《》Chapter:19 'PLEASE, NOT THE FACE........'
"What's your plan for today?" Isaac asked as we were walking towards the school's ground. Our last class just got over and I couldn't wait to meet Carter.
"I'm um... a little busy today."
"Oh." He looked disappointed. "So?" Isaac continued.
"So, bye! Meet you tomorrow!" I finished, avoiding his gaze.
"Yeah, bye!" He said, his cheerful tone returning as he leaned closer to-
Wait, what's happening? Is he going to kiss me again?
I pulled back a little, not allowing him to do whatever he was going to do. I just was feeling really awkward since the lunch. Just after he kissed me on the cheek. I was feeling uncomfortable around him. Really uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable.
I waved at him as I made my way outside to wait for Lia.
Don't overthink Sophie! Isaac was just being friendly! You don't know how friends are because you've never had one!
"Hi!" I heard Lia's voice and turned my head in that direction. She was making her way towards me. "Oh, here you are Lia."
"What has got you thinking so deeply?" She smiled lopsidedly at me with her eyebrows raised.
"Oh, nothing! I was just waiting for you!"
"Oh! So shall we hangout today?" She asked with a hopeful look on her face.
"Umm, I would really love that, but- I have to tutor Carter today.... what about in the evening? After I'm done?" I suggested to try and cheer her up.
"Yeah, that'll be great! And we can call Isaac too!"
Ummm... No! Not him!
"No, Lia! We will spend the time together. No Isaac. Only Sophia and Lia. Full stop!" I stated.
"Please Sophia? He's our friend too, right?" She pleaded. "Please? You know, he doesn't really talk to me! This way we can be closer..."
"Okay!" I gave in, sighing. He might make me uncomfortable but this will give a chance to Lia to get close to him and I couldn't be selfish.
I can play Cupid today!
"Bye Soph! Meet you at six!" She hugged me.
"Bye, Lia!" I waved as I stood closer to the gate to wait for Carter.
Okay, Carter, where are you?
The wind had loosen up my ponytail so I opened my hair and tied them back tightly.
My green hair.... I really didn't like them. But my dearest friend Lia thought it made me look really hot. I was the 'trend setter' and all. Her words, not mine! And she herself was planning to dye her hair the same colour. She said, she'll give my hair some shades too. Now God knows what's in her mind.
I took of my glasses to clean them with a tissue and pushed them up my nose again. There was no way left to kill time and Carter seemed to forget the fact that I was waiting for him.
God, I should've brought my novel, paper towns today. It's so boring.....
I spent some more time, tapping my foot on the ground when I heard some guys talking and laughing. I snapped my face to them and saw Carter's group walking. My eyes searched for a completely neon green person, but I couldn't see one. When I couldn't locate Carter the panic button inside my head was switched on.
And I panicked.
Where is Carter?
"Hi nerd! What are you waiting for, standing here alone? Hiding from Carter?" A blonde guy spoke as he laughed.
"Umm, no. Actually he told me to wait for him after the school." I tried to not freak out and tell them the truth so that they do not try to tease me again. My attempts of bringing out a strong voice failed and it was nothing but shaky.
They were a group of ten guys. How could I stand all of that muscular tall stuff alone? "Oh my God! Did something hit your head? You think he's interested in you?" They all bursted out laughing while I turned completely red. The ground had turned into the mist embarrassing thing ever.
"Who told you? I don't think like that! At all! He told me to wait and if he isn't going to appear soon I'll just go home...." I answered back, still praying inside my head that the guys do not try anything funny.
"As if we'll let you!" Jack roared.
And that's my queue to leave... think something...
How do I dodge them? How?
Thinking this, I started taking steps backward but as soon as they registered what I was trying to do they shielded the gate.
Shit! What do I do now? I don't want to be punched anymore.
I felt someone pulling my hair roughly as a cry escaped my mouth. "Shut up!" That was definitely Jack. "Last time it was just a dye. You know what is it this time? Brandon, did you bring that burning acid I asked you to?"
My eyes widened. What? B-b-b-b-burning acid?
Run Sophia!
I ran all around the school garden but I knew I was bound to get caught. I hadn't ran this fast in my entire life. They were all after me and I couldn't run anymore.
