children were being raised under the mother-in-law, then they'd grasp this opportunity to take a good look at their own child, to avoid not being able to recognise the baby they had birthed. If the children were being raised by their side then it is to present them and to let the grandfather and grandmother see; setting a little familial love and joy, or at the very least, letting the children play with them to make them happy for a while.

Unfortunately, Wang shi had not done this type of job for a long time, a familiar tone wasn't good to use nor was an unfamiliar tone good to use. In addition, it wasn't considered good to say anything to Old Madam Sheng. As a result, Student [3] Sheng Hong intentionally accompanied them to pay respects today. Aside from playing the role of peacemaker, he also took charge of breaking the ice.

"Mother, are you used to staying here these few days? The weather in Deng Prefecture is not as warm as Quan Prefecture." Sheng Hong asked.


"It is a little cold but not a hindrance." Old Madam Sheng replied.

"I feel that this Deng Prefecture is rather better than Quan Prefecture. Here, there's tall mountains and wide oceans, our place is close to the waterfront and the climate is not that dry. I say that Master got a good place assigned; this place is neither too cold nor dry." Wang shi laughed.

"For this old woman, it actually doesn't matter, don't know how the little ones feel? Any discomfort?" Old Madam Sheng said, her eyes looking towards the two rows of her grandchildren.

Wang shi fervent gaze swept towards Sheng Changbai, hence Older Brother Changbai stood up according to the rules and with a slight bow, he said, "Replying to Grandmother's words, this grandson feels that this place is great."

In the end.... He only said twelve concise words before he sat down.

Old Madam Sheng put down her teacup, and look at Sheng Hong and Wang shi before she looked at the remaining children. Sheng Hong did not have any reaction, while Wang shi seems to be somewhat awkward as she secretly glared at her son.

The second one to speak was Sheng Changfeng, he was born rather similar to his full-blooded younger sister, Molan. A modest smile hung on the fair and clear skin, and with his voice bright said, "Every place has its own goodness, Quan Prefecture has a warm temperature, but Deng Prefecture is magnanimous. Where in our country that's under heaven has a place that's no good? This grandson just read Du Zimei's [4] poem a few days ago. 'Mount Tai -What is it like? Through Qi and Lu its azure never ends. Here the Creator gathers wonders divine. Its northern and southern slopes divide dusk and dawn. ' [5] Shangdong Province [6] had produced great sages and also Mount Tai is really a good place. Any day Grandmother is interested, we can visit that Mount Tai.

His voice was bright and diction clear, Sheng Hong continuously nodded his head with a satisfied look in his eyes. Old Madam Sheng also could not resist looking at him a few more times and said, "Little Boy Feng has good knowledge, everyone says Little Boy Feng's studies are extremely good. Teacher praises his verses and essays considerably."

At the same time, the atmosphere in Hall of Peaceful Ages became harmonious, Sheng Hong even happier. A few of the little ones were relieved, only Wang shi's smile become somewhat forced. Minglan stole a look and realised that she was tightly holding onto the handkerchief, as if she was strangling Sheng Changbai's throat so as to allow him to spit out a few more words.

Hualan looked at Wang shi, before she turned her head in front of her and playfully pouting said, "Grandmother only praised Third Younger Brother, certainly dislike us girls."

Old Madam Sheng warmly smiled, "What nonsense is this child saying? When you were young Master personally held your hands to read and write, also specially invited a teacher for you. Who dare dislike our family's first young miss? This big girl Hua is already this old, yet she has became more mischievous."

Sheng Hualan was born at the best timing. At that time Wang shi and Sheng Hong were still newlyweds, and she still had harmonious relations with Old Madam Sheng.

Later on, after her younger brother was born, Sheng Hualan became more dainty and likeable and, being the legitimate first young miss, she became spoilt from head to toe. She was also raised under Old Madam Sheng for some time. But because Wang shi was not willing to part with her, soon she was sent back. But still among the grandchildren, Old Madam Sheng was most affectionate with her. In comparison, the one born of the same mother, Young Lady Rulan, wasn't born under such 'favorable conditions'.

"Father taught Older Sister before? Then why did he not teach me? I want a teacher too!" As expected, Rulan jumped down from the low stool and ran to Sheng Hong's side, pulling at his sleeves, acting like a spoiled child.

Wang shi dragged Rulan to her side and scolded her, "You're not allowed to act wilfully, your father is busy with his work now, he doesn't have any time to play with you. You cannot even sit still while tracing the red characters [7], so what are you saying about asking teacher?"

Rulan was unwilling, stamping her feet and pouting. Wang shi could only persuade and coax her as Sheng Hong's face sunk. Old Madam Sheng watched with a slight smile, this moment, while it was quiet, the silent Molan suddenly spoke, "Fifth Younger Sister is still young, tracing requires patience, naturally finds it boring. However, learning some verses and principles is good, I feel that there is no need to invite a teacher, First Older Sister's knowledge is this good, why not invite her to teach, wouldn't it be just right?" Once she finished speaking, she pursed her lips and gave a refined and innocent smile.

Sheng Hong saw that his daughter was considerate in speaking, and had soft and gently attitude and couldn't help but praise, "Mo'er said well, girls don't need to take imperial examinations or official career, and, hence, don't need to memorize those books. However, learning some verses and essays to whet the temperament is actually not a bad idea, when Hua'er is free, teaching Ru'er is also good; teaching the younger brothers and sisters in her capacity as an older sister is her duty after all."

Wang shi turned cold and refused to respond to this, Hualan felt disdainful. However, Old Madam Sheng was looking at the sole person who had not yet spoken, Sheng Minglan. She was just staring at Molan blankly. Old Madam Sheng couldn't help but sigh internally.

