《》⊲|Chapter:16 'I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE BALD MADDY!'|⊳
"Whose room is this?" I asked Carter as I walked towards the door. I wanted to go home and so he was taking me but then I noticed something. There was a room at the corner after his room. I didn't know who it belonged to. He didn't have a sibling as far as I knew. "You don't have a sibling, do you?"
He chuckled, "No, it's just a- it's the... p-a- a store room."
"Yeah?" I asked as I glanced back at that room.
"Hmmm." He nodded. We went to his car and then drove in silence because whenever he started a conversation I didn't reply him.
"It feels like I'm talking to the old Sophia!" He laughed, cracking a joke.
What is so funny in that?
"Ha.Ha!" I fake laughed and rolled my eyes. I still wasn't in a mood to talk. He didn't say anything after that and I was grateful for it.
When we reached home, he came out of the car too and walked with me. "You can go back." I told Him as I turned around to face him.
"Yeah, I know, I can go... but... " He stopped for a moment as if thinking something. "You know, you never invited me to your house... " pointing this out, he started walking ahead.
"I invite my friends only." I shrugged. I didn't know why but he looked taken aback by that. Wasn't it clear? We weren't friends. Did he consider me a friend?
"Oh... Yeah, um.... Okay, don't invite me but I just wanted to meet your mother.... or father. They need to-"
He is irritating me now!
"I don't have a mother!" I shouted letting out all my anger.
"Wh-hu-what?" He asked, wide eyed.
"Carter, do me a favour and just leave!" I told him, straight.
"Oh, okay..." He nodded and without giving him another look I continued to walk towards my house.
Why does this garden have to be so damn long? Come on! Just end already!
"Wait!" I heard Carter say and I turned around again to face him.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better," I smiled lightly as I answered him and started to walk again.
"Wait!" He said again.
God! When is he going to go back? I've had enough of 'MR-I-care-a-lot''s acting for today. I need a break.
I sighed and turned around again. "Yeah?"
"Ice your nose and jaw. Okay?" The way he spoke, I could only sense one thing. Worry.
I wanted to say, "Idiot! I know how to take care of myself!" But, I only nodded and proceeded towards my house again.
His acting skills are awesome! I just almost felt like he was concerned about me.
God! What is his problem?
"Yes!" Okay... that sounded very rude. "Yes, Carter?" I calmed down and hissed.
"Uh-ummmm never mind. Bye!"
"Are you sure? I mean do you want to say something else?" I mocked.
"No, nothing. Just....be careful and come to school tomorrow."
Oh, so that you can easily carry out the plan that's in your head!
But, I'll go!
"I'm strong. I won't let my bullies affect me. I'm not scared anymore. They can do whatever the fuck they want!" I directed my words to him but he didn't catch the hint and started hooting.
"Wooohooo! That's like a good girl!" He said clapping his hands.
Looking at him I felt like crap. He looked so innocent that I felt guilty for being rude to him. It felt as if I was wrong.
Where did he learn acting from, again?
Lost in my thoughts, I kept walking further to my house when I heard the revving of engine indicating Carter's departure.
Maybe, just maybe he isn't acting.....
But there is no other reason I could think of for his sudden change in attitude.
What happened today felt real. Like his worries and concerns were real. But my mind contradicted my heart and all I could think in both the situations was why?
Why would he worry about me OR why would he bully me still?
I didn't know I was standing outside the house for so long when the door opened and Josh and Frank appeared. "Hi sister!" Josh spoke as he hugged me.
"Hi Sophia!" Frank said, placing a kiss on my right cheek.
"Hi Franko!" I pinched his cheeks. "Going already?" I asked.
"Yeah, we have sport practice in the club."
Oh, yeah! I remember Josh telling me about his classes in club.
"Can I ask you something?" Frank said.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Why are you smelling of medicine?"
Shit! I'm caught!
"Medicine?! Why?" Josh yelled.
"Calm down Josh. Franko, I fell down from the school stairs and the nurse applied an ointment on my face. Maybe that's what you are smelling..."
"Oh god! Are you fine? Is it hurting?!" Josh started to panic.
"Josh! I'm fine. Yeah, it hurts a little but nurse said it will be fine when I ice." I told him.
"THEN GO AND ICE RIGHT NOW! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" He ordered as he pushed me inside the house.
"Yeah, mommy! I'm going. Bye Frank! Bye mommy!" Josh just rolled his eyes and kept huffing under his breath.
"Bye! And I swear if you didn't ice I will throw you in an ice tub!"
