

Quentin and I crouch low to the ground, sticking close to the large orange rocks and thick bushes that seemed to be pretty much everywhere. We move silently, not talking to one another as we make our way to a generator, the tall lights dimly flickering above it in the distance.

There was a slight wind that picked up the dust and sand, and breathing in the dry air made my throat feel scratchy. I wanted to cough so bad, but I held it, not wanting to draw attention to us just in case the killer was close enough to hear.

My eyes teared up at the strong urge to cough, and I realized I probably looked extremely stupid, considering the look Quentin gave me when he peered over his shoulder at me. I just shook my head and he rolls his eyes as we finally arrive at the generator, both of us settling at the sides we were going to work on.

In the distance, we hear a scream, which is when I chose to let go, allowing the coughs to rack my body. Quentin already started on the generator, and when I finished coughing my lungs up I join him, pretending not to feel his judgmental stare burning into the side of my face.

"Really, {Y/N}? God, that was so damn dramatic."

He finally said after moments of me starting up on the generator as well, and I pretend to not hear him as I try to focus on connecting the right wires and pulling the correct levers, to which he just lets out a semi-amused snort.

I hum to myself softly as we work for a few minutes, but pause my work, and look at Quentin, my eyes widening as I realized what we both pretty much just brushed off.

"Someone screamed earlier."

He glances up and gives me a bored look as he continued to work on the gen.


"Yeah? The fourth survivor probably already took care of it. I'm pretty sure the other two are Feng and Meg. Judging by the scream earlier, I think that was Meg. Which means..."

He was cut off by the loud chime of a gen being completed somewhere off in the distance, and he groans.

"I thought the fourth survivor already took care of it?"

I mocked him and he rolled his eyes at me, shaking his head.

"She's a damn gen jockey. I thought she would've at least paused to go help, but clearly not."

He grumbled in frustration, then let out a big yawn. When another scream sounds, further away this time, I abruptly stand up, stepping back and away from the generator. He looks up at me in confusion, unfazed by the noise.

"What are you doing?"

He questioned and I bit my lip, looking around.

"I'm gonna go see what that scream was about, and if Meg is okay. For all we know, Feng already started on another generator."

He sighs and waved me off, continuing his work. I saw the fourth piston on the gen pumping slowly, signaling that he was nearly done anyways.

I turn away from him and begin walking off in the general direction of the screams, sticking close to the old wooden buildings and thick shrubs to lower my chances of being spotted. I watch a tumbleweed roll on by, being carried down the dusty road by a dry gust of wind.

I almost snicker to myself at the sight, somehow being amused by the dumbest shit in these situations.

"Where's the cowboy busting out of the saloon, duel wielding his revolvers?"

I mutter to myself as I walk forward a bit more, my soul nearly leaving my body as I feel a heavy weight fall into me from behind, followed by shallow breathing.

"{Y/N}, please..."


I spin around to see Meg clinging to me, and quickly grab ahold of her, gripping underneath her arms to help support her so that she wouldn't collapse.

She was deathly pale, her lip split and a large gash ran from her right shoulder to her left collarbone, dark crimson red seeping out of it. Dirt and sweat clung to her skin, along with the sickly metallic scent of blood. Her braids were a mess and her eyes were wild with fear, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried breathing.

I slowly ease the both of us into a sitting position against the building we were closest to, and thankfully we were partially shielded by the dense bushes.

It wasn't the best spot, but it would do well enough.


She weakly pulls a bandage roll that was mostly used up and a tiny bottle of peroxide out of a poorly sewn red bag, clumsily setting them down by me.

"{Y/N}, there... should be a needle and some thread in there somewhere.."

She coughed, using her arm to muffle the noise to the best of her ability.

"I don't know if it fell out while that fucker was chasing me, though."

She let out a bitter laugh as I pick up the bottle and quickly unscrew the cap, being careful not to drop it as my hands were shaking. At the sound of what I assumed to be Feng's second generator finishing, I swear under my breath and nearly drop the damn bottle.

"Girl works fast, huh?"

I breathe in deeply and scoot closer to her so that i'm now kneeling between her legs, cautiously pouring a bit of the liquid over part of the cut. She lets out a soft whimper, her body suddenly jerking and almost causing me to drop the bottle, but she gives me a look signaling me to hurry up.

I purse my lips and quickly pour more over the rest of the cut, watching the white bubbles mix with her blood, turning the white a slight pink hue, then eventually deepening to a red.

Her hand grips my thigh tightly as she squeezes her eyes shut, her jaw clenched as she fought not to let any noises escape her. After a few moments, her grip loosened and her breathing calmed slightly.

I twist the cap back on and grab for the bag, opening it up and looking inside. My heart dropped when I only saw the thin, shining silver of the needle, and no thread.

I look up at her and we lock gazes. She sighs, then laughs softly, immediately knowing.

"Of course something fell out. I heard something fall behind me but didn't get to see since he was on my ass."

She closes her eyes and leans her head back against the wall, the sound of what I assumed to be Quentin's gen popping bringing a small smile to both of our lips.

"It should be in killer shack. Probably by the window would be my guess. It's by the northern wall, and should only take you maybe twenty minutes, but you should still hurry."

I nod, putting a hand on her leg for a moment, before getting up and quickly heading the direction the said this "killer shack" should be. From what I remember, that's where the basement usually is, and I feel a cold shiver go down my spine.

I glance behind me one more time before moving behind another building, just hoping that she'd be okay while I was gone.

i'm sorry if this chapter sucks, i was trying to get something posted as soon as i had any motivation to write, since it's been a long ass time since i have had any ):

i love you guys, thank you <33

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