《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Sixteen


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" Honey, it's been a day and they still hasn't found the twins. " Mrs. Abiñon paced back and forth of her husband's office. Gregory told her to stay at the second estate but because she was extremely worried and guilty, she left to check the situation. This is the first time this happened to her because Sam as a little kid would never leave her side even if she didn't paid any attention. She also didn't expected the twins would willingly leave her side. Additionally, the only reason why Sam was listening to them now, was because they have his kids. If Sam knew she lost the kids, things would not turn out good. The strings that connects their family is now very thin and this incident indicates that it has now been severed. Although Mrs. Abiñon never liked kids and she never really took care of Sam before he turned teen, she still do love her son. He's the miracle his husband and her tried very hard to create. She knew she failed as a mother but she is still the mother of Sam. She still didn't want his son to despise him.

" the team is trying hard to find them but the three essential CCTV camera malfunctioned that day and they couldn't find exactly where that man had gone. They totally lost his image profile within the crowd or after entering a building. " Gregory Abiñon massaged his temples. Last night, Sam diagnosed with stomach ulcer and have a risk of having a hole on his stomach if he continues to refuse eating. The maid already informed that Sam wanted to see the kids, but how is he going to when they're missing. Gregory just wanted to separate his son from the Welton boy but now things had gone out of hand. The safety of both his grandsons and son are risk as the time passes.

" I don't want to think about it but what if they have been kidnapped? Human trafficking are still existent somewhere. Honey, I'm scared. " Mrs. Abiñon trembled hugging herself. She can't imagine his grandsons being in such a scary place.

" I've mobilized another team to help and find Allen and Alex. Don't scare yourself over something were not sure. " Gregory tried to calm his wife despite of him also worried. If it was a kidnap for ransom then the kidnappers should have called but no one was calling. There is a high possibility of human trafficking. The man in the video just took the kids while they were crying. And the next CCTV footage, the kids were struggling while crying then the man had no choice but to carry both the kids and walk faster. No one noticed the crime because everyone has their own business to take care of. No one would that something like kidnapping was happening in a broad daylight in the middle of the crowd.

" Go back to the main mansion and try to ease your son. Don't tell him the twins are missing for now. Just try to make him eat something before he develops a hole in his stomach. " Gregory said scanning on the company files, Mrs. Abiñon just nodded and left after a couple of minutes. Just when she arrived at the mansion, she noticed everyone being unsually busy.

" Madam! " one of the maid called bowing her head after she noticed Mrs. Abiñon. The other maids heard there colleague so they immediately lined up to welcome the Madam of the house.

" What's happening? Why are you all so busy? " Mrs. Abiñon asked looking around and finally to the head maid to look for an answer.


" I am extremely sorry to inform you Madam that Young Master Samuel had gone missing. We tried to look for him around but he's no where to be found. " the head maid reported. The maid in charge of sending food and taking the dishes out of the Young Master's room just recently discovered the missing Young Master. They had already reported it to the Old Mater, Mr. Abiñon and also tried to look around the whole estate. All in vain they couldn't find the Young Master.

" What!!? There are so many of you but you all failed to notice him leaving the mansion? What are the security personnel doing? " Mrs. Abiñon furiously, if Sam discovers his sons are missing she can't imagine what will happen.

" I apologize madam but young master purposely avoided all of us. No one thought he would sneak away while he's sick. " The head security apologized. He just came from checking the security camera and indeed the young master tried to avoid them as much as he can. Clearly the Young Master knew where the camera are pointed.

" all right. Back to work all of you, I'll handle this matter. " Mrs. Abiñon said waving her hands before all the maids scattered to resume their individual jobs. She massage her temples getting stressed out about all that's happened. She doesn't really hate the Welton's like her husband does, the only thing she hated is that they've remained number two next to the Welton's. The Abiñon Corp. can't seem to surpass Weston's no matter what they do or what project they manage to get. Also she just hated the fact that even her son had become homosexual because of the Welton boy like her father who left them for a man.

Although Mrs. Abiñon doesn't hate homosexual and she loves his young brother, she just wasn't happy finding out her own son was one. That's why she also doesn't want Zacheus Welton to be together with Sam and had forced her son to change for the last five years since she and her husband discovered Sam's sexuality.

Mrs. Abiñon knew it was hopeless but she wanted to try anyways.

But now that these things had happened, she wasn't the perfect mother but she didn't want Sam and the twins to hate her and her husband for doing something they thought is right for the family. After all they also have a reputation to keep.

" You, three of you, find him. Go to his house or to his friends house. Anywhere you think he will be or try finding him in the streets, if he's walking he must not have walked that far. Try the woods too incase he walked that way. " Mrs. Abiñon said pointing at the three security personnel who hasn't yet left her side. The three men immediately nod bowing before rushing out. Mrs. Abiñon then walked to the couch and sat there sighing.

She still believed none of this would have happened if she home schooled Sam. If Sam was home schooled, he would not have met the Welton boy. Also, Sam would not have been so disobedient of his parents if he was thought early.

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Puffing cold air as Sam leaned on one of the trees. He didn't expected it to be so cold early in the afternoon in the woods. The Abiñon estates is located 5 miles away from the city. If riding a car, it wouldn't be that far but he's walking while having a stomach ulcer in the middle of the woods which he thought would be a short cut. Well, technically it is a short cut but since it's a forest left for environmental preservation, it is still considered dangerous.


