《Rescuing the World's Fate 【BL】【Haitus】》〖Chapter Three〗



"Is that all you've got, yuriel?"

A white tiger yelled at the white haired child who is nine years old, all scratched up cause of the rocks and other sharp things that's been thrown at him for almost 30 minutes.

Panting heavily, the child kneeled and catches his breath making the tiger sigh.

"You won't last outside if you're this weak." It said as he shook his head and gets some water for the latter to drink.

"What do you mean by that Onyx?! You took away my sight.." the child helplessly replied as he felt water on his mouth and quickly gulps it.

'And you literally do this kind of training to a NINE YEAR OLD CHILD!!' the latter wants to add that up but decided to just shut up or he might face the consequence.

"You can't make excuses just cause you're weak, yuriel."

'EXCUSES?!!-- okay....calm down...'

He tried his very best to calm himself after hearing what the tiger said and drink all the water the cup has before putting it to god knows where.

He stands up and starts to find his spot despite being blind. After readying himself he heared the tiger said something.

"You already wasted 5 minutes so it's also the same time you'll lose one of your other senses" He said and after one second, yuriel lost his sense of smell.

'oh, it's just my sense of smell. What could possibly go wrong---'

"by the way, what i'll be throwing you are rooten foods, raw eggs and also our Kaja's furballs that he just vomitted... oh, and also mine. " He said which made the latters whole confidence break and starts to panic.

'Damn it!----'


"That's.... so gross..." Yuriel said as he laid on his bed that is made of silk, thanks to his big sister which is the twelve-eyed spider called Ara


"That's why there's a saying 'expect the unexpected'." The dragon, Shinra said as he sit beside the child's bed.

"...Right..." he agreed as he too didn't expect that the tiger will be throwing such things at him while training. Just remembering it again makes his whole skin itch.

"Hahaha alright, shall i tell you about the history of our world this time, along with the races and continents?" Shinra said which made the child peeked it's interest and quickly forget about the things happened to him just hours ago.

"Yes please" His eyes sparkling with excitement and quickly sits up.

"hm. as you wish." She chuckles as he cleared her throat before talking.

"First of all. Our world's name is Sirus. In ancient times, my kind are one of the first creatures to ever live. At first, it's only mythical creatures but the Gods have a different plan and decided to add new species. They gave life to humans, beastmens, dwarves, elves, vampires, and many more. Creating different kingdoms of each races." She explained to the child who's attentive to their topic which made her continue.

"Back then, the human kingdom is actually the weakest of them all. Without magic, they can only use swords and their own physical strength to defend themselves which made Goddess Gaia pity them and decided to give them all blessings which the humans gladly accept and from that day until now, they've become one of the most successful kingdoms. Creating other kingdoms around the world." She slowly stands up and stretched first before talking again.

"That's why humans are worshipers of Gaia. They believe that Gaia was their protector."

"Oh!... But why only the humans? Aren't you creatures also worship her?" Yulier innocently asked which made Shinra chuckled at how giddy the little one is.


"Well, we mythical creatures worship all gods."

"Then what's the name of other go--"

"Okay, That's all for now"


The child pouts as he looked at the dragon with such a sad look. How dare she cut off his words while he is still talking...

Shinra laughed at his reaction and walks away.

"Don't sulk now. You still need to eat your dinner."

It said which made the white-haired child slightly nods and lazily walks to the direction that the dragon go. Still having his sulking look on his face until they reached the dining part of the place.

'And just when she's already in the good part... What a cliffhanger...'


Screams of horror and fear can be heard in the deepest part of a cave as blood spilled down to the ground along with raw flesh and corpse of humans.

The begs and shouts of the knights and mages echoed inside, fighting hundreds of demons that are lurking in the place.

Suddenly, a orange-haired man appeared out of nowhere on the highest part of the cave as one of the knights noticed his arrival which gave him hope of survival in this hellish place.

"Head Mage Circe! You're finally here!"

The shout of the knight made the others look at the man named Circe and you can see relief on their faces.

"Head Mage Circe!"

"Yes! We're finally safe!"

"Head Mage Circe, Help us please!"

The people shouted but it seemed like the man didn't hear them at all which made them confused and tried to shout even louder but was stopped by a cold voice.

"Hah! And why would i help you insects to survive?" The orange-haired man said which made the people speechless and couldn't understand what is happening to their head mage.

"Pl-please stop joking head mage"

"Y-yes, that's right. We need your help he--"

"Blah blah blah. Just die."

He said as he snaps his fingers and every demons that are inside the cave attack every person they see except for the man as the screams become even louder.

"W-why?! Why did you betray us--"

"Pfft-- Betray you? I'm not even part of you petty insects. I'm just fulfilling my role as an eye of my master. Now, kill them all for me."

He said and the demons kill every single one of them. As he was watching in amusement, he felt another presence coming as he kneeled down to show respect to the person that is infront of him.

"How's the preparation going?" A sharp, scary voice asked the mage which made him smile evily at him.

"It's doing just fine, my lord... But it'll take more years for it to be finished"

He replied which made the lord nods. Gazing at the bloody pool that came from every humans that the demon just massacre a few minutes ago.

He laughed evilly as he smirked while looking at the corpse.

"Darkness will soon devour you all"

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