《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C5 - Lord Sheng Hong Wins His Two Battle!!!


The purpose of last night's conversation was to address the matter of Lady Lin's guilt, yet no one knew how the its focus had been diverted such that Lady Lin, who was supposed to be the defendant, was now the plaintiff instead. The case turned from an investigation into Concubine Wei's cause of death to an investigation into a case of the legitimate wife persecuting the concubine.

The change in the course of events was hardly discernible, like an antelope which hangs by its horns in the tree to avoid predators, leaving no trace of its presence, the audience hardly noticed that they were being misdirected. Listening to Lady Lin words, you would know that she wasn't accusing Wang shi of any crimes but hinting something else. Even Yao Yiyi, who was an accustomed expert in court matters, felt like Wang shi has wronged Lady Lin and falsely accused her.

Lady Lin's risky move managed to quickly got its desired effect: Comrade [1] Sheng Hong stopped his punishment. He even went to Concubine Lin's courtyard the very next day to stay for a little while. Concubine Lin dismissed everyone before serving Sheng Hong a Tieguanyin tea in a wucai kiln cup, making sure that it was brewed exactly the way Sheng Hong prefered it.

She looked frail, dressed again in a thin silk outer robe that's white as snow. Supporting her beautiful hair was only a plain silver hairpin, that had a tiny flower made out of white silk. Indeed pitiful in all aspects and delicate like a flower. The extreme anger that was boiling in Sheng Hong's body directly halved upon seeing such appearance.

"Yesterday at Madame's place, I gave you some face. According to your words, are you claiming that you don't have even a bit of responsibility in Concubine Wei's death?" Sheng Hong coldly asked. He was still, after all, considered to be an experienced person in the officialdom and still remembered what he should do.

Concubine Lin's teardrops were glistening as she said, "How could I not know that Master wanted to spare my reputation? Since Master came in and wants to talk alone with this concubine today, then this concubine will simply openly say it -Concubine Wei was originally invited by Madame for Master. But before that, Madame had also given Master Concubine Xiang and Concubine Ping, one after another. For what purpose though? The entire household, from the top to the bottom, understands her purpose: it was because she was wasn't delighted in seeing Master loving me and pitying me."

She continued, "I only have a little power in this household and usually there's no one else I can talk to. If I don't put some capable and reliable people at my side, I'm afraid that others would destroy me. I am not that important, but I don't want my two children; ourson, Feng'er and our daughter, Mo'er, to suffer any hardships. That's why the doors in my place are closed firmly, to keep all of us away from harm. I don't dare to make any contact to protect myself and remain safe and sound. That night, when Concubine Wei had an accident, I indeed had selfish motives and was unwilling to care. But to say that I deliberately want to harm her life, is really venomous slander..."

"Darling Hong, Darling Hong, even though I have thousands of fault, please still remember to take a look at the situation of my son, Feng'er and our daughter, Mo'er. Yesterday, teacher even praised our son, Feng'er for studying well."

Sheng Hong's heart was moved but didn't made any noise. He lifted the teacup and drank a bit.


Concubine Lin slowly moved to his side, resting her head on his shoulders, she lightly complained, "Darling Hong, I am fully aware of your conduct. That time when you and I pledged our love, Master also made an oath to me. An oath saying you wouldn't allow me to be bullied. This is why you bruised the honour of Madame's maiden family and bought me lands and shops, allowing me to properly straighten my back and conduct myself within the household. With these deep thoughts that Darling Hong has for me, how can I not know? If I were to do that cruel and unscrupulous thing, let me be destroyed by the heavens and earth and not let me have a good death."

Her voice was mellow, delicate and charming. Even though it was a poisonous oath being vowed, it still sounded like words of love. Sheng Hong couldn't help but loosen his countenance and was about to reach out to affectionately embrace Concubine Lin, but then, he suddenly remembered the discussion he had with Old Madame Sheng and withdrew his hands, pushing Concubine Lin away.