Sam only thought that if he used the road trail, he'll definitely be found out long before he could reach the city so he had no choice but to use the woods. He's looking at the map in his phone and he is still far away from the main street going to the city.

Stopping from his movements, Sam decided to rest thankful enough that he decided to eat the soap the maid gave him. If he didn't, he's afraid he wont last a mile with his condition.

" I should call Zach. " Sam mumbled and swipe the screen of the phone to dial. It didn't take two rings before Zach immediately accepted the call.

" Zach. " Sam weakly called shivering after the cold wind hit his skin.

" Sam, Where are you? I'm going to get you. " Zach asked worriedly. He had brought his most loyal men to search the whole area. He figures that Sam would likely use the forest to escape so Zach prepared a whole crew with the help of his own connection to come and help him recover Sam.

" I-I'm in the forest to the west. " Sam started with a raspy voice. " I'm resting for a bit. " Sam added curling his knees close, the jacket he's wearing did so little to help him gather warmth. The season was changing and air was starting to get colder. Sam just didn't expected it to be that cold he feels like his hands were freezing.

" Okay, I'm going to find you. Try to hold on a little while. I'll be there I promise. " Zach worriedly as he and his men pacing pass through the large trees, he was specially worried even more hearing his lovers weakened voice. He also noticed the dropping temperature in the woods. Zach immediately wanted to find Sam because he knew how much the man hated cold weather.

" hmmmn. " Sam hummed closing his eyes.

" Don't end the call, I definitely find you... " Zach assured panting, he signalled to his men to move further. They carefully trailing the woods when they bump into another group of men who looks like they were also there to find someone. There weren't any talk exchange when Zach signalled to take the four men down. It didn't took a minute when Zach's elite team immediately took down the group silently and professionally with their hand in hand combat.

Zach was still looking at the fainted men when Sam was screaming in the other line. " ZACH....!! NO..! LET GO..! ZACH...! LET GO! " Sam screamed in the other line, he didn't notice the two men holding him as he rested closing his eye. When one of the men held Sam, he immediately panicked dropping the phone on the damp grass. His weak struggles didn't affect the two bulky men holding him.

" Sir, Please calm down. Madam ordered us to find you. " One of the men tried to explain, he was after all just following his superiors order. He was also ordered to handle the Young Master carefully as he was sick.

" NO!! I DON'T WANT TO. LET GO! " Sam struggled again wanting to escape but to no avail he was weaker.

" I'm extremely sorry for this sir. " the bulky man apologize after receiving a hint from his partner and lift Sam up like a sack of rice throwing him into the bulky man's shoulder. Sam's legs were completely restrained aside from his arms so he tried to make his punches as painful as he could.

" Sir, we're really just following orders. " the other man smiled but before he could continue what he wanted to say more, his face turned pale and subconsciously raise both of his arms up. His partner carrying Sam also halted seeing 9 mean pointing rifles at them.

" Put him down. " Zach ordered as he pointed his carbine automatic M4A1 5.56 mm to the man who's carrying Sam. Although he wasn't allowed to kill, he wouldn't mind shooting one leg if they didn't give Sam back to him. It would be so much easy for him to do it. Although Zach didn't had actual experience, he did passed Basic Underwater Demolition (BUD) and half way through the SEAL qualification training program before he decided to stop and take over the Welton Corp in stead of Timothy. If his brother didn't lost his memories Zach would have been in SEAL now serving the country. He used to be the top in his training camp.

" Zach!! " Sam cried struggling to get off of the bulky man's shoulder and run towards Zach hugging him the moment he reached his lover. Zach let's go of his rifle swinging to his back before catching Sam into his arms lifting the smaller man in the process.

" Sam, I missed you so much. " Zach whispered, longing visible in his voice. " I miss you too! so much! " Sam cried harder not willing to let of the man.

" I know! I know! You're safe now. You're safe now my love. " Zach cooed caressing Sam's back as he sob. Now that Zach had recovered Sam, his body had now relaxed from it's days of tension.

" Tie them down with the others. " Zach ordered walking back ready to take his beloved out of the cold woods.

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Sam curled up on Zach's warm arms as the group of nine men trailing back their way out of the forest. It didn't took long when they were finally out and into their vehicle.

" Thank you man. I'll never forget this. " Zach thanked his old friend into helping him saving Sam. The man used to be wimpiest among the trainee even during BUD but now he was actually one of the men who survived at the end and even rise up his rank to a lieutenant.

" Nah! It's nothing compared to all your help back at the training camp. "

" All I did was give you advice. You survived because of yourself, Mau. " Zach laugh couldn't help but reminisce the old days.

" Nah man, those days was tough. I wanted to quit a lot of times but you convinced me not, in the end you were the one who left. " The man jokingly which Zach also slightly laughs.

" Yeah, this and that happened. " Zach scratch his nape, joining seal wasn't actually part of his plan, he just wanted something he could keep his mind from Sam that time when he couldn't find any trace of him.

" Yeah I know. Do I need to ask the team to prepare for the wedding? " Mau jokingly again looking at the sleeping posture of Sam in Zach's car.

" *laughs* we'll get there. " Zach smiled also gazing towards Sam.

" Well do tell, and if you need help just ask. "

" Yeah. Thanks again Mau. "

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