

I don't remember when or how I managed to fall asleep, but when I wake up, I'm no longer laying in her bed. I was on warm, hard earth, and I could feel the sandy texture of the dirt uncomfortably scratching against my skin.

"Of course I'm not gonna wake up where I last fell asleep. Not like I have recently."

I thought, kinda irritated at how this bullshit had been going lately, but at the same time I was just use to it at this point. I wondered how I always managed to be moved in my sleep.


I snort in amusement at the thought.

I let out a heavy sigh as I lazily rubbed my eyes and let out a big yawn. After laying down for a few more moments staring upwards at the sky, I reluctantly sit up, choosing to finally look around to try and see if I could get a feel for my new surroundings.

I hum as I observe the acrid, dusty landscape before me and squint, looking up at the sky once more.

The breath caught in my throat as I gazed up at the painted scene above me, the white clouds feathering delicately over the bright colors like wispy bits of cotton. The sleep was no longer blurring my vision, and I could now clearly take it all in.

But the thing that caught my attention most, was the bright sun that hung just barely above the mountains in the far distance, the sheer radiance making me squint.

My eyes began to water at the sight. I wasn't use to looking into such a bright light after being in darkness for so long, even when I would look into the campfire it would slightly sting my eyes. How could something this beautiful be apart of something so horrible?


Wasn't this a place based off of fear?

This scene looked too peaceful to be something that's from this world. I sniff softly, feeling an ache at the back of my throat and my eyes close. I was glad that I've had the chance to see the sun again. It warmed my cheeks as I sit there bathing in the golden light, not ever wanting to move from this spot.

"Holy shit! {Y/N}?"

My eyes immediately snap open, all thoughts of the sun's warmth chased from my mind as I twist to look behind me, my eyes widening and a wide smile making its way onto my lips.


I exclaimed, just being able to see and hear another survivor causing a burst of happiness to spread through me at light speed. I quickly but clumsily get up, not bothering to brush off the dust that collected on my clothing as I run over to him, launching myself at him as I hugged him tightly.

He stays still for a moment before hesitantly hugging me back, letting out an awkward laugh. After a few moments of silence he lightly places a hand on my head then clears his throat, and I reluctantly let him go, looking up at him.

He had a confused expression on his face as he looked down at me, his head slightly tilted to the left as he gazed at me.

"Where've you been, {Y/N}?"

He asked softly, and I slowly blinked, averting my gaze as bit the inside of my cheek.

"You had us all worried, especially after learning what Jake did."

My eyes widen as I look back up at him, my mouth open slightly in surprise.

"How did you?..."

I trailed off, not understanding how they could've possibly known about it.


"I passed out before I could tell anyone, right?"

I thought as Quentin let out a long sigh.

"Jake told us himself."

He paused, a mischievous look briefly flashing in his eyes as a small smirk formed on his lips when he spoke again.

"Then David beat the absolute shit out of him. Hell, would've thought that one of the killers had gotten ahold of him."

I stepped back in shock, not knowing what to say.

"He... told them?..."

The words Quentin spoke were slowly processing in my mind, and I slowly shook my head, not understanding.

"But... why?"

My voice broke as I managed to speak those two words. Quentin looked at me with sadness in his deep brown eyes.

"He said he felt guilty after you went missing. No one even believed Kate at first when she said she was pretty damn sure it was Jake's doing. She didn't even talk to anyone until after he admitted it. I mean, Claudette told Steve and I how he was towards you at the creek that one time, so we were suspicious. But, you were gone for days, {Y/N}."

He looks down as he runs a hand through his messy brown hair, and I inhale sharply at the last sentence, feeling even more confused than I had at hearing that Jake confessed. If I was actually there for a few days instead of just one, then how long was I asleep in that field?

Thinking of it, my bruising wasn't that painful to deal with when I woke up in that field, just my stab wound.

I gasp suddenly and go to feel my wound. I was prepared to flinch at the pain, my whole body tense, but I felt nothing except my own cautious touch whenever my fingers made contact with my stomach.

I frown and lift my shirt slightly, seeing nothing but a faint pink scar where the angry gash had been not too long ago. I drop my shirt and look at Quentin in confusion, and he seemed to understand what I was going to ask before I even spoke.

"Ah... The Entity heals any remaining wounds you have when we get put into another trial."

I groan loudly, feeling extremely frustrated.

"Of course we're in a trial!"

I huff and angrily kick the dirt. Why didn't the thought occur to me before? I knew I wasn't dreaming, and I wasn't at the campfire or the castle.

I should've known it was a damn trial.


I thought as Quentin swore under his breath.

"Yeah, we've been sitting and chatting for too long. From what I can tell, nothing good or bad as happened yet, though."

I hum in agreement, as I hadn't heard any screams. But I also hadn't heard any gens getting done. He looks at me seriously, his tired brown eyes piercing through my soul.

"Come on, we need to make up for wasted time."

I forced myself to write!!

I also started school

a few weeks ago, so

that's been taking up time,

I'm so sorry )):

thank you for 4K reads, again,

I love you guys so much <33

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