Usually Concubine Lin was able to grasp Sheng Hong's temperament. Never once had she thought that she would be pushed away, yet not even a slightest bit of surprise appeared on her face. Instead her eyes were filled with tears as it gazed at Sheng Hong.

Sheng Hong looked at Concubine Lin and in a deep voice said, "The matter with Concubine Wei, at this point, will be closed. Madame and myself will order everyone in the household. And Nobody will be allowed to speak about this, again. However, from this day forth, there are several things I want to tell you clearly."

While speaking, he put both of his hands behind his back and stood up next to the brick bed, "For this current matter, I'm also to be blame. Blindly taking pity on you and deeply loving you to the point of actually forgetting the words of the wise -to respect seniority and differences between legitimate and concubine. Families such as ours cannot disgrace ourselves by letting ourselves follow those from the merchant families, who treat their concubines and wives as equal. Even if Madame has a lot of fault, she is still the legitimate and you are still the concubine. You ought to obey etiquette to the utmost. Which is why, from today onwards, you must remove that small kitchen in your courtyard [2]. And I'll also stop giving you expenses. The maids in your courtyard must be treated the same way as the rest of the household's servants and must not be favoured. If you wish to reward people, then use your own money. All matters must be according to the rules of the household. After all these years, you have enough private savings for your life. In the future, you must abide by the rules and pay respects to Madame [3] daily. If you feel unwell, going on another day is okay. Also, order your courtyard's people to control themselves and must not be disrespectful towards Madame or say some nonsense. If I find out, then they'll all be beaten to death or be sold, without exceptions!"

Concubine Lin's pretty face lost colour. Her heart chilled as she waited to defend herself. Sheng Hong continued to speak, "I'm not one that doesn't understand things. You and Madame have been at odds for a long time already. I also know that you two can't become sisters and be harmonious within a day, but you must be flexible. I will not take back the properties that I gave you, those things given to you will still be yours but I can't allow you to carelessly assign stewards. During the time we were in Quan Prefecture, those two stewards, who were also your clan mates, were drinking with female entertainers and embracing singers. Their show was even more extravagant than mine. In the future, the stewards you assign must be approved by me. You're not allowed to recruit those worthless 'talents'. If not so, it will ruin the reputation of my Sheng family! Our son Feng'er and our daughter Mo'er will still be raised at your side. If you really were thinking for the children, then it would truly be unlikely for you to be in this predicament. From now on, just think about those two children."


Concubine Lin originally had a lot of words to say, but Sheng Hong's last line made the words on the tip of her tongue disappear.

She knew that if Sheng Hong wanted to continue being an official, he needed to maintain his good reputation, and not allow anyone to catch any shortcomings regarding his character. Based on Sheng Hong's words, he only wanted her to lie low. Not taking her properties and not separating her from her children was already his bottom line.

In the end, for this case to end in this manner was already a great fortune for her, who was responsible for Concubine Wei's death.

She is a smart person who knew when to stop. Even though her heart was somewhat unwilling, she could only bite her teeth, endure this, and get herself ready to be more affectionate with Sheng Hong.

Shen Hong enjoyed the soft fragrance and warmth at Concubine Lin's place for quite a while. Afterwards, he went to the legitimate wife's courtyard, Wang shi's place.

There was still another battle to fight tonight.

Once he was inside Wang shi's room, he sent away the servants and maids, leaving behind only the husband and wife in the inner room to talk. He told her everything that he said to Concubine Lin. After hearing what he said, Wang shi's powdered face contained anger, "When have I ever had anything to say concerning your treasured darling? What you want to be done, just have it done. How could I ever dare to say no!"

Sheng Hong took a deep breath and said, "Do you think that I don't know about it? Then let me ask you three questions. First, When we were in official's house, why did you insist on staying there for several days before dragging me back home when Concubine Wei was in labour? Second, within the household there are only four old maids who know how to deliver. Among them, three are from your dowry. Whose order do you think they would listen to? You know the answer to that better than me. Third, how is it a coincidence that just as I returned to the household, I see Concubine Wei for the last time?"

