《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C4 - A Women Doesn't Want to Make Things Difficult For Herself


Before the Sheng Household was reorganized before they left Quan Prefecture. They allowed the local servants who couldn't bear to part with their hometown, families, or friends to be released from their contracts and even gave out dismissal money.

For that, everyone praised Sheng Daren [1] as a kindhearted fellow who loved the people.

Sheng Hong picked an auspicious date to travel and early that morning, readied both young and old within his household for travel.

The Sheng Household had a lot of people, and so they had a lot of luggage and wagons which needed at least seven or eight ships to carry them all. Sheng Hong was worried that a problem would occur, so he dispatched his most trustworthy stewards to escort the luggage in an earlier ship. That would also give them time to prepare the residence.

Since Yao Yiyi would be following Wang shi [2] from now on, she stayed in the room next to her, on the right side of the ship. There were new and unfamiliar maids by her side now, but she didn't care because she was too lazy to remember them.

Except for the first few days that she had seasickness. The passing days, even though they did not have much appetite, they would eat their portion and then sleep for a very long time after.

Together with her was little Young Lady Sheng Rulan, whose eyes were sparkling with interest as she stared at the beautiful scenery and the magnificent body of water in their surroundings. As she looked around, she also approached her 'dumb and foolish' Sixth Younger Sister, and with bright and energetic enthusiasm, she began describing everything she saw to her.

Rulan seldom went outside the household, so even just a big crow flying would interest her for a short time. Since the start of the journey she had continued to wave her fat fingers around and make a fuss over nothing. Wang shi couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded her with a few words. That, in turn, made Little Rulan gloomy, and she stopped going on about the surroundings and went back to talk with Yao Yiyi.

For the whole day, little Rulan kept on talking to Yao Yiyi, who would only reply with a weak "Mm" or just a nod.

"Mother, that Sixth Younger Sister has really lost her wits. She can't even talk!" The six year old little Rulan expressed her dissatisfaction with her new companion.

"Fifth Younger Sister, stop talking nonsense. I just heard her speak yesterday. Even though Minglan is at least a year younger than you are, she has suffered much by losing her birth mother Concubine Wei. You're not allowed to bully her." said the twelve year old Sheng Changbai, who was sitting beside the window while reading. He had a tall stature, with straightforward yet delicate features.

"She did talk yesterday, but it only consisted of four words, 'I need the toilet.' Older sister you also heard it," Little Rulan said as she pulled Yao Yiyi's braided hair. Yet on that soft couch, Yao Yiyi didn't even move a single bit and seemed like she had fallen asleep again.

"Enough, Rulan," The pretty and slender Young Lady Sheng Hualan said. She was only thirteen and a half years old, yet she looked mature and lively like a beautiful white orchid blossoming. She was sitting in front of the soft table, checking some embroidery silks.

"Why are you making a fuss over nothing? Chatting continuously the whole journey and not even having even an ounce of aura of a lady of an established family. If you make any noise again, don't you dare think that I won't go to father to ask him to punish you by copying scriptures. Let's see if you will still have the leisure to care about others and play around."


Little Rulan pouted. She's actually a little bit afraid of her eldest sister.

She unwillingly jumped down from the soft couch that she and Yao Yiyi had been lying down on and went to another side to play Cat's Cradle [3].

Nevertheless, she did not forget to give Sheng Hualan a mocking expression as she went behind her.

Not too long after that, Hualan's first class maid entered the room. Hualan put the embroidery in her hands down and asked, "How is it going?"

That maid pursed her lips into a smile before replying, "It is indeed as Young Lady expected. There's a lot of activities bustling over there. Thankfully, because we are on a ship, the trouble is not out of hand, and all they can do is cry. I originally wanted to ask around more but Mrs. Liu kicked me out."

Hualan smiled. She was happy deep inside.

Changbai put the scroll in his hands down before he frowned, "You still dare to inquire again after father instructed us not to ask anymore. Why do you never listen? Do you think that trying to inquire about news all day is fitting for a young lady of an established family?"

