

I almost facepalm as I realize that I had forgotten to ask her who the killer was this trial. I remember that she had said "he" or "him," whenever she was talking about the killer, causing my heart to drop.

Of course it wouldn't of been her, the chances that I would've seen her so soon, or even especially this trial, were practically nothing.

I laugh softly and shake my head. The bitter amusement I briefly felt disappeared as I felt a sense of dread taking over my entire being, and my breath catches in my throat as the sound of a heart steadily beating began to overtake my mind.

Whoever the killer was, he was near.

I quickly but quietly push my way into a clump of dense shrubs, a stick lightly poking my nose and nearly causing me to sneeze. I scrunch my nose and hold it in as I wiggle deeper into the bush, making sure that I was fully concealed from outside view.

The heartbeat got quicker, and louder— loud to the point that I could barely hear my own thoughts.

Not that I could even think straight at the moment.

I peer through a small break in the leaves and stare at the building nearby.

"The saloon, I believe?"

I tried to remember as I saw a figure in a flowing, jet black cloak and some sort of white blood splattered mask step out of an open doorway. The look of the mask chilled me, as it had this wide gaped mouth stretched open, and large eyes seemingly set in a tortured expression.

By observing the figure, I could tell that it was most likely a male, maybe around 5'11" or 6' something. Average male height I guess, but it was hard to tell from the angle I was studying him from.


In his black gloved hand, I saw a hunting knife, the sight of the large blade that was covered in dry blood making my own blood run cold.

I wondered if it was Meg's.

A black misty cloud seemed to swirl around his feet and lower legs, peaking my curiosity. That curiosity went away, though, when his face seemed fixated in the direction that I was hiding, and I remember that not all of these monsters act how my Susie does.

"My Susie?.."

I questioned myself, but the thought made me feel warm inside, easing my fear as I closed my eyes and pictured her.

When I snap out of my trance seconds later, I almost feel relieved when I see that the man wasn't standing where he previously was, giving me hope that he moved on to some other place.

I feel sorry for Meg, and bit my lip, realizing that she must still be sitting there alone and wanting me to get back there soon. Guilt overwhelmed me and I sighed, knowing I shouldn't of gotten distracted like that. I wait at least five more minutes before deciding to exit my hiding spot, feeling as if he should be far gone at this point, and at the sound of another gen popping, I slowly stand up— freezing whenever I feel my backside bump into something.

Or someone.

My blood goes cold as I hear a low, masculine chuckle come from behind me, and that wasn't a noise from any voice I was familiar with, leaving it to be only one other person.

One monster.

My body trembled as I felt his gloved hand rest itself on the top of my head, his other hand that held the knife making its way under my chin, lifting my head so that I could feel the cold steel press against my soft skin. He pulled me against him more, and all I felt was a chill emitting from his body.


"Found you."

The raspy whisper in my ear was slightly muffled by the mask, and he applied more pressure to the knife, causing it to dig into my throat more, but not enough to break the skin just yet.

I whimper out of fear, knowing how easy it would be just for him to cut my throat open right now— but he was playing with me.

He was enjoying my fear.

What had surprised me most, was the low hum he let out, and stopped applying pressure to my throat with the knife, entirely moving his hand away from my neck. Gripping my arm firmly, he turned me towards him.

"So I was right."

He murmured as he lifted my face, and I assumed that he was studying me.

"You are Susie's little pet, I remember you."

My eyes widened and I try to back away, but he gripped my arm tighter.

"I..I... I don't know what you mean."

I tried to keep an even tone as I poorly attempted to lie, but the loud heartbeat pounding in my ears made it hard to think properly.

"Don't play dumb with me."

He hissed, and his tone alone was enough to cause me to cower away from his masked face, squeezing my eyes shut. I was even more surprised, though, when he shoved me away from him. I fall to the ground on my ass, and I yelp softly from the pain.

I open my eyes, and look up at him in confusion.

He was... sparing me?

"Be happy that you have her protecting you. And that she's the only other hunter that I can tolerate."

His voice was a low growl, but he quickly stalked away before I could ask any questions, leaving me dumbfounded on the ground. The intense heartbeat that flooded my mind was now gone, allowing me to think more clearly.


I softly repeat to myself, causing the feeling of warmth to spread throughout me, and a small smile to form on my lips.

But what I truly wondered was;

"How does he know about us?"

Causing that sweet warm feeling to promptly disappear, and be replaced with an aching worry for her.

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