"Oh look! Trouble is here!" Lia shouted while waving behind me. I turned around to greet Carter and smiled as I mouthed, "hi!"
He didn't return the smile nor did he answer me. Maybe he didn't see me..... but it felt like he did see me. He started to walk away but just then I noticed a small blue bruise under his right eye.
"What has gotten onto him today?" Lia asked still looking at his retreating figure. Lia and Carter bonded pretty well that day when we hung out together. And, you must reward me for not letting a fight happen between Carter and Isaac. It felt like they were finding reasons to fight. And every talk we started, ended up in a huge argument.
But right now I could only focus on Carter. "How would I know?" I said while walking to the class.
I was shocked the moment I entered the class. Carter, the BadBoy was in the class not only on time but 5 minutes earlier????? Unbelievable, right?? But again, there were so many surprises. It wasn't new. But something was off about him. He didn't looked as lively as usual. He didn't give me his all refreshing smile that I had become so used to.
Maybe, he broke up with Bella........
"You look lost..." Lia snapped her fingers at me. "Uh, I don't know. Do I?"
"Yeah. Is it Carter?" She asked. "Carter? No! Where did he come from?! What has he got to do with me?"
"You know, the bruise under his eye looks really bad...." she said, and my attention went towards his face again. It was bad. Very bad.
Did he fight???
Who did he fight with!??
"You can just go and talk to him." Lia stated. "I know, I can. But, I guess it's not the correct time."
He might just blast on me. What if it's all because of me? What if he decided to bully me again? What if he has changed again???
Okay, concentrate on studies Sophie!!!!
Though I tried my hardest to listen to the lecture but I couldn't keep my eyes off of that trouble maker. I couldn't concentrate on anything. Just those tightly clenched fists and hard scowling face. The only thought ping ponging inside my mind was, what was wrong with him??
He was fine yesterday. We studied, ate and talked. He dropped me home too.
"I suggest you to talk to him Soph!" Lia said. "No Lia. Have you seen him? He's fuming. I can't talk to him.....and as he said I make him more angry.........I'm not at all going to talk to him." I shook my head.
"But, I think there is definitely something going on with him or he is sick!" She said. "Sick? How d-"
"Sophie! Haven't you noticed? One minute he's all happy and the other it's the opposite. One minute he's talking like normal people and the other, he's killing people! He is sick!"
"No, Lia! Carter is not sick! He's just an angry man....." I repeated Carter's words. "But he has a soft side too....."
"Sophia.....you are defending him. YOU ARE DEFENDING HIM??? Why? What's wrong with you?" She poked my head. "What's wrong with me? Nothing!! And I'm not defending him-"
"Sophie you are! You're taking his side and not your best friend's." Lia whispered, shouted. "Shut up Lia! It's not like that. I'm just telling you that he isn't sick. He's perfectly fine. Sure he has got mood swings but right now, I'm sure there's something troubling him." I looked at him. The pencil that was earlier in his hand was now in two pieces.
"Miss Anderson, Miss Garfield. Can we all know what were you talking about??" Teacher asked. Lia stood up and opened her precious mouth, "Yes sir, why not? We were just discussing wether our buddy Carter here, is sick or has he got mood swings-" the whole class erupted in laughter.
"Shut up Lia!!" I pulled her down. "Are you craz-" I stopped when my eyes met Carter's. He was angry. Pure rage was dancing in his red eyes. I gulped down everything that was inside my mouth and shrank on my chair and looked up.
God, are you free? I need some help!!!
Answer me god!! I can't look at him right now!! This idiot of a friend I have, ruined even a little chance I had to concentrate on my lecture.
Praying to god, I looked down at my work and started to solve the questions. From the corner of my eye I saw Carter walking out of the class.
The day went fine.....
Okay, I'm lying. It didn't. It went extremely uncomfortable. This is what happens to you when you want to know something so badly and you can't know it. And the fact that you couldn't concentrate on anything else except for that particular thing irritates the hell out of you.
After our last class me and Lia walked towards our lockers. When we were done with putting away our books, my eyes caught Carter who was advancing in the direction of his locker. "Go, Sophia! Talk to him." Lia said, pushing me towards Carter's locker. I stumbled forward but saved myself from falling directly at him.
"God, Lia! I told you I can't. He'll kill me. And now when you've spoken all those idiotic sentences in class, I'm not going to dig my own grave!" I whispered as I went back to my previous place. "Come on!! Be courageous! Though he's in practice to kill people but I think he isn't going to kill you! Besides that, if he did try anything, I'll be your superman!" She said making me giggle.
"Now come on!!" She pushed me and this time I couldn't help myself as I went directly towards Carter and hit his back. "What the f- Sparkle?"
What do I do???