Rambling incoherently for a while more, Wang shi slowly brought the topic to Hualan's coming of age ceremony, but before she went into further detail, Old Madam Sheng instructed the mama to arrange the breakfast there and split it into two tables, one table for the three adults to dine. While the other table was for the children to eat together.

Breakfast was carried up, unexpectedly simple. Even though Minglan understood the situation and also felt that it wasn't somewhat presentable. There was a big ceramic plate at the table, on top of it were white steamed buns and sesame-oil steamed twisted rolls. In addition, there was also a pure porridge steamed from the white japonica rice, and a few more small dishes.

White Steamed Buns (白饅頭)

Sesame-oil Steamed Twisted Rolls (香油花卷)

Minglan raised her head and saw that Older Brother Changbai's expression seemed apologetic, Changfeng and Molan's expressions were as normal and picked up the chopsticks to eat. Hualan and Rulan both pouted, although the movements differ greatly but it is no different from her angle.

Minglan had a maid to serve her as she also slowly ate, and couldn't help but recall the breakfast at Madame's place, Lotus Root Honey Cake, Milky Red Pine Rolled Pastry, Fried Glutinous Rice Dough Cakes, Rosin Meat Garlic Knots, Sesame Balls, Jujube Boiled Rice Congee, Red Rice Congee, steamed egg with meat, swallow's nest stewed egg, Braised Beef Pasta, cold sesame noodles with shredded meat, sixteen kinds of small dishes assorted into an eight treasure case...[8]

The rich families paid attention to food, but didn't say anything about it, what more these six siblings who were produced from three different factories. Before this, they even hardly spoke, this moment they could only hear the sounds of spoon and chopsticks moving.

After eating breakfast, Sheng Hong hurriedly went to his office, while Wang shi returned to her courtyard. The rest of the children on the other hand were taken by different mamas but the mama responsible for Minglan wasn't there yet.

Minglan hopped off the stool and went to take a look at the doorway, she dared not walk randomly in an unfamiliar place but following the corridor along the doorway should be alright.

Minglan walked along the wall supported by the pillars, forgetting how many turns she had already made. She already passed through a few rooms, and the more she looked the more she shook her head.

This house was big, and decorated with simple furniture. Yet, aside from the necessary furnitures, it didn't have any precious antiques.

The servants here were mostly of old age, there were some few young maids but they only sweep the floor and washed. this place seemed to be more poverty-stricken compared to the young maid's place. There were no flowers or trees and only simple pruned ones. The hall looked rather similar to a bitter cold cave.

Minglan thought to herself, 'seems like the rumours are true.'

This Sheng household's Old Madam was born from the household of Marquis Yongyi and, naturally, she was haughty.

When she was young, she had not seen even a dirt. And in her earlier years, she seemed to love stirring up trouble. It was said that she had offended both the husband's family and her maiden family. Afterwards Sheng household's Old Master passed away, she began to observe the widowed life and also changed her nature all the way even after Sheng Hong became of age and got married. She didn't even keep a single property from all the properties the Sheng household has and instead gave everything to Sheng Hong even though she didn't have much private savings left.

She prayed and abstained from the consumption of meat, and then she cut herself off from the rest of the world. The entire servants of Hall of Peaceful Ages also followed along and soon the place began to look like a nunnery; they would eat simple and crude foods, errands didn't have any profit -the days were dull.

For a period of time even the courtyard's main gate was closed, and it seemed even more cut off from the people and excitement.

Most of the servants were not willing to work on Hall of Peaceful Ages and suffer such condition, so the people being ordered around were all the elderly who came from Old Madam's dowry and accompanied her.

Minglan concluded, 'A group of neglected bunch. Benefits isn't high as material benefits are rare. No ambition to lead, staff lack activity to do.'

Walking around another corner, Minglan suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance. She was instantly stunned. This smell is just like the one from her deepest memories!

She originally wanted to forget the past, but she still followed the aroma and entered the room. Pushing the door to enter, she was exposed to a small room. There was a red sandalwood table and a few roll of scriptures at the left side.

A stool with two ruyi lines patterns

as one wants / according to one's wishes / a symbol of power and good fortune

Red Sandalwood Square Table (紫檀方桌)

Lingzhi (靈芝)

Believed in China to confer longevity

Looking deeper into the room, Minglan saw a small Buddhism niche. On top of it was an embroidery cotton black and gold veil that smelled like autumn. Below it was an incense table, laying in the middle of the table was a cauldron with four-legged and two-horned Pixiu carved on top. Minglan first smelled the sandalwood fragrance. Near the incense table, there were chairs on each side. And in the middle of the room was a praying mat on the floor. So it turned out to be designed similar to a temple.

Cauldron With Four-Legged And Two-Horned Pixiu Carved On Top

Pixiu symbolize the acquisition and preservation of wealth.

There was the honourable delicate white jade Guanyin statue, which was enshrined on the incense table.

A White Jade Guanyin Statue

Guanyin is the Goddess of Mercy, "[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds of the World".

Minglan raised her head to look at it and saw that the Guanyin was dignified yet solemn. Her countenance was merciful, almost like it had seen all the sufferings of the human world.

Minglan's eyes suddenly felt warm, her tears couldn't help but fall down.

She couldn't help but remember her Mother Yao. Before she went to the countryside, her mother brought a Guanyin jade locket that she had asked to be blessed in the temple. Then she tirelessly nagged her daughter to bring it along so as to be blessed on this trip and be safe. At that time Yao Yiyi was impatient while listening to her mother's nagging and hurriedly climb up the car. But now, even if she wanted to listen to her, she couldn't do so anymore.

Now recalling those times before she lost her consciousness, she vaguely remembered someone prying the car door open, it seemed like the people who came to save them was there.

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