I laughed and waved a little. "Bye hottie!" Frank shouted as they both sat inside the car and I went inside the house, chuckling lightly.
Going straight in the kitchen I opened the freezer and pulled out the ice pack. I walked upstairs towards my room as my thoughts went to the events of today.
Should I dye my hair black again?! Maddy will kill me if I didn't.
But I can't ask Lia as she isn't here and not Rebecca even because just a little slip up and I will get caught.
Remember, you promised yourself? You, have to be strong. How far will they go? If they kill you, it's good for you because that's what you want right?
"Right!" I whispered. "I won't dye my hair back. Not now. Not when Lia comes. I won't wear a hoodie even and we'll see what Maddy does. Besides that, Carter said I looked hot so I must look very hot. If not, still the girls would be jealous of me."
I stood up and strolled towards the mirror. Pulling my hair up in a ponytail style I examined my reflection from every direction. "You are hot Sophia! Very hot! You've got sharp brain. You have beautiful sparkling eyes. You have good figure and fair skin too! Now you've got friends too. And your hair is absolutely awesome! Be proud of yourself!"
I took of my glasses and checked if there was any damage and yes they were completely out of shape. I changed my frame with another brown one and went to change my clothes.
After I was done I decided to watch something on television. I didn't want to eat anything at that moment so I told Rebecca that I'll eat later. I was laying in the sofa my eyes on the screen but I was lost in my thoughts.
"Sophia! Darling!" Rebecca called. "Yes?" I answered. I bet she must be asking to eat something. "Your Mom's on the phone!" That caused me to stand up in a jolt.
Did I hear it wrong?! This can't be true! Mom?!
"What?" I asked as I walked towards the kitchen where she held a cordless phone in her hand. "Mom?" I mouthed Rebecca, gesturing towards the phone. She grinned and nodded eagerly.
I had a strange feeling whenever my parents called. It felt good. To know that they still remember me, felt good. But it felt bad in a way that whenever we talk their harsh words just breaks my heart beyond repair.
Handing me the phone, she patted my back and walked away leaving me alone. My heartbeats were out of control.
Okay, Sophie! Calm down!
I sighed. "Hh-hi Mom!" I managed to say after calming my uncontrolled breaths.
"Urghh! I told you to not call me that." Her voice was sharp, piercing right through the heart.
I began breathing hard. "How are you m-Victoria?"
"Fine. Listen to me. Have you been paying to all the servants?"
"Does Josh stays on his floor?" She asked.
"I've sent money, did you get it?" She continued.
"Is every body working fine?"
"Yeah, everything is fine." I answered.
"Hope you don't need anything, by-" I stopped her.
"How are you doing mom-sorry, Victoria?" I tried to make a normal conversation.
"I'm good. By-" I interrupted again. I knew she wanted to end this awkward talk. It wouldn't take a mind of a genius to realize it as it was too obvious.
"How's Daddy?" There was no answer for a moment.
I heard her say, "Honey, Sophia's on the phone. Do you want to talk?"
"Who Sophia? You mean.... Mrs Ashton?" Came Dads faded voice.
"Your daughter, honey!" Mom hissed.
Thank god, mom remembers.....
"Oh! No. Not today! I've got really important deal with Mr. Hasting. I don't need any kind of unluckiness today. Tell her I'm busy." Daddy said.
I clutched the phone tighter, blinking back the tears that had formed in my eyes. "Honey, she's on speaker-" she whispered.
"Oh, I guess you heard... he'll talk to you some other time. Take care of the house and everything! Bye!" She hung up.
Will it hurt you to say 'take care of yourself' ?
"Oh, I see you are fine. Here! Eat it!" She brought food to me the third time. Here I was feeling like puking and she wants me to eat food.
"No Rebecca. I don't want to eat! How many times do I have to repeat that? I won't die if I skip one meal! I wish, dying was that easy!" I snapped and directly went to my room.
Homework! I need to do that too! Oh god! I just want the day to end!
My jaw hit the ground as soon as I entered my school. I blinked a few times but all I could see when I opened my eyes were neon green heads.
Is this world real?
Though I decided to be confident and strong but when I saw every girl eyeing me with nothing else but pure hatred, my legs went weak. I couldn't stand properly and just wanted to disappear somewhere.
I was just crazy to think I can be strong. There is this whole fucking school against me. What was I thinking?I should have died them back. I don't even wanna imagine what Maddie will do.
I walked carefully towards my locker, making sure nobody is after me or no girl is planning to murder me. But as I reached there I saw Carter leaning against it.