God, just once... just once help me. Please God! I'll go to the church every week......please?
But they caught up to me and as soon as they did, I received a hard slap on my face. "You idiot! You really thought you can get away?" Jack spat. With uneven breaths, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes but I tried to remain calm. "Bring the acid here Brandon!"
"No! Please Jack! What have I ever done to you? The acid will burn my hair.... please?" I begged him.
He laughed in return. "Who said I was using it on your hair? I already ruined them! This time I though why not your face..." he trailed off making me gasp.
"What-Noooo! No!" A sob escaped my mouth. "You-you.. you can't do that Jack! Jack please! I'll do whatever you'll say....." I cried.
"I have decided already! I can't change my mind!" With that he brought the bottle closer. There was a big, dark, red cross on it. That meant one thing: danger.
"Please, not the face... please!" I tried again softly this time as I shielded my face with my hands. "One...Two... th-"
"What the hell is happening here!?"
Carter! Maybe he'll help me!
"Cc-cahrterr! Please help!" I sounded completely helpless. I heard as he came closer. "What the fuck is this Jack! What were you trying to do?" I opened my eyes to look at him.
"Oh, man! Don't be so angry. The fun just began. I'm glad you are here. We were waiting for you but you were not leaving Mr Killer's side!"
"What were you pouring on her?" Carter asked his eyes glued to the bottle in Jack's hand.
"Oh, this? It's a burning acid! We thought why not ruin her face?This-" he was interrupted with a punch.
Carter punched him. Right on the face. So hard, he fell down badly. "What the hell Carter? How dare you?" Jack said regaining his balance as he punched him back.
"Are you crazy Jack?! You were pouring acid on her face?" He yelled.
"So what Carter? We are bullying her since childhood! What's to be so surprised?"
"You have lost your mind completely Jack!"
They kept hitting each other. "You know what Carter? You've changed. I thought this would be fun for you... Be with this piece of shit over there! Come on guys!" Jack said as he looked at me with disgust.
"Talk with respect you as*. I'll be more than happy! At least she has got some brain cells!" Carter made his way towards me, his eyes softening.
"Suit yourself!" We heard Jack say.
"Oh god Sparkle! I'm so sorry!" He sat beside me and engulfed me in a hug. "Are you okay?" He asked, wiping my tears as he examined my face.
"They a-almost dropped it o-on my face." I sobbed.
"They are idiots. Just forget it! Okay?" He said, Standing up. He extended his hand for me and I grabbed it as I stood up. "Let's go home. We'll study double tomorrow?" He tried to give me a smile.
"Yeah." I nodded as we reached his car. He opened the door for me and walked towards his door. I stood there gaping.
Is this really Carter?
Is this the same guy who used to bully me, limitlessly?
Is he?
"Sparkle?" I heard him from inside the car. "How are we going to reach home if you stand outside the car like a dumbo?" He chuckled. Rolling my eyes I sat inside the car. "Here, have some water!" He passed me a half filled water bottle.
"You drank from it?" I asked.
"Yeah? So?" He glanced at me before moving his eyes back to the road.
"And you expect me to drink from it? Never!"
"Come on Sparkle! Your sobs won't stop." He said.
"They will!" I said, another sob came out of my mouth.
"Just fucking drink it, Sparkle!" His shout made me flinch. "Drink it!" He shouted again and instantly I pushed the bottle inside my mouth and drank all of its content in a single gulp. "Good Girl!" He smiled at me and relaxed in his seat.
When I was sure he isn't going to shout again I said, "can I ask you something?"
"Shoot!" He looked at me briefly.
"Umm... just don't shout okay? It's just that...why do you have these mood swings all the time? I mean..." he stopped me.
"Shut up, Sparkle! I do not have mood swings okay? I'm an angry man. I'm aggressive. I get very irritated specially when I'm with you! But again, because of you, it goes away. My anger, irritation... it goes away."
"Because of me? How?" I was curious.
"Because... you are just so... forgiving. And whatever people do, I have never seen you angry, ever! I... I just try to be like you... Okay leave it! I'm sounding like a cheesy puppy!"
