《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C7 - This is the Kind of Reincarnation a Transmigrated Girl Should Have!


"Minglan! Little girl! Bring me a tangerine, and it must be properly peeled." Young Lady Rulan was sitting on top of the swing.

Minglan was dumbly sitting on a stone block while looking at the sky with no intention to move. Rulan called out a few more times, but seeing that Minglan still didn't react, she immediately picked up a small stone to throw it at her. When Minglan felt the pain in her shoulder, she jerkily turned her head around to see who it is, only to see Young Lady Rulan smiling with her teeth clear to see, "Hey, little idiot! Hurry up and get the tangerine and start peeling it off for this young miss here!"

Minglan remained quiet and continued to stare at the sky but slowly walked to the table by the side and picked up a tangerine. She was just about to peel it when a hand from the side stopped her. That hand was tender and beautiful, ten pointy nails dye in mild red from the juice of an Impatien flower.

"Rulan, you are bullying Sixth Younger Sister again! Get down here, now!" The First Young Miss Hualan angrily rushed over and dragged Rulan away from the swing. "What did father say? Among all the sisters, Sixth Younger Sister is the youngest; as the older ones we should be more considerate and give her extra care. Yet you actually spend the whole day bullying her! Be careful that I won't tell father about this!

"Who is bullying her? I merely asked her to peel a tangerine!" Young Lady Rulan stuck her little belly out and crossed her arms.

"Have all the servants died? Why are you asking the master to peel the tangerine?! Or is it that the maids by your side are too precious that they can't be ordered around?" Hualan's beautiful eyes widened as she glared at them. The three or four maids who originally waited by the side to attend their master were laughing quietly, but now retreated to a corner and bowed their heads in fear.

"You all watched as Sixth Young Lady moved to peel the tangerine, why did none of you stop her? Such capable maids who dare to mock your master! One of these days, I will report this to Master and Madame and have you all sent home so that you can laugh on your own all day long!" First Young Miss Hualan sharply reprimand them.

Immediately, Rulan refused to listen to her, and instead went forward to pull on her older sister's sleeve, loudly saying, "Eldest Sister, you're not allowed to bully my servants! I will tell Mother that you are bullying your own bloodrelated sister for the sake of this idiot daughter of father's concubine!"

"Go tell her then! I've been meaning to complain about this for some time, what do you mean by 'concubine's daughter'? Sixth younger sister is still our sister! Besides, Father personally carried her over to Mother's place so that makes her our blood related sister! If you say such shameful words like concubine-born again, be careful if father will not beat you with planks!" Hualan used her index finger to poke forcefully at Rulan's forehead.

Rulan was still fuming, but she was unable to retort. Minglan lowered her head, pretended to be foolish, and didn't speak.

Although Hualan and Rulan are sisters from the same mother, their appearances are different from each other.

Hualan resembled Sheng Hong,beautiful and elegant, and a thriving heroic spirit can be felt between her brows.

Meanwhile, Rulan looked like Wang shi, round-faced, with a respectable and upright visage, her looks were inevitably somewhat common, but in the future when she grew up, she might develop a dignified look.


Providence was obviously not fair when creating this pair of sisters, born from the same parents. Regardless of their looks, talents, or their portion of their parents' love, the younger sister was always inferior to her older sister. Minglan only hoped that Rulan's indignity within her heart would not become even worse in the future.

Actually, it was not very hard living in Wang shi's side. Older Sister Hualan and Older Brother Changbai already had their own courtyards; they did not live with Wang shi anymore. While, Little Brother Changdong was still at the at the age where he only drooled. The only thing that Minglan needed to deal with was Young Lady Rulan.

Actually, Rulan's personality was not bad, she only wanted to throw her temper around and act impressive, and itched for others to praise her daily.

But she does not dare offend her older sister and her older brother who were above her. She also could not provoke her older brother and older sister at Concubine Lin's place. And it was also pointless for her to provoke Younger Brother Changdong when he cannot even stand steadily. Thus, the unlucky Minglan was the only one remaining that she could order around.