Hualan rolled her eyes at her younger brother, "What are you nagging about? You don't need to bother about my affairs. Continue reading your scrolls." Then, she continued to whisper to herself, "...if she really offended father, what reason could it be? I need to ask mother tonight... Serves her right!"

Yao Yiyi, who was pretending to be asleep again, narrowed her eyes. In this room, she was the sole person, who knew the whole situation.

She thought that the happenings within the ship were far more exciting than the scenery outside. After sailing off for ten days, Sheng Hong had fired two or three stewards and left them on a dock.

Please take note that all of them had the surname 'Lin' [4].

They were originally Concubine Lin's poverty-stricken fellow clansmen who came to seek shelter from her. After a few years they had become Concubine Lin's left and right arm; outside the household, they helped her manage her farmhouse and shop, while inside the household they helped buy things and run errands. These people were great servants at any angle, so when Sheng Hong expelled them, they were naturally unwilling, and they pleaded before Concubine Lin who was also shocked.

She had always been attentive when it came to her thoughts and actions, that's why she immediately knew something was amiss. She quickly went before Sheng Hong to plead for leniency. But this time, no matter how much she reasoned with him, Sheng Hong was still cold and kept on ignoring her.

Unfortunately they were in a ship and so everyone, from masters to servants, could hear everything; that's why it wasn't good for her to play any string instrument or flute, or even act like a delicate beauty while shedding tears pitifully. In short, she couldn't use any of her her skills. She could only helplessly watch the scene with no way of control.

Contrarily, Wang shi was happy like a flower blooming, but due to their current situation, she couldn't publicly show her happiness. She had no choice but to control her expression and thus was extremely exhausted.

Her mood, though, became more cheerful and her actions became more magnanimous to the point that she even treated Yao Yiyi with more intimacy. She gave her more food and clothing, as if it was for her own daughter.

Then the moment the ship stopped close to the shore, she hurriedly invited a physician to diagnose Yao Yiyi's condition to see if she had really became foolish.


What a pity that Yao Yiyi wasn't cooperating and looked the same as before. She still looked sickly, like someone who hadn't eaten a lot. And if that wasn't enough, she also had a dumbfounded look on her face from sleeping all day.

Sometimes, Sheng Hong would visit Yao Yiyi . Everytime he saw her, he would get even more worried. Everytime he carried her to estimate her weight, his brows would wrinkle tighter. After every weighing, he would hasten the boatman to hurry, wishing to reach Deng Prefecture quickly and have his daughter get a proper examination once they settled down.

During the early summer, the wind coming from the South to the North would be stronger, and so navigation of the boat was very smooth. And at last they finally reached the Jing-jin region [5].

Since Sheng Hong still needed to give his kowtow of thanks for the Emperor's kindness, as well as greet his seniors, colleagues, aids, and advisors, they got off the ship and went straight to the capital.

The eldest son of the Sheng family was given the responsibility of leading the rest of the family north to Shandong first.

Once Sheng Hong left, Concubine Lin's true attitude began to appear. She didn't even show her face because she was busy educating her children within the confines of her room on the ship.

Concubine Lin's clear resounding voice could be heard by anyone within the boat, and even to the boats that were just passing by.

One after another, they praised the Sheng Household as a generations of scholars, and concluded that homeschooling is indeed important.

Wang shi was furious and forced Changbai to read the scrolls in his hand out loud for others to hear. Though Older Brother Changbai was aloof and did things sincerely, upon hearing his mother's request, his delicate face immediately began to turn puce like an eggplant, ready to be reaped.

Yao Yiyi can say that this eggplant became more unwilling to study.

Yao Yiyi slept till she was dizzy. She didn't know how much time had already passed, but in any case, their ship had finally reached the shore. By this time, little Young Lady Rulan started to get tired of sitting on the ship, Older Brother Changbai had finished reading three rolls of scrolls, and First Young Miss Hualan had finished embroidering four pieces of handkerchief.