Being the idiot I am, smiled sheepishly at him, "yeah! Me!"
I can bet I looked like the most moronic person of the earth at that moment. I looked back to Lia but she wasn't standing there anymore.
She betrayed me?!?? I just want to cry. What am I going to do now???
"Do you have something to say or you're just going to stand here like a stupid, brainless fool?" He said.
What? Stupid, brainless fool????
"Okay, then. Stand here. I'm really busy! Bye!" He started to walk away. "Wait, Carter. Aren't we going to study today?"
"I told you I'm busy, didn't I?" He snapped. "And, I don't need any help today!"
"Ssss-so there is no need to be a jj-jerk a-about it..." I didn't say it. I promise. It's all my tongue's wonderful efforts.
"Listen, Just.......shut.......up, Sparkle! I'm in no mood to talk to argue with you." He said, slowly. "Why? What happened??" I questioned him in the same tone, praying he answers without throwing a bunch of yelled words on me. "Why are you being so nosy?? It's none of your business!"
Ouch!!! That hurt.
"Uh- I-I didn't know you called being worried, nosy. Sorry! I'll-I'll just go....."
"Yeah, you better." He said after which he strode off.
I started to walk towards the school gate when I heard Lia. "You like him, Sophie!"
"Lia, you don't talk to me! You always leave me in situations like that. You are the worst friend." I stated. "No Sophia. I though there might be something that he couldn't tell you in front of me. You know he's closer to you than to me-"
"Who says he's close to me?"
"That means he didn't tell you what was troubling him?"
"No, he didn't tell me. And I don't understand why the hell am I so concerned with his matters!" I shook my head. "Maybe because you like him?" She suggested.
"I don't like him Lia. I hate him." I cleared her misconception. "You definitely like him!"
"I said, I don't."
"You do!"
"I don't! I don't like him at all!!!!!" I shouted.
"Okay, okay. Calm down!" She said and I controlled my breathing. We roamed in the garden waiting for our drivers to arrive.
"Let's hangout today!" I told her. "Aren't you tutoring-"
"No, I'm not tutoring Carter. He's busy." I was a little angry. I can be angry too, can't I. This was no way to talk to someone. He had no manners. I was just being-
What are you thinking Sophia! You forgot how he used to be??? You should be glad he didn't just push you from the roof.
"Why not? I'd love to hangout. I miss josh. We can hangout at your place."
"That'll be great!"
"You know, I still think you like Carter......."
"Just shut up, Lia!! There's nothing in him to be liked. He isn't likeable.....at all."
"Yeah?" She smirked at me. "Lia, when I'll be done with killing you, I'll leave you here to rot. And nobody will be there to even place you in the grave. Maybe at night-" Lia stopped me. "Okay, I'm not saying anything!!" She raised her right hand in defence. "Good. So did you complete your class work?"
"Sophia, let's not talk about work." She sounded irritated. "Okay, then what would you like to talk about?"
"Something interesting!"she stared at me. "Like?" I questioned.
"Like your eyes!"
Oh no! Not this again!!!!!
It was lunch and we were sitting at our usual table. "Did you see these pictures of the sample science projects?" Isaac said. We were supposed to submit our science projects the next week. "You searched already?!" Lia asked him, smiling. "Yeah. I mean come on! It's due next week, right Sophia?"
"Yeah, yeah. Right." I nodded. He stood up from his chair and walked towards me to show the pictures from his phone. "I'm thinking, I should make this one. It's really cool right?"
"Right!" I tried to smile but in reality his presence was suffocating me. I was feeling uneasy. Was he really being extra-close or it's just me?? Lia was busy in her lunch. That means, it's normal right?
"Sophie, are you even listening?"
"Uh, yeah, I'm. I was just thinking...........about...........my.........project."
"Oh, you could make one with the reaction-" he stopped when he looked behind me. Moving away, Isaac stood up. I felt my chair being dragged backwards.
What the-
"Sparkle, I need to talk to you! Stand up!" Carter ordered.
"She isn't your puppet, snake." Isaac stood up for me. "You! Stay out of it, turtle!!" He pointed his finger at Isaac. "And, Sparkle, don't make me regret my decision of asking you manner-fully. Just stand up!"
Manner-fully? Really ?
"Excuse me Mr. Who are you to order her?!" Isaac pushed him. "You did not just pushed me!!!" Carter said, his tone was menacing. "I did!"
What is Isaac doing??? Does he wish to die?!?!
Carter advanced towards him with the most threatening expression on his face and grabbed him from his collar. "Don't ever forget, who you are talking to! Stay in your fucking limits!"
Isaac struggled under his grip but he couldn't help himself. Carter was full of muscles. Before Carter killed him, I started to pull them away. "Help me Lia!!" I looked at Lia who was watching the whole scene wide eyed with two French fries hanging out of her mouth.