"And what do I do that makes you angry at me?" I asked him.
"I never said I'm angry at you. I'm angry at myself! And you ask what do you do?" He said as he stoped the car at the corner of the road. "Carter...what-"
"What you do is nothing! You do nothing. And that irritates me! What ever I had been doing to you since the day you enrolled in our school, it's not fair for me to be talked to kindly by you. Now, when I know you, I just don't get the point of bullying you! I just don't understand why I did that. And that makes me very furious. At myself. At my old self. I was such an ass to you! I just want you to forgive me. To befriend me. To give me another chance. To prove you that I really have changed. That I won't do that to you ever again. That I won't let anybody touch you... I'm sorry Sparkle... I know you won't forgive me but I just need you to..." he looked at me pleadingly.
"Carter-" I started but he stopped me.
"Slap me!"
Has he gone mad?!
"I said, slap me Sophia!"
"I can't do that Carter. Jack just punched you. And it might hurt really bad. How can I slap you?"
"I don't care Sophia! Slap me, right now! It should be hard." He said. I fidgeted with my hands trying to figure out what to do. "Please, slap me."
He is crazy!
"Have you been drinking?" That was the only possibility I could think of while looking at him going insane. He shook his head vigorously as a response.
Let's just slap him.
What's there to loose?
With that thought I stretched my fingers, lifted my hand and slapped him, hard. "Ouch!" He cried. "If you would have slapped me the day I bullied you first time, I'm sure I wouldn't have had the courage to do it again. You are good at it."
"Sorry. You said it should be hard..." I told him.
"Yeah, it was perfect. I deserved it. So now, you forgive me?"
"Carter, I-I... it's not easy to forgive you... like that... I can't. But I can give you a chance. Maybe if you impress me, I will?" I smiled, trying to light up the mood.
He chuckled. "You are very cute!" He pinched my right cheek.
"Thank you...." I answered awkwardly trying to not show how his words had affected me and he smiled at me. I didn't receive compliments everyday and listening to someone talk to me nicely felt good. He started the car and headed towards my home.
"So, now it's my turn to ask you a question." He stated.
"Do you love someone?" He asked all of a sudden. I didn't know he would just jump up to that question. I was thinking he'd ask about what book I like or what's my favourite colour.
"Yeah." I answered after recovering from the shock.
He turned his face towards me. And what I didn't expected was that he kept looking. "Carter, look at the road. Please!" He didn't move, instead his eyes were firmly trained on me.
"Who do you love?" He questioned, his eyes fixed on mine.
"Carter! Watch where you are driving!" I screamed at him. We were going the wrong way. "Who? Who do you love, Sophia?" He asked again.
"Carter! We will die. What are you doing?" I pushed him. He stopped the car in the middle of the road.
"Who. Do. You. Love?"
"My brother! I love my brother. I love Rebecca! Are you crazy? Move the car, Carter. We are causing trouble for everyone! Do you want police to catch us?"
"Oh, uh.... I forgot we were driving..." he started the car again.
"You forgot you were driving?"
"Yeah...." he scratched the back of his neck.
"We almost died!" I said, with an exasperated sigh as I glared at him.
"But we didn't." He let out plainly like we were not humans and were some cockroaches!
"You are insane, you know?"
"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't thinking right!" He snapped at me after which silence followed.
"Okay, we are here." He pulled over my house's street. I got out of the car and closed the door.
"Uh-Umm.... Carter. Do you want to come inside?"
"Where?" He asked idiotically.
"Obviously my house!"
"Oh my god, is this a dream?!" He faked a shocked expression.
"Carter, you coming or not?"
"I'm coming! Wait! I don't want to let this chance go! Sophia Anderson is inviting me to her house!" He said as he parked his car and came out.
"Don't say anything. Just be quiet. Okay?" I informed him.
"Why?" He said loudly.
"Carter! Be quiet!" I hissed. "Or I won't be taking you inside!" I warned.
"Okay, okay. I'm not saying anything!" He kept his finger on his lips as we entered the house.
"Wow Sparkle! Your house-" he started but I kept my hand on his mouth. "Shut up idiot! Rebecca will see us. Don't make me regret inviting you in. "
"I was just complimenting." He said in the same high tone.
