There are times when you feel things you never expected to be feeling. There are also times when you don't know what is wrong with you but you want to smile. You want to smile all the time and it doesn't matter if people think you're some crazy drug addict.
"Are you going somewhere Sophia?" Josh asked as he entered into my room.
"Yeah, I'm going to Carter's house. He has some questions which he finds difficult so we'll solve them today." I answered, applying a little lipgloss on my lips.
You're shocked, right? I was too. I didn't know, but apparently it was the thing I started to love those days. Lipgloss. It made me look fresh and presentable. I didn't know why I was trying to look all fresh and presentable because it was just Carter's house I was going to.
"Aghhh! You're giving our sibling time to Carter? Why? You're giving importance to your boyfriend over your brother? Over Josh Anderson?"
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my melodramatic brother. But wait, did he say my boy- "Josh, it's the hundredth time I'm telling you, he is NOT my boyfriend! We are just friends... or maybe not even that. " I glared at him sharply. A heavy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I spoke those words.
Though I considered Carter my friend but I didn't know if he did or not.
"Really? Because I think you really like him." He stated, examining himself in my room's mirror like someone who just had their makeup done.
"Josh, I don't like him!" I hissed. I can't like him. I can't like someone who was so cruel to me. Never.
But he's so sweet now! My inner voice said. It wasn't that his charm wasn't working on me. After all I was a girl. But the thing was I didn't want to like him.
"Yeah? If you say so, then what is this? And this? Oh, and this too?" He held my lip glosses, mascara and my hair clip in in his hands. "And you say you don't like him. I mean just look at what you're wearing!" He gestured towards my clothes and shook his head. "What am I wearing?! What's wrong with my clothes?!"
I think I dressed too much.
"You are wearing a pant and a shirt on a Sunday morning and you say what's wrong with your clothing. As far as I know my sister she wouldn't change till the night."
"Josh, you're being my dad now! And I never not-change till the night. Ewww, you make me sound so dirty."
"If I was being your dad, I would have not allowed you to go even. But just because I'm your brother, I can't do that. I'm just telling you that you like him." He sat beside me on the sofa.
"It's so interesting Josh! You know, people choosing for you, that you like a certain guy, when actually you hate him. It's so interesting isn't it?"
"Yeah, very. But I don't have a problem with him. In fact, I love this boyfriend of yours. And look you're Seventeen... you can surely date." He said, standing up.
"And, now I'm going with Frank. You know my sister deserted me for her boyfriend. But what can I do? I can't come in between them!" He continued and fake cried.
"Josh!-" he didn't let me complete. "Bye sis!" He walked out of the door.
Why is every other person trying to make me believe that I like Carter. I shut all these thoughts just when they started to appear but people around me are making it difficult for me to not think about it.
And now, I think it's quiet late for trying to shut these thoughts because they've invaded my mind already and I can't think of anything else anymore.
Do I really like him?
If no then I'm fine. But if yes, then I really need to see a physiatrist.
* * * * *
When I reached there I knocked on their door, pulling my shirt down. I tightened my ponytail and knocked again.
Is anyone even home? If Carter wasn't home, he wouldn't have called me.......
Just then I heard some shuffling inside the house and in another second the door opened revealing a yawning Mary. I think I'm a bit early. "Sophia?" She asked and I nodded in reply.
Apologize, Sophie!
"Hi! Uh-um, I'm sorry Mary. I-Carter called me today."
"Oh, it's okay girl. It's your house. Come whenever you want. And you can even have a spare key for yourself darling. But I can't believe Carter called you. What time is it?"
I shouldn't have come this early....
"It's eleven. Look I'm really sorry, I thought you'd be awake till now and-"
"It's okay! It's not your fault. Besides, we wake up at eleven every Sunday because I couldn't get much sleep in week days. Being a doctor isn't easy, you know? And I would've mind if you came earlier. But eleven is fine." She chuckled.
"Did Carter say eleven? Are you sure it was eleven in the morning?" She walked towards the kitchen and I followed her. "Yeah, he told me to come at eleven, In the morning." I answered.
"It's the first. He never wakes up early on a Sunday. Sun rises at two pm for him."
"Have you had breakfast? If not then David makes the best pancakes in the world. You can join us."
David? Who's David?
Oh, okay, maybe it's Mr Reece, Carter's father.
"Umm, though I would love to taste some, but I'm really full right now. Maybe some other time?" I told her as I looked around for Carter.
"Sure, darling. Next time come with an empty stomach. And, if you're looking for Carter, he might be in his room."She gestured towards his room.
