《Rescuing the World's Fate 【BL】【Haitus】》〖Chapter Four〗



The young man quickly dodged the white tiger's attack and kicked back, making a hit on it's face which made the creature back away and nods, satisfied with the latter's performance.

"That ain't bad."

"Thanks" The latter replied as he head towards the river to refresh himself.

It's been years and yuriel turned 18 already. His appearance changed from a cute child to handsome young man and his body earned muscles but still maintaining it's feminine side like what he had in his last life. but atleast his height is average and he's proud of that.

And in those years of staying in Sirus (the world's name). He learned many things such as self-defense, knowledge all about the world, and magic.

In Sirus, there are nine Heavenly beings.

Goddess of Life, Gaia.

God of sky, Jupiter.

God of fire and metal, Mars.

God of Protection, Uranus.

God of time, Saturn.

Goddess of Love, Venus.

God of Space, Mercury.

God of the Sea, Neptune.

and lastly is God of Death, Pluto.

Since Yuriel was raised by the mythical creatures, he also worships all of the Gods and Goddesses.

Now that he thinks about it, all of their names have something to do with the outer space in his past world.

'Is it just a coincidence that their names have something to do with my magic?...'

In Sirus, Every human in this world usually get their magic around 12 years old but it's a different case for yuriel since he got his magic when he was just nine and a half years old. It even bring joy to the mythical creatures living in the forest after knowing that the latter had a very peculiar magic.

Whenever he used his magic to attack, and defend. It always has something to do with the outer part of the world such as stars and comets. He didn't even need to say various incantations.

He can still use magic that has no relationship with the galaxies like teleportation, and flight. but his healing is only powerful whenever the moon is out which he understand much since he has a relation to it.


The latter didn't think and mind it anymore as he finds it even more cool to know that he can control heavenly bodies in his own will.

"I recommend you to rest now. You will leave tommorow morning, right?" Onyx said after he drank water from the river. Yuriel stands up and wipes the water on his face before nodding happily.

"Yes. I can't even believe i can finally go outside" He said with excitement on his voice as he remembered what Shinra told him last week. After waiting for many years, he can finally explore the world with his own eyes. Nothing will finally hold him back which made him looked forward on going on his first adventure.

"Yeah yeah, just go and rest." He spoke and walks away which made the latter rolled his eyes and heads back to his chamber.

When he was about to enter. Shinra called him over which he did and asked her what does she want from him.

"Nothing. Just wanna tell you that i made dinner cause i know you'll go to sleep early." She chuckles and puts the fresh cooked cow on the palm tree leaves that is laying on a big rock like what she always do.

Yuriel nods as he heads to the food and sits on the rock that is much smaller. He started to dig in his supper and eat just what his body needed.

After he's done eating, Shinra starts to dig in the food that's been left by Yuriel which is a lot, considering it's a whole cow.

He washed his hands first and went inside his bedroom.

He started putting the things he need on his dimensional storage which allowed him to store anything like food and potions.

He also has his own domain which is a realm that was created by his own magic and he can go in and out of it. He can even do anything what he wants inside it.


He quickly packed some potions he made himself and a bag of gold, silver and copper coins he had which came from Shinra. He doesn't know where she get it but he didn't ask anymore and just take it. It's money in this world afterall.

After that, he laid on his bed and looked up in the sky since the cave where he was staying has a big hole on the ceiling which allowed him to see the night skies.

And without noticing it. He fall asleep after an hour of watching the starty night.


All the creatures that was with the latter when he was born until he grew up, came to say farewell to him. Yuriel felt really happy and gave them a big smile.

"Thanks everyone. I'll come back after i'm done with my adventures." He said and he saw Shinra coming to his way with a smile along with old Kaja and Onyx behind her.

"Beware. Humans are good at pretending." Kaja said which made the latter chuckled.

"Not just humans but also other races. Do not trust people easily." Onyx added, making the dragon sighed because of them.

"Stop it, you two. Both of you sounded like old ones. Yuriel already knows that."

'You're also old!'

Same thoughts run in both the tiger and the lion winged creatures mind making Shinra scoffed before heading to the young man whom she raised along with the other mythical creatures themselves.

"Have a safe journey." She only said and hugged Yuriel in her huge dragon arms gently. The latter also hugged back and slowly depart after a few seconds.

Holding a small sling bag on his shoulder. He waved his hands and started walking out of the magical place inside the forest of unknown.

Every creatures wants to send him off to the entrance of the forest but they also thought about the possibilities of humans or other races seeing all of them surrounding yuriel which might lead him to trouble so they just stand still and instead send him off at the border which made the illusion.

As Yuriel finally went out of the border. He already saw dead trees and bushes but he didn't mind that amd started to walk out of the forest.

Unlike the inside of the border where there's full of life. The outside part is a dead place where killers from movies in his past life go whenever they start want to bury dead bodies.

He shook his head, making the thoughts go away from his mind and cast a speed spell instead so he can run and get to the entrance quickly.

After a few minutes of running. he finally saw a very small light at the end which made run even faster and just minute. He's finally outside the forest of unknown and his eyes emitted sparkles after seeing the scenery.

Green grass swaying along with the wind as the skies from the outside is as blue as the seas. He can also see many cloud and even small birds flying.

'Ah..... So this is what it looks like outside....' A thought came in his mind which made him smile. Finally seeing the world for the first time is the happiest feeling he can get.

The scenery which he just saw on televisions and photos, he finally can see them all with his own eyes and not just that, but he's in a world full of magic.

Not wasting anymore time. He starts his adventure quickly.

Not knowing that fate already has plans for him.

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