《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Seventeen


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" Thanks again Mau, send my regards to the boys. "

" Yeah man, no problem. "

After the whole rescue mission Zach immediately brought Sam to the next city, but as soon as they arrived, Sam was running with high fever so Zach needed to admit Sam to the hospital and found out Sam had stomach ulcer and was at risk of developing a hole on his stomach. Zach already knew something was wrong when he saw his lover at the forest, but he never expected it to be this fatal.

Sitting on the chair next to the bed where Sam was laying, Zach held his beloved's thin hands. Sam is now stable but he is still running a slight fever. Zach sigh and caressed Sam's pale cheeks with his other hand.

Zach never thought 5 days would make this much effect on Sam, although Zach also had not slept and ate properly, his condition wasn't like Sam's. Drawing his hands away, Zach stood up and grab his phone thinking of both Allen and Alex. Zach already decided to take his new found family away even if he has to abandon the life he has.

" Daddy, where's mommy? " Allen asked the second the phone connected. Zach already informed the twins that he had rescued their mother but Zach didn't say he's currently in the hospital. He knew the kids would worry so he had to keep it for a little while until the kids arrive at the city.

" Mommy is sleeping right now. He's tired from the travelling. Don't worry tomorrow, Auntie Sofia will send you two here, then you will see your mommy again. " Zach assured but Allen whined sounded upset. It's the fifth day he hasn't seen his mother and he's obviously being impatient.

" B-but daddy, I want to see mommy now. " Allen grumbled. It's the very first time both Allen and Alex had been separated from their mother for such a long time and he hated seeing his twin brother Alex being sad because they couldn't see their mother.

" I'm sorry baby. " Zach replied unable to think what to say to his son. He heard Allen sobbed from the other line making him feel guilty. In times like this, he's absolutely clueless on what to do or say.

" Papa, Alex understand. Both Allen and Alex will wait and see mama tomorrow. Allen and Alex both misses mama and papa. " Alex brittle, making Zach heave a sigh of concern. Alex obviously sounded like he was also about to cry.

" Thank you baby, don't worry, when mama wakes up I'll tell him to call again. Okay? " Zach cooed, hoping that it will calm the two down. Even though Alex acted brave and calm, Zach knew he too was eager to see Sam.

" Okay papa. " Alex nodded while looking at his crying twin which was now hugging Sofia's torso. It's only been their second day in the couple's house but they've both warmed up to them since they're Sofia and her fiance was very nice, although her lover, Dave, looked kinda scary and intimidating, he was also very nice to both Allen and Alex.


" okay, It's almost late now, go to sleep and tomorrow, you will see mama. " Zach assured which Alex nodded okay before hanging up saying his goodbyes.

" Allen, don't cry. Papa said we'll see mama again tomorrow so if we sleep now tomorrow will come quickly. " Alex wiped his tears threatening to fall as he cooed his twin giving the phone back to Sofia.

" Alex is right Allen, first thing tomorrow we'll travel to see your mommy and daddy. " Sofia added smiling caressing the little boy's hair. Allen was still sobbing but he nodded okay, pulling away from Sofia's torso. Sofia wiped the little boy's tears before they all stood and trailed the way to the guest room. After Sofia tuck's both in the bed she finally left sighing.

" What's wrong? " Dave who had been in the living room working on some papers for his new job, asked when his lover hugged him from the side.

" I'm thinking, how about we run away too? " Sofia skeptically thought earning a smile from her partner.

" Don't laugh at me. I'm seriously considering it, Mom and Dad would definitely not accept us, but I think a little distance and time will help. " Sofia explained, since she's the only child, Sofia had been cherished and spoiled by her family. As she grew up, she's used to have the best of things, her parents taught her that only the best is the right things for her and she too thought that too. It only change when she fell in love with his bodyguard, she used to think Zach was the only man that was right for her.

" I can provide enough for you. I can try giving you the best... " Dave started but Sofia covered his mouth while she looked at the man's greenish orbs.

" I told you already that I don't want the best. I told you I can also live a simple life. I've been learning Dave. I may not used to it now but I can learn. Isn't that the reason why I wanted to learn cooking and doing laundry? " Sofia grumbled upset, Dave held her hand away from his mouth after kissing them softly.

" I understand. " Dave responded lovingly. His younger sister and Dave grew up battered by their father and ignored by their mother, they never felt what parental love was. When Dave first saw Sofia, he knew her parents love her so much and so, when they both fell in love and all was against it. Dave doesn't want to take that love away from the woman he adores so much. But when he tried to give up once, it only caused the life of their unborn child. He loves Sofia that's why he couldn't just take her away.

" Your respond is confusing me. " Sofia pouted causing Dave to chuckle again but didn't say anything.