Okay, this is new!
I couldn't help but giggle at his green attire. Was he really doing this to support me?
"Hi Carter. Hope you got enoug time to do what you wanted to do?" I asked. Off course he was here to carry out whatever plan he had to humiliate me.
"What are you-" I interrupted him.
"But, you remember me telling you that you have no affect on me. I'm not scared of you anymore. Do whatever you want to do but right now, pull away from my locker. I've to take out my-" he kept his hand on my mouth.
"Shhhh! Are you going to doubt every move of mine, now?" He hissed.
"Sparkle, I'm not here to bully you. I'm here to help."
"Haha! That's so funny! Have you got another one?" I asked sarcastically.
"I'm serious Sparky! Come with me. You are not going to leave my side today." He demanded.
"No! I will definitely leave your side." I shot back.
"Don't make it difficult for me Sparky! You have no idea how much I'm controlling my anger. You'll hate me If I burst out on you!"
"As if I'm in love with you right now." I said.
"Okay, shut up!" He said, dragging me with him.
"Have you seen Maddie today?" He laughed. At first I thought he might be looking for her but something in his tone couldn't make my mind to agree.
"No? Why? Are you looking for her? Did she die her hair green? They must look awesome."
He started laughing like maniac and banged the lockers on the way. "No! I'm not looking for her. Her hair must look really awesome but for that, she must have hair, don't you think?"
"What do you mean? She– Oh sh!t! Don't tell me you did that!"
He nodded, getting all pink controlling his laughter. "YOU DID NOT!" I shook my head in did belief.
"I DID!" He guffawed again.
"No! Carter! You can't do THAT!! It's Mad Maddie you are talking about, right?"
"Right! But now Bald Maddie suits her better!" He burst into a wild laughter again.
"Wait, wait! Did she went completely bald?!" I asked, my eyes wide, still couldn't believe what Carter revealed.
"Hmm! Completely!" He confirmed, pressing his lips together to stop his laughter.
"Oh goddess! She must look very funny! How did you even do that?" He bit his lower lip but still couldn't control his laughter.
"You have no idea!" He managed to say. Just imagining her like that brings a smile to my face.
I want to see Bald Maddie!
"She is so naive to believe anything. We replaced the dye with that hair removing cream. A lot of it. And I bet she applied it thrice as per Jack's instructions for an excellent result. God! Hahahaha!"
"Where is she? I haven't seen her yet!" I asked.
"She must be in a salon or buying a wig for herself."
"Tell me seriously Carter!"
"How would I know? Now let's go to class. You are getting my influence, you know?"
"Shut up Carter!" I rolled my eyes.
"So, how are you feeling?" Carter asked after a minute of silence had passed.
"Good." I smiled at him.
Very good, actually!
He can't be acting, I just know that.....
"That's great!" He replied giving me the same smile. Obviously I didn't agree upon being by his side and he didn't force me to. But he annoyed me by checking up on me every half an hour.
He thought somebody would kill me? If anyone could be that cruel, that's you Carter! I can take care of myself!
Isaac seemed really off today. And I assumed Lia's absence as the reason. He must really like Lia too.
I think I need to play the Cupid here!
"You know, if you were my teacher, I would have scored first position in maths." Carter said as we both closed the books and winded up everything.
"Really? So that means you'll stand first in the test next week?"
"Umm, I think so... but as long as you are there in the class I don't know......" he said as we went out of his room.
"So, do you want to hangout for a bit?"
"Umm I don't know.... Rebecca will-" his mother came in the launch and waved me, smiling her pretty smile. I smiled back. "Hi Sophia! Are you guys done with the studies?" Mary said.
"Yeah! All done! We are just hanging out!"
I never agreed to hang out!
"Carter, why don't you show her your paintings? Sophia, did he show you his paintings?" She said making Carter face palm. I raised my eyebrows at him. I was shocked.
Carter paints? OMG! He paints?I love paintings. He doesn't looks like someone who could paint.
Painters are deep. They are thoughtful. Carter is not. "You paint?" I asked.
"Yeah, little bit." I swear I could see his cheeks going pink pink pink.
"Little bit? He is always painting!" Mary told me.
"Mom! Just go!!" Carter groaned making her laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going!" She chuckled and walked to her room.
"Please, can you show me? Please? I love paintings!" I jumped as I requested him. "They aren't good."
"I'm sure they are awesome!" I tried to convince him. "Please....."
"Ummm.....fine. But, I have a condition."
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