《》⊲|Chapter:15 'I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! EVER!'|⊳
"What are you doing Carter?" I hissed as I pulled my hood back to my head but Carter held it tightly.
I pulled it again.
Urrrrhhh..... pull!
"Leave It please!" I told him.
"What?" He teased as if he didn't know what I was referring to.
"Carter I swear-" I stopped waisting my energy on him when I got a beyond brilliant idea.
"Hi Bella!" I waved behind him to divert his attention and this worked perfectly as he left my hood that very instant. "Oh! You here Bells-" Carter turned around to look at his girlfriend but was met with the sight of a glaring Mr.Wilson.
He turned towards me again and shot me his deathly stare as I pulled back the hood and squirmed in my chair. "So, is there a reason for you being all greeny-greeny?" Mr.Wilson asked, causing everyone to erupt in giggles.
"Yes Willy-Willy! I dyed my hair because I'm a supporter of greenery. But today, I thought why hair only? Why don't I dress up completely green? And I think I look awesome!" I laughed inwardly at his choice of words. Willy-Willy? Seriously? And supporter of greenery, really?
"And you, Miss Anderson?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at me as I searched for a good reason in my head but Carter beet me to it and said, "The same reason Willy-Willy! And besides that it's in fashion and it makes her look so hot! You should try it too." He said, winking at the teacher, making my cheeks go crimson.
Every other girl turned around at his remark and were shooting daggers at me.
Well, shit! I'm in trouble now. Why couldn't this snake keep his bloody mouth shut?
"No, thanks. So class, as I was saying the electrolytes are......" Mr. Wilson continued to lecture and walked towards the board.
"What did you just say? You know what? You increased the trouble for me. Oh, and why am I so surprised? Trouble is your other name right? Now all the girls will be after me as I stole 'their man', EVEN THOUGH I DID NOT! Why don't you understand? I don't like your company and I don't want anymore trouble. Please Carter!"
"Listen here Sparkle! Don't you even dare think that I enjoy your company! I mean look at you! And whatever I do, I have a reason." Though I expected it coming but that hurt really bad! Really, really bad.
"I just complimented you, so that other girls dye their hair and you don't feel different. And, wúlùn wô qiánmiàn shuō de shí huângyán." He completed.
"What? What did you say?" I asked, squinting my eyes.
"Nothing!" He rolled his eyes and started to solve the question. I stared at him as he tried to solve it three times but got the wrong answer. He erased all the pencil work so angrily that the paper got ripped in two pieces. I couldn't help my laughter any longer and bursted out.
"It's easy Far-Carter!" He clenched his fits tightly and looked at me menacingly.
I swear I didn't mean to say it! It just slipped from my mouth.
I looked down at my work and started to solve it as I mumbled, my voice low, "just-doitthe-otherwayround!identify-thecathodefirst!"
"Idiot!" Carter mumbled as he began solving his question.
I completed all my questions before that one person who was sitting on the front seat. Yeah, Isaac. "Done Sir!" This made him look up from his work and at my direction. I showed him my tongue mockingly.
Chuckling, he shook his head. Yay! I won! Again! I smiled at Isaac and mouthed, "I won!"
He grinned in reply and was about to say something when Carter cleared his throat. "Okay, explain me the question if you are doing nothing!" He threw the pencil at me.
What the hell is his problem?
"You still have explaining to do!" Isaac repeated.
"Really Isaac, I don't know why he was dressed all neon. And about my hair, not so surprisingly the liquid they drenched me in was dye. So here I am with this," I looked up on the mention of my hair.
"Hmm. But I don't understand this.... you were so comfortable with Carter. Aren't you angry at him for what he did?" Isaac asked, his eyebrows raising.
"I was enraged at him at first. But you know I really think it was just his friends and he even-" Isaac stood up from the lunch table.
"What? Don't tell me he played the innocent card with you! How can you believe him? He has been bullying you all your life and you trust him?You... you... well I didn't think you'd be so naive!" He whispered shouted.
"Calm down Isaac! I don't believe him. But it just feels that he isn't lying. And, I'll be sure nothing like that happens again." I told him, attempting to calm him and he sat down nodding.
"By trusting him, you are only digging your own grave Soph."
"Isaac! I don't trust him! Why are you being so over protective!" I asked, irritated. He has got nothing to do with my life and his words were annoying. Oh how I wished Lia was there with me that day.
"Because I- because I'm your friend."
"I know, but you are overreacting Isaac. And, I will be okay. I have to tutor him anyways, no matter what. It's school's order. I don't have an option." He nodded and just then the chair opposite to ours was pulled and my eyes fell upon those neon shoes and pants.
"There shouldn't be an option." Carter stated as he sat there–or laid there, I must say. He had his hands on his back supporting his head.
"You don't even know what we are talking about!" Isaac snapped. I hit him from under the table and motioned to be quiet.