On the dock, there was already a steward who brought along some servants, waiting to receive them.

The people who just got off the ship and onto the shore, were covered in dirt and still felt dizzy and lightheaded from being on the boat for a long time. Thus, they didn't have a lot of pleasantries to say.

Without further ado, they immediately boarded their carriage and had a bumpy ride for the next couple of days. Fortunately, since Deng Prefecture was in a coastal area, their household wasn't that far from where they disembarked from their boat.

They finally reached the place even before Old Madam Sheng ran out of air.

Yao Yiyi was a southerner who was used to riding a boat, so she wasn't as seasick as them, but she wasn't used to riding a carriage, so she felt fiercely dizzy and "carsick". She puked yellow liquid for a good couple of days, practically vomiting out everything she had.

This time, she wasn't just pretending to be sick. Rather, she really was sick to death, until a strong old maid held her tightly in her bosom as she carry her into the household.

It was a sad thing that she couldn't see how their new household in Deng Prefecture looks like since she was busy getting her breath back to normal.

She was currently lying on a heatable brick bed. Each time she opened her eyes, she could see one physician by her side, shaking his head. The first one was an uncle around forty years old, the second was a white-haired grandpa, and the third was an old man with white hair and a beard. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it was a scientific law that a physician's age and his medicinal expertise were directly proportionate; a physician must be wiser and wiser as more time passed.

Yet, all of the three physicians they had continuously invited said the same thing: the condition of Sheng Household's sixth young lady wasn't because of any sickness but instead within Yao Yiyi herself. She didn't have the will to live on.

Wang shi looked at this little girl that was skinny to the point that her bones were clearly visible beneath her skin, and she began to feel anxious.

Sheng Minglan was personally carried by Sheng Hong to her place for her to raise, if Sheng Hong returns only to see that his little daughter died of illness, forget maintaining their lukewarm relationship, she would only receive his hate and fail to earn merit.

Once Sheng Hong returned and saw his daughter so weak, his anger towards Concubine Lin increased.

After handling his official matters during the day, he returned to the household and fired more servants.

The Sheng Household had just arrived in Deng Prefecture for the first time, so outsiders still had no idea about their affairs. So when the Sheng Household bought and sold servants, the community only understood it as reorganizing the household after taking a new post.

Deep inside, Sheng Hong was angry to the point that he avoided Concubine Lin continuously for an entire two days and had her more capable maids sold. As if this wasn't enough, he even rested at Wang shi's place that night.

Wang shi was happy and looked like a blooming flower. It was obvious from how the ginseng that was brought to nourish Yao Yiyi's body had gotten bigger and bigger, until the ginseng looked like a radish stuffed up in her bowl. Yao Yiyi was scared to look at it.

While Wang shi's side was like a warm spring day, the other side was like rainy funeral night.

Several times Concubine Lin wanted to see Sheng Hong but was stopped. However, she wasn't an ordinary person, and wasn't discouraged.

One night, after dinner, Sheng Hong and Wang shi were discussing Sheng Minglan's condition.

All the children had returned to their respective rooms except Yao Yiyi who was still lying on the heatable brick bed beside the window.

The couple on the bedside had already shifted their topic from Yao Yiyi's condition to buying properties in Deng Prefecture, when there was suddenly a racket outside their room.

The sounds of maids berating and trying to block someone flowed in. Wang shi sent Mrs. Liu to take a look when suddenly, as swift as the wind, the soft silk curtain that looked like a river was lifted as a person entered the room. Who else could it have been, aside from Concubine Lin?

Her body was completely without adornments,and not even a single pearl or jade could be seen. Her hair was merely bound in a bun and her face didn't have make up.

She was born with an outstandingly charming voice. That, combined with her dark blue silk robe which reflected her excellent snow white skin, crescent curved eyebrows which were currently knitted in distress, and waist that looked like it had lost a lot of weight, truly made her look pitiful in every respect.