Whenever this happened, First Young Miss Hualan would be like the Great Sage that comes from the heaven to uphold justice. She may not necessary like Minglan, but she cannot watch Rulan's arrogant behaviour.

Minglan was very thankful towards this beautiful and dignified elder sister. She was really the heaven's favoured one. She lacked nothing from her beauty and her family background to her courage. Minglan really hoped this big sister would always be happy and proud in the future.

Now, every morning, Minglan would be carried by a mama and would go together with Wang shi to pay their respects to Old Madam Sheng. But before that, all the concubines would pay their respects to Wang shi at her courtyard first. Concubine Lin had a pattern to when she pays her respects; she would pay her respects for three days straight and then rest for the next two days. Her reason was very much a panacea- that a part of her body was unwell.

If during the previous night, Sheng Hong had rested at her place, then the next day she would support her waist and say that her body is tired. But if Sheng Hong didn't rest at her place, she would then support her chest and say that her heart is tired.

Every time Concubine Lin came to pay respects, Wang shi needed to balance her mental condition for a very long time to avoid herself from raging and scratching the lovely cheeks of Concubine Lin. It was really an extreme challenge to Wang shi's personal propriety.

In contrast, when it came to little Minglan, who was young and a bit empty-headed, since she was merely a five or six years old and didn't have a favoured mother anymore,Wang shi didn't have the need to bully her. However, this didn't mean she would specially care for her. Besides, Minglan was raised alongside Rulan in the same manner, but attentive people would be able to see the difference in their treatment.

During every meal, all the dishes arranged on the table would be foods that Rulan liked; Minglan could only eat with her and had no ability to choose what she wanted to eat. Rulan's clothes were always new, while Minglan had to wear her leftovers, though those secondhand clothing were also relatively new since Rulan had not yet used most of them. If there were any new fruits or desserts, of course Rulan would eat them first, and again, Minglan was left with the leftovers.


As for the jewelries of any kind like gold, silver, or jade, Minglan would never even see them. However, every time they went out, Wang shi would place something on her neck and on her hair in order to keep their prestigiousness.

Minglan's plan for now was that when she needed to act dumb, then act dumb, and when it's time to complain, then complain. Young Lady Yingchun's [1] bitter experience has already told us that just because one suffers in silence doesn't mean that peace and security is guaranteed. As a concubine-born daughter with no one to rely on, if you do not fight for yourself, who will still pay attention to you? This is what they called, "heavens will help you if you help yourself".

The mama by Minglan's side was a lazy and careless old woman. When you want to go east, often she would go west. When you give her a few more orders, then she would purse her lips and make her displeasure known. The young maids would also follow her example; they all couldn't help but be lazy, and sometimes they would even have "private talks" in voices that Minglan could still hear. Stuff like "She wants us to do this and she wants us to do that, it's so annoying I could die." and, "Look at her acting so haughty, as if she thinks she's some kind of noble lady, when she's merely someone born from a concubine," "She better stop making a fuss, since no one really cares to actually serve her."

Minglan did not utter a single word, pretended that she had not heard anything and continued to give them orders as usual. Since Sheng Hong did not completely trust Wang shi, he would go and visit Minglan every now and then. At those times, Minglan would bluntly say stuff like, "Last night I was thirsty, but mama didn't give me water.", "Had the cherryapple blossom you gave me before bloomed already? I haven't seen it." "The dessert that Madame gave? Mama said that her little grandson liked it, so she took it away." and "...mama told me to wait till she had a free time and she'll patch up this hole on my clothes."

Sheng Hong's expression would then immediately drop, while Wang shi would be utterly embarrassed.

Recently, she had been too busy preparing Hualan's coming of age ceremony, that she did not have any energy left to take care of Minglan. Once she got angry, she punished every maid who embarrassed her. In the beginning the maids were not happy and continued to create difficulties for Minglan. Minglan also did not take them seriously and continued to complain. But, after complaining two times, all the servants became well-behaved, and so Minglan's lifestyle improved.