Wang shi's heart was slightly frightened but her speech was composed, "I have never done any shameful deed in my entire life. If I have then let there be ghosts knocking on my door at midnight! That day I left, I specially invited a physician to examine Concubine Wei. The physician was the same physician that Master trusts the most, Physician Liao. If Master doesn't believe me, then you can ask him. He said that everything was fine. That Concubine Wei, before she married into this household, had been working year round, hence her body is strong. That even if there was no midwife, she can still give birth. Once I left, Concubine Lin put some cooling drugs in Concubine Wei's food everyday. That led to Concubine Wei's unfavourable labour. Concubine Lin has plenty of money and has people inside and out. It is obvious that she is clever and eloquent. Even if the old maids from my dowry do not listen to her orders, she couldn't have been short-handed! Master, believe me, there's a lot of midwives in Quan Prefecture. Obviously she dragged the search of a midwife for few hours. Even if she didn't deliberately do it, then that means that her people are undisciplined! Hmph, I am upright. Even if I do some gaudy tricks, it would only be towards Concubine Lin. If she didn't have any intention to harm others, and hadn't bothered Concubine Wei, then even if Concubine Wei would have stayed in her courtyard by herself, she could have still give birth to the child, safe and sound."

Sheng Hong did not retort, instead nodded his head continuously, "I have already investigated these inner matters. Lin shi has done a lot of things in this matter, but to say that she was really thinking of harming others is also going too far. We can only say that Concubine Wei is unlucky. Those two old maids from your dowry bear a grudge against Lin shi and she also did not intentionally delay. Things have reached this point, but can it be that I should kill Concubine Lin? If those two children's [referring to his and Lin's children] hearts breed resentment, how will the house be at peace?"

Wang shi got angry and turned her body to ignore Sheng Hong as she twisted her handkerchief in fumes.

Sheng Hong sat beside Wang shi before softly soothing, "I have left Madame to suffer these few years. Be assured. Madame, from today onwards, I will no longer indulge Concubine Lin. You are the legitimate and she's just an extra. You are the legitimate wife that I officially married through the three letters and six etiquette [4]. After hundreds of years, you'll be the one that I'll share the ancestral hall and the incense in rest together. Even if Lin shi flipped the heavens, she could never surpass you. She ought to pay respect to you and serve you."

Wang shi's heart was immediately happy, turning her head, she said, "You're willing?"

Sheng Hong simply held Wang shi's waist and gently caress it, "There is nothing to be unwilling about, everything regarding the Sheng family is the most important. No matter how important Concubine Lin is, can she be more important than the face of Sheng Household? Madame, once you take out the rules of an established family, you also must remember your own behaviour. If you do not first establish it correctly, then how will others be obedient? Old Madam there..."

Wang shi was caressed a few times by him, and was already rather relaxed. She had not been this intimate with Sheng Hong for a long time, and in that moment, tender sentiments filled her heart, "I know that I have areas that are lacking. Rest assured, as long as she abides by the rules, I will not push her around and act like a child and get angry at Master. Our children are already grown up, can it be that I will still rival her for your affections?"

While Sheng Hong stroked her, Wang shi's tone had eased up quite a bit. Thus, he persisted and hugged Wang shi while lightly blowing air by her ears, teasing Wang shi till her face flushed and his breath was hot. "My good Madame, you are a young miss from an established family. You understand the logic that if the family traditions are not right, the family will not be at peace. Now we must look to the future; our daughter, Hua'er will soon reach the marriageable age and hence we must start discussing her marriage. But if ugly news about our family spreads out, will it not implicate our daughter, Hua'er? Hua'er is my firstborn daughter and also from the legitimate line. I wish to find a husband that is best for her. When the time comes, I want to display an impressive father-in-law figure."

As Wang shi listened, she got excited and became all the more submissive, "What Master says is right, I shall listen to Master for everything from now on."

Little Yao Yiyi was resting at the other side of the room. Yesterday, for the first time ever, she drank a steaming fragrant bowl of shredded chicken porridge. Hence, she had somewhat more energy today. So much that even when she was lying askew on the soft couch, she couldn't sleep and once again, apologies, she had heard every word that the couple said.