"Thanks, Mary." I walked towards his room and nocked softly at it. Standing outside outside his room, I waited for him to open it as my eyes darted towards his painting room.
He said, he would teach me painting someday.
Why isn't he opening the door???
I knocked again but didn't receive a reply. I couldn't go inside without asking so I knocked again, a little harder this time but still nobody answered me.
I should ask Mary, but she might be having her breakfast. Maybe, I should wait for him to open the door or I could just go inside.........
I waited for further five minutes and after which I entered inside his room. My eyes caught the sight of a sleeping Carter and an annoying sound of alarm hit my ears. I looked as Carter moved slightly and covered his ears with a pillow. His room was a mess.
I stood, there thinking of ways to wake him up, when he picked up the alarm clock and threw it on the wall. "Shut the fu_k up you b!tch!" His shout echoed around the room and I jerked back hitting the table that was behind me.
Owwwww, my leg!!
"Carter?" I asked, a minute later, in a small voice, massaging my leg, but met with his loud snores only. "Carter? Are you going to wake up? Carter?", I asked but heard the same snores of his.
After gathering a huge amount of courage, I walked towards him and shook his shoulder, keeping my distance. You don't when when he might feel like a gorilla and will kick you. Then you'll be in a hospital for god knows how long.
He didn't budge. How can someone sleep like this?? I tried again by patting his cheeks.
"Carter? Please, wake up.....", but surprisingly, this time he shifted a little and held my hand tightly.
"What the hell is your problem?? Can't you see I'm sleeping? JUST LEAVE!" He roared as he left my hand with a push. "Uhh, ss-sorry. I-I'll just leave. Bb-bye!" And without waisting a single second I walked out of his room, closing the door slowly so that it doesn't make a sound.
All I wanted to scream at him was, 'you were the one who called me! You, told me to come at your house in the morning to embarrass myself and for that I sacrificed my dearest Sunday-sleep!!!!' But of course I couldn't do that so I just walked towards the house's door, praying that his parents do not notice me leaving but as always, before my prayer even reached to the lord, Mary called me. "Aww, why leaving so early Sophia?"
Because your son is being a snake.
"Umm, my brother would be waiting for me." I said, and just then I noticed Mr Reece waving at me. I walked towards him as I spoke, inhaling the aroma of freshly made pancakes, "hi, Mr Reece!"
"Hi darling. But how is this fair if you call my wife by her name and be all formal with me? Call me David."
He had wonderful parents. I wonder where did he get his bipolar-ness from? "Okay. David." I smiled at him. "So, Sophia, do you like pancakes?"
"Actually, I love pancakes. But I'm really full right now. I'll surely try them some other time. And, right now I've to go too."
"No problem Girl. You're always welcome here." He patted my head and tears started to gather in my eyes.
I really really need a dad like that. Will I ever, in this life? Ever???
"Bye, David!", I controlled my emotions and said.
"Bye Sophia!" They both said simultaneously. I walked towards the door and just when I was going to open it I felt someone holding my arm. "Wait, Sparkle! Where are you going?" Carter, turned me around while saying. He looked like he just got out of bed. His eyes were red and hair were messy.
"I'm 'just leaving'." I stated referring to his words from earlier.
"But, we haven't done the questions yet." He reasoned.
"Carter, I don't feel like doing them right now. And, I've to go." I tried to pull my arm away from his grip. "You aren't going anywhere!" He declared.
"I'm going! And, please go and sleep your highness. You're gonna sleep all your life and who even cares about studies? That's all shit. Sleeping is what will help you when you grow up. You get one dollar for sleeping some hours, right? I wonder how rich you'll be when-" he placed his hand on my mouth.
"Shut up!" He hissed, removing his hand. "Let me speak! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I didn't know it was you."
"You shouldn't have called me if you had to sleep." I told him, shaking my head. "But we still have time now. We can solve many questions......" he looked at the wall clock. "Now come on! I said, I'm sorry! Please forgive me? As soon as I registered it was you I came to apologise. I don't know what I'm doing in sleep."
"It's okay......" I forgave him. He grabbed my hand in his, "Thanks. Now let's go. We-"
"You're still here Sophia?" Mary came towards us. "Umm, mom I have some more questions so she's staying."
She chuckled and shook her head. "Did you even brush your teeth Carter?" She asked and a giggle escaped my lips. "Mom!!" He said while glaring at me. "Go, and study. But don't forget to brush your teeth." We heard her say. "Urghhhh!" He shouted and ran towards his room.
I went behind him but when I reached there, he was already in the washroom. "Idiot!" I whispered as I sat on his untidy bed.
