《Rescuing the World's Fate 【BL】【Haitus】》〖Chapter Five〗



Walking along the road. Yuriel eats a piece of meat that he store from his dimensional storage.

Not knowing where to go, he decided to just follow the road. He still cast some speed spells on the way but since he become hungry, he decided to just walk for now and eat.

Along his way, He saw an oldman that seems to be fixing the wheel of a wooden carriage that are meant for taking stuffs for merchants. He first created an illusion that made his hair and eye color brown to not attract attention. He then approached the man and asked.

"Do you need help sir?"

The oldman looked at yuriel's direction and rubbing his nape while nodding.

"Oh-- i appreciate it, young man" A tone of appreciation was heard in the old man's cracked voice which made the latter smile and casts a spell to restore the broken wheel back which only takes seconds.

The old man was surprised by the use of magic and just laughed a little.

"So you are a mage, young man. Hoho it's been many years since i last see one.... If it's okay to ask, where are you headed to?"

Yuriel smiled as he replied to him.

"I'm actually finding myself a town or a city. Do you by any chance know any near ones?"

The oldman smiled back at him and decided to give him a ride as a payment for helping him.

"The nearest town is actually just ahead. I can take you there since it's also my stop if you want."

Yuriel then nods his head. The oldman rides on the front while yulier sit beside him as the carriage starts moving.

Along the way. Yuriel gets to know alot of things. According to the oldman, he's currently at the edge of the Eastern Continent. that was under the rule of Casentine Empire. The latter felt like he had heard or read that name from somewhere but shrugged it off.


" Under Casentine Empire are 7 kingdoms with 20 cities and towns. The town we're heading now is actually the smallest one." the old man added and yuriel just nodded as he continued to listen to the oldman's stories..

if he wants to go to the nearest city, it will take two to three days by horse and one week if by foot which is not a problem for him since he can just cast speed spells. He can do teleportation spells but he needs to know the exact location of a certain place by actually going there in person which is a hassle for him.

After a hour and a half. They finally reached their destination. It's small but since it's just a town, it's understandable.

He get off of the carriage and said farewell to the oldman. He looked up and saw that it's almost night time as he starts searching for a place to stay for the night.

Just a few walks and he finally saw a small inn. He went inside and heads to the girl that is just ahead.

"One room please. Just for the night."

The girl smiled and hand him the key. Yulier then paid for his stay and quickly went to his room.

It's quite cheap since one room only cost him 10 bronze coins.

'The money in this world is like your typical fantasy novels.' He thought as he remembered how money works in every isekai novels he read.

1 silver is equal to 100 bronze, while 1 gold is equal to 100 silvers. What does he expect. He was not in the modern world afterall.

He just shooked his head as he closed the door of his room and layed on the bed. It's not that soft as what Ara's silk made bed but it's also not that hard too.

Yuriel gazed outside the window and saw that it's already night time. He just sighed and sits on the bed. Crossing his legs, he then started to meditate like what Onyx do when he is still in the forest. He remembered the time where he asked Onyx why he needed to even do that but after hearing his reply 'So that your innerself will be at peace. Your mana and body will also be able to work properly so always remember to meditate twice a week when you leave the forest.'


He quickly shut up and instead meditate whenever Onyx made him do it. After two hours of meditating, he then eat his food that's in his space and eats some roasted boar.

'I seriously need to buy some fruits, bread and vegetables before leaving tommorow.....' He said to himself since he's been eating meat for a day. He still can eat fruits and vegetables in the forest but it's only once a week. So now that he is finally outside, he can buy more fruit and vegetables and eat them too.

After his supper. He then went to bed so he can quickly go back to his journey. He is afterall, excited to experience what kind of things he can find outside.


Morning came and Yuriel walks his way to the market to buy some fiods and stuffs.

Seeing many goods, he then started to take all what he needed and also pay them. Putting all of it in his space so he don't need to carry them all.

"My-- You must be mage if you have your own storage then." The lady in his mid 30's where he brought all of his fruits said. Smiling at her direction, he then replied.

"Yes. I'm actually heading to the city today but i don't know where it is located so.... It would be nice if you can help me find a shop that sells map..." He shyly said and scratched his cheeks. The lady chuckles and tells Yulier the shop where various things are being sold including maps. He thanked the lady before heading his way to the shop.

He's finally infront of an old shop and went inside as the door bell rings. He saw many antiques and stuffs but you will also notice the dust and cobwebs that is inside the room.

'I guess this shop hasn't been cleaned for years' He thought as he looked around.

"Excuse me! Is there anyone here?" He said then a soft footsteps can be heard from the stairs as a woman in her late 50's came down and smiled happily at him.

"Hahaha silly me. Sorry for the wait, young man. What can i help you?"

Yuriel then chuckled at her words and smiled back.

"It's just okay ma'am. I actually need a map since i don't have any idea where the city is..." He spoke and the woman laughs at him.

"Haha, i see. Please wait for a few minutes." She then starts to head to the drawers to find the maps.

While the woman is busy finding the map. Yuriel started to look around to see if anything peeked his attention.

As he goes deep inside the shop, he saw a small and unique jewelry box so he started to head to it's direction. The design of the box is quite amazing as it was wrapped in small branches of a tree. The middle part has both the ends of the brach and created a small key like opening. He then saw a small key that is made of wood near the box so he decided to take it and open it.

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