"Did I say, I was talking to you?" Carter retorted back as he came closer to face Isaac.
"Did anyone not tell you, it is bad to interrupt when two people are talking." Isaac shot back.
"Did anyone not tell you to just shut up when Carter Reece is speaking?" Carter hissed as he became furious. His neck veins were almost about to pop while Isaac looked like a tomato.
"Did anyone not tell you, you are a conceited, narcissistic egomaniac, who thinks he rules the world?" Carter raised his fist to land a punch on Isaac's face but I came in between them to stop any kind of fighting.
"Guys, please! Stop it. What are you? Kids?"
"He started!" Carter said, sharply.
"You know what Sophia? I'll be in the library. Come there when you are free from-" I slapped his arm, trying to save him from Carter's wrathful punch.
"I said, stop it. Go to the library!" I scolded him and he went straight to the library.
I looked at Carter and he was staring at me with a smiling face.
OMG! It's so creepy.
"What?" I questioned him, irritated of his creepy stare.
"I like it when you get all bossy!" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
Oh god! A minute before he was fuming with anger and now he is laughing like nothing has happened? I can't handle this huge amount of bipolar-ness anymore!
"Now, what do you wanted to say earlier?" I asked him.
"Ummm.... something!" He answered like a child.
"Carter, be serious or I'm going," I warned.
"What did I want to say? Umm....." he taped his forehead using his index finger.
"Carter! You are wasting my time....." I pointed out.
"Umm....wait. Let me remember!" He told me.
"Okay then, tell me later!" I turned around and walked ahead but he caught up to me.
"Oh, I remember! Meet me after school!" He said but he kept walking along with me. "You know, I'm thinking you like Isaac. I mean you are wasting your break for him. You know what I mean?" I teased. He stopped walking as soon as I finished my sentence.
He started to say. "You know what I think? I think you like Isaac. I mean, you are hanging out with him in break. You know, what I mean?" He copied me.
I retched in response. "What? I like... Isaac? Bahahaha! Nohoh! It's never going to happen. Ever!" We were walking when I saw a smiling Bella coming towards us. "Look Carter, your girlfriend is there. Either tell her you like Isaac or treat her well!" I giggled as I ran towards the library. And thankfully he didn't follow.
"Look, the bitch just arrived," I heard some girl say referring to me. I kept walking on my normal pace showing that I didn't hear anything.
"No, not a bitch! A whore!" Another voice said.
"Where are you running, whore?" A blonde girl came in my way making me gulp.
"Library." I told her finding a way to go out of the circle the girls had made around me.
"Let her go girls. She might have someone waiting for her in the library. But just make sure there are no cameras in the place when you go all dirty," The girl that pushed me the other day spoke.
I really wished I was walking with Carter at the moment. But I didn't know if it was his plan. It could be all his plan, after all he was the mastermind. I thought he was trying indirect torture. Or, if Lia was there the situation would've been totally different.
As I was thinking somebody pushed me really hard from the back causing me to fall down. My jaw hit the tiles very hard creating a sound and my nose was squashed due to the force. I felt something wet near my nose area. This couldn't be snot, could it? I tried to stand up as I wiped it off my face. But it was fruitless because It appeared again.
When my eyes met the red substance on my hand, I knew this was my blood. I could also taste something metallic in my mouth and then I realised that my gums were bleeding too!
Thank god I didn't break my teeth! I sighed as I stood up on my feet, still stumbling due to the spinning in my head.
"Awww, sorry Sophie darling. Is it hurting you? Ouch! There's blood too!" I heard the final planner, Maddie speaking from behind and just when I turned my face towards her, she grabbed my right collar and slapped me hard on the face. It was so harsh, that I couldn't feel anything for a minute. It went numb due to the strength of the slap.
"You, bitch! I don't want to see you wearing this dye again, do you understand me? And if I see you, you know what's gonna happen! Slut!" With that she turned around and walked away with all the girls following behind her.
There were only two goals for me at that moment.
1) Avoid Isaac!
2) Avoid Carter!
But like every other time I failed in avoiding the trouble machine, Carter. As I was walking towards the restroom he caught me.
Why the hell wasn't he in the cafeteria?
"Oh my god Sparkle! What happened to you?" He screamed as soon as he saw me. I saw something similar to concern flashing in his furious eyes as he approached me.
"Nothing." I replied plainly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Don't you dare say nothing happened! Who did that?" He grabbed my arm tightly as I was trying to run away.
He turned me around so I was facing him. He touched the spot under my nose and stared at his finger which now had the blood from my nose. "Who the hell did that to you, Sophie?" He asked, this time his voice was soft and comforting.
"Carter, I don't want to tell you." I spoke in the same tone as his. Harsh and to the point. I saw hurt flash in his eyes but my mind told me to ignore it. "Please Sparkle!" He pleaded.
