《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Eighteen


After resting for a bit before breakfast, Sam woke up hearing two sobbing noises from Allen and Alex. The two was hugging him tightly from each of his sides that caused Sam to wake. Lifting his lashes, Sam looked at the two little heads sticking at his sides. Smiling as he saw this, Sam brought his hands to the twins' heads and caress them gently.

" Mommy/Mama..." feeling their mother's familiar touch, Allen and Alex cried harder calling Sam. Sam's weakened state tried his best to prevent himself from also crying.

" Did my babies miss me? " Sam whispered which the two nodded aggressively as a respond still crying their eyes out. Both climbed closer to Sam and made their heads dig unto their mother's neck.

" *Sobs* Can't mommy just stay at home, with Allen and Alex? *Sobs* Why mommy have to leave for work? *Sobs* now mommy is sick because of work. *sobs* " Allen burst his complains. Both the twins didn't actually know what was happening and they just thought all this time Sam was busy with work just as their Grandmama and Grandpapa said, Allen figured both his Grandmama and Grandpapa was stealing their mother by making him work.

Hearing this, Sam felt rage but he suppressed himself and hugged his sons instead. His parents took his sons and even lied to them that he was busy and couldn't see him. Anger clouded Sam mind that his heart was beating a little quicker than usual.

" I'm sorry baby, from now on, mommy will never be busy with work again. If mommy have work it will be like we always do. Okay? " Sam cooed kissing both their heads. Even if Sam was indeed busy, he would never not be able to make time for his precious Allen and Alex. He would always find ways to be with his twins. When he was in Chicago, he works at home where he can be with his sons 24/7, and instead he had someone coming to his house when he needed to sign papers but files are mostly being foxed to him and someone will just have someone to come and get it.

" Promise? " Allen sniffled hearing his mother's reply. Alex also sniffled hugging Sam as he slightly calmed down.

" I promise. " Sam started but his words stopped when Zach came in the room with plastic bags full with different kinds of fruits and meals hanging on his arms, a small nurse was also with Zach carrying with her is a tray of food that was meant for Sam. Since Sofia and Dave already left to help Zach prepare the place he was planning to stay in with his small family temporarily before they fly abroad, Zach had left Sam and the kids sleeping for a couple of minutes as he bought something to eat on the nearby supermarket. It has been a while since Zach personally bought something in the supermarket, back then he used to go with Sam when he visits at his apartment because Sam before usually only orders take outs that it bother's Zach.


" Don't worry, Daddy will make sure mommy wont be working anymore. If mommy wants, he can stay at home with you the two of you. " Zach interrupted putting the plastic bags down, the also nurse silently laid the food on the table and left thinking she will later do her check up instead.

" Really, mommy wont have to work anymore, he wont be busy and ignore Allen and Alex? " Allen sniffled looking back and forth from Sam to Zach. Hearing Allen's words again, Sam's chest ache again so he grab Allen and Alex for a tight hug. A single tear that he failed to prevent from falling trail down from his eyes to his cheeks that Sam had to wipe it almost immediately.

" Mommy, will never ever ignore both Allen and Alex, Okay baby? Don't ever think of mommy ignoring my precious babies. Mommy and Daddy love you both so so much. "

" I miss mama, I love mama and papa so much. " Alex mumbled. " I love mommy and daddy and Alex too. " Allen added, the mother and sons continued their crying session which Zach had let until they had calm down and Zach had to make sure Sam would eat the food prepare by the hospital for him.

As the family of four enjoyed their breakfast, a middle aged woman barged in the room with two of her security personal. Mrs. Abiñon seeing both Allen and Alex with Sam and Zacheus Welton was surprised but at the same time felt relieved. Everyday she knew the twins still hasn't been found, guilt and worry would attack her. She even had nightmares because if it.

" Mom! " Sam with his eyes wide open, he immediately grab both Allen and Alex before shifting his gaze to Zach worriedly, Zach also stood up alarm looking at the middle aged woman. Her sharp eyes made Sam paled terrified. Sam once again shifted his gaze to the entry way expecting his father would come out of it but his mother only walked to the available couch in the room and sat there crossing her legs.

" Don't worry, I've convinced your father to stay at the company. " Mrs. Abiñon assured, Sam sigh in relief but at the same time worried at his mother's presence.