" So? Are you going to take me away? "

" You're just confused now, go to bed and sleep ahead since we are leaving first thing in the morning tomorrow. I'll join in later. "


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" City S, Capital Hospital. Their had been a report of someone with the same features and diagnosis admitted evening yesterday. The name was different but I know that's our son. " Gregory Abiñon stood as he took his coat after telling his wife the news. He was getting impatient because they still couldn't find the twins despite all his connections. The team he had arranged has traced the man entering an exclusive pub and no matter what method the facility didn't reveal any customer information. If they had insist, the situation would only worsen so now he had to put a hundred thousand reward for the person who can tell their location. Despite this, they only receive falls reports and they had been wasting their time but at the same time couldn't do more.

" I'm coming with you. " Mrs. Abiñon suggested which her husband disagreed.

" No, if Sam finds you without the twins he would worry sick so i'll be the only one coming. "

" How about I go and you stay since you're more needed in finding the twins. A-and that Zacheus Welton will be there right? I'll go and get Sam. " Mrs. Abiñon suggested again which made Gregory think. Finally, he sigh looking at his wife. His wife was right, Sam's condition isn't good and Gregory knew that if he sees the Welton offspring, he might not be able to compose himself. He absolutely cannot accept any Welton aside from his own grandsons.

" Okay, bring your son back here. " Gregory sigh, sounded defeated. Mrs. Abiñon also sigh in relief nodding before walking closer to her husband and hug him. She knew how stressed her husband now with the twins missing and Sam running away with the Welton boy added the fact that he's also running the Family business alone. Mrs. Abiñon was already guilty with how she lost Allen and Alex so she wanted to at least help as much as she can. When she and her husband thought of sending Sam back to Chicago, they didn't expected things would go bad, they never really thought of separating Sam and the twins for a long time, they just wanted to scare Sam into leaving Zacheus Welton.

* * *

Five in the morning Allen and Alex traveled along with Sofia and Dave to city S and arrived 2 hours later. Since both Allen and Alex were still sleeping, the couple had to carry them to Sam's hospital room. And now both Allen and Alex are now sleeping next to Sam.

With tears, slowly falling off from his eyes. Sam caress both their heads carefully not wanting to wake them up yet. Sam had just woken up and overwhelmed to see his precious babies now beside him after a total of five days being separated.

" Thank you. I hope the twins didn't caused you problems. " Sam gratefully thank and apologize at the couple.

" Oh no, they're both good kids. Dave and I had fun taking care of them. " Sofia smiled, she never expected to meet Zach's mysterious lover in this way. When she was at college, Sam was Sofia's subject of jealousy. She tried to get rid of him thinking he was only an ordinary fling. She never expected him to be an Abiñon.

Sam smiled in relief to Sofia's reply. It suddenly became awkward between the two because of their past, they are each others subject of jealousy after all. To break off the ice, Sofia then mentioned the wedding news that had been the talk of the business and socialite families.

" Uhmm, anyway, I'm sorry that you and Zach had to go through this and... that wedding news and the pictures. I hope you didn't interpreted it wrong. Zach and I are just good friends now, both helping with each others own happy endings. " Sofia explained which Sam chuckled, he had heard bad rumors about Sofia's rotten personality before but now she was far from that. She really changed for the better.

" It's okay Sofia. I understand Zach's situation, also I trusted him. And... Zach also mentioned you once. That you're just friends and that you have a partner. " Sam gently replied with his hands still caressing his sons heads. Zach did told him that he is now just good friends with Sofia after they broke off their engagement. Zach also mentioned to Sam that she has her own partner and currently living with him. Additionally, Zach assured Sam that no matter what happened, he would never leave him or even let Sam leave him.

" Oh really and did he bad mouth me..? " Sofia asked intrigued after hearing that Zach mentioned her to Sam. She was after all once a bitch. That's also why Zach never liked her before.

" *chuckled* No, that's all he told me. " Sam replied slowly now enjoying the woman's presence. the earlier awkward feeling suddenly vanished and now they look like good friends having a good chat. Sam and Sofia enjoyed their little chat, Zach and Dave, let the two have a little fun while the men also busied themselves on their own.

After their short exchange of words, Zach finally walked to Sam and Sofia to end their conversation. Of course, Sam had just recovered and he didn't want to stress Sam out now that his fever had gone down.

" You can continue with your chat when you've rest a bit. I'll just wake you up in a bit for breakfast. " Zach gently demanded tucking his beloved with his two sons in the bed.

" Yeah, Zach is right, you should rest for a bit. " Sofia agreed looking at Sam's obviously tired appearance.

" Yeah okay . Thank you. "

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