Hmmm, how should this be said?

[Okay, for those who didn't understand the details of what happened, this is the part where Minglan summarizes everything.]

The chaos within the Sheng Household originated from the rising power of Concubine Lin. Although, for the people outside, it looked like Concubine Lin had given up being a legitimate madame and and become a concubine for the man she "loved". She wasn't a least bit like the muddle-headed Second Sister You [5].

When Concubine Lin found Sheng Hong, she had observed and marked him. Her reason for targeting him was because she knew he was an independent character and not a man who would be suppressed by his wife. She also knew his sufferings during his youth as a concubine-born offspring; and used this knowledge to her advantage, getting an invincible position in the Sheng Household.

Yao Yiyi couldn't blame her father, Sheng Hong. One could only say that a man's forgiveness when it comes to matters concerning his lover was without any regard to principles; while as for the wife whom he does not love, there were always principles he follows regarding of how much he respect her.

Sheng Hong, a feudalistic scholar who received a good education, although scrupulously abided by etiquette; and despite being a young bureaucrat who has goals and is cultured, in the end was still someone who had feelings and emotions.

Wang shi may be considered an arranged marriage for him; but, if the parties could have used their hearts in treating each other after marriage, then the arranged marriage could have produce true love. Becoming newlyweds who could have develop deep feelings and importance for each other.

What a pity Wang shi made many mistakes in this aspect. In comparison, Concubine Lin's and Sheng Hong's relationship was actually the result of using their hearts. Under circumstances where nobody knew, the two snuck around. The more the feelings were suppressed, the stronger the flavour. Surely, Sheng Hong at that time, used his real heart.

It's just like when Xu Zhimo treated his lovers, Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman, with profound love; while, treated his wife that was arranged for him, Zhang Youyi, with cruelness [6]. She couldn't simply believe that these two situations were exactly alike, because compared to the very gifted scholar Xu Zhimo, Sheng Hong could still be considered temperate.

It should be that Concubine Lin's foresight was not bad and that her luck was even better. Sheng Hong was not like the weak and muddle-headed Jia Lian [7]. He (SH) unlike Jia Lian climbed from being a concubine-born to today's position. Hence, he was very clear that there were only two areas that the concubine could be bullied by the legitimate wife: everyday livelihood and raising children. Therefore, no matter what the consequences were, he gave Concubine Lin an independent source of money, so no one would dare raise a finger at her, and let her raise her children, even if it broke the rules.

There's a passage in 《Guliang Zhuan》[8] that states: "Don't take concubines, take wives. For concubines can never become legitimate wife. Men with concubines and no wives are still considered to be unmarried. If the legitimate wife dies, no matter how many concubines the husband has, he is still a widower and must look for a legitimate wife from another good family."

But those rules were for when the legitimate dies and the legitimate wife here is still alive. Moreover, these were only rules and not laws, so there were some fishes that escaped the net. For example, there was also Jiao Xing [9], a lucky concubine that managed to become the legitimate wife. Although, there were not many cases, they existed.

Yao Yiyi studied law, so she knew.

Typically speaking, the feudal society's laws protect the rights and benefits of men. Once the man's interest lay on a woman other than the legitimate wife, then the situation of the legitimate wife stepping down for another would happen. This is very sorrowful, but it was still better.

The unlucky little Chen Shimei had his head chopped off by Grandpa Bao, not because he married another wife after he tried to killed his previous one, but simply because he committed a crime of killing [10]. Men who committed the crime of remarrying will not be beheaded. Of course in the ancient time's strict code of ethics, people like Sheng Hong who wished to raise their official career, couldn't do so as it would damage their reputation.

The first few years, Sheng Hong didn't bother. His feelings for Concubine Lin were deep and broad, like the sea without borders. Hence, he was unwilling to fix the rules and return to virtue. But he's still, after all an intellectual feudalistic scholar, and not a Republic of China's poet, who takes it upon himself to break through the chained feudalistic system.

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