" Sit down boy, I'm not here to make trouble. " Mrs. Abiñon started looking at Zach which made Sam frown in confusion. Zach on the other hand didn't sit and continued to stand alarm.

Moving her eyes to both Allen and Alex, Mrs. Abiñon soften before gently calling the two. " Allen, Alex, Grandmama is here, aren't you going to give me hugs and kisses? " Mrs. Abiñon suggested which Allen and Alex reluctantly pulled away from Sam but before the two could completely pull away, Sam and held Alex while Zach shifted to carry Allen. He now regretted not hiring a temporary security to guard at the door way. Zach understood he underestimated Gregory Abiñon's Intel.


" I-I'm not going to make Allen and Alex g-get close to you or dad anymore. " Sam stammered. At the moment he felt so helpless, laying in the bed sick. He wouldn't be able to protect Allen and Alex even if he wanted to if anything happens.

" Now I get why you felt that way but I just want to hug Allen and Alex. They've have been missing for two days, your father and I had been really stressed lately with what had been happening Sam. Can you at least let me hug them, I will not take them away from you anymore. " Mrs. Abiñon assured the couple but not budging Sam refused to let his mother touch Allen and Alex. Seeing this, Mrs. Abiñon sigh before looked at the two men she brought and instructing them to wait outside. Not until the two men completely left the room that Sam loosened his arms and let go of Alex, Zach also reluctantly let go of Allen to give their Grandmother a hug.

Slowly walking to their Grandmama, Allen and Alex with their heads looking down finally faced Mrs. Abiñon, they both didn't know what was happening but both Allen and Alex felt they're in trouble because they were naughty.

" Why were you both looking down? You don't want to give grandmama hugs and kisses. " Mrs. Abiñon asked feeling sad and guilt. She held the two and gave them both tight hugs and loud kisses.

" I was naughty, I convinced Alex to sneak away from grandmama. I made both grandmama and grandpapa worried. " Allen confessed feeling nervous, as he was confessing Alex held his twin's hands before shaking his head left and right. " No Allen, Alex were naughty too. It's not only Allen's fault, Alex too. " Alex added which Mrs. Abiñon smiled relieved the kids weren't angry with here instead. She didn't want that to happen, she didn't also want Sam to hate her like he is now.

" I'm not angry with the both of you, grandpapa too so don't be sad okay? I'm now relieved that you're with your mommy and daddy. " Mrs. Abiñon cooed hugging the two again. She rubbed Allen and Alex's head softly. Although she isn't very good with kids, she adored both Allen and Alex so much she would do anything for them. Even if it meant to betray her husband. If it's for the best she would try to make things right.

" Allen, Alex, come here. " Sam called seeing that his mother had already done what she wanted. Smiling Allen and Alex immediately complied running back towards Sam and Zach.

" I will let the both of you run away, but promise me you'll let me see Allen and Alex again. " After a few seconds of silence, Mrs. Abiñon finally said what she was there for. She wasn't actually thinking of it when she traveled to get Sam back but when she saw the couple with both Allen and Alex safe and sound, she immediately thought of letting them escape. She knew for now, it's the best thing to do.

Hearing her mother's words, Sam frowned in confusion. Zach on the other hand, didn't expected it but somehow made him feel relieved. He was already planning to escape to Canada then Philippines after Sam recovered, Zach even had Dave planning with him. If everything goes well on Dave's side, they were both planning to buy a house close to each other in the Philippines.

" Is this some kind of a joke? " Sam burst, it was quite hard for him to believe that his mother would just let them go.

" No Sam, I know I've never showed you how much I love you. I wasn't the one who raised you because I was irresponsible and can't care of you well but you are our only son, you were a miracle to both Greg and I. I know it's too late but I want you to be happy. If you're happy with this man then I will give you freedom. I will deal with your father. " Mrs. Abiñon explained her side which made Sam emotional, he never thought things would go like this.

" Your father might not show it but, he loves you Sam, He just have too much pride in him. I hope you'll forgive both of us on day. " Mrs. Abiñon added which made Sam already crying. He was indeed angry with both his mother and father, but he could not hate them after all. They were after all his parents, he is what he is now because of them.

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