Calling his room a mess was an understatement. As I was looking around he came out of the washroom, wiping his face with a towel. "Don't you dare laugh at me!"
"I-I", giggle. "Won't laugh", giggles.
"Sparkle!" He warned.
"Shh! Shut up mouth!" I slapped my lips. "I swear I didn't laugh. This stupid mouth. It doesn't listen to me."
He laughed, walking towards his drawer. "You're too cute." Bringing his pile of maths books, he sat beside me.
"By the way, you must always brush your teeth when you wake up-" I started to say.
"That's what Rebecca says. I'm not saying anything!"
"Just forget that happened. Now let's do this! Maths. It's an algebra question." He opened his book and passed it to me.
"This one?" I questioned. "God, Carter. This is so easy."
"Really? And, I'm so uncool."
"No, really Carter, It's very easy. Look, his mom is 'x' years old right now. And after five years she will be twice as old as her son. Understanding?"
"Nope!" He answered. "Wait, look here!" I gestured towards the copy in my hand. "His mom's x year old fine? And she will be twice as old as him right? But this is after 5 months. So, we'll make an equation. Getting?" I explained, writing on the paper. "A little....."
"Ages after 5 years will be x+5. It's the mother's age. Okay? Now tell me the expression for her son's age." I questioned him.
"No, Carter. Think yourself. If you say, 2x+5 doesn't that mean her son is older than her? It says mother is twice as old as the son. And even then it won't be 2x+5. It will be 2x+10. So either-"
"I got it! It's x+5 = x+5/2 " he answered correct, making me smile. "That was so easy!" He said.
"I told you!" I shrugged. "Rest of the questions are almost same and I'll try solving them myself."
"That's great."
"Okay, wait here. I'll be right back." He said as he went out of the door. Standing up from his bed I walked towards his writing table where all of his school stuff was scattered.
This means, he actually studies.
I found a crumpled ball of paper lying beside the lamp and I couldn't help but see what was inside. As I straightened the paper I realised it was the picture of Carter and Jack from some years earlier.
Carter had a basketball in one of this arms and the other one was around Jack's neck. But I noticed Carter's writing on Jack's head. A small red, 'Asshole' was written there.
It's my mistake. It's because of me they aren't talking anymore. I'll have to do something real quick before they really get apart. I need to talk to Jack. As soon as possible.
Hearing someone coming towards the room, I instantly threw the paper on the floor. "Sparkle, Dad told me you love pancakes." He entered inside carrying a tray in his hands.
"Yeah, I do." I smiled. "Here, have them. He makes the best pancakes of the world."
"But I'm not hungry at all. I've had my breakfast. And it's too late! Why are you even eating it. It's about time for lunch." I told him, looking at the way he was eating.
He poured chocolate syrup on the pancake and added whipped cream on the top. He then rolled the pancake and took a huge bite out of it, cream dripping out of it.
"But, breakfast is when you wake up. And I wake up late so I'll have it late. Besides I can't leave Dad's pancakes. Have it." He passed the plate to me. "What did you even eat?" He asked when I refused to have them.
"Cornflakes." I answered him. "Cornflakes? Really? Is that even a breakfast? Taste these!"
"Carter, I've had my breakfast already." I passed it back to him. "Just shut up and eat it." He said, his tone had a hint of anger in it. "Okay, please, just a little? I brought five for me. And one for you. Just think, how can I eat six pancakes?" He tried with much softer tone this time.
Aren't five pancakes a little abnormal.
"Like the way you can eat five pancakes. One more won't matter."
"Sparkle, do you want me to scold you?" He licked the cream from his finger. "Carter I don't want to eat it-" but before I could complete he forced the piece of pancake into my mouth and I had to eat it.
And, it was awesome. I haven't tasted such tasty pancakes ever in my life. It's soooo yummy.
I looked at Carter, ashamed of asking a little more. And he kept teasing me.
"It's even tastier with hunny. Ummmmmm! But, you're full so, I guess I'll eat all of them." And in about another minute he ate four of them. The fifth one was in his hands and I prayed, that he leaves one for me.
"Oh my god, I've eaten five pancakes and I'm still hungry. Thank god, Sparkle isn't hungry, or I'd have to give it to her." He said, spreading hunny over it.
"Yes? Are you saying something?" He looked at me from the side of his eye, chocolate all around his mouth. "Ummm, can I.....can I have....one? Please?"I asked while I drooling at the last pancake which looked beyond yummy with honey on top of it.
Carter bursted into laughter. "Hhahahh. Oh my god!!!"