First, you must choose the right person to complain to. From the start, Minglan knew that Wang shi didn't truly care about her, and that for her, as long as Minglan lived, then it was fine. On the other hand, Shen Hong still remembered Concubine Wei's death and felt guilty that she passed away at such a young age. So, therefore, the person Minglan should complain to was Sheng Hong.

Second, you must choose the right target of your complaint. Minglan only complained about the maids and never mentioned Wang shi. Instead, she often spoke about what Wang shi gave her, and that it was the servants who were lazy and sly. So it would still be fine for Wang shi to listen in from the side.

And lastly, and the most important part: she must act dumb. From the moment Minglan woke up, she would act dumb and blank. Her words weren't nimble and her reactions were also slow, she behaved like a complete dummy with no schemes, and this kept her safer than anything else..

Gradually summer came into town. The days grew blistering hot and the summer heat burned into people's' skin. That day, Minglan was taking an afternoon nap in her room when the two young maids on the day-shift were standing in position outside the hall and idly gossipping.

"First young miss' coming of age ceremony is certainly grand. It's said that Madame invited all of the important madames and ladies in Deng Prefecture. Just the sedan chairs alone are arranged into two whole rows outside the doorway. Because they are afraid that the guests will be too hot, Madame even bought dozens of carts of ice in order to cool the rooms down, and people are bringing in bowls of ice in a continuous stream.

'Master also returned to the household specifically to attend the ceremony." A young maid, barely ten, said this.

"Madame specifically ordered a custom-made green jade head ornament from the Jewel Building. Mama said that this is the capital's very best jade crafting shop. I wonder how much money they have spent for that alone? Not to mention the dress that the first young lady would be wearing. Mama said that the embroidery on it is Liushang [2] embroidery, so that when she moves, the fabric flows as if it were a river; this was sent over by the Old Madam of the Madame's maiden family. First young lady's life is really good. Older Sister Qiuyu, in the future, what do you think will happen to our young lady..." A round-faced girl of seven or eight years said.

"Ah! How can our lady ever be compared to her? The First young miss comes from the legitimate line..."

Minglan laid in her bedroom as she listened to the conversation of the maids. These two young maids were given to her by Wang shi to be her personal maids, the older one is called Qiuyu (Autumn Rain), the younger is called Xiao Tao (Small Peach). The former was originally a third class maid from Wang shi's place and the latter was someone from the courtyard for the houseborn servants who was promoted here. The purpose was that since their ages were similar to Sixth Young Miss, that they would be able to get along with her. When she thought of that, Minglan couldn't help but pout.

Since the entire inner courtyard of the Sheng Household had to be reorganized, besides the capable servants who Madame and Concubine Lin relied on, almost all the second and third class maids were changed out for new servants from the hourseborn servants' courtyard, even though Sheng Hong only wished that he could've gotten rid of every single servant. Anyone who looked sharp-witted were given to the older young masters and young misses. That is why, when it reached Minglan's turn, only the simple minded Xiao Tao was left.

But... this is all fine, Minglan flipped her small body on the bed.

Minglan did not see Sheng Hualan's coming of age ceremony, but she could imagine that spectacle. She wasn't especially awed or jealous, but while she was in that fuzzy state between sleep and wakefulness, she thought that Sheng Hualan's background was of the kind that ought to have been a time-traveller's reincarnation.

After the coming of age ceremony was over, Wang shi immediately threw herself with unlimited enthusiasm into the job of finding her first son in law. From time to time, she would exchange her thoughts with Sheng Hong and the Old Madame, and whenever that happened, Hualan would shyly cover her face in embarrassment and return to her room. Minglan couldn't help but sigh, because modern society had sure improved a lot.

She thought back to the times when Mother Yao would hold up a picture of Yao Yiyi's matchmaking partner. Back then, Yao Yiyi still possessed the final veto power and authority over the choice of her future partner. But in this time and place, even if the girl in question was as pampered and loved as Sheng Hualan, she was still unable to have any say in her own marriage. For the first time ever, Minglan experienced what was known as someone following "the order of the parents and the advice of the matchmaker"[3]

After going through a period of discussion, the Sheng couple had two last candidates left; the fifth grandson from the Household of the Duke of Ling, and the second son from the household of Earl Zhongqin. Before the couple concluded on the candidate, Qiu Jin Daren [4], who was appointed as a magistrate to the Kaifeng Prefecture, came to propose a marriage for his son.