"What do I tell you Carter? You! You did this! It's all because of you! You couldn't keep your mouth shut. I had to eat all those punches because I'm a whore. Because I'm a bitch! Why?Because I looked freaking hot. Even though I didn't! But, you! You had to say all that shit in the class! Was it that necessary?" I cried, completely breaking down.
"What is wrong with you Sparkle?! I was just helping you! I didn't know all that would happen!" He said, shaking me a little, still held my arm tightly.
"Of course you didn't know what happened Carter. Every time something like that happens you are not around. And, you have no clue about it! I'm not stupid Carter! I understand what's going on! Just... leave me." I tried to yank my arm away from his grip but it was too strong that I couldn't help myself.
"Let me help you Sparkle. Please!" He looked straight into my eyes and I shook my head. "Please Sparkle....." he continued.
"Carter, you say you try to help, but all you do is create trouble for me." I looked down as a drop of blood fell down to the white tiles, staining them.
"Please Sophia? Look at how much you are hurt. You need to see a doctor. Those bitches don't know what they have done. I won't leave them. They.Are.Going.To.Pay!" His tone was as sharp as a knife.
He, will fight with them? For me?
Carter Reece will fight for me? Joke of the century!
But that was too unrealistic, even to be a joke. "Yeah, I was going to the nurse." I told him and he released me.
"No! You are coming with me!" He declared.
"Where? W-why?" I panicked.
"To my house. Mom will be there and you aren't in a condition to study anymore," Carter declared making me gasp in surprise.
"But I can't-" he didn't let me complete.
"If you aren't coming, I'll kidnap you!" His tone was very serious. So much that it made me gulp. I nodded and followed him.
"What if the-" I started.
"The teachers won't know!"
"What if some-" I started again.
"No one will see us! Now shut up and go inside the car."
What am I going to tell his mum?!
Mary gave me a tablet and applied some ointment over my jaw's and nose's bones. "You seem to fall a lot Sophia!" Mary chuckled as she kept everything back in her kit. Carter told her I fell down the stairs.
And your son seems to attract a lot trouble, Mary!
"Yeah...." I said awkwardly. She laughed as she went towards the door.
"Carter, do her icing, I've to go hospital! Do it right now so that the bruises heal, Okay?"
"Okay, Mom! Now go!" He said.
"Why? Do you guys wanna do some...-"his Mom came up with a theory, I saw her lips twitching in a smirk.
"Mom!" Carter shouted, trailing the vowel.
"Haha! Just kidding. Continue whatever you want. Bye baby!" She pulled his cheeks before waving at me. "Bye Sophia!" She said as she left.
Carter came and sat down in his bed as he stared at me. "Is... it... hurting?" He asked slowly. I smiled at his concerned fill features, not believing there was a caring side to Carter.
"No, maybe yes, but I'm just used to it," I shrugged and he kept staring causing me to raise my eye brows.
"Sparkle...." He started but stopped abruptly and wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a tight hug.
What the f-
"Im sorry, Sophia... for... bullying you all this time. I was an idiot. Do you think you can forgive me?"
What do I do? What do I do? Help me! Oh, I understand what he's trying to do!
Nah! Not this time!
"Carter, I know you are trying to stick something on my back..." I told him. This was common with me. He laughed a little shaking his head, his nose poking my shoulder.
"You.. just shut up! I was trying to apologise!" He still didn't pull away.
"Okay, but can you please, keep your distance?" I told him and he pulled away quickly.
"So you forgive me?" He asked smiling at me.
He thinks it's so easy!
"No." My voice was sharp and clear.
I can't forgive him. Not yet.
"Why?" He asked.
"Carter, I can't, because I don't want to."
"And why is that?"
"Carter, you don't realise what I went through all my childhood. It's not like you'll start talking to me all of a sudden and pretend to care and I will forgive you that very moment! I don't even know why you are doing all of this! But whatever it is I've had my lessons many times. I can't believe you! I can't."
With that said, I got lost into my thoughts. I still remember that day.
"S-sorry!" I struggled to release myself from the ropes I was tied with. Carter laughed as he bought the disgusting lizard close to my face. "Front or back guys?" He asked his friends.
What does he means by front or back!? God! No! What is he going to do? Oh god!
"Front!" They replied.
"Yeah, that will be fun!" He said as he pulled the fabric of my shirt from the front and left the lizard inside.
"Aaaaaaahh!No!!God! I won't do this again! I promise! I ssswear! I won't do this again! Please don't do thisssssss!" I could feel the thing moving inside my bra. "Carter! Pleeeease! Don't do this! Ahhhhhhhh! Heellllppppp!" I cried, I puked, I struggled and moved like worm but they just watched the show from the far. And Carter, well he was videotaping the whole thing.
I didn't realise I had tears in my eyes by now. "Im really sorry Sparkle...." I heard him say as he wiped a tear from my face.
"I can never forgive you. Ever!" I shook my head.
"EVER!!" I shouted and a sob escaped my mouth.
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