"God Carter! Shut your mouth!"
Why did I bring him in, again?
"Okay!" He whispered. We tiptoed towards my room.
"Your room is upstairs?" He asked, in a low voice. "Yeah. It's on the third floor."
"Sophie! Darling why don't you bring your friend here? We can have lunch together!" Rebecca shouted from downstairs.
"What is this?" Carter asked, picking up the art book from my study.
"This is my art book!" I snatched it from him.
"Oh.....and this?" He looked towards my diary.
"No! Don't touch it!" I shouted.
"Okay, okay! I'm not touching!" He raised his hand in defence. Walking towards my shelves he questioned, "you play video games?"
"Yeah, sometimes with Josh...." I told him. "That's cool!" He said with amusement in his eyes.
"You said you weren't allowed to see him right? But at lunch you guys were pretty comfortable." He pointed out.
"Yeah! We.... still meet.... secretly. I mean my parents don't know about it."
He and josh mixed up pretty well. Almost all their talks revolved around basketball. Carter even agreed to teach him.
"Oh... so many books! You have so many books!" He stared at my books.
"Hmm. I like to read. It's my favourite hobby." After I answered he murmured something under his breaths and walk d towards my dresser.
"Why are there lights on your mirror?" He touched the colourful lights around my dresser's mirror.
"I like it that way." I smiled.
"What is this?" He handed me my hair clip.
"This is hair clip, Carter!"
"Wear it... please?" He said.
"Why? My hair is fine in a ponytail." I shrugged, movingy fingers through my hair.
"No, I want to see you in this."
"Okay, here you go!" I pulled my hair band down and tied half of my hair in the clip.
"Good!" He sat down on the sofa. "So I was saying-" we heard a knock on the door and he stopped talking.
"It must be Lia and Isaac!" I walked towards the door.
"Why did you call him?" Carter's tone was a harsh one. Not even close to how comfortable it was before I mentioned Lia and Isaac.
"He's my friend Carter! Behave okay?" I tried to explain him.
"Sorry, I can't do that!" He said, straight. I shook my head as I opened the door.
"Hi guys!" I greeted.
"What is he doing here??" Isaac shouted.
"It's not your house!" Carter shouted back.
It's going to be a long evening!
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ʙᴀsɪᴄ » ᴊᴏɴᴀʜ ᴍᴀʀᴀɪs
ʜᴇ ɢʀɪɴɴᴇᴅ. sʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ ᴡᴀs ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ.{ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ }
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"You were made for me. And I, for you." His breath is right beside my ear and I tightly shut my eyes closed. He leans down closer. "I was made to love you. To fuck you," My breath catches at the last part. I'm suddenly thinking naughty things and I can't help it. I'm imagining him taking me in his office. On this desk. Feeling what his tongue would taste like. He pulls back lightly and deeply inhales. If possible, his eyes darken even more. They're almost as dark as the night. "I know you want me too, Adira." ****************************************************** Strong. Intimidating. Cunning. Resilient. All characteristics that he embodies. Klayton was a storm, and she was the rainbow that followed the chaos. Moving into the small town of Myersdale to start her first year of University, Adira has no idea what destiny has in store for her. She expected the crazy parties, the relentless homework, and all of the sleepless nights. Adira Hayes did not expect him. Throw in some curses, a few witches, and a psycho Moon Goddess... you get to ride alongside Adira's greatest adventure. *THIS IS NOT A STEREOTYPICAL WEREWOLF BOOK. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!* 18+ | BOOK #1 OF THE LUNAR CYCLE SERIES. #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN HUMAN (09/24/20) #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN MATE (09/16/20) #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN HOT (07/05/20) #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN GODS (10/11/20) #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN WITCH (05/03/20) #1 HIGHEST RANKING IN FUNNY (11/03/20) #2 HIGHEST RANKING IN LOVE (08/05/20) #2 HIGHEST RANKING IN WOLF (03/28/20) #2 HIGHEST RANKING IN MAGIC (09/20/20) #2 HIGHEST RANKING IN PARANORMAL (07/01/20) #3 HIGHEST RANKING IN SUPERNATURAL (07/31/20)
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