

"Don't be so dramatic, {Y/N}, I'm only going to be gone for a bit. You need to eat, and I'm not letting you leave this room."

She said sternly and I stared at her, frowning. We stay staring at each other, I refuse to drop my stare and she lets out a heavy sigh, clearly frustrated with me. I avert my gaze, my hands trembling.

"What if one of the other killers find me here? What if they already know because that Julie bitch ratted me out? What if... what if..."

Many thoughts were racing through my mind, but Susie putting her thumb between my eyebrows and lightly rubbing my skin quickly snapped me out of them, causing me to give her a confused look.

"You're gonna get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that."

She murmured, amusement lightly lacing her soft tone, and I lightly swatted her hand away from my face, a small smile on my lips at the gesture. She then sighs, turning away from me and walking closer to the door.

My heart was pounding in my chest, panic coursing through me. She really was going to leave me here.

I was going to be alone, trapped in this room, with the others lurking somewhere outside the door.

I quickly lunge towards her and tug her hoodie sleeve, causing her to halt in place and look back at me. I could feel the irritation seeping off of her, but I still had to try.

"Please don't leave me here."

I whisper feebly, and she sighs quietly, getting ready to speak, but I immediately cut her off.

"If I starve I'll just end up back at the campfire! I won't be gone forever! I... I even know my way back here, and there's the trials..."


I desperately attempted to argue, the fear of being left alone with who knows how many other killers here causing my legs to shake, and I clutch her hoodie tighter as a weak attempt to stabilize my self.

I'm sure as hell they won't take the same liking to me that she has.

Hell, I'm pretty sure she can still kill me if she wanted to.

She definitely could.

Even though I know they couldn't truly kill me, I didn't want to have to deal with being slowly torn apart by them for their own entertainment.

Or whatever other brutal methods they chose to do with me if they managed to find me here.

"Look, why don't you rest while I'm gone? Your wound won't get better with you moving around so much."

I could hear the regret in her voice as she talked about my injury, the one she had inflicted on me herself, and my stomach began to sting at the reminder of its presence. I nearly forgot about that, simply being with her making me forget about everything else.

It was so... unnatural to feel this way about something that had stabbed me, something that had killed my friends and took pleasure in their screams of agony.

I knew that this was wrong on so many levels.

Why did I feel like this?

Why was she so mesmerizing?

She was enchanting, but deadly without a doubt.

But I knew she was feeling the same. She had taken an interest to me as well, and was clearly as confused as I was about everything, if not more.

What made me so special to her?

"I should find you something for your stomach as well."

I slowly blink, taking a step back and lifting my head to look at her.


"It's not even that-"

I let out a soft yelp as my protests were cut off by her hand gently touching where the gash was, applying the smallest bit of pressure to cause it to sting. She makes some sort of noise in the back of her throat in response to my reaction, and I can feel her eyes burning holes into me. She mutters something I don't pick up, but I hang my head and look at the ground, knowing damn well I can't argue with her anymore. It was pretty much useless.

"I should be back before you wake up."

She drops her hand from my stomach and tried to reassure me, but it didn't help at all and I just huff, turning around and walking to the bed.

"Stop being like this. You act like I have a choice. I need to find shit for you wound anyways."

She growled, and I stay silent. I hear her let out a deep sigh and walk to the door, unlocking then yanking it open. Her footsteps stop in the doorway and she lingers there, muttering something about relocking the door, then slams it shut as she swiftly exits the room.

I turn and stare at the door for a few moments and then make my way over, sliding the old metal lock into place. I jump onto the bed and then groan in pain, immediately regretting my choice to do so as my wound throbs in pain.

"Fucking idiot."

I thought with an eye roll as I get myself comfortable laying on my back, turning my head to the side so I could look out the window. The dark clouds swarmed above, the violet lightening flickering every few moments. I let out a soft exhale as I watch small raindrops begin to hit the window with soft melodic taps, gathering together and sliding down the glass. I shut my eyes, feeling relaxed by the noises of the storm.

"Please come back soon..."

holy fuck guys. 2k reads,

thank you so much;;

I'm so sorry for being

slow with updates,

it's just hard to think

of things to write. anyways,

ill probably be editing

what I have written so far soon.

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