"Carter, you're making fun of me!" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Nope! Hahahaha. You just made fun of yourself. Bhahahah."
"Carter, food is coming out of your mouth...." I pointed at the small particle of pancake fallen out of his mouth in between his laughter and his laughter died down instantly. "Shut up! You can't even let me have fun without embarrassing me?"
"Leave all that! Can I have this?" I looked at the lonely pancake in the plate. "It deserves to be eaten."
"Of course you can have it. I was just teasing-" He started to say, but I stopped him, "thank you!" I grabbed the plate and started eating it. He began putting aside his books and copies.
"Carter, I was just wondering......are you free today?"
"Why? Do you want to ask me out for a date?" He laughed at his lame joke.
"Very. Funny." I fake laughed. "But seriously Carter. Are you free? You told me you'll teach me painting......"
"Yeah, I'm totally free today. And I'm having an honour to be your teacher. How can I let it go?"
Just as I finished the pancake, we went to his art room. "We'll start from the basic okay?" He pulled out two papers. "Sketch a flower. A normal flower, fine?"
"Yeah, fine. I'm drawing. Just don't look at it. I'll show you when I'm finished." I turned around and started drawing a flower.
Uh-oh. This circle isn't round.
"Carter, do you have an eraser?" I asked.
"A good artist never uses an eraser."
"Do they erase with their saliva then?" I questioned.
"I'm talking about artists here Sparkle. Not Mr.Bean!" And we both started laughing. "But really, I need an eraser. Please? I'm not a good artist."
- In Serial151 Chapters
Doctor Demon
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Elemental Monarch: The Reign of Darkness
Him: Being a bastard and having tested to have near zero elemental power was not a good mix. Especially not in a world where one's position in life is dictated by their power. The only strength he has, well, is his strength, literally. Strength so immense it rivaled that of the Giants. And something tells him that he does have magic, it was just resting in his blood, waiting for the day it finally awakens. Her: Born in a tribe that was once feared by all but now reduced to mere slaves and servants. She was forced to live her life in the shadow, figuratively and literally. Masks behind masks, she carries a dark secret that could either bring death to her, or calamity upon the world. Welcome to the world of Elementerra, where races vie for supremacy, and individuals struggle for their place in society. There's no good, there's no evil. No matter where, no matter when, there is only one rule, one constant - Power. Those with it can dictate anything, and those without can only obey. How will two outcasts fight their ways to the top, and fight their destiny to find each other? Uploads new chapter every week. Join my Discord community and become part of Elementerra: https://discord.gg/QE4CtHY8uu
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Falling For Juliet
Growing up for Naomi Warner was nothing less than a nightmare. She was bullied by her peers, and her home life wasn’t the best. On top of that, Naomi was very different from other human beings. In fact, she wasn’t human at all. She was a shapeshifter. Despite all of her struggles, Naomi made it through, and now she was heading off to college. She ends up living in a dorm with her cousin Calinida, who decides that she wants to join a sorority. This sorority plans to throw a party that Calinida hears about, and wants to go, but she doesn't want to go alone. So she recruits Naomi as her plus one to the party. During the party, Naomi happens to run into a girl named Juliet, who she recognizes from class. Naomi and Juliet spend all their time at the party together, right up until the party spins out of control, and gets shut down. A few weeks later, Naomi finds herself infatuated with Juliet and eventually the two of them dive head first into a heated romance. They become consumed with each other. How does Naomi deal with these new experiences? Will the relationship between Juliet and Naomi work out? Naomi can only hope that everything ends up okay as she stumbles through her first semester as a freshman in college.
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Being Realized
Ash Ketchum, a Stock Market supervisor in Phoenix, got a call from his school professor, Professor Oak, and invites him to be the part of the student reunion in Seattle. Ash could finally meet his destiny and childhood best friend-cum crush, Serena. Serena on the other hand took Ash as her best friend, not realizing her feelings towards him. But then something occurred which shook Ash.Could Serena realize her feelings towards Ash and can Ash make Serena an important page in his diary of life?All is written in the Diary of LifeI DON'T OWN ANY CHARECTERS IN THE SERIES.
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His Mate {Alpha Hoseok} (Complete)
A Hoseok FF (JHope x Reader)Highest Ranking: #1 - btsjhope out of 22.1K books.~He moves his face closer to her neck. His mouth parts open and he aggressively licks her skin. She could feel his sharp canines on her neck. It was tempting, too tempting for him to control. "MARK HER!" his wolf said. "MARK HER! SHE'S OUR MATE!!" "Fuck!" He cursed before giving in the temptation.
8 58