From outside, the sounds of maids jostling and pinching came. Obviously Concubine Lin had brought her army of maids to crash the barricades. Sheng Hong turned his head away from her, while Wang shi who was unable to control her anger slapped the bed, "This ghostly appearance of yours, who are you showing it to! If you have got nothing to do, then stay properly in your room. What are you hoping for by dashing in here, looking like that, and making so much noise that will wake up the whole household? Tell me, who could be as equally shameless as you! All of you, quickly drag her outside!"

With that said, a few maids came to drive her out.

"You're not allowed to touch me!"

Concubine Lin spared no effort in struggling to get free, and then immediately fell before Sheng Hong.

Her voice got sharper as her face became more resolved, "Master, Madame, I came here today for I wish to speak what's in my mind and if I am not allowed to speak then I would rather hit my head on the wall and die here than suffer in silence!"

Sheng Hong's voice coldly echoed, "You don't need to threaten us with your life anymore. I have always treated you with kindness and generosity, and yet you took advantage of it. Used the same underhanded methods those women in the marketplace usually use and gave such a terrible show to watch!"

Concubine Lin's tears were rushing forth as she sadly said, "These few days, I have felt like I was being suffocated, as if my heart was being boiled in oil. I wanted to say a few words but Master avoided me and wasn't willing to see me. Because of this it feels like my heart to die has withered away. But Master, you are an official who's tasked to govern the common people. Usually if you were to deal with a small thief, you'd still have to be tolerant and discuss things carefully. What more I, who have served Master all these years and raised a pair of son and daughter for you. Today even if you want me to die, shouldn't I at least know why?"

Sheng Hong recalled the state Concubine Wei died in, and was lit in fire causing him to smash a teacup on the floor, "Such an excellent thing you've done!"

Concubine Lin's tears continued to roll down and her emotions choked up, "...Darling Hong [6]!" She sounded very distressed.

Wang shi got very angry and jumped up from the bed at once to roar at the maids, "Do all of you not have any breath and are actually dead? Drag her out at once!"

Concubine Lin raised her head, "Madame, for you to not tolerate my words, could it be that you're afraid I will say something?"

"What nonsense are you speaking? Don't invent any of your lies! What do I have to be afraid of?"

"If you are fearless then keep your promise! Let's say it all out, and as for who is right or wrong, Master will decide for himself."

Wang shi was angry, and her heart was pounding like a drum. Meanwhile, Concubine Lin continued to shed tears, and so there was not even a word in the room for a moment.

In the end, Sheng Hong was still an official and understood that it would be better to say everything clearly today, So he commanded the maids to look for Steward Laifu.

Mrs. Liu was extremely lively and sent out all the maids to find him. After a while, Laifu entered. Sheng Hong ordered him in a soft voice and Laifu accepted his order. After he left to fulfill Sheng Hong's command, he came back again but this time there were some lowly maids that were tagging along. Once inside, he then separated the servants and maids involved into the main courtyard.

Only Sheng Hong, Wang shi, Concubine Lin, Housekeeper Liu Kun and Laifu, altogether the five of them remained in the house.

Oh, there was also the drowsy Little Yao Yiyi sleeping on the couch, but at this point, everyone must have forgotten about her.

Yao Yiyi swore to the landslide again that she didn't wish to remain here and listen to this three-judge court trial [7] at all but... it was best that she continue to act as if she were still unconscious.

Concubine Lin lightly wiped her tears and sorrowfully narrated, "These days, I do not know where I have gone wrong. Master completely ignores me and yet continues to deal with the people around me one after another. First, my two clansmen who came to seek shelter, after that my two close maids also, and then after that my wet nurse who had served me since childhood was also chased out! How Master handles things, I dare not have an opinion about the rights and wrongs of the matter!"

Sheng Hong coldly opened his mouth, "Good! Today I shall separate the rights and wrongs of this matter, then I shall ask you first: how exactly did Concubine Wei die?"

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