Swallowing them, she answered, "oh, yeah......wait!" We stopped them before their wrestling started.
Just as Carter left Isaac, he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. He stopped at the corridor and released my hand. Immediately, I pushed both of my hands behind my back. "What is the matter with you?? What did you want to talk about??" I asked him.
"You ask what's the matter with me?? You, tell me what's the matter with you?!!"
I looked at him as if he had eaten an alive bird. "You caused a scene there! You dragged me here! There must be a reason to it!" I shouted at him. This was enough!
"There is a reason. Why were you were all over Isaac???" He shouted back. "What? W-what are you talking about?!? I WAS NOT ALL OVER HIM!!!"
"You were!"
"I know I wasn't, but even if I was, it should not concern you! It's not like I have a boyfriend and I'm cheating over him, unlike you."
"What are you trying to say?!" He asked. "Oh, don't be so innocent. You know you were doing wrong with Bella! And seriously? Maddie? You could've chosen someone else-" I stared to say but he stopped me.
"Wait, wait, wait!! Where did Bella and Maddie come from?" He looked confused or maybe he was portraying to be confused. "You think I'm stupid? You think I don't know you've been cheating on Bella since so long? And, Bella is thousand times better than Maddie!!!"
"What the fu_k is this shit!???? I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!"
"You-you, don't have a girlfriend??"
"Then what about Bella?! You guys are k-kissing everywhere......"
"We are just buddies, Sparkle!!! I. Don't. Date!!!!!" He clarified.
"B-but friends don't kiss." I objected. "Oh, really?? You and Isaac are friends too....."
"Yes, and we were not kissing Carter!"
I'm going to throw up any time now.
"What's so unusual in it?! Isaac is my friend! We were talking about the project. Why are you being so NOSY now??"
"Arghh!!" He punched the wall. Very hard. God his knuckles must hurt really bad.
"Carter, I'm not being nosy, but seriously, what's wrong? You're acting weird since yesterday. You know you can share with me if you want........you look very.............angry to me. Sure you are an angry man but you aren't angry all the time. This I know." I gave him a small smile, expecting him to return it but he didn't.
"Carter, you-how did this happen?" I pointed under his eye. "I fought with Jack." He answered plainly. "Again? Why?" When they fight, it's pretty bad.
"Because he has sold his brain in the market. He is crossing all his limits. He's gone completely crazy!! He's not the Jack I used to be friends with." He shook his head.
"I'm angry at myself. As to why I wasted all my life in such a friendship which means a lot to me but nothing to Jack. I'm angry for following blindly whatever they told me or wanted me to do. And, after all that, what I received is nothing. It would have been better if I would have befriended............... a dog. At least he must've been loyal to me."
"Jack just broke all the ties without a second thought. I didn't know he would do something like that. I'm feeling so shameful for being his friend all those years. I mean we were friends from birth and if he does something like that, I'm bound to be angry because I cared. And now I know how much of a fool I am."
"Carter, friend was a topic unknown to me until this year. I've got two really-" Carter glared at me. "Uh, sorry, I've got three awesome friends as a gift and I'm happy for that." He smiled at me.
Thanks Jesus! I really missed his smile.
"But as entire school life I was unknown to this topic I don't know what to say to you right now. I still have an option to google the feeling but that would be fake consolation. But, maybe, as you say you've changed, Jack might need sometime to adjust to these changes in his best friend. Maybe!" I told him.
"Yeah, maybe....." he repeated. "And, did you treat that bruise?"
"My Mom's a doctor Sparky!" He said. "Yeah, I forgot that. Now would you like to go to the cafeteria?"
"Noooooo!" He fake cried. "Why?" I asked him.
"Isaac!!!" He trailed off.
Carter, trust me, I don't want to go too. "Carter! Let's go!"
I swear, I'll do anything to reunite the both. Jack, you need to accept Carter's changes!!!!!
- In Serial71 Chapters
To New York
Amanda Gaffley is a beautiful Xhosa girl from South Africa .She is well known for her generous heart and beautiful dimple smile, quite an eye catcher.From the dusty streets of Khayelitsha, she goes to New York seeking for success. She always believed that she was destined for more than what she was given, with an ambitious mind she dared to strive for what she wanted. She thought settling down in New York would be all cookies and cream but eh !Leonardo Reigns is a well known billionaire bachelor in New York. His family own hotels all around the world ! not to mention that he also owns dozens of Restaurants, his name held so much worth that men envy him and woman drop to their knees . Leonardo does not believe in love but what happens when he gets hot Coffee spilled on his Amarni blazer by a drool-worthy "black" girl? Read to find out.
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Eventually Yours
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