"Since Hualan had just had her coming of age, we're not rushed to pick a son in law. But since Qiu Daren came to propose a match, we cannot help but hurry. Either we should agree to Qui Daren's proposal, or if we don't, then we need a proper reason for refusing." Wang shi sat on an ebony table decorated with bats flying through rolling clouds, and in front of her were a few large red and golden calling cards. The tassels on her golden dragon and phoenix hairpin were in constant motion as she moved about.

"Brother Qiu is the same age as me, and our families know each other well. To be honest, this marriage wouldn't be impossible, but..." Sheng Hong walked around the room, gripping in his hand a fan with a wooden frame of a box plant.

"But what? Master, say it!" Wang shi hurried him.

Sheng Hong went to sit in front of Wang shi and picked up a blanc de chine teacup from the table to lightly sip at it, saying, "I have seen the Second Master Qiu before. In terms of looks and conduct, he matches Hualan well. I've never liked the idea of Hua'er marrying into nobility anyway; even though they are wealthy and honorable, their household walls are thick and high. And Hua'er is a proud woman, she won't necessarily be happy if she really married into that kind of household. We're well matched in social status with the Qiu family, so there's no fear of Hua'er suffering any kind of inconvenience, but when I went to the capital last time, I saw something troubling."

Wang shi nodded her head continuously as she listened to the difficulties of Hualan's marriage into nobility, and as she listened till the end, she even raised the round fan in her hand to lightly fan Sheng Hong. Sheng Hong paused for a while, then scootched over to her and said quietly, "The current Empress has no son, so the succession can't be determined by choosing the legitimate son. So therefore the candidates are the princes who are the eldest or who are of the most noble birth. They can only be the two princes, the third or fourth prince, born from either Kind Consort or Decent Consort [5]. The only reason His Majesty has yet to appoint a crown prince is because the Third Prince has a weak body, and has no children even though he's over forty. And yet the Fourth Prince who has sons was born only a half a day later. As of now, His Majesty's body is healthy and and good, but if he were to collapse in the future, then something may happen to all the officials associated with those two princes."

Wang shi has no clue about anything regarding the imperial court, and she was at a loss, asking, "What does that have to do our eldest girl's marriage? Qiu Jing Daren is an outer official."

"But Qiu Jing's older brother is the teacher of preaching of the Third Prince!" Sheng Hong was frustrated, he truly wished to confide everything with his wife, but his wife's thoughts were never on the same page as his. On the flipside, Concubine Lin was always on same wavelength as he was, but unfortunately she was only a concubine.

Wang shi thought for a bit, then she couldn't help but turn pale in fright, "Master, this is absolutely inappropriate. It doesn't matter if His Majesty appoints the Third Prince or not, as long as he's not able to produce a son, he can only give the throne away in the end! I heard that the Fourth Prince isn't someone you can mess with."

As his wife finally understood the logistics, Sheng Hong nodded and then signed, "I often tried to warn Brother Qiu Jing that outer officials like us would be fine as long as we limit our relationships to secret acquaintances with those inner officials from the capital city. But we must never involve ourselves in the matter of the appointment of the crown prince. There are so many houses of nobility in the capital city, they're all smart as a whip, and yet almost none of them participate in this matter. The circumstances of our previous Emperor's ascension to the throne was already peaceful and smooth, and yet he still seized the titles of many nobles and threw out who knows how many officials of the first and second class. We are mere ants compared to those people, imagine what would happen to us? I warned him several times, but Brother Qiu wouldn't listen, and instead he and his older brother continue to ingratiate themselves with the Third Prince. I understand that the Third Prince has a generous character with a kind heart, and he is wise